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Posts posted by rich48100

  1. Happy birthday to Ray, and welcome onboard.


    we had a glorious weather day, and a very good excursion that turned out to be an unexpected delight.  It was volcanoes and Blossoms, and neither disappointed.  Drove to get an overlook view of Kilauea crater, and the place chosen was Volcano House motel.  Well, it was about 30 years ago that we spent part of our honeymoon staying there.  What a surprise that it was still there, and relatively undamaged, after all the eruptions.


    Stunning views of the crater, and there used to be a path to the floor of the crater that allowed guests to walk on the flat part.  As a geologist, I had to do that, but no time on this outing.  I am sure I wouldn’t have done it anyway.  Then went to sulphuric pots and steam vents and the another overlook where we could see the Volcano House hanging on the edge of the crater.


    Then went to the Orchid nursery where beautiful orchids were there to enjoy.


    All in all a great day with unexpected, but very pleasant memories brought back to life.  Who would have thunk it.


    Enjoy some photos.
















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  2. We are approaching Hilo, and looking forward to Volcano and Blossoms tour this morning.  


    Welcome aboard Papaflamingo(Jim and Margaret). Great post, and welcome to the blogging world.  Looking forward to meeting you and other meet and minglers in observation lounge at 11am tomorrow.


    Wes, you sure looked happy touring Honolulu, and glad you and Ida were able to reconnect with a friend and have such a great day ashore. 


    Yesterday was a relax day for us.  Walked around Honolulu and got back about noon as first wave of passengers were getting onboard.  The show was great in the evening, though not terrifically attended, probably lots of tired people.


    Talk to you all tomorrow after our day in Hilo.

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  3. Had a wonderful day back on the ship after our tour.  Great Halloween decorations and wonderful performances by entertainment team and the violinist.  Entertainment team did the dance from “Thriller”, the Michael Jackson hit song and video, fantastic job by them,  then on to a fun time in the horizon lounge where the team danced with guests and all had a great time.


    we are now in Honolulu, and mother glorious, sunny day.


    Enjoy some pictures.






















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  4. Well, woke up this morning to glorious weather in Maui.  Going to iao valley and Maui ocean center.  Breakfast in our room first and then adventure.


    papadlamingo, Jim and Margaret, looking forward to meeting you and all other meet and manglers the first sea day of this leg.  Crew has been fantastic, and have thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.


    Tour today and bus driver was much better.  Everything went off without a hitch, and there were so many people dressed up in Halloween garb.  Fish were not impressed however.  


    No no pictures of the Hawaiian dancers last night Wes, sorry.  Didn’t bring my camera, but hope to have it tonight for Halloween performance by entertainers.


    many people getting ready to depart, and met a number of great folks that will be getting off in Honolulu.  Too bad they are not continuing on.


    thanks again Tachel for your Anniversary wishes.  It was a special day, and a crossing to be remembered.  



    Pictures to followes to follow

















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  5. Wes and Ida, nice pics of you excursion and glad it was a good time.  We went on the submarine to check out shipwrecks and tropical fish.  Weren’t disappointed in either aspect.  Ride back to the ship was delayed an hour and a half, reason unknown, so our 4 hour tour turned into a 5 and a half hour tour for no good reason.


    Anyway, lots of fish and, 48 of us packed in a small compartment, but each had a window to see and take pictures.  Pictures to follow.  Looking forward to special presentation by Hawaiian dancers this evening, then off to another adventure tomorrow morning, iaio valley and Maui Ocean center.













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  6. Well, woke up this morning to a nice sunrise, and LAND.  Yes Hawaii is really out there in this vast ocean.  Looking forward to going on an excursion.


    Mr. Rumor, glad you and Ginni were able to find each other, and who knows what might have happened on this cruise.  Everyone seemed to have a good time during the crossing, and no shortage of entertainment, drink, food, laughs, etc.


    Yesterday was a rather quiet day for us, went to talks by our Rocket scientist to learn about potential investments in space.  If one had a couple billion lying around someplace one can get a good return by the time you are dead.


    As Wes has so eloquently documented, Kees Kapers was great fun, and crew has a multitude of talented people.  Fun evening, great meal, Compass Rose was packed.  Then went to performance.


    Looking forward to shore excursion and being on Terra Firma.


    A couple of pictures.



