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Everything posted by edinburgher

  1. You will have no difficulty finding countefeit items in the market, as they will be found on most stalls, but you asked about this a few days ago and were advised that importation of counterfeit goods is illegal in many countries and you run the risk of having items confiscated and possibly receiving a fine..That aside, by buying counterfeit items you are supporting criminal activity and possibly forced labour in addition to defrauding legitimate companies. Even knowing that, many shoppers will be happy to buy. I guess it is your personal conscience which will help you decide.
  2. Good that you looked into it more and found that it was relatively eassy to do with buses or taxis, or evn walking should you have to. I know that dolphin watching is big off Gib but there are in a different direction from where ships arrive and depart, which we discovered too late, but it did explain why we saw none on our sails in and out when we were on deck hoping to spot some. I hope your visit goes well however you decide to spend it.😀
  3. The links given in my posts #4 and #5 explain how to get the best out of this really quite attractive (and VERY steep) town, its beaches and flamingo viewing. We did catch a glimpse of a green coloured mini bus type single deckerl HOHO, but not in the historic centre and especially not in the Castello district at the top. We think we remember seeing it on the road alongside the beach.
  4. You should dock right next to the small train station. Warnemunde to Rostock Centre is around 15/20 minutes journey time, close enough surely to venture without a tour, and easy to get a taxi back if you really had to, but we also spotted signage in Rostock for a boat/ferry ride to Warnemunde which we didn't use, but we saw signage at the landing point for it only a few yards from the ship. This means you would have three options to return.Train, taxi or boat (and possibly a fourth by public bus too,although you would need to access that information yourself as we used the trains). As previously mentioned, Rostock is not a town a long way away as Warnemunde is one of its suburbs. As for Warnemunde itself, you only need disembark, walk through the little train station, cross the short bridge and you are there-- count maybe 5-7 minutes on foot from the gangway. A charming little seaside resort, popular with Rostock residents at weekends and with others on short breaks. It would be difficult to get lost there.
  5. As you will know, Berlin is actually a very spread out city without an actual "centre" which means that once you arrive there, you will most likely have to travel around again to whichever attractions there may be time for. We spent a week there which included time in Potsdam, and despite careful planning I don't think we ever visited another city where were were constantly using public transport to get around. Warnemunde is actually a really easy DIY port which offers a variety of sighsteeing options It is actually the seaside suburb of Rostock. Ships dock next to the small train station and a short ride to central Rostock, which has an attractive historic centre well worth visiting. As did others, we took the train to Rostock in the morning, then returned to Warnemunde where we spent a very pleasant afternoon strolling the beaches and this pretty town. Super easy, inexpensive and not tiring. There should be lots of info and images on both Rostock and Warnemunde online to tempt you There are also past threads you could browse and choose which to read . Warnemunde https://boards.cruisecritic.com/search/?q=warnemunde&quick=1&type=forums_topic&nodes=116 Rostock https://boards.cruisecritic.com/search/?q=rostock&quick=1&type=forums_topic&nodes=116
  6. tring, as nobody has replied and you yourself give so much info to others, I googled "Casements Square to Catalan Bay" and many results appeared. I didn't look into any of them, but noted from the titles that the distance is short and that there should be buses and taxis, but I would check that the bus route numbers are still current, and you would need an idea of the timetables depending on which day of the week you will be there, so the Gibraltar Bus company website would be the one for you. If the buses are still current, you would have the option of buses both ways or taxi one way and bus the other. We have only visited Gibraltar twice, but might struggle with options were we to visit a third time.
  7. My post #3 above has a link to past threads about Valletta, and I suggest you look at the subject lines because it is almost certain that some of these past threads will be asking about private tours and you can read the replies which should have recommendations in them.
  8. You would be even more rushed this time around were you to include both in one day, also you would need to pre-book entry times for some of the top attractions in Florence should you want to visit and that would restrict your movements even more. As an alternative, you could consider pretty Lucca, part way between Pisa and Florence with much shorter travel times.( I think only a half hour or so on the train from Pisa to Lucca) Many cruise pssengers will combine Pisa and Lucca on a single day as they are also on the same train line and easily explored independently. Or you could consider Lucca alone as it would be new to you.. After such a long (and tiring?) day 1 at CT, you might welcome a slower paced day 2 with time for a sit down meal or gelato,and some people watching alongside sightseeing, instead of another even faster paced and tiring day. Lucca is a bit of a Tuscan gem. Info and images to tempt you will be easily found online.
