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Everything posted by Denversail

  1. As Dupable has stated she has one responsibility and that is taking care of the dogs. I don’t want any repeats from the past. My Pup Pup better be ALIVE when we return. I will be very upset if she takes out another one of my pets. I’m not a child anymore. You can’t just kill off my animals and get away with it. This is a huge leap of faith. We left Dupable responsible for our herbs when we went to Hawaii a couple years ago. She not only killed the herbs but broke the grower that they were in.
  2. A lot to unpack here. First.. I bet you all didn’t believe me that she actually talks like this. She gave you all the toned down version. 🤣 Second… you all are really making Mr. IT impossible to be around. If his ego keeps inflating I’m not sure how we will travel together this weekend. Every compliment just makes him more unbearable. At this rate I wouldn’t be shocked if he quit his day job. He thinks he is a super star. Third…who the hell are you calling Tipsy? Talk about insulting. It is Drunken Sailor to you lady.
  3. An entire phone call just happened where Mr. IT requested Dupable’s support. He said I’ve gotten out of hand. Dupable claimed she has a response prepared and will be on shortly.
  4. Dupable phoned me to explain I shouldn’t do any drunk posting. I had to remind her that we both have the drink package. It is impossible to do a live with a drink package and not do any drunk post. That’s just common sense. We basically bought this obligation. We will see it through to the end!
  5. I’m gonna have to ask y’all to tone down the like’s on Mr. IT’s post. This entire situation is a bit out of control! He now thinks he is an artist. I thought I’d bring him on as a number two but he has other ideas. I’m not sure how we all move forward from here.
  6. The weather is looking nice so far. We are looking at mid 70’s in Florida and around 80 for the weekend. We were able to pre-order our meal for our flight out last night. That’s what made it feel real. If we are ordering food we are practically already on the trip, right?
  7. I’m getting pumped for this trip. Just 3 more days. Things are starting to settle down a little bit. My mouth is functioning again. No pain when I eat and I can mostly feel my tongue. I was supposed to go back to the dentist tomorrow but I called them this morning to cancel. No way they are touching my grill with their devil tools before my trip. They can continue with my torture sessions when I get back.
  8. Well my live is falling flat. I post the hotel stuff and beg Mr.IT to give the blog a little boost. I say I gave him a life line and as a co-writer he should jump in and say something witty. Isn’t that how this works? He then expresses that he is an “Artist” whatever that means🤷‍♀️ He says he isn’t available on demand.🙄
  9. We will compare photos when we get there Thursday. We will be reeling in any false advertisers! All of our investigative breaking news will be posted here first!
  10. I feel like I really suck at the hotel shopping. I booked us at Hilton Cocoa Beach Oceanfront. In my mind at the time of booking this place was amazing. I did all the research and everyone loved it. Well now when I go back and check out the hotel the reviews are awful. It is the most hated place on planet earth! Is it me?
  11. This would be so amazing to see. It looks like a SpaceX launch. Has anyone seen these launches before? Do you think we will be able to see it from the ship? That would be so cool. I think the time has been updated to 3 pm on the website. Would love to hear about anyone’s experiences seeing these from the ship.
  12. Unlike a hotel you will need to put in their birth information. I think this is compared to their travel documents. I personally wouldn’t fudge this in an attempt to save a few bucks.
  13. I just can’t express how excited I am that Mr. IT has joined us here. It does increase the pressure a bit. It feels like I got a promotion. I mean I now have a co-writer. What? What? I can’t believe how far I have come in such a short amount of time. Dupable is now also wanting to join in. Some of you will remember I had told her on the last live she could join in as long as she came in character. She was here just a little while ago asking me how she can get set up. I of course couldn’t show her since she didn’t know how to log into her account. We will see if she joins in later once she has it all figured it out.
  14. Mr. IT is in the house. Way to show up in character! Everyone meet our trip photographer, fellow partier, and vacation cruising enthusiast Mr. IT. This is going to be fun!
  15. I always seem to take a punch when I book a vacation. I think of it as the universe balancing itself. I went to the dentist on Thursday to get a crown. This was for my lower back left tooth. I have a very small mouth and the dentist warned me it was going to be difficult work. I spent 3 unpleasant hours in that chair. It was the most uncomfortable dental procedure I have ever been through. It’s over so why do I mention it? Half of my tongue is still numb from 4 days ago. The dentist explained to me this morning that I have a Lingual Nerve injury. I had to google it. 90% of these heal on their own within 8 weeks. Some take up to a year and less than 1% never heal and become permanent. Food now tastes strange and the textures all feel mushy and fuzzy. I repeatedly bite my cheek while eating. This also involves occasional drooling. So that is all just very lovely.
  16. We started off Monday cold and snowy. I opted to work from home today rather than attempt driving downtown. Mr. IT doesn’t have that option. He reported the roads as a slip and slide adventure. He made it in safely. Don’t worry I have already checked the forecast for when we leave. Reporting so far is showing sunny skies in Denver when we leave on the 4th.
  17. I typically get early boarding times but when I don’t I ignore the suggested arrival time. The only time that I thought I was going to be turned away was in Miami last year. I was in line with probably the first 40 people or so and noticed the guy checking and turning people away. I think they just do this in the very beginning when letting the first folks through. I was solo so I just nodded to the people ahead of me as if I was with them and he let me through. We didn’t have issues in FLL or Galveston this year. Fingers crossed on this port. I have read other reports from folks going out here that it wasn’t an issue. In my experience once they let you in the building you are good. I’ve never had anyone check it past that point.
  18. We are 25 hours in and I think with 17 followers. Followers, fans, stalkers, you all call yourselves anything you want. The duplets could be a good name choice. I’m just sayin this following can be anything we want it to be. Let’s reach for the stars.
  19. Our excursions this trip will be a resort pass to Margaritaville in Nassau. We are doing the Beach Club @ Coco Cay. You will notice a theme. This is my 3rd time in a row doing the Beach Club. I really enjoy it. It creates a relaxing day for me. We won’t need to be to the airport until 2 pm on Monday. My plan so far is for us to take our time getting off the ship and head over to Disney Springs. I thought we would be able to do some shopping and get some lunch.
  20. Mr. IT and I were last on Allure of the Seas in Oct of 2016. We loved the ship! Here are a few of Mr. IT’s pics from that trip.
  21. We will be enjoying an ocean balcony on deck 9. We booked the drink package and 2 WiFi devices. We opted to book our dining individually instead of the package. I didn’t want to have to run on the ship and book reservations. For convenience we booked Giovanni’s boarding day lunch and 150 cp, chops, and samba for dinner.
  22. We will wake up on cruise day and head to Simply delicious for breakfast. We will plan to get there a little before they open. We will see how it goes. We will then head back to the hotel and checkout. I would like to be heading to the terminal by 10:30 at the latest. Our hotel is 6 miles away and we plan to park at the cruise port again for convenience. We obviously checked in late for this cruise and got the latest possible boarding time. We will be ignoring that *****.
  23. We will then drive to Cocoa Beach. Our hotel for the night is Hilton Cocoa Beach Oceanfront. We have a king bed with an oceanfront view booked. We figure with arrival time, rental pickup, lunch, and drive time we will arrive at our hotel between 3 and 4 pm. That is perfect since the hotel has a 3 pm checkin. Our plan is to hit the beach for a few hours if the weather is nice. We have dinner reservations for Gregory’s at 7 pm. I’m sure after that we will call it a night.
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