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Everything posted by bennybear

  1. @DeeniEncinitas beautiful! Hawaii is so inspiring! I guess I have a thread to read, lol! @erewhon I would so love paper bags instead of those awful bags you can’t open. @Cruising-along what a marvellous trip, we love the southwest and Glacier!
  2. Just catching up as we’re home from camping. Woo hoo my first normal shower in a month as indoor water restrictions were lifted! @kazu so glad you have an answer, just wish you didn’t have any pain. Makes me never want to have a pedicure again! @smitty34877sending lots of gentle hugs and prayers for you, Tana and family! Great photos of Rhodes, a couple more.
  3. We received a move over offer on princess. We wished we could have taken it but were already in Europe. they’re a great deal if you’re flexible
  4. Good morning and thanks for all the Canada Day wishes. We first celebrated dominion day. Then Canada Day. Not Independence Day. As we kept our ties with the monarchy. The Queen is on our money as will soon be the king. Also my dear mom’s birthday 🎂
  5. A late good day as we are up at our fifth wheel. Laughing at the cowboy cartoon. There were fireworks last night but even with waiting until 11:30. It still wasn’t dark an hour and a half after sunset. @JazzyV I don’t know how you do it. Dh appreciates the good wishes. very low internet. So will read as I am able.
  6. Good early morning and thanks all! My grandmother was very frightened of lightening storms as when she was a young girl, someone was struck by lightning at the dinner table and killed. @marshhawk ooh, your poor mother! @smitty34877 yikes on the oxygen. Things always are worse in the night. Hoping you have some days of calm. @kazu hope all goes well with Ivan’s appointments. @Vict0riann let the healing begin! We found this beautiful goldfinch just before all the rain.
  7. Good morning and thanks all. Love the Zenato wines! Love the wonderful photos of Arhus! Thank you! @Mr. Boston hope your DH feels better soon, what timing! @kazupraying there will be good news from the surgeon! Gentle hugs! @luvteaching hugs today, what a lovely memory of the Mexican restaurant. Your area seems to have some really good ones, you’ll have to whisper the name to me, as every so often we visit my dear aunt in Everett who is 100 today! @ger_77 congratulations on the ten years, Love how your DH took you off in style! You prompted me to check, as I am ten years officially retired this week as well! What an auspicious day! @marshhawk wow! Congratulations. @Vict0riann🙏 all goes well! Discovered this lovely group of wildflowers, wondering my Texas friends if they’re like th blue bonnets? It’s been a while since we saw any. Google says they’re lupine. But they’re much smaller.
  8. Good morning and thanks all! @mamaofami happy birthday! @Cruzin Terri hope all goes well, time for some good luck! @Nickelpenny yikes, so sorry to hear that you had to experience that! Not fun, last year it took two months for my incision to fully heal. I guess healing slows as we get older, not what one hopes. @Vict0riann hope all goes well tomorrow! You’ve been on my mind! I think looking good helps. The only problem with the new IPhone 15 is that the resolution is too high for CC so I have to screenshot them! But I wanted to share some of my irises.
  9. @kazu oh those photos are exquisite! I love the of love on your faces! Hugs! thanks for the kind words, iPhone to the rescue!
  10. Thanks everyone! @atexsix that’s all I know too! who knew that CC could be so helpful, now I’ll know when I’m watching heartbeat!
  11. Seriously I have to ask, what’s a bob?
  12. We used to have fairie houses! Kind of miss those days!
  13. Good morning and thanks all! @Sharon in AZ a very happy birthday to you! @kazu happy anniversary, hoping great memories will be a comfort! @StLouisCruisers happy birthday to your DD @grapau27 welcome home, gotta love that rear view! @ottahand7 would love to see a photo of that beauty bush? @smitty34877 I’m sorry the news isn’t better but glad you have such good family support. Sending extra hugs your way. Wish there was more we could do. We had the most perfect weather finally for a couple of days. Went to see some of the new calves, swallows and bluebirds. But the big camera had a dead battery.
  14. We used Rome cabs to do a private tour of Odescalchi Castle, Cerveteri Etruscan site and time for a lovely lunch. We also rented a car and drove up the coast for a lovely fresh fish lunch and explored some of the countryside including Tuscania. On another occasion we took the local bus to Tarquinia, where the Etruscan museum is excellent. Viterbo and Orvieto are also an interesting spots. So lots to see and do, depending on your comfort level.
  15. We’ve done both, if you have never been to Rome, I’d highly recommend you take the train in. Just wandering in the old Center is magical. Just leave lots of time and check there are no impending train strikes. Or get a group and book a private tour, we used Rome Cabs and visited a few Etruscan sights, had a nice lunch and visited the castle where Tom Cruise married Katie Holmes.
  16. Good morning and thanks all! ooh that white Chateau neuf sounds great @cat shepard a very happy birthday to you Roy! @rafinmd
  17. Love the ideas shared! Prefer to stop along the way as well. And why not business? some of you may enjoy this thread Changing Mindsets: From Saving and Investing to Enjoying What You've Worked Hard to Save and Invest
  18. I feel the same way, and love cruising. We’ve had beds both ways and while I’ve thought about it prior, I found no difference. I do take chewable ginger, and meclizine just in case I need it. And green apples onboard! For some reason they really help.
  19. Good morning and thanks all! Good news Sandi and Jacqui! Glad you’re heading in the right direction! Love the Photos! We love Japanese eggplant, not bitter and we have it often in Hawaii. Also like Szechuan and Greek eggplant dips and in moussaka. @MISTER 67 hmmm 🤔 😀 missing our little houseguest, but we have a repeat engagement in July.
  20. I hope someone can answer about the credit if a booking is transferred. My understanding is that in the past that was the case but no longer. But I could well be wrong.
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