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Posts posted by tigercat

  1. I bought a set in Grand Cayman and had it shipped to a US address. We then crossed the border and picked them up. They were fast and ended up being very helpful. I had been keeping my receipt so that I could get them across the border and then when I went to get it I couldn't find it. Without it I couldn't get it across so I phoned the US number and them ended up finding my receipt and e-mailing me a copy. They were very helpful and pleasant. I just wish that they had pink.


  2. Most of them women and children on a church sponsored excursion. Fire caused it! That's why I don't like smoking on balconies. You never know who is stupid enough to throw the still burning cigarette overboard without regard to where it might land.

    I agree. Most smokers don't do that but I have had the unfortunate situation where I ended up being on the receiving end of a lit cigarette that had been tossed overboard.


  3. Out of all my cruises I have taken only 1 Disney cruise. It was 4 nights. I love Disney and go to Disneyworld almost once a year. However, our Disney cruise was horrible. The food was not good, I was hungry all the time. Housekeeping didn't happen. We had a dirty dish on the desk for the room steward to take after the first night. It stayed in our room. We would move it in different places to see if they would take it. The last time we put it on one of the beds. They made the bed up with the dirty dish under the covers. Yes I know that never happens, but it did. My daughter and I did do Palos and the meal was good however the steakhouse on the Carnival is just as good. I realize that every cruise is different and one experience does not a line make, however for the price we paid it wasn't worth going back.


  4. We have done a couple of B2B's and I would love to have been gone on longer ones but the cost just gets to be too much for us. Since I never thought I would ever go on a cruise at all I consider myself lucky to have done what I have done.


    The othe thing is we seemed to have received a cat 2 yrs. ago and have trouble getting someone to look after him so too long a cruise won't work right now.


  5. I have sailed with different people in my cabin and not. The last cruise my husband and I had one of our friends in the cabin with us and then another couple went as well. I could sail with the other couple again but don't want to vacation with our friend in the cabin again. We are still friends and she still comes over for tea once in a while but will not be that close again.


    If she was up all the lights would go on and stay on. She would stay up really late drinking in the cabin while we were trying to sleep, with the lights on. I would shut some of them off but just as I was going to sleep on would come all the lights again because she needed something in the closet. Her bedside light wasn't enough. It was the same thing in the morning. She would get up early and on would come all the lights. We never realized how much alcohol she drank and it became a worry for us.


    We all ate dinner in the dining room which was great. It was nice to catch up with the other couple and we did have a blast.


    Some excursions we did together, some I did with the other couple or I did with our friend. Some I did alone. THat was fine.


    I am now going to cruise with my 2 sons (they are both 34), their friend and their friends Mum. This time I know that we will be doing different things because I am not doing any excursions except the one private one I have arranged. They will be off the ship doing their thing. Except for my one son. He is not doing as much as them but he really likes to have some alone time so that will work. I am not sure about dining with them except for the steakhouse and the Chef's Table that I have already arranged. I am okay doing things alone now because my husband tends to go off and do things himself. I have some books on my Kobo and I will be pampered on the ship.


  6. I keep hearing about apps..what are they? I keep thinking about little bites of food but I know that isn't it. I have a computer that does the little that I need. My phone stays off here at home unless I am out and need to call someone. Wouldn't think of taking it on a cruise..just one more thing to carry around that isn't going to be used. Does it plug into your phone?


    I love the funtimes. I tear off the one part and take it with me.


  7. Why I started? When I got married in 74 I had wanted to have a nice honeymoon at a hotel. My husband planned it and we ended up in a cabin in the middle of no where where I cooked and cleaned for the week. I made him promise that on our 25th anniversary I could decide what we were going to do to celebrate. 25 yrs. later I decided on a cruise. I had always wanted to go on one and this was going to be it. My husband tried very hard to convince me that it would be more romantic to go back to that rustic cabin in the woods. My answer...he could go there but I was going on a cruise. Good thing he decided to come with me. It was a 12 night cruise from Vancouver to the Hawaiian Islands. I had to drag him up to the ship but on the 2nd night he came back to the cabin with brochures saying that there were other cruises we could go on.

    We have although not as many as I would like. I have to find the money first.


    I love it because someone else cooks for me (married 40 yrs and I still cook and clean for 5 people) and cleans my room and serves me. I am happy on the ship although we have seen some really neat places. This next cruise with my 2 sons I will be staying on the ship on at least 2 of the 4 stops and maybe a 3rd as well. I have been to these ports many times and don't feel the need to do anything. The others (we are also going with my sons friend and his Mum) will be doing things as they haven't been there before.



  8. On my last cruise we met up with a couple that had decided to fly in the morning of the cruise. They were coming from California to Port Dover England. With a few mishaps they missed the ship. It took them 2 more days of flights all over Europe and a hotel room in Norway (very expensive) to finally catch up to our cruise. They missed a couple of days and apparently spent quite a bit of money catching up with the ship. They said that Carnival had really done a great job of helping them. It seems they always fly in the morning of a cruise and never have any trouble. Not this time though.


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