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Benthayer Gonbak

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Everything posted by Benthayer Gonbak

  1. It sounds like you’ve tried most everything to get an answer from MSC. I’ve filled out special needs forms for several companies but never heard back from them before hand. Most have email address that start out with specialness@ [cruiseline] id try a travel agent mainly because they interface with different people, but I seem to remember my travel agent complaining about not being able to just talk to someone for some issues.
  2. i was going to mention them too mainly because they have the option to put the joystick on the chair back so that a caregiver can operate the chair and not have to push it! My biggest complaint is that the safety back casters interfere with pushing it down or up a curb. to the op a power chair has a smaller turning radius than a scooter, but there is a learning curve to converting to the chair. I can now turn around even in a narrow elevator!
  3. Sounds like they need to update their knowledge of folding scooters! Mine is 19 inches wide and when folded will sit on end taking up less space than a suitcase!
  4. One of the problems, especially with older ships are door openers, especially o for public restrooms. On NCL the accessible toilet near the dining room had a high threshold and the opener was pretty fast to close. i made reservations for an accessible cabin about 2 years out and then the cruise was cancelled 5 months before sail date. I booked for the next year but for one of the legs there were no accessible cabins so I was waitlisted. About 11 months later I got the room. I had just switch from a 19 inch scooter to a chair approximately 24 inches wide. I’m not sure I could have driven the chair into the room, and folding can get old.
  5. Yep! Ritalin etc are there too, but that one sticks out because no one would suspect. if I recall correctly, the allergy meds that were moved behind the pharmacy desks are illegal too. I had an overnight there and was able to leave my luggage on the air side but I still made sure I didn’t have extras of any of the stranger ones.
  6. We had a tea, on the journey, instead of the breakfast. That was December. I asked about the breakfast and got the impression it was theirs to choose.
  7. We only have 1-2 items that aren’t dual rated. One is an electric toothbrush that only needs charging every 10-14 days. I think the electric shaver is the other. Everything else is dual rated, yes that’s a lot of power block weight but they are dual for sure. i did find that there are some cubes that are dual rated. We couldn’t find those at the time and they would have been clumsy in Italy with an adapter attached as the outlets were flush. My adapters have 2 plugs which works pretty well most of the time. We did find one hotel in Scotland that I think had 1 outlet for the entire room. Recently in the US we’ve run into lamps being hardwired which has meant few outlets.
  8. It says per guest. Drop all the parenthesis verbage out as it’s just clarification that it’s not unlimited internet and you have per guest. If you would prefer to apply your 120 minutes toward a whole voyage internet package, you get a discount. Your loyalty discount may be higher though.
  9. I found that my power strip is rated for more amps than multi outlet plugs. And, I’ve not found one that runs on 220! When I was looking for my power strip for 220v I don’t think I found even one that had a surge protector, but I was careful buy just a power strip. For what it is worth I found that Royal can’t or didn’t see that strip in luggage. And, as it turned out had we not had it we would not have been able to run 2 CPAPs as there was only one plug by the bed and the ship supplied extension cords were inadequate and a trip hazard. The room steward was well aware we were using it and seemed happy we’d found a solution. —- we don’t always carry it domestically, but that will now change. I reread your post and it appears you’ve found a multi outlet plug that will run on 220?
  10. Weve shown it to them every time we’ve used it and always been told it’s fine, the last few times engineering didn’t even look at it.
  11. We did Toyko to Singapore, yes 2 months, and I think the only visa we got was China. I’ve read recently that Japan has added an extra step, but in 2019 we just got our visa upon arrival. After we had our China visa Azamara told several that they could get the transit Ida upon arrival. The problem was that we arrived on a 1 week holiday, Golden Week, and there were no issues services available. That would have been enough to swear off getting visa for passengers for sure. In contrast on a cruise that included India, we were told we all needed to get visa but it wasn't clear if a single entry was enough, it was. The problem came when several passengers were told by the local consulates that they don’t need visas, they even put it in writing on their letterhead.As I’m sure you’ve guessed the letters were ignored as having no “power” on immigrations and they were denied entry.