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  7. Well, we are now entering the final day of our transit from Acapulco to Maui.  Although it has been fun, and everyone has been great, and kept us entertained and fed, I am ready to hit dry land and see some things other than this wide open ocean called the Pacific.


    now as for yesterday, went to a couple of lectures, the most interesting of which was our rocket scientist that gave a lot of information about the products that came out of the space program and the benefits to human kind.  From WD-40, to Teflon, Velcro, miniaturation do heart pump, many medical devices, computer stuff, and a whole number of other things.  He said that these products until this time has returned 25 times what the space program cost.  He says space program to date was about 1.2 trillion, and all of the products contributes about 25 trillion to the economy.


    another Baggo event,  throw bean bags from one floor to another to dry to get the bag in a small hole.  A challenge with the ship moving around on the ocean.  Did other stuff and lounged by the pool, and got ready for dinner and evening entertainment.  Had prime rib, and it was tasty.  Shared a table with two other couples getting off in Hawaii.  Hard to believe that the first segment is rapidly coming to a close.  There will be about 140 of us continuing on, and more guests coming aboard.  New faces and stories.  Looking forward to meeting more folks, and all the new, about 60, meet and minglers.


    great show last night with John, Marla and assistant cruise director along with the rest of the entertainment team.  Tonight is formal night, and Krew Kapers. This is always a fun event.


    until next time, this is Rich signing off.



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  8. well, having some problems with my ipad this morning, so posting from ships computer, but cant do pictures.  had a great day yesterday, played games, went to two great talks about going to Mars and the Galapogos, then on to wine tasting.  well attended event,and for me very informative.  great dinner and then on to Broadway performance by singers.  these folks are really good and entertaining.  They definitely do not disappoint.


    Today Regent is putting on a great Country fair, always a fun event.  Tonight, Beetle Mania, another fun evening event.  more to come tomorrow, and hopefully ipad will be working better

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  9. Another day to come on our Pacific sojourn.  First of all, Papaflamingo(Jim and Margaret) safe travels to Hawaii and have an enjoyable time before we welcome you onboard.  Looking forward to our meet and mingle and u two, and it sounds like about 60 or so others at the meeting.


    Now to yesterday.  After posting, and cleaning up other issues on the iPad, decided to go for a power walk down the hallways before others arise.  Not many people around, so could move out.  Later went by the pool to sit in shaded chair area.  Now the interesting part.  I sit down to read my papers, and there are two seats empty to the right of me and two empty seats to the left of be.  One couple puts their stuff to the left of me and leave.  Another couple puts their stuff to the right of me and leave.  I am reading my papers, and people are walking by looking for places to sit, and by this time none to be had, it is about 9 am.  I would say about a half an hour goes by and these people are still gone.  Lo and behold one of the lady leaders crew on deck comes by and asks me if I have seen these people recently. I said nope, they just left there stuff and left.  She takes all there stuff and says if I am here when they get back, let them know there stuff is inthe lost and found, where they can get it and have a talking to.  One couple shows up and asks where is there stuff, they went to breakfast.  Tell them over to lost and found and officer doesn’t allow saving Loungers for as long as they were gone.  They are of course upset, but too bad.  I contacted an officer to tell them I was pleased that they were enforcing the no saving of chairs , and he said that Regent is enforcing a policy of no saving of those loungers for more than a half hour.  Hope their enforcement continues.  Don’t know aboUt the other couple as I left.  They were gone for a good 45 minutes and never showed up.


    DW went to the culinary demonstration and then we went for a good lunch.  Went to talks in the afternoon, and went to trivia later in observation lounge.  PACKED!!!  Folks are really into trivia.  Some tough questions, and best teams had 12 out of 15 correct.  Off to Compass for another great meal, and then decided to call it an early night.


    Thats all for now, so we will see what another day at sea brings.  All this way cruising on open ocean, haven’t seen one ship.  A few birds are glad to see us, as they land to get a rest on what probably is a long migration.


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  10. Well, here it is 5am on the ship, and Wes and I are feverishly posting and doing other internet work before the masses get up and the internet slows to a crawl.  Yesterday was a great day.  Beautiful sunrise.  Did a power walk on the floors and ran across some interesting decorations on doors.  Folks are getting ready for Halloween.  Spent more time in the sauna and loved it.  Went outside in the sunshine of the pool deck, about 85, and it seemed cool.


    A couple more talks by our excellent speakers.  Well attended and full of info about upcoming space travel and expectations of what to see and do in Hawaii.  Also got into subject of climate change.  It is a two part presentation, so interesting to see what second part will show.  Will have a panel discussion afterward.  Will report about that later.


    Another special event for seven seas society members, drinks, canapés and entertainment, then off to Compass Rose for a fantastic meal, prime rib for DW and pork chop parmigiana for me.


    Then on to a really fantastic show by singers and dancers, Blazing Boots.  High energy country and western performance.  Made even more fantastic by a triple brandy.  Asked one fellow to bring me one, nothing, asked another and nothing, asked another and finally got something.  Then the other two showed up with Brandy’s.  Didn’t want them to go to waste so just had them pour the contents into one glass.  NO I didn’t finish it all in one sitting. Still have some left for later.  No problem going to sleep though.


    enjoy some pictures taken around the ship.  More to come tomorrow.










