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Everything posted by edinburgher

  1. Sorry it happened to you, but you will have learned from this experience and are unlikely to repeat it on future travels,but in many European countries it is common for fines related to traffic violations to be paid "on the spot" so I don't' think that was anything out of the ordinary. And fines can be quite expensive. Unfortunately ignorance of the rules is not accepted as an excuse. We have on a few occasions in France and Spain seen train passengers who looked like tourists fined "on the spot" despite having tickets for travel , the reason being that they had not validated them either before boarding in the machines on the plaftorms, or in those which are found on board. Lesson from that is ALWAYS ALWAYS VALIDATE YOUR TICKETS. And here in Edinburgh the trams carry inspectors working their way through the carriages.who check for valid tickets on almost every tram. As these currently run to/from the airport there must be a fair few tourists who didn't check the rules before travelling and get caught out. We know this because we ourselves have had ticket checks when travelling on them with suitcases. We assumed (perhaps wrongly but who knows) that we were mistaken for tourists and a possible "fining opportunity" for the inspectors, who may or may not have a "fine target" to meet. That we do not know, but do call us Mr and Mrs Cynical. We actually thought on all three occasions that if touriss were indeed being targeted, doing so gave a poor first impression of our city.. As tourists anywhere, it is our own responsibility to check the rules in countries other than our own. Please don't let your experience affect your views of the country or change future plans. They were only doing their jobs and it was you and your family doing wrong, not them Maybe not now, but some day in the future you might look back and laugh about your run in with the local police force in Slovenia.
  2. By the way, the suggestions above were made so that you could check for alternative times which might better suit your port timings. And check other companies which also offer similar "cruise tours " to the one you are considering, because a nu8mber of companies offer the same tours. and it is unlikely they will all leave and arrive back at exactly the same times so even a half hour difference might give you peace of mind.
  3. Anyone do a tour like this or think we could get back in time? Rather than stress about being back on time, there is a different option you could consider. Instead of than taking an actual cruise tour, you could take one of the local ferries which ply the same route. They also leave from the Eminonu area and the only downside is that you don't get commentary, but I think if you internet search you should be able to find a description of a least some of the buildings along the route. OTOH, you could simply sit back and enjoy the ride as it is a really lovely thing to do. We found that Turyol cruised quite close to shore which is a bonus and added to the enjoyment. We have used the Turyol boats in the past. It is a private company (these are a step up from the regular ferries)and you could check out their website if you think it may be an option. Googling "Turyol Bosphorus cruise" should give info too. it is good as the ferry doesn't actually stop multiple times along the way. I expect there will be online reviews on eg Tripadvisor. If one of your results is a site called Turkey Travel Planner, do look at it (together with other results) as we have found that site invaluable each time we have visited Istanbul in the past and it quickly became our "go to" website.
  4. As it is a national holiday across italy, expect many sights/sites to be closed that day. You would be advised to check the individual websites of any of the above you hoped to visit as they should indicate if they are open or closed that day, and also transport if you intended to go out of town as trains, public buses etc may be operating a reduced timetable.
  5. Has anyone used a driver (not terribly expensive) that they could recommend? As nobody has yet replied, offering a couple of suggestions. It is unclear what your definition of "not terribly expensive" actually is as taxis are quite expensive in France and you are looking for someone who will spend several hours with you, so you are not only paying for the vehicle and costs associated with driving whichever route it is, (France has many toll roads) but also paying for the drivers time. Which area were you thinking of visiting? There are a few possibilities from Marseille. Have you googled somehing like "wine tasting tours from Marseille"? A number of results appear with a selection to choose from. And have you tried asking on your Roll Call if anyone has already arranged one and looking for others to share, alternatively you could ask if anyone would be interested in joining a small private tour should you yourself arrange one. Finally, this very recent thread could be helpful for you to read. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2939304-provence-wine-tours/#comment-65425010
  6. Based on our experiences, cruise sponsored port talks are a waste of time. If you had good experiences, what line(s) and itineraries? They are mostly only a sales pitch for the selling of shorex, but for pax who do not do any port planning at all, they at least showcase some of the possibilities, although those pax who do not book them are left not knowing how to do them independently unless they can ask questions after the presentation, which isn't always the case. We once attended a port talk about Edinburgh (our home city which we know well) just to see what would be said and we did think the presenter did a fairly good job although it was quite amusing for us to hear.
