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Posts posted by rich48100

  1. Well, we left Reykjavik in relatively calm weather yesterday, and we are rockin’ and rollin’ our way to our first stop in Greenland, Skjoldungen.  We have heard that the weather will be mid 40s, partly sunny and calmer winds.  Hope springs eternal. We had several items fall off our counter overnight, and some folks have had problems with the rough seas.  Full day at sea today so will be going to lectures, and hopefully have as good a trivia team as in Iceland.


    thanks to JP for taking some photos over Greenland while flying home.  Looking forward to getting there.  This has been on our bucket list for awhile.  Captains welcome party tonight followed by dinner with some Venetian Society members.


    ALERT!!! Just saw a spouting whale outside the panorama lounge While having coffee this morning.  Excited coffee drinkers.


    Will continue to post periodically.

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  2. We were obviously disappointed that we couldn’t make the landing today and do our tour.  Going into a cave and lava tube would have been great fun for this geologist.  Have been in those before, but not in Iceland.  We also Did not go to the special dinner offered by the ship, but just cooled our heels on board.


    it was certainly great meeting up with RachelG, Rachel and George, emtbsam, Victoria and Bob, and jpalbany, JP and Chris.  Loads of travel amongst those folks and we learned a lot.  Rachel and Victoria and Bob were wonderful and knowledgeable trivia partners, and I couldn’t have gotten my hat without them.


    Safe travels to them all.


    We will be staying onboard and going to Greenland.  Hope springs eternal that the weather will be better, and we can do our activities in most of the ports.  I will be starting a new live thread about our trip to Greenland, but it sure won’t be as comprehensive as this Iceland blog.


    signing off on this blog.

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  3. We did a different excursion than JP and Chris.  It was a horse show, botanical garden, church and Nonni Museum.  The church was a bust.  Construction on the outside meant we couldn’t get in to see the stained glass windows.  


    On to the the botanical gardens which were nice with lots of colorful flowers and plants.  Could have spent more time there.  The Museum had some interesting history of Iceland life and Jon Stephenson the author of children’s books.


    then went to the horse farm for the horse show and refreshments.  Horse show lasted for about 20 minutes of the hour we were there.  All in all a three hour trip that was just ok.  But only my opinion.


    here are some pics.











  4. We did a different tour than Rachel and JP, the Glacier Lagoon.  Called to board zodiacs at 5:50 am, got up at 4am, far too early.  Long bus ride in both directions, but for this geologist the scenery was spectacular.  Guide giving talk on bus had many interesting tidbits about Iceland, farming, sheeping and more.  Got a taste of glaciers as we approached the lagoon and could see the glaciers coming down from the mountains.  They are receding badly, but this is an interglacial period so one would expect that. The weather all day for us was just spectacular.


    got to the lagoon and rode in some duck boats for 30 to 45 minutes amongst the icebergs and just enjoying the scenery. Saw some seals and massive amount of migrating swans.  After the lagoon tour went to a black sand beach where some smaller pieces of ice were washing ashore.  Then on to a good lunch at a local hotel. Then a long ride home.  Our 7 hour tour turned into about a 9 hour tour with those long bus rides. Glad we had a chance to see all the stuff though.


    here are some pictures.














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  5. JP, thanks for starting this thread and looking forward to meeting up with everybody on the ship. Glad JP and Rachel and company had no problems with flights.  Welcome to Iceland, again, and we have been really fortunate with the weather.  It turns out we have about 70 people at the Fosshotel Reykjavik.  It is a nice place, and fortunately we have a room with a view.  Saw the Cloud sailing in today.


    as for yesterday, glad we met up with Victoria and Bob, and we agree that the tour was a good one. Saw more than I was really expecting, and the weather really cooperated.


    here are just a few photos from our tour.  Small lagoon, tomato farm with good tomato soup, , nice waterfalls, geysers, and finally one happy geologist able to stand on the mid-Atlantic ridge.  What more could one ask for!!!!







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    Rachel and alithecat:


    Thanks for your  quick replies to my question.  We will definitely have waterproof pants, jackets, etc.  Of coarse, we will be getting the parka when we arrive to the ship, but since we will be going to Iceland a few days before the cruise, we want to have proper clothes before we get to the ship.


    just a couple of months now before we hop on a plane for our trip.