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  11. Can’t add much to what Wes has already put in his blog.  I think he and Ida were a little more active than DW and I.  I guess we were still enjoying the afterglow of our anniversary.  We did go to talks and participate in games.  DW went to the movie and I did some exercise followed by pool lounging, and couldn’t pass up a good spicy 🌶 Bloody Mary.  Had a wonderful dinner with an English couple.  Laughed with them about activities aboard, and excursions.  We both have had interesting experiences and it was just a good time with them.


    went to the evening entertainment, and good singing and instrument play.


    sun is now rising so off to get another sea day started, and head off to breakfast.  More activities to follow.

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  12. Thanks to all who wished us a Happy 30th Anniversary, and a special THANKS to Ida and Wes for putting together a very appreciated celebration with them and some staff.  It was a great surprise, and we will remember it forever.


    Before that celebration, we went to two talks by our excellent speakers, and they both were well attended.  People are settling in to the fact that we will have many sea days together.  Let’s just get used to it and enjoy all that we can.  More and more stuff is being planned, so John Barron and his folks are doing the best they can to keep us entertained.  You can either go with that flow and join in the fun, or you can be a slug.  Your choice!!!


    After our lunch and doing stuff in the afternoon, we and the Grand Voyage people were hosted by the Captain, officers, John Barron, entertainers, for a welcome celebration.  Drinks and canapés, and renewed acquaintance with these folks, some of which we have seen on excursions, had dinner with, and in general enjoying their company.  We could not stay till the end as we had our 30th Anniversary Dinner at Prime 7.  Since we are carnivores, we both enjoyed the filet, with all the trimmings.  I then had to have the popcorn sundae, and DW had the 14 layer cake.  Being a chocoholic, I had to help her with her dessert.


    Went to the entertainment, and saw a magician that was fantastic.  Crowd participation, and we were amazed, and had a lot of laughs.  After this we were wiped out after a day of celebrating and got back to our room with a wonderful surprise on our bed.  Pictures to follow.  That’s all for now.










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  13. Well, I think enough has been said about our two missed ports, and now sailing to Hawaii.  Looking forward to getting there and two days on Maui.  Will be going to lots of talks and playing lots of games in the meantime.  Now onto our day in Acapulco and our excursion,”Nature encounter hike and swim”.


    started out by seeing cliff divers.  Amazing to see those guys jump off cliffs from 100+ feet into narrow water inlet.  Next a glass bottom boat ride to island and hike from resort to lighthouse.  Only really saw fish as we left and on arrival at island.  Hike was long and warm.  Path was slippery, especially on the way down, because of moisture, some mud and moss.  Had to be very careful, and walking sticks were provided, which came in very handy.  Guides were helpful with people.  All were able bodied and made it up and down without incidence.  Nice views on top of Acapulco Bay.


    Next a ride back by glass bottom boat and the short bus ride to resort for lunch and swim.  Lunch was yummy and plentiful, with two drinks each provided, beers or soft drinks.  Swim either in pool or beach for about an hour.  Then back to ship for news about change in cruise plans.  We were again tired from our hike, so went to pool grill dinner area for meal after listening to broadway performer.  Performance moved up to 6pm instead of 9:30 because of change in plans. Watched the Movie High Society in room.  Great movie with Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, Grace Kelly, and others.


    Today we celebrate our 30 th Anniversary all day. Having dinner at Prime 7.  That’s all for now.  Enjoy some pictures.







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  14. Well, we are offshore Acapulco, and ready to go ashore for more adventures.  Yesterday started out by being awoken at about 4 am with a howling wind outside.  Tropical depression Vincent’s moved a little too close and we were having 75 knot winds.  Rockin and Rollin, and noises coming through our sliding glass door.  Fortunately, I opened it and closed it hard and the noise went away.  As the day went on it got a lot calmer, and turned out to be a great day for sailing.


    Went to talks by our two great speakers, lounged around the pool, exercised, sweated in the saunas, lounged around the pool, had a tasty Bloody Mary, lounged around the pool; I think you get the idea it was a relaxing day.  


    Then went to the Seven Seas Society get together and saw Wes and Ida get there Platinum Pins, and others get there pins of choice that they have certainly “EARNED”, by cruising so many times.  Then had a great meal at the Compass Rose, and after hearing so much on this board about the Mizo glazed sea bass, I gave it a try.  It was good, not spectacular, but I would order it again.


    then finished off the day by going to the show which was a tribute to Burt Bacharach as performed by the talented singers and dancers on the ship.


    Now waiting for breakfast to be delivered to our room before our excursion, Nature Encounter Hike and Swim.  Until next time, signing off.

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  15. Boy these cruise critic pages are really sensitive, I just touched a spot on the iPad and posting occurred.  Have to be super careful with these stubby fingers.