  7. Better to do it than not. How many times have you disembarked in a port, knowing where you want to get to and how to get there, only to find bewildered fellow pax standing by the gangway asking "where are we and what is there to do/see here?", giving the impression that not only did they not do any pre-trip homework, they didn't even attend any port talks or look at shorex offerings, but these are often the type of pax who "prefer to do our own thing" rather than ship excursions.
  8. I just want to thank you again for your great suggestions. IMHO the tower is better viewed from outside rather than inside, and you will pass it twice when arriving and leaving and get close up photos on foot. Of course that is only our opinion and others may disagree. Check current Tripadvisor reviews to help you decide if you should be pleased or disappointed that inside won't be an option. Lisbon has many works of Street Art and there are also some guided walking tours around them. I do not know if any would interest you or not, but one large and intricate one is in the Belem area where you will already be. On a wall of the Cultural Centre, on the side of it which is opposite the Maritime Museum beside the stop for the tram running in the direction back TO the city centre. This is more like 3D , rather than painted, as it is made of trash. BIG RACOON You could google it, but are likely to find yourselves almost next to it anyway if you know it is there. We have spotted a few others from the tram heading into the centre from Belem. If you look to your left from your transport you might spot them on a couple of buildings on the left side but they would only be a glimpse. There is another good one which is near to but not actually on Rua Augusta if that would interest you, you only need say. This one is painted and quite famous.. Fado Vadio. Should you have any other q's feel free to ask and I will try to answer.
  9. For the Majorcan beaches, you could try cross posting this thread on the dedicated Palma, Majorca "sticky" at the top of the Spain Ports Forum as rogerb keeps a close on it and can give replies. this is it: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2697012-palma-de-mallorca-diy-new/page/16/#comment-65396213
  10. Sweaters seems to be mentioned a lot. They are indeed as they are beautiful to look at and beautifully made, but the downside is that being quality,they cost $$$, possibly far in excess of what the OP would like to spend. There is some discussion about them on this recent thread. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2843022-buying-sweaters-in-norway/#comment-62977272 A less expensive option might be to look at gloves/mittens or a scarf or socks instead and we saw lots of these for sale.
  11. Hope this information (and little history lesson from Memory Lane 😀) will be helpful! Host Kat, thank you for explaining about posting time zones and the wee bit history too. I don't think it will happen again, but a little spooky that both of we members were thinking along the same lines at around the same time a few thousand miles from each other. Have quite often seen posts only a few minutes apart but it was strange that the first post was not there one minute but there the next with a one hour time difference so it was the only thought I had to explain it.
  12. cruisemom42. sorry about posting an echo of your own, but when I posted mine yours was not there. I don't know how that happened as our posts show a time difference of an hour,but I know yours was definitely not there at the time I posted. I wonder if the CC ""timer" is set to a specific tiime and one of us posted only a minute or so before the change, and the other a minute or so after? Will likely never know. whatever, it was accidental.
  13. I think the jam will do fine and thanks to 6rugrats I may get it ahead of time 😉. Could still be worth a try in case some different options are given to tempt you, but you won't know if you do not ask.
  14. This is not exactly a Windstar question I think you would get more responses were you to post this on the N. Europe and Baltic Sea Forum where questions such as this are usually asked. Reasoning behind the suggestion is that there are a number of CC members from Scandinavian countries who regularly post in response to questions about their countries (shopping included, with a current thread concerning the buying of Norwegian jumpers.) https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/116-northern-europe-amp-baltic-sea/
  15. the only thing we noticed was free tid-bits & drink at sundown 🙂 and the long lines of hungry folks which began forming outside food outlets shortly before the fast could be broken. Our Med Cruise in 2013 ... I was SO EXCITED to go to Turkey / Istanbul / Bazaar ... only to find out it was Ramadan .... !!!! Very disappointing. I dont understand this statement at all. Like John Bull (post #45 above) we spent a week in Istanbul and our dates covered both the tail end of Ramazan (the Turkish name for Ramadan) and Eid.and when we discovered this only after booking, we had concerns about potential disruption to our trip. Acutually it was the opposite. Everything was open as usual, (per JB above)and in the days leading up to the celebration of Eid which marks the end of Ramazan, there was a really festive atmosphere in the city with long lines of locals outside stores lining up to buy their specialities for the feasting days to come. It was easy to tell at a glance which stores sold the best this or that as they had the longest lines waiting patiently outside. In Sultanahmet where we were based, every evening was full of things to do and see. Around Sultanahmet Square and the Hippodrome there were stalls all around selling all sorts of goodies including Ottoman style candy being made right there.There were also many stands selling cooked corn and chestnuts, and the individual tea sellers in their wonderful costumes. There were tea tents furnished with traditional hangings, cushions, and rugs, with shishas and live music with the audiences singing and clapping along, several cafes had live performances of Sufi music, and whirling dervishes doing their whirling. We also caught a couple of performances by the military bands(mehter) in the open air performance area and displays of folk dancing. And there was a real party atmosphere with the crowds, as many were family groups of different generations with excited kids, and all of them were dressed in their newly bought (for Eid) outfits. As everyone was really friendly,polite and full of smiles, we had no safety concerns whatsoever. Every evening we could not wait to head back there after dinner in whichever nearby restaurant. Far from having a negative effect on our trip, it actually made it really special and we felt really lucky to have been a part of this very unique time in Istanbul. I would recommend anyone visit there towards the end of Ramazan, and especially in the lead up to Eid. Having said that, I do not know if during the actual days of Eid,there are closures as we left on the day Eid began. so that would be adviseable to check and the dates vary each year.