  7. Rachel:


    thanks for all the great posts, and pictures when they can be uploaded.  Looks like a great trip for scenery, birds , and other creatures.  Glad the rain doesn’t hold you all back.


    i was curious if you may have asked any of the expedition staff that may be going to Iceland, how many actual wet landings are anticipated?  If you have a chance and think about it maybe we can have some solid info before  arriving.




    by the way we have finally had some dry days in Tulsa so the River is going down.  Unfortunately more rain forecast for about every day next week.  Hope the weatherman is wrong, or at least no torrential rains.  Not so lucky some of the Arkansas towns that are having record flooding and levee breaches.  Awful!!!!!


    enjoy the rest of your cruise.



  8. When we were on the Cloud Expedition in Western Africa, we rarely saw men with jackets at dinner at any venue.  By the same token we rarely saw men in jeans at any venue as well.  It seems like Expedition cruises have a more relaxed dress code.  Rachel I hope I didn’t steer you wrong when I mentioned that George wouldn’t feel uncomfortable not bringing a jacket and tie.  


    When we Go to Iceland and Greenland coming up in August on the Cloud, I don’t plan on bringing a jacket and tie.  I will have enough to pack. Never felt out of place with a nice pair of pants and a nice long sleeve shirt for dinner.  Nobody, from staff to guests gave anyone a weird look.  No “dress police” at any venue.

  9. Rachel:


    thanks for doing such such an awesome job reporting about your trip, and all the great pictures.  Love those Puffins.  Also nice to see the bridge that the Hogwarts Express went over since I am a Harry Potter fanatic.   By the way, if there is a ever and scotch or beer tasting and George doesn’t want them, I will be the next one in line behind him to take them off your hands.


    Now a report from Tulsa.  More bad weather and RAIN!!!!!!  Last night or early this morning we were rudely awakened by Tornado sirens again, 12:30 am.  After tearing apart El Reno, west of Oklahoma City, it bounced along and whacked Sapulpa.  No deaths, but lots of damage.  Then went about 2 miles south of us, we live near Tulsa Hills.  Mainly tree and power pole damage, then on to Jenks where it also had mostly tree and power pole damage according to initial reports.  Creek Turnpike closed near Jenks because Debris and power poles on the road.  Then went to other parts of Broken Arrow and on east. 


    More stuff, but I think I told you enough.  Not terrible, but not good either.  Water is still high in the rivers, and probably will be for weeks because the rain keeps coming.  Never saw the rivers this high.  Two couples that we know that live near 121st and Sheridan have put their furniture up and hermetically sealed their homes with tarps and sandbags just in case the water gets higher.  Hopefully not, but better safe than sorry.


    continue to enjoy your trip, and letting us enjoy it with you,  and I hope you didn’t mind getting a Tulsa report.

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  10. Wow Rachel, quite the adventure at the airport in Tulsa and beyond.  I was ready to go to our hidey hole in Tulsa, but we dodged a bullet and as you said, tornadoes went north.  Far too much excitement though.


    Glad you made it to Ireland with your luggage and hope you will enjoy your cruise.  If Moss is still onboard as the cruise director he is great, and if he can also be on our Iceland cruise that would be fantastic.


    looking forward to following your trip, and then really looking forward to being with you and George and others on the Iceland cruise.

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  11. We were very fortunate with our flights home to Tulsa.  All left on time and were smooth.  Luggage made it back with us.  We were glad we went, but nice to be back as well.


    overall, the cruise was well worth it.  Some glitches along the way with some of the excursions.  A number of them were run for the first time on this cruise so all the kinks were not worked out.  Some folks wanted to stop more to see sights, or shop more or get more explanation on what we were seeing.  All valid points, but can’t have everything, especially on an expedition ship in Africa with limited English speakers or experienced guides.  In some cases we were the only cruise ship to visit.  We were welcomed with open arms and people were generally friendly.


