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Posts posted by KarateMan

  1. I would not sign any document like that. This is not a dictatorship and they cannot force you to sign it. You need to think of your own rights here.


    A travel agent has no right to ask for such a document.


    What next will they get you to sign? declarations stating you declined hotel bookings, flight bookings, transfers, shore excursions and all other things they offer.


    No way do not sign it and tell the agent where to shove it. You do not want any document in existence with your signature on it stating you declined insurance. If the travel agent refuses to budge then fire them and find another agent to take over the booking.


    I am not saying that you should not purchase insurance, but everyone searches for the best deals for their own insurance and the travel agent is not always the best choice. Signing such a document for them could leave you in a spot of bother.


    By signing such a document it could end up in anyone's hands being misinterpreted that you declined travel insurance altogether.

  2. Well I will see for myself in less than two weeks. Regardless of the changes to the ship the style will still be a Princess style cruise. As I see it the set-up is kind of like when Princess started sending their ships to Australia. Either way when I get on Diamond Princess the language barrier should not be a problem.


    Can anyone read this below. I can type it, but don't use any translate tools because they are never accurate.



  3. Karateman I was just giving my opinion , obviously the stern is entirely different , well spotted.


    So was I. There are major structural differences between the ships. The Oriana and Aurora have a very unique design unlike any other cruise ship in existence. The only ships to look similar are some operated by Star Cruises or probably Norwegian Cruise lines now that were built in the same yard and feature the same tiered stern.


    There is no way the bow or side of the Aurora looks anything like the Sun class Princess ships. There are far too many differences.

  4. I don't think the Aurora looks anything like the Sun Princess class of ships including the Sea Princess. There are many major design differences. The balcony cabins on Aurora are much larger than the ones on the Princess ships and unlike the Princess ships on Aurora the entire row of cabins on "B" deck is floor to ceiling and they are not the box type.


    Aurora is an evolution of Oriana. If you look at Oriana, that ship has balconies on "B" deck but the rest of the ship is windows. On Aurora the design was repeated but improved for more balconies.


    The whole bow is entirely different. The bow on Aurora is much longer and more sleek with the intention of high seas sailing. The bow on the Princess ships is shorter, more snub and blunt with cabins further forward with a design in mind that it would be sailing in calmer sheltered waters.


    The stern is entirely different altogether.

  5. I will repeat this again.


    I have found cruise passengers getting younger in recent years.


    I have 12 years of cruise history and use all my annual leave on a cruise holiday. When I started there were more elderly cruising. Now days there are more younger people finally starting to enjoy a cruise.

  6. On my last Carnival cruise that I convinced friends to come with the ship was basically a floating retirement home and unfortunately some of them made it very uncomfortable for them, saying that we weren't welcome and that cruising is only for old people and that we shouldn't have went ,I kid you not! This was the complete opposite of Carnival cruise in March though which was much more family orientated.


    The comments didn't bother me as I have done loads of cruises and know what it's all about, but for the people I had convinced to come to hear that on the first day is not a good first impression to make that I had convinced them to do a holiday only for old people. It annoyed me that they would say such a thing on a Carnival cruise as well, which is generally marketed not towards seniors! Maybe if it were a Seabourne cruise I would have taken it as a fair comment :p


    I read over on the Celebrity boards that they want to start marketing their cruises towards the 20's-30's couples getaway and lose their image as an older person line because they think this would be a more lucrative market for the company and give them a point of difference to other competitors in the premium market. This was said by someone who apparently spoke to the Captains Club host on the Summit which is meant to be the ship they are trialling all the new initiatives on, so it could be a complete load of BS it isn't factual or anything. :rolleyes:


    We all know how quickly rumours spread on a ship :eek:


    I will tell you what if that was me that they said it to I would have responded right back at them and told them what I thought. One thing I cannot tolerate is bullies.


    I could have easily started a very civil conversation and told them the elderly should not be cruising as they are too high risk and too slow and feeble if there were an emergency. I would reiterate a ship is a dangerous place for someone of their age and they were inconveniencing others by being a burden to them. I could go on but lets just say I would easily have turned the tables on them if they had said it to me and I would not hold back either. I hate bullies and I hate people that are rude to others and I am not afraid to put them in their place.

  7. I have cruised for 12 years since I was 20 years old and noticed some dramatic changes in the whole industry including the demographics.


    I think over time more younger people have been doing cruises opposed to less.


    As for older people there will come a time when they are no longer fit to travel at all. My grandparents for example are finding the cost of getting travel insurance as well as old age health problems is preventing them from travel. The chances of passengers over 80 these days is getting rare particularly if the cruise involves a flight. If the cruise does involve a flight then the age demographic is lower.


    The issues I have taken main exception to is the financial cut backs of what used to be for free and then they give them back to you and charge a fee.


    It is probably true that Australians are not brand loyal. Most Australians would not be able to tell apart the likes of Princess from Carnival.