  12. Not always the Cabaret Lounge, last time it was the den, but yes we’ve always met before leavin, usually earlier.
  13. Even when I only had walker the Azamazing Evenings had transportation for those needing assistance. We’ve always had reserved seats and a large group of wheelchairs, with crew to transport you. Recent we left early with crew that was needed to set up. (South Africa) When we returned they had two gangways open. I rode my wheelchair straight up the lower one. In Bangkok the chairs were in a grassy area but there were people to help,I had a scooter there which didn’t fit well on the golf cart shuttle but there were offers to transport it by a different means What I haven’t seen is someone that is wheelchair bound, or simply cannot get in and out of vehicles in the venues, but then they cold have been transported in special vehicles. in one venue there was a steep ramp where the buses were letting people out. There were ship wheelchairs, with crew, to get you up the slope. I was impressed that they recognized the slope was a bit long and would be hard for many whether they came in the “special” group or not. I'm looking forward to reading your report when you return as some of the elevators I’ve been directed to weren’t obvious and I’m not sure I would have found them. No they weren’t freight elevators, just hidden.
  14. What I normally have seen for outlets, quest and Journey, are US and European outlets. We use both because our electronic chargers run on both voltages. There are now usb outlet on the bedside lamps. We also carry a European short power strip I found on Amazon which takes multiple input plugs. I’d have to look if the handle Australian plugs, but I think they did.
  15. I think I’ve seen the on three cruises, maybe 4. All but one seemed not to be really severe. The other was in the North Atlantic from the Shetland islands to Iceland. We had 8-9 metre seas. 25% at least of the crew were sick, including the cruise director! We were on deck4 and the waves were going above the window! The table in the room had fruit and a bottle on it and even the table turned over. Phillip announce they were closing Windows as the soup had white caps in it! They ve that service to the MDR. Fortunately the tough water was primarily in a 4 hour window.
  16. My SIL , from Buffalo, went with us to Antartica. She commented that it was indeed warmer there than the reported temps at home! This year, although I warned her, she got stuck in the house because the storm doors open out, of course. She did send a pic that showed she had shovel a lot of snow off the stoop, apparently not enough.
  17. With the storms in our south and the low temps in Tampa, I think farther South may be better. We like the mountains where we are, and they seem to shield us from the worst snow storms so I’m good here. Meanwhile I’ve lived in Florida and I find it too flat, not that I can walk up a slope anymore.
  18. On my first Quest, on deck 6 aft, but still a balcony, I found the engine noises a bit loud. When they were consistent I could fall asleep but a change in speed often means a change in the engine noise! Yes, I’m a light sleeper but at times I can tune out consistent sounds. For example in Hawaii we were to visit the volcano flows at night but fairly late, 12-1? I fell asleep early, but when the ship started turning and slowing I woke up. We were just entering the area. (That wasn’t Azamara, but the Celebrity Century). I was sort of surprised I woke up, even knowing that in some hotels I can hear the ice machine 4-5 doors down, even when it’s just making more ice!
  19. Do consider that when you are bumped you may not have the selection of other rooms you have now.
  20. Sunrise adventures are hard to schedule later in the day! Cooking classes where you show the markets first need to be there when the markets open, often quite early! And I remember a museum where we needed to be early before opening, but that may have been 7:30.
  21. We found one that was on a sea day, some years back, so we could also include a tender or speedboat pickup!
  22. Almost makes me want to take one of those Halloween motion or noise device and put it on my door! On Celebrity I mention the slamming doors next to my room’s entrance and they reset the closer a bit better. I just mentioned it was annoying but not much more! On Azamara i have been able to mention things and the next day they seem fixed. Of course, the chatter is harder to stop!
  23. Interesting I thought I remembered a 1.5% or 2.5% reduction in fare previously. Certainly a new company can change that but I’d have considered that as a perk of being recognized as a Society Member.
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