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Everything posted by edinburgher

  1. We were really hoping for some type of sunset catamaran cruise In previous threads about sunset viewing and dining in Fira or Oia, several pax (including ourselves) have commented on successfully watching the sunset from the ship. With such a late sailing you could do this too. And a helpful thread with Santorni Qs and As can be found here .https://boards.cruisecritic.co.uk/topic/2739131-find-it-here-santorini-firá-and-oia-q-a/ Should you look for it again, it is a "sticky" at the very top of this Greek Ports forum. And do read previous threads and posts for more info.
  2. but which other ports are better to have transport and guide It depends what you decide to do in each port, with some being an easy DIY and inexpensive day, others better suited to a guided tour. taking a shorex in every port can add up to a huge sum, and Norway is quite an expensive country so you might want to DIY where it is easy to do so. Most of what you would want to know about Alesund can be found on this past thread.so definitely worth reading through. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2826391-alesund-norway/#comment-62526938 You can easily pull up past threads and posts to read for all your ports, although do also look at local TOURIST INFORMATION OFFICE websites, Tripadvisor and any other websites which appear when you search "(name of town) tourist info"as it really is a case of doing pre-trip research and the more you read the easier it will be for you to decide what is of interest to you. It can be time consuming but you are tailoring your trip to your own interests so a worthwhile thing to do. To read past threads and posts without back paging, all of your ports will be on the N. Europe and Baltic Sea Forum. If you do not know how to use the search tool, go to that general forum (not an individual thread) and input the name of your first port in the empty search box under your username then hit the little spy glass. All previous threads containig that name will appear ready for you to read. Repeat the process with each name in turn. We find it helpful to copy/paste info we want to use initially onto a Word Document which will become huge by the time we work through every port, but we then delete what we don't want, tidy it up and print off before travel. it is useful to also include arrival and departure times, but double check before leaving the ship, opening days, hours and entry costs of any sight to be visited, also the address and if using public transport, bus/metro/train stops and route number /direction info. Also note if you need to buy tickets or reserve ahead of time for any particular sights/sites. Arriving into each port, you should then know where you are going, how to get there and opening hours, and if you had to pre-book, the time you need to be there.
  3. And the OP would also be advised to check border contorl entry regulations as would be entering the EU from a non EU country. Depending on passport held, would a visa be needed or would he/she be visa exempt? Must say that the programme didn't inspire us to cross to la Linea for sightseeing.
  4. Palma Majorca info can be found on this useful link which is where all your questions about Palma may have been already answered and if not, rogerb is usually able to answer. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2697012-palma-de-mallorca-diy-new/page/15/#comment-65301028 In Palermo, we walked to our first sight in the historic area, Four Corners. It is easy to read past threads and posts for info. using the search tool. Got o the general Italy Ports Forum but not to an individual thread,input the word Palermo into the empty search box under your username, hit the litle spy glass and these past threads will appear ready for you to read. Then try with the word Salerno. Starting you off with this Palermo thread which you should find useful to read. Initially it doesn't start that way but stick with it: There are others, use the method described to find them. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2923792-palermo-easy-to-get-around-without-a-tour-booked/#comment-65021651
  5. then no taxis were in sight to take us to Oia, As a back up plan, adding a reminder that there are regular public buses running the Fira/Oia/Fira route. They leave from Fira bus station which is to the right and downhill from the cable car station on the main road, and used to be opposite one of the smaller local museums. There also used to be a taxi rank there. An online map should indicate if both are still at the same location.There should also be bus timetables online. Returning from OIa we boarded the Fira bus at the same stop we had arrived at. Be aware that the stops in both Fira and Oia were busy on our visits, so do arrive early for your chosen time.
  6. Does anyone know how to book a tour of La Linea? You maybe won't be able to book any tour in la Linea until you actually arrive there, having crossed the border from Gibraltar into Spain, and it may be faster to do that on foot. Border crossings, how long they take and whether better on foot or in a vehicle is something you would need to research, also something you would need to allow time for in both directions.My understanding is that a good number of residents of Spain cross each day to work in Gubraltar so there may be certain times which are busier than others.And Gibraltar is not in the EU and Spain is, so there may be rules about that too. Ii expect there is info to be found online. All I knowabout la Linea is based on a tv documentary type programme which indicated that la Linea is one of the poorest towns in Spain and that it is popular with drug smugglers crossing the sea from Morocco,and trying to catch them and the drugs they are carrying is something which keeps the local authorities busy.