  9. I would not expect you to find such a boat tour next to the dock on the day, so advise instead that you pre-arrange one before you travel. Google will be your best friend for this, and should you need others to share with you, you could ask on your Roll Call, or check it to see if any of your fellow passengers has already arranged one and is looking for others like yourselves to share.
  10. Should you not rent a car and the shuttle buses not work for you, taxi drivers will be used to transferring visitors to the garden and should easily understand the english version "The garden of Claud Monet" easily enough. Same for the return. The train station should also be easily understood, Vernon train station please, but you could write down(or be able to access) the equivalent in french should you prefer to show a driver. Le jardin de Claude Monet à Giverny svp. la gare du Verdon svp, or to avoid any doubt, la Gare SNCF du Vernon svp.(as including the phrase "gare SNCF" makes it clear that it is the train station you want to go to). The bus station is" la gare routiere"😀 Should there be both a bus and a train station in Verdon, asking for "la gare" would likely have the driver ask for clarification which of the two you want to go to.
  11. It isn't clear what you mean by "walk it". Do you mean walk AROUND Antalya or walk TO Antalya? I ask as the cruise terminal is several miles from the older part of town, (includes the sea front and old harbour and probably the area you would find the most attractive). This would not be a comfortable walk at the best of times, more so on a hot day and should not really be attempted.. If your ship has no shuttle bus, you might want to consider a taxi, and you may be able to find others to share with you either from your Roll Call or at the dock as you all disembark for your day there. You could also check on your Roll Call if any fellow passengers have arranged a private tour which might interest you, and are looking for others to share. If you have not already read past threads, there are only a very very few containing the word Antalya, but one or two might be helpful to read. These https://boards.cruisecritic.com/search/?q=antalya&quick=1&type=forums_topic&nodes=149 You could also check eg Tripadvisor and others which appear when you google "Antalya Tourist Information" or "side trips from Antalya" or "beaches of Antalya" or similar, depending on your interests. and to learn more about the cruise terminal and its location, try googling eg "port of Antalya".
  12. Past threads about Cartagena which you can browse for information, also the usual official local Tourism website which has already been given above, Tripadvisor, YouTube, Frommer's, Fodors, Lonely Planet, Rick Steves and anything else which appears when you google eg "Cartagena Spain tourist information" (include SPAIN as there is more than one Cartagena in the world) Check opening times and days for sights/attractions which interest you on their own websites. You dock opposite the town centre so you only need cross the road and you are there. Very easy to walk around as most of it is even ground, although wear good walking shoes as there is a lot of marble which can get slippery.. Cartagena is a working town in addition to being a tourist town so it won't close entirely at the end of the season, so Spanish shopping hours should be what they would normally be in Spain. Google is your best friend.😀 Past threads https://boards.cruisecritic.com/search/?q=cartagena&quick=1&type=forums_topic&nodes=465
  13. Not sure if this is helpful or not, but when we did a shorex to Delos, we went directly from the ship using ship tenders and returned to the ship the same way. Then we went ashore. Maybe, just maybe they operate the same way?
  14. I think you already asked about these ports back in early March and were given a number of useful replies, including a recommendation to join any Roll Call for your sailing and to read past threads, to which you were given links for each. The first three of your ports(four if your Montenegro is Kotor) are all easy DIYwith some pre-trip homework, Corfu, you might want to consider a taxi tour as these are popular on this scenic island and you could share the cost with others, perhaps from your Roll Call? Should you decide to do one, best to pre-arrange and not leave it to chance at the dock. Do check your Roll Call as others may have already arranged one and are looking for others like yourselves to share with them. As JB has already pointed out, you can easily and quickly find past threads on all of them by using the SEARCH tool under your user name. You can then decide which to read and many will have lots of info and tips for the easiest and cheapest DIY sightseeing.. One thing to add about the search tool. Do not go to an individual thread, stay on the main forum to carry out your search.