    I am now in my 30's and enjoy cruising and will continue to do so for many years. I spend all of my annual leave each year on a cruise ship and that has made me in the top loyalty levels of many lines clubs.


    I too have been disappointed by some things done by cruise lines in recent years. The GFC hit many lines hard, there are some passenger types that are starting to cruise that are completely ruining the tradition of cruising in my opinion. The last thing I want to see on a cruise ship is the singlet top, thongs brigade with feet on seats turning a trendy place into a yobbo hangout.


    So when it comes to the elderly versus the yobbos I would rather be on a cruise with the elderly. Provided the elderly are not yobbos.

  8. The only time you will ever be exempt from the emergency drill is if you just happen to purchase a back to back cruise then on your second voyage you are not required to attend.


    It is compulsory by law. It is not the cruise lines policy to force you to attend they only do it because the law demands it.


    It is the same with airlines and their emergency announcement.

  9. Its an outstanding ship to sail on. It is larger dimensionally than the Sun, Dawn and Sea Princess yet carries a little less passengers so the feel is very relaxed with no crowding anywhere. It has a sliding roof over the middle pool giving indoor swimming in heated pools.


    The ship has its own large theatre and separate movie cinema. The space of the public rooms is much larger than you are used to with the Sun Princess class.


    It is one unique ship and sadly there are not more like it. It is a large ship but has under 2000 passengers and that kind of comfort is rare these days with ships exceeding 3000 or 4000 passengers.


    I have nothing but good memories from cruises on that ship.

  10. I enjoy the military on board credit on Princess ships.


    The only issue I have with P&O doing it is that they have been extremely discriminatory and limited it to exclusively British.


    While Princess is generous and offers it to American, British, Australian and probably other major countries, P&O are being nasty and only offering it to British.


    If they are going to implement a credit system like that then they should make it available to all that sail with them.


    On P&O World Cruises there are several hundred Australians on those ships that help boost the profits and fork out lots of our own $$$ supporting P&O for decades since they started visiting this country.

  11. Interesting location given the current political climate over land. That area is close to the Kuril Islands which is still often disputed between Japan and Russia. There is still land in that area that was part of the Japanese Empire that the Russians took as a war prize despite never declaring war on Japan until it was as good as over and victory won. The Sun Princess I believe is doing its Japan season and has some Japanese passengers on board.


    It is hard to say what the Russians will do. Obviously they have a list of hated countries probably with America topping that list. The Princess ships could have a more mix of nationalities on board meaning that the Russians could go either way. Let them in or deny them entry.


    According to history maps that area where Sun Princess is today was part of the Japanese Empire in the year 1905.

  12. The A380 is far more comfortable and a much better flight. I always deliberately book to get an A380 now when possible. It is a smoother flight. The aircraft can fly higher and avoid lower turbulence. The seats are larger and the cabin more comfortable and more quiet.


    There is no way I would ever go back to flying in a 747 after experiencing the A380. Once you have experienced the A380 there is no going back.


    The best option for flying economy class when using points is to book the seat and then go to seat selection and pay the nominated fee for "exit row seats" if you meet the fitness requirements to sit in such a seat. That is what I always do. The exit row seats guarantee endless leg room, the ability to stand up when you want, no bothering the person next to you if you have a window and want to get out. You are almost always the first person off the plane and the first one on and you are also served your meals before the rest of economy class.

  13. I probably would not call it a repositioning cruise. It is just a longer voyage sold as one cruise. Throughout the voyage many passengers will embark and disembark at different ports that are sold as shorter cruises.


    If you know anything about world cruising or line voyages then a grand adventure is what Princess calls them.


    Only this year I did the Golden Princess Andes and Cape Horn Grand Adventure from Buenos Aires to Los Angeles. It was a complete 31 night cruise. Some people did it as two cruises with a stop in Valparaiso where about half the passengers left and new ones joined.

  14. Its my favourite ship but sadly I am disappointed with the changes to the livery. It is an expensive wasted of money. The ship looked good as it is and the amount of money being spent on that could easily have been better invested in passengers facilities and comfort.


    I personally think painting a ship they intend to paint it is rather cheap and tacky.


    Could you imagine all Princess ships losing their seawitch emblems on the funnel and having their hulls repainted to resemble the flag of USA. Or imagine Cunard ships losing their black hull and red funnels. It is unheard of to do such a thing like that to a ship.

  15. Quay Grand Suites. If you type in a search engine Pullman Quay Grand or Quay Grand Suites it will come up.


    They offer family suites overlooking the terminal that the ship will dock and have a door right on quay level with a sheltered walk almost entirely to the cruise terminal.


    The benefit of this hotel is that it is safe, secure, offers family rooms and could easily accommodate your numbers all in one single room.


    You also get a fully equipped kitchen with utensils and a wide range of cooking implements. There is also laundry facilities and a dryer in the room.