  7. The Luberon villages are very pretty and if you are there later in the month of June there might also be a chance of a glimpse of lavendar fields. Using the SEARCH tool I pulled up this link which has previous threads about the Luberon which you could read to help you decide. You could also simply google something like "Luberon Tours reviews" or start a thread here asking if anyone can comment on one they did. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/search/?q=luberon&quick=1&type=forums_topic&nodes=462 From Livorno, if you have never visited before, I would suggest LUCCA ( a bit of a Tuscan gem and really quite easy to reach by train from Livorno) Many past threads and posts here on CC if you want to search for them. And many images and much online info to tempt you.. Google is your NBFF
  8. Probably only clueless. At leasst you are looking for a sizeable object, ie a cruise ship and not a needle in a haystack.😀 Because Valencia is visited by cruise ships infreqeuntly, Not a all. Valencia is a popular port call due to the city having much to offer. Thinking your best option for the actual docking area might be to contact the official Port of Valencia Authority and simply ask. if anyone should know the location, it is them.
  9. This thread would be a good starting point for Alesund, a favourite with cruise pax as it is so easy to DIY and is a pleasant town to explore from a very central docking location. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2826391-alesund-norway/#comment-62526938 You could also use the CC Search Tool to find past threads and posts for your other ports.
  10. Thanks for replying. Good to read that Cadiz was another successful DIY sightseeing day, again easy to do solo due to the docking location and in a town which has much to offer.. Fair to say that your confidence increased as the trip progressed and that is a good thing for any future cruises you book as you might be less hesitant with some ports, maybe not all, but some... And save you money too as the cost of a ship shorex in every port can soon add up. Motril you did of course know before you left that there would be little there if you stayed in town, but at least you all enjoyed a lazy day on a (presumably) quiet ship. Sometimes that is needed if the itinerary is port intensive And the Algarve really is lovely, though a little disappointed that you simply stayed in Portimao when there were other nearby options you perhaps would have enjoyed more, but there could be a return visit in your future so who knows? Wishing you happy future sailings.
  11. AJ Good to read that all your port planning helped you enjoy your sightseeing in the various ports, even better to read that you followed the advice of others and chose to explore Split independently despite your hesitation to do so. I hope this experience has given you more confidence to venture out in the future without the need for a shorex in the ports where one isn't essential if it is easy to explore independently. without straying far from the ship. as that had been your main concern. How did you get on with the other ports not mentioned above?. Cannot remember them all, but they included Motril, Cadiz and Portimao.
  12. You could rent a car, take a taxi (expect it to be very costly) and I don't know how you would get one back if the driver does not wait for you (even more costly if you spend several hours there) Do they have UBER or similar? Or might there be a public bus running in that direction? Perhaps you could run your plan past the Official Reykjavik Tourist Info Office staff for their best suggestions as they will be local and should have good knowledge of your options.
  13. we were also underwhelmed with Kristiansand.Not visited Skjolden
  14. when I looked at things to do in Geiranger, what mostly came up was taking a cruise in the fjord. I think the boars used were referred to as RIB boats. RIB boats are short for Rigid Inflatable Boats. You may have heard them also referred to as "zodiacs". The boat tours would be aimed at visitors on land tours who would not arrive or leave through the fjord which is one of the most scenic in Norway.. Even should you not want to book,you could look at the shorex your cruiseline is offering as they will give you an idea of highlights from the stop and what might be possible in the timeframe. Bestter than that though, would be to read past CC threads and posts to see what others did and how they did it. Lots of info to be found doing that. If you do not know how to use the SEARCH TOOL, go to the GENERAL N. Europe and Baltic Sea Forum, not an individual thread, and input the word Geiranger in the empty search box under your username, hit the little spy glass and all previous threads containing that word will appear in the results ready for you to read. The big tour there is to Mt Dalsnibba, and you will read a number of references to it, and should that tempt you,after using the word Geiranger in the search box, try again using the word Dalsnibba, or indeed any word which relates to anything you found which appeals to you. Same search method will also work for your other ports, you only need be on the correct forum for the country your port is in..
  15. . i was looking for more recent experiences. Now is still quite early in the season so the more recent threads and posts might relate to last year rather than this year.. Until the number of cruise calls increase as the season progresses and more pax return, the ones you can read on the CC board may the best at this time.. You could try looking at websites such as Tripadvisor as there may be more current reviews available for both your ports. And visitors who were on land trips may have been more tempted to book boat tours and posted their reviews which would help you decide on an operator. I think fewer cruise pax would book a boat trip as both your calls are to towns which are in close proximity to docking locations, and both offer many options for DIY sightseeing, especially on a first visit. TIP The most recent change in Croatia in general, is that their currency is no longer the kuna, as since January 1st this year they have adopted the euro.
  16. Geiranger--do you have to book boat tours in the fjord in advance? Sorry, not being cheeky, just puzzled as your question is clear enough, but it is the reasoning behind it which is unusual. because you will have sailed Geirangerfjord for the first time on the way in, and will sail it a second time when you leave. Are you sure an additional boat tour of the same area on the same day will offer anything new that is worth paying for and is the best use of your time there?
