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Everything posted by purplesea

  1. Glad to hear that your scan went well and hope you get the results back soon and are good. Pity you couldn't get to see a show, but a carvery sounds like a nice option.
  2. I hope it all goes well, and you will have had a lovely lunch beforehand and a theatre visit to look forwards too. I have had several MRIs now, and it does get easier with time. Having to wear a mask (due to the pandemic) with my head encased in a cage was the only time I didn't felt comfortable! I normally just close my eyes, listen to the music (if they play any) and plan my next holiday. What I dislike is a voice telling me that the next scan is going to last ... minutes🥴
  3. Lovely sunny day down here, and going over to Mum's today for dinner. I am in limbo, as still waiting to hear from the oncologist. We are due to sail on Arvia in five weeks. I have the hotel booked (which I can cancel) but unsure about booking train tickets. Anyway, moan over! Have a Happy Easter everyone.
  4. We are in a similar situation, as living in the far South West we need to travel up the day before so that adds on train fares and an overnight hotel.
  5. One of the other ships when we are due to call is Seaview, but P&O have recently added more shore excursions to 'My P&O' 😕
  6. We are sailing on Arvia (departing 14th May) and are due to dock in Palma on the 19th but haven't received any notification of any change.
  7. Good morning, everyone from a wet and windy Cornwall! I hope you have all weathered the storm without any damage. I'm off to Exeter shortly for a visit to a craft fair, so hopefully the roads won't be too bad. Hope everyone has a good weekend and stay safe. Pam
  8. Thank you all for your messages of support and the hugs and kisses. I'm still playing the waiting game, but this time for a letter from the oncologist to discuss treatment.
  9. Have had a chat with my consultant and it is not all good news. My brian tumour is growing back and have agreed to have radiation treatment before it grows any larger to save going through surgery again. Am now waiting for an oncologist to contact me in a day or two. On the brighter side, I am heading out to meet my friend for coffee and among other things talk about the cruise we have coming up, as we have discovered we are on the same one.
  10. Morning everyone Just had a quick catch up on here. Sorry so many of you have had a bad night. It was sad to read about Paul O Grady's death. Good to hear that everyone with ailments is on the mend. I've got a video consultation with my consultant this morning, sjo will find our the results of the MRI I had in February 🤞 and then meeting a friend for coffee. Take care and enjoy your day.
  11. We're off in 6 weeks, middle of May so should be nice and warm.
  12. We were on Azura this time last year and there was a shuttle running from the port into the old town at Zadar.
  13. And desserts. (I have no idea why this site insists on turning some of the photos upside down. The birthday cake is a 1 and 3 for 13.) Am now at home enjoying a glass of wine, because as I was driving I wont drink.
  14. Yes, home made. Definately limes on the key lime pie and f my granddaughter is 81 she is older than me!!😕 Here's a photo of the starters (there were sausage rolls left)!
  15. After a hectic morning and two trips down to Asda, I'm pleased to say that everything is made. My eldest daughter made the birthday cake with the help of my third daughter, and my fourth daughter has just arrived to help transport everything over to my other daughter's for the party. All I need to do now is get changed and drive over and collect Mum.
  16. Key lime pie is made and in the fridge setting. Have had a message from my daughter can I go to Asda and get 30 bread rolls and some more veggies as she doesn't think she has enough! So am now waiting for Asda to open!
  17. Happy birthday to Mrs Wowzz, you share your birthday with my granddaughter. I need to get myself into gear as I need to make a key lime pie and sausage rolls for my granddaughter's birthday party today, but this lost hour has thrown me, already🥴 Hope you all enjoy your Sunday.
  18. It's my granddaughter's birthday tomorrow and she is complaining that she has an hour less of her day. Or another way of looking at it is that, as we change the clocks during the night, her birthday will arrive an hour earlier.
  19. Glad to hear that he is recovering, although stressful for everyone else, take care of yourselves too.
  20. I have had a accessability and medical form saved on my laptop for quite a while and used it yesterday filling in details for my mother and sent it off. I got an automated e-mail saying that it had been received. I was surprised as it the first time, in all the times I have sent one, that I have had an acknowledgement. This morning I received another e-mail informing me that it had been passed on the relevant department, again a first!
  21. I sympathise with your blister, I tend to get a least one blister like that every time I go to Sicily but mine are reactions to being bitten! The mossies seem to like me🤷‍♀️
  22. I have just e-mailed my mother's Medical Quesitonaire, for our cruise in September and received an automated reply straight back.😲 This is the first time that I have received an acknowledgement to any of the questionaires I have sent.
  23. Sorry to read about your father. I hope he recovers soon. I also hope you and your luggage are re-united soon.
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