  16. No worries, you're as entitled to your opinion as I am to mine. I also have extensive experience there and wouldn't 'generally' trust more than the other. This is weighing up the grounds of the issue, which stems from a Russian invasion and occupation. I'm sure most Australians would equally want to defend their country from any invader, and a larger one as Russia is would naturally have its own larger band of supporters. Just because a country is bigger and more powerful doesn't entitle it to tell a smaller country what to do, but that is what Russia is doing.


    I don't see any debate about whether Ukraine should exist. They've been a separate republic from the days of the Soviet Union (which stood for Union of Soviet Socialist Republics), and were distinguished as such when they were put down with many Ukrainians killed under Stalin's regime. Past Russian - and other - leaders recognised their sovereignty and signed treaties with Ukraine. You're about the only one saying they shouldn't exist, but good luck with your opinion. :D


    I think that's fair enough. Each to their own opinions. Personally I would like to see a peaceful Europe with no war. There is so much good to see over there.


    I probably would not say I am pro-Russian, however I just feel that Ukraine should not be trusted either. If I were in the AFP being sent there I would be weary of both sides.


    The downing of the aircraft has always been as uneasy situation with me because I am extremely familiar with military equipment and there is no way a civilian airliner can accidentally be shot down. There are too many procedures in place to fire a missile and it takes more advanced knowledge of maths and physics to actually fire the missile in the right direction to acquire a target.

  17. That sounds like blaming the victim. Sure, they have a vested interest - because they have been invaded by Russia, territory and property taken and destroyed, and their citizens dying thanks to Russian attacks. They need to capture it back. I'd say most Australians would feel the same way if some bigger country invaded and occupied part of us. And being bigger, that other country would have its supporters as well.


    All that doesn't mean they're perfect, as with anyone. It can be hard to keep the moral high ground when the weaker country is getting attacked by one 5 times its size and strength, and with a lot more propaganda pushed out because of that.


    However, since Russia is the aggressor here, they've clearly 'stooped lower' and don't need help to look bad.


    Well I totally disagree. Having travelled the world extensively I would personally trust the Russians over the Ukrainians any day.


    Besides that it is debatable weather the country should even exist at all and still be a Russian state. Far too many wars have occurred in Europe effecting the borders of nations so my care factor in meddling in their affairs and taking sides is about zero. If any war in Europe were to break out again Australia should have no part in it. Leave them sort out their own mess and don't take sides.

  18. I have been with both lines and they are both outstanding. They are completely different in style though.


    I think Celebrity has the edge on Princess by having large ships with less passengers meaning a more comfortable space ratio.


    If I had to use words to describe both lines I would describe Celebrity as modern and trendy and Princess as traditional.


    I wont go into details but all I can say is that both lines are outstanding and I like them both for entirely different reasons. I cannot possibly be disappointed with either line. Don't expect them to be the same. Just appreciate that they are different and there is a certainty to have a great time on either line.


    I think it would be a disservice to compare them on all the food, entertainment values. Ship and facilities then Celebrity wins out over Princess.

  19. What were the 3 Ukrainian military jets doing on the radar shadowing MH17 at 32,000 feet that only pulled away less than 3 mins before the planes destruction:confused: And why were the two Spanish air traffic controllers working at Kiev airport tower who reported the military planes removed from the tower and silenced by having their twitter and facebook pages suspended as soon as they reported it publicly after the disaster:confused:


    And why of coarse was MH17 flying 300 odd miles further North and further into the conflict area:confused:


    From my knowledge of missiles from my service in the military (I specialised in this area). In theory and practicality it is possible that the missile could easily have been fired at a fighter jet that used the airliner as a decoy. Missiles are directed to an area via a fire control radar. The missiles rides the signal of its fire control radar and once the missile is in a position to lock on the fire control radar is silenced and the missile locks on with its own radar. Due to secrecy of war equipment the people firing the missile want their fire control radar active for a very little time to deny the enemy the opportunity to read its frequency and jam it.


    Personally I do not trust the Ukrainian government either. They have a vested interest in the situation to make Russia look bad and they are quite capable of stooping to such a low to achieve that goal.

  20. Okay I probably don’t want to know the answer to this one, but curiosity has get the better of me.

    Has anyone experienced any really bad weather at sea? And you I don’t just mean a bit of rain!! :eek:


    I suggest you do an internet search on the subject....... It can be a very horrific situation.


    Put it this way storms at sea still have the potential to sink even the most modern and safest ships if they were to encounter them.


    Ships still sink or founder in storms these days.


    The US Navy lost ships in WWII sailing through typhoons and heavy storms. If you are interested in pictures and naval history search the USS Pittsburg. It was a heavy cruiser that lost is bow in a typhoon. Mind you these heavy cruisers had armour that has not been matched to this day and a storm still snapped off its bow. Luckily the ship made port.






    Here the USS Yorktown had its bow smashed in a storm


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