  17. Consider cross posting your question on the X forum as it is X specific and others who are knowledgeable about when X shorex are posted may know. However, noting your late in the year sailing date of Nov 28, there could be fewer shorex anyway as in many towns and cities the season is either over or winding down by late Nov/early Dec. Perhaps worth some research for each port as there may be some you could DIY yourselves or with a private tour,maybe shared with others on your RC? And check your RC in case others have already arranged private tours and are looking for fellow pax like yourselves to share.
  18. You should consider googling "Monaco beaches" or similar to help you first decide which beach you hope to visit, and from that point can more easily cost your chair rentals. Bear in mind that the area from Nice to Monaco offers little in the way of sandy beaches, with most of them consisting of little pebbles. if hoping for sand this is not the place to look. Do you have any other ports along that coastline you would consider?
  19. I don't see many threads about these 2 Croatian ports Unsure what your definition of "many" is, nor how you searched for them, because I quickly searched both ports and Split returned 68 results and Dubrovnik 84 On first visits to both, there is really no need for a tour out of town as both offer a number of sights and experiences within the towns themselves and both are super easy to DIY especially on foot as both are mostly pedestrianised, but of course, if you prefer to tour and miss some sights, that is entirely your decision... Agree that Dubrovnik is an early start, but the historic centre will be open as it always is, although you will likely have to wait for museums and the walls walk to open. Check opening hours. And shops are unlikely to be open either but unless you planned a serious shopping trip, they should be opening up before you return to your ship so there should still be shopping opportunities. And that early in the day, it should not matter that restaurants will not be open, although some cafes should be. Lots of walking, lots to explore. Both Dubrovnik and Split are an easy walk around to explore even early morning and that may be preferable as it can become very hot and very crowded in both as the day progresses, so early is actually a positive rather than a negative. At least IMHO. although others may disagree. To find all the threads mentioned above, use the quick and easy SEARCH TOOL. Go to the general Other Mediterranean Ports forum, (not a specific thread) and input either Dubrovnik or Split into the empty search box under your username, and hit the little spyglass, after which all threads containing that name will appear ready for you to read.. Repeat the process with the other name. Split is equally easy to DIY, even easier as it is only a 10 or 15 minute level walk to the area around the palace and The Riva promenade.and there is plenty to see there too. Lovely that you have both on your itinerary.
  20. An afterthought. Once you group have tendered and reached Fira, you may need to charter a couple of coaches to move them from there to your location, yet another challenge. Is Santorini the only port call on a Sunday or is there another possibility which might be less of a challenge?
  21. This is a tricky logistical question and you will probably need local assistance. And as Hank has already pointed out, simply getting your group tendered ashore and up the cable car will be difficult. Have you considered contacting any of the following? The local Tourist Information office, or a local Chamber of Commerce if there is one, or any other local business group, or local churches? Another option could be to hold your church service onboard in one of the lounges which should be quiet as most pax will be preparing to leave the ship or have already gone ashore, and following the service, everyone could make their own way ashore and spend the remainder of the day doing whatever they want.
  22. I was also going to suggest either UK or Norway sailings but others have already done that. I would though, add that, if you both loved Alaska, consider one which takes in both Norway AND Iceland, the latter totally unique and packed with natural wonders which are different from the Norwegian ones. Masses of info and images for both Norway and Iceland can be found online, read and you will be tempted. As for his dietary preferences, and bearing in mind that he will be on a cruise ship, how much eating ashore would he be doing? If he has a good breakfast, something when he comes back onboard mid or late afternoon, and dinner, surely at most he might only be looking for a snack ashore, or a very light lunch to keep him going until back onboard. Burgers, hot dogs, sandwiches, pizza and omelettes spring to mind.
  23. Hope the ones of interest to you are amongst the Monday openings.😀
  24. Decide which museums are of most interest to you, then, as said above, check their individual websites for opening hours, entry fees etc.
  25. we usually do our own thing when in port, and we are looking for recommendations of things to visit in the ports listed. Most of the info you will need to help you plan can be found by reading previous threads and posts by others. If you do not know how to use the SEARCH TOOL, go to the general N. Europe and Baltic Sea Forum, but not to an individual thread. In turn, input the name of one of your ports into the empy search box under your username, then hit the litle spy glass. All previous threads containing that word should appear ready for you to read. Follow your first port name with the others one at a time. You can then read what others have done. This thread would be a good starting point for Alesund, a favourite with cruise pax as it is so easy to DIY and is a pleasant town to explore from a very central docking location. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2826391-alesund-norway/#comment-62526938 And do look at your shorex for each port, as even if you don't book anything they will give you an idea of the possibilities. Also local tourist information sites and others such as Tripadvisor. Should you then have specific questions about a port, you could ask again.
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