    Speakers could have been better, but expedition staff did a very good job.  The Gal that did the video of our cruise did a great job, and Silversea provided those videos at no extra cost.  About a 45 minute video of each segment.  I understand that videos of the expedition trips on the Cloud will be provided for future cruises as well.  Didn’t think to ask about other ships.


    i am glad we went, but I wouldn’t do it again.  So many other things to see in the world and so little time.


    signing off now for this thread, and thanks to all that participated.  


    Looking forward to to seeing all you folks that will be going to Iceland on the same cruise as us.  We look forward to a great time.

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  12. Thanks to Wes and JP for their comments and Jp, those are the Atlas Mountains.  Looking forward to meeting you and cruising around Iceland in AUgust.


    we had a long tour yesterday, 12 hours, went to Marrakech.  Botanical gardens, Yvette st Laurent museum, fabulous lunch, Souk etc.  well worth the 2.5 hour drive to get there.


    Now cruising to Lisbon and then back to Tulsa.  A range of emotions on this cruise, but glad we did it and had a chance to see and do things we wouldn’t otherwise.


    here are just a few pictures from yesterday








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  13. Yesterday we went in Agadir, Morocco and went on an excursion to Paradise valley and trekking in Immouzer.  The scenery was nice and the trekking easy.  Several stops for pictures and lunch at a resort was pleasant.  Got a chance to see the countryside, and the weather was ideal.  Good overall excursion for seeing the countryside.


    here are some pics









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  14. Nice to know some people are reading the posts and appreciating them.  We had a nice day at sea before getting to Ad Dakhla in Morocco (Western Sahara].  Days on the ship, at sea or otherwise, have a number of activities including many excellent talks by expedition staff, and a fellow from the Royal Geographical Society.


    yesterday in Ad Dakhla we went out in the desert in 4x4s and had tea, cookies, and other goodies in tents set up.  Entertainment, singing and dancing and music.  Now another day at sea until we get to Agadir Morocco where another term in the desert awaits.


    here are a few pics from the desert encampment.unfortunately, a number of my photos didn’t upload because of slow internet.  Just something to deal with on the ship.




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  15. We have been in Dakar, Senegal for the last two days, and enjoyed excursions and events.  We went on a truck safari, to Goree island for a night time event, and then to Pink Lake for a look at peoplemining salt by hand at a very shallow salty lake.


    The highlight was the safari at Bandia Park with many different animals in an open setting. giraffe, rhino, Ostrich, warthogs, Monkeys, many colorful birds and more.  Goree island was an evening event since we were in Dakar overnight.  Good performances and meal, but far too much food.  Pink lake was interesting, and lots of hard work by salt miners.

    here are a few pics.











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  16. Today we are in Banjul, The Gambia.  We were greeted on the dock as we arrived by a band doing their rendition of “When the Saints come marching in”.  Went on a tour in a nature preserve and saw plenty of Monkeys and birds, including a giant Kingfisher in a tree, see pic.  Then on to some tributaries of The Gambia river in a boat.  Nice river tour with more birds,and just a nice float down the river.  Birds included Spoonbill, stork, herons, egrets and others.  Then on to the Market place for some retail therapy.  All in all an easy day.


    we will be off shortly for Dakar, Senegal.  Here are a few pics from today.







  17. We went to Tokeh Beach in Sierra Leone yesterday and on a birdwatching tour today outside of Freetown near the Guam dam.  The beach activities were festive with plenty of food and drink, and Barbara was able to get a little retail therapy.  Zodiac rides were smooth and no problems getting in or out.


    Birdwatching was about an hours drive from the ship, and Freetown is a very busy city.  Glad we had a police escort.  Crazy traffic.  Got to see a blue breasted kingfisher, no picture unfortunately.  Other birds also spotted, and the true birders in the group seemed to be happy.  For me it was a nice walk in the forest and had a chance to see some birds. On the way back to the ship, went by several trees with a multitude of fruit bats just hangin’ around.  Of coarse we got out and got some pics.


    here are a few from the last couple of days.