  15. Are you on a Canal du Midi itinerary?
  16. Monaco also has a famous harbour stuffed with luxury yachts, parks and gardens, and the usual selection of museums.
  17. The majority of visitors and cruise passengers who port there will not be into gambling either, but will find many other attractions to occupy them for a day.
  18. No tour is actually needed for Nice if you do a little pre-trip homework before you go to help you decide what to see and do here which matches your personal interests. On a tour you will be taken to wherever the tour guide has been instructed to take you. Direct trains between Cannes and Nice, no need to change anywhere, journery time a little under an hour. As for Monaco/Monte Carlo, there are only two or three casinos there, and the only one which tourists might be aware of or come across during their time there would be the historic and very famous Casino de Monte Carlo with its gardens, the exterior of which many visitors like to view and take pictures of, otherwise no other opportunity to gamble that I am aware of.(unless others know better) Although small the city has several sights and attractions including an old Town, the Royal Palace, the Oceanographic Museum, and the Cathedral where the tombs of Princess Grace and her husband Prince Ranier are to be found. Again, reading about MC might help you decide so read eg the Official Monaco Tourist Information website, Tripadvisor, YouTube, Rick Steves and any other online or guidebook options to help you decide whether you might enjoy a day there or not. And read shorex descriptions even should you not want to book one as they will give you an indication of sightseeing options. And past threads, the same for Nice. Although there are direct trains, it is a longer journey from Cannes than the one to Nice.
  19. Sorry that none of my suggestions were any help at all as I expected that at least one would be successful. As it is still a little early in the cruising season for this part of the world, maybe not too many members have already visited this year. Cruise calls to Katakolon should increase over the next couple of months and you might get more up-to-date information then.
  20. Some suggestions. You could always ask terminal staff on arrival as there may some circumstances when normally available free WiFi is not available that particular day. Ask any of the crew as they know absolutely everywhere that free WiFi is available as they themselves will use it. Most coffee houses and others will have free WiFi for customers to whom they will give an access password, so for the price of a coffee or a burger or another small purchase you should find accessing WiFi quite easy.
  21. Volos to Meteora is too far for a short port day, you will need to find something else to do which is more local. there should be lots of online info, you only need look for it in the usual places. Begin with something like "Volos Tourist Information", Tripadvisor, YouTube, Rick Steves and others, also read past threads. Choose from these: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/search/?q=volos&quick=1&type=forums_topic&nodes=463 Kusadasi as others have already mentioned is a super easy DIY port as Ephesus is only a short distance and there should be tours and/or taxis at the port. At Ephesus, in addition to the main site, you or your guide if you have one should buy tickets for the terrace houses as these are not included in the general admission ticket. (at least in the past they were not, but post pandemic times have seen changes in all sorts of places.) The terrace houses were where the elite lived and definitely worth a visit.
  22. You could try either contacting the company direct via their website if it is possible, or consider contacting the visitkatakolon Tourist Information Office because they should be local and be able to answer your question. There really isnt anything much in Katakolon, and having visited Olympia on our first visit an walking this one street town, on our second we mostly stayed onboard catching up with some laundry, editing photos from the trip so far, and otherwise enjoying a welcome restful day on a quite busy itinerary.
  23. As already mentioned, Captains will usually turn the ship around at some glaciers. Having said that, on Alaskan itineraries it is common to spend more time on deck for views forward or on both sides. A balcony on whichever side will restrict your viewing to one side only unless you have an aft facing one. And on our Alaskan itineraries with HAL, the bow areas which are normally closed to passengers were opened up to give passengers more access to best viewing in especially scenic areas, Glacier Bay as an example. If on deck, it is good to position yourselves near a doorway as it is then easier to move from one side to the other depending on scenery, or whale sightings, or whatever, as some passengers on outdoor decks keep a close eye on water movement and will call out if whales are spotted and you may not hear anything when sitting on your balcony.☹️
  24. The journey to the futuristic area is really quite short, and I would expect that for a party of 2 (if you are indeed 2) two tickets for the nearby public bus or the short taxi ride with 2 sharing would be less costly than 2 shuttle tickets, especially if you don't intend to only shuttle between the terminal and the futuristic area. If you venture further the shuttle may be of no further use to you, meaning it would only be an expensive one way ride.
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