  16. Alternate driving days would actually be a more liberal policy than ZTLs 🙂 Maybe so as you could drive every other day, but perhaps a change of location would need to be taken into account to avoid wanting to, or having to, travel on a day a rental cannot be used on a particular route should it have such a restriction. As a long stretch of the Amalfi Coast carries this restriction any cruise pax intending to pick up a rental for this drive on their port day should check. Whatever, guidance issued. I had heard (cannot confirm) that Positano is now part of a ZTL (limited driving zone) Definitely on the list Hank.
  17. Tour company emailed me back and said it was a mistake. Given that it mentioned a tour of 9 plus I’m wondering if these fees relate to an actual bus that has even more restrictions on where it can get to that a small van or car. In any case I’m good to and can’t wait to see the Amalfi Coast! Piper 77, so pleased that the miscommunication issue has been resolved.. I hope the restrictions will make for a more pleasant drive with less traffic as the area was becoming more and more gridlocke.over the years. Further to my post #3, I had a quick look at ZTLs in Italy, and Positano is on the list I looked at.I was surprised to see quite as many towns and cities listed, including Civitaveccia and all the popular Tuscan towns in addition to larger cities throughou the country. Other countries are also introducing these.Coaches/buses are particularly hard hit financially in most and in some locations not permitted at all. Restrictions are usually in place throughout the summer months. Fines are issued automatically as these areas, ( sometimes routes), are monitored electronically. In Civitavecchia, which was a bit of a surprise finding on the list, there is even a E120 charge for coaches near cruise ship gangways, (they got a special mention) but free if they park up at the shuttle drop point. MESSAGE FOR HLitner Hank, you have a preference for car rental and several results regarding restricted driving also popped up in the results, with one of the points mentioned being the alternate driving days depending on whether your reg plate has an odd or an even number. With a car rental, you would probably not know the reg plate number until the rental is collected on the day. For any future rentals, (and this would apply to anyone considering a rental) especially if dates fall between April and September, it would be be wise to check the rules for your planned journey ahead of time before committing to a rental. and I am sorry about that as it is your preferred way of moving around Europe.
  18. Looking for wineries in Messina area You could also consider an alternative option if the wineries tour doesn't work for you. This was my post in response to a previous thread about a Godfather Villages private tour from Messina. We visited 3 "Godfather villages" on our 4th visit to Messina but as it was offered as a shorex, had no need for a private tour. Fabulous scenery from on high,(very high!) but for anyone nervous about tiny twisty very narrow and very very steep roads, it maybe isn't for them. Despite having little or no interest in The Godfather films, we had booked for the scenic drive and it exceeded our expectations.