  18. Wes, I inquired about who will be on the ship when you sail in June and at this point they said the Captain will be Mino Pontillo.  They don’t have info on the others yet, still in a state of flux.


    interesting day at Abidjan and Grand Basssm in Cote d’ivoire.  A number of opportunities for shopping, but we managed not to buy anything.  Lots of bus riding with a few stops along the way for pictures.  On the entire trip from Lisbon we have had a police escort to get us through traffic, and this is the first time I have been in the front bus to see what they do.  They work really hard clearing traffic and amazing to see them at work.  Also along the road we stirred up whole tree loads of fruit bats.  Quite a sight.  


    Onward to Sierra Leone.  Here are some pics.






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  19. Rachel, I concur with LittleRedJohn concerning food comments.we are mainly meat eaters, and those dishes have been great.  Don’t have many fish dishes so glad he commented on those.  We have only had one meal at La Terraza, and it was good, but there was more variety on Regent.  Barbara has been taken care of well with her gluten free menu choices, and she always finds something she can have.  They are always looking out for her.  We have had a number of breakfasts in our room before excursions and meals come on time and could be hotter, but acceptable.  I have only had the Reuben once and that was enough.  Burgers were good, and Barbara really likes the sweet potato fries.  The filets have been done extremely well.  They have made some special salads for her, she just tells them what she wants and they prepare.  The virgin daqueries she liked so much on Regent have been good for her here as well.


    all in all, I don’t think you will have a problem with finding good food and drink on the ship.  Enjoy your upcoming cruise, and we look forward to cruising with you all around Iceland.

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  20. Wes, jpalbany is correct, we will be on the circumnavigation of Iceland in August, followed by a trip to Greenland.


    we had a nice tour today out of Tokoradi, Ghana to Kakum, National Park.  We did the Canopywalk about 100 feet above the forest floor.  Nice views and rope and wood bridges were not a problem walking, about 7 of them.  We then went to a family Palm oil manufacturing plant.  Family business and everyone contributing.


    tonight leaving for Abidjan, Coite Dovre.


    here are a few pics from today









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  21. spongetom67,  I am sure I have seen your friend, but have not met him.  Will look a little closer for that bushy mustache and baseball cap.


    petlover, no mid calf boots.  Landings have been dry so far and waters warm so if there is a wet landing we have our water shoes.  I know wen we go to Iceland and Greenland on the Cloud later this year they have those boots for rent, not for free or automatically provided, according to their website.


    now for excursion yesterday to a wildlife park and overlook site as well as botanical garden.  Timings were off for the sites, and a little more strenuous than in the description of the tour.  Unfortunately on person fell and cuts and bruises but nothing broken.  


    Otherwise enjoyable tour with wildlife sitings, nice views, and wish we had more time to spend at botanical gardens, but had to be cut short because the timings were off.


    here are some pics








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  22. After a couple of relaxing days at sea, we went to Takoradi, Ghana to a school and then to Gold Voast Caste and Elmira Castle.  Not really Castles, more like forts and actually places where potential slaves were kept before being shipped to North and South America.  Really eye opening, although have read about them, but seeing them and hearing descriptions was another confirmation of what mans inhumanity to man can actually be like.  Many didn’t survive the confinement to even get to the ship that would transport them.  Terrible!!!!!!


    here are a few pics.  Unfortunately some didn’t upload.1ADF7DC8-AFE9-4620-9B11-BA551B5EDBAC.thumb.jpeg.43f9b98711b2157183736093fa69841d.jpeg








  23. Althecat, it has been a very casual cruise. No jackets necessary.  I didn’t bring one, and haven’t felt out of place.


    wes, sorry we will miss you in Iceland, as we go in August.


    spent the last two days on São Tomé and then Principe.  Interesting area, and enjoyed ourselves at the resort on Principe.  Now heading to Takoradi, Ghana.



  24. So far everything has been fine.  Food is good, but menus are not as varied as Regent, but this is an expedition ship so didn’t expect it.  Wife is gluten free and they have worked with us on food that will agree with her.  Expedition staf has been knowledgeable and approachable. Very friendly.


    The ship so far has been able to get into the ports, but our next port, São Tomé and Principe, we will be using zodiacs.  Having a mandatory zodiac briefing today.  We have our water shoes in case we have a wet landing, so we will see what they tell us.


    water is very calm, and it has been a smooth ride our entire cruise so far.

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