    Anyway, our day started with breakfast in our room that came on time and hot.  No hiccups.  Then off to Constellation lounge for our Lake Atitlan and Panajachel tour.  Got off on time and travelled about two hours by bus to get there.  Interesting and green countryside, showers and low clouds today, so viewing the volcanos will not be as good as hoped.  At Lake Atitlan we came on a day when they were celebrating one of their patron saints so lots of festivities, booths, carnival rides, and lots of folks hawking their wares as we walked to the boat for our cruise on the lake.  A little annoying, but they are trying to make a buck.


    nice smooth ride on the lake, but because of the clouds, not as spectacular as I had experienced some 50 years ago.  Ride was about an hour, and plenty of time for picture taking, and covered in case there was rain.  The clouds around the volcanoes gave it a kind of eerie feel, and completely different views than what I experience before.  Had a nice lunch at a hotel in Panajachel, and then time for shopping.  Then back on the boat for a ride back to our busses.  This time rain arrives with some wind, and we all huddle below decks. We were dry, and a lot of great conversation ensued.  Got back to the ship about 6 for a 7 o’clock departure.  


    Tired so so we ate at the patio grill for dinner.  Many people from the late excursions were dining there.  I think Regent hit a home run with this new dining venue for the evening.  After getting cleaned up some, about to go to another wonderful performance from Nestor Santurio on the guitar.  He did great last time, and expecting the same today.











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  16. Yesterday was a very relaxing day for us.  Slept in and then went to the two excellent talks.  Had a nice lunch with another couple that is on the Gand Voyage, and decided to have dinner with them at Compass Rose.  Chilled in the afternoon for a bit and then went to the gym to workout a bit.  Enjoyed the wet and dry saunas at Canyon Ranch, and there is no charge to use them.


    Dinner at Compass Rose was Chateaus Brione for three of us and Filet Mignon for DW.  Great meal and conversation, and then off to see show.  The gal really belted out a number of songs, and it was a packed house.


    Today we dock in Puerto Quetzal at 9 and our 9 hour excursion starts at 9:15.  We will be doing the Regent Choice excursion to Lake Atitlan.  I was there close to 50 years ago as part of a study group going to various Volcanoes of Central America.  The Attila’s area was beautiful back then, so wanted to share that with DW.  Hope it is as beautiful as I remember.


    That’s all for now.  Ready for a long bus ride, and hopefully worth it.

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  17. Thank you RachelG and others for following our posts.  

    Wes and Ida are certainly more prolific photo and blog posters than Barbara and I, and I really enjoy his take on excursions and life aboard the ship.  Saw him working feverishly at 4 in the morning posting all about these things.  Most times I am just rolling over at that time, but you can get a lot more done at that early hour as most folks are not on the internet.  We were really tired after our excursion yesterday, so rolled out of bed at 7.  Felt really good to sleep in.  

    Now ready for a full day aboard ship; talks, games, food, entertainment, conversation.  It is a wonderful life, and we are glad we are living it.  So fortunate.

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  18. I went ahead and posted pictures of our walk in the Cloud tour early, now hear is the story.  Since Celebrity was next to us they let there people off first which really caused a backup in all our excursions.  Ours got off about a half hour late.  We had about a 1 and a half hour drive to the location, and by the time we got there it was time for lunch.  It was planned to eat after the walk, but we ate before instead. No problem.  The walk itself was a nice one through the tropics.  Saw butterflies and humming birds, the bridges were easy with just a little swaying.  Everyone on the trip was able bodied and we made it back to the busses with no problems.  

    Then the interesting part began.  Since we were late leaving it was going to be touch and go getting back by 5, when the ship was supposed to sail.  It was raining by this time and as we were about to round a mountain corner there was a traffic backup.  One of the Regent busses had gone into the ditch, and was sitting at about a 30 degree angle. To make a long story short, no one was seriously injured. Bumps and bruises.  Could have been a lot worse.  Fortunately another bus came along from somewhere and loaded them up and we went on our merry way.  Got back to the ship about a half hour late.

    Apparently the bus had to swerve to miss an oncoming trash truck.  Someone broke out a window to get some passengers out, and then the door was finally pryed open to let the others out.


    got back to the ship just in time to hear the ships captain say that the next port, Corinto, Nicaragua was being cancelled due to continued turmoil.  Not unexpected as the previous cruise had also missed it.  Disappointed, but not the end of the world.  


    Since we were tired and didn’t feel like getting cleaned up for dinner, took advantage of the new dinner at the grill.  Lots of different choices, as well as a buffet.  Not extremely crowded, but glad we had that option.  Now will get cleaned up a bit and go see John Barron, Cruise Director, do his show.  

    Until next time, and maybe slightly less adventurous.





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