  19. Positano we have to cover a 90 euro parking fee. According to the above small print, The 90 euros is not a parking fee, covering ONLY the cost to enter Positano with a vehicle with actual parking costs of 50 euros an hour in addition .The "check point" reference suggests to me that Positano may now have what is known in Italy as a ZTL, whereby a fee is charged to any vehicle entering which is not local AND has either a permit or is exempt. I expect you could internet search for ZTLs in Italy and their cost. Some locations in Spain and France have also introduced these. The local authorities along the Amalfi Coast fairly recently introduced a number of measures with the aim of reducing the amount of traffic in the area as congestion and long delays were becoming increasingly worse, especially so during summer months.. These included the introduction of some ZTLs, alternative number plate driving days, and others. Having said that,I am thinking that the 50 euros PER HOUR fee for parking doesn't sound right, as I would have expected it to be quite a bit lower than that, but even finding a space could be a nightmare. It is possible that your tour provider has a private arrangement with a local business or individual who rents a personal space as a source of additional income and is charging your provider that sum.. A private tour for only two persons is already going to be costly without additional fees being added. Using the above small print as a reference , a short one hour visit with a vehicle toPpositano itself will cost you 140 euros. I expect you could internet search for ZTLs in Italy and their cost. Some locations in Spain and France have also introduced these. I would also check the cost of parking in Positano as that charge is the one which concerns me most. FWIW Despite visiting the area several times over the years on both a land trip and on cruise stops, we only one time visited Positano itself. We thought everything there was extremely expensive (actually rip off) and the place itself overrated and leaving us slightly underwhelmed so we never bothered to return. As JB has suggested, I would be looking down on it from the free view above, or taking a local bus or even one of the ferries should you still feel the need to visit the town itself. although that could be tricky to do on a private tour. A private tour for only two persons is already going to be costly without additional fees being added.. Whilst it must be lovely and easy to have a private driver and guide at your disposal for the day, it is entirely possibly to follow a similar route and sights independently, so should you be able to cancel for a full refund and decide to spend your day touring independently instead, do come back and ask for advice.
  20. ollienbertsmum Just finished reading your long post complete with photos as was familiar with all of these places. thank you for doing that as it was an interesting read and the photos brought back some memories. However, you said In Rijeka there was a staircase of 561 steps to get up to Trsat castle. Having travelled up the road, I know that too was very long and extremely steep. These days we avoid such exertions whenever possible. I know you said you are enthusiastic DIYers, as are we, but we took a public bus all the way up and back again when we were ready to leave the area at the top and a lack of language skills has never held us back in any country, so I would encourage you to look at bus options on your next trip to anywhere. Should you find yourselves back in Dubrovnik, I would suggest you take the public bus to Cavtat.Iit leaves from inside the bus station next to the port gates. The views you posted from the cable car are the views you get from the bus. Many many past threads with the word Cavtat. Pull them up and reading them might tempt you.
  21. I. am sure it is not a great experience. The nightmare scenario every cruise pax would hope would never happen to them!
  22. I meant motorized scooter, vespa, moped, aka tiny motorcycle. In that case, post #4 will be relevant to you. and it IS a very busy city, also parts of the historical centre are pedestrianised so you would not be able to go to them with with motorized scooters. In areas where you can ride and you have sights/sites to visit, you would then have the issue of finding parking. If a first visit for you and you have 2 days,ii would suggest you buy a either a 1 or 2 day ticket for the HOHOs as these cover a large part of the city and there is more than one route so you can switch about at certain points. Use the first day as an easy way to get to see these areas and get a really good overview of the city as you would simply stay onboard and ride both full routes. You could leave it at that, and DIY explore on day 2, or if you bought for 2 days, you could use day #2 tickets as a means of getting to those sights/places you identified as being places of interest to you and you could ride between each stop, but remember that some sights require pre-booking and you should arrange these ahead of time. It is a wonderful city to explore, but both large and busy.
  23. There were queues for the cable car, anyone going there from a cruise ship would be best to get a taxi from the port. Or public bus route #8 runs to/from the cable car from the road outside the port (Gruz) gates.
  24. We were stopping in Trieste the next day so not much traveling if there was a lateness issue. The reviews at the time made us hesitant to book although I think they actually left from dockside as we saw a little cabin to the right advertising the tour. We walked the 5 minutes to the bus stop. We thought that if there was an issue with the HOHO there may or may not have been a replacement in good time, even if there was a spare to be had, but should a public bus have an issue, there would be more chance of a replacement arriving fairly soon after, or a taxi would be another option given the very low cost of the public bus tickets. What a pity 2 pax were left behind in Rijeka. It happens, but not that often (I think) in Europe unlike places in the Caribbean or Mexico where there are more pier runners according to YouTube. We also visited Rijeka where the rain poured down most of the day so we didn't see it at its best and it was also the end of the season with many closures which was a pity as we love the Adriatic ports.
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