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Posts posted by TXGirl28

  1. Well, I went to Walmart this morning to pick-up a few things for the cruise. We don't leave for New Orleans until Dec 8th, but I want to be prepared. I did find a small bottle of the Davinci SF Raspberry syrup. So I am excited.

    After taking my blood pressure (it was 123/91) I was dreading coming home and getting on the scale. But what a relief, I am down 4 lbs for a total of 31 pounds lost since March.:D:D

    I should mention that my stomach has been upset since the slide at the Mexican restaurant yesterday and I have had a couple bouts of diarreha (sp). That is typical of when I cheat. :(

    I have already made Gooselace's crustless quiche for next week (the piece I had for lunch was divine!!) and I have re-stocked the fridge.

    Tomorrow I will begin working out again. So hopefully, I will see my blood pressure come down and more weight come off.

    Have a great week!
  2. Hi Everyone,

    Well, yesterday DH and I made a decision to eat out at our favorite Mexican Restaurant. I really gave this some thought and was really determined to be good. But, on the drive up there, I talked myself into having just one tortilla with butter. Let's just say that it was down hill from there. I had several chips, my one tortilla and about 1/3 of the bowl that the taco salad come in. The sad part was that I had weighed myself prior to going and I had lost 3 pounds for the week for a total loss of 30 pounds :mad:

    Next time, and yes there will be a next time, I will bring a couple of low carb tortillas in my purse and have the fajitas with a side salad.

    Jean - I was so proud of myself on Halloween, but then the weekend snuck up on me.

    Here's to a better week (especially after my "official weigh-in this morning).

    Take Care
  3. Hello Everyone,

    Well, I am so glad this work week is over! It was hard getting back into counting my carbs again. On top of that it seemed like anything that could go wrong (or should I say weird) happened this week. :confused: And there wasn't even a full moon.

    I am proud of myself for making it through the week with no "cheats". I brought a meat & cheese tray for our potluck and was able to eat that along with deviled eggs, black olives and guacamole. :)

    I have been having one of SFS shakes each evening. So far I like the white chocolate flavor the best. I will have to find the raspberry soon. After my first one, just the thought of having one each night kept me from grabbing the homeless candy bars hanging around the office.

    I hope you all have a great weekend! And don't forget to turn you clocks back on Sunday.

    Take care!
  4. Hi Everyone,

    I truly believe that getting back on track is harder than just starting out. I have had a pretty difficult time these past three days, but sticking with it. I decided to add some macadamia nuts and some almonds as a snack for my drive home. I am also having two pieces of SF chocolate per day (just can't get rid of the sweet tooth). I did find the Da Vinci SF syrups today. I bought White Chocolate, Amaretto and Carmel at Marshalls. I think I will try the White Chocolate in a shake tonight when hubby has his Blue Bell Chocolate Chip Ice Cream.

    I haven't started exercising, I am rationalizing that I should start on Monday as I will have technically gained an hour and won't be so tired:D

    I hope everyone is having good and low-carb week:)

    Talk at you soon.
  5. Hi Everyone,

    Today I am returning to Atkins as a WOE. I will be in the induction phase for at least the next two weeks.

    As background, I started Atkins In March lost about 25 lbs, began an intense vitamin program, exercised 3-4 time per week and lowered my BP enough to quit taking medication. My goal was to lose 50 lbs by the end of this year.

    However, I got lost along the way and have not lost any more weight since then. Thankfully, I have managed to maintain the loss. I had a wake-up last week when I went to the doctor and my BP was 135/84. Too high for me. Honestly, I have been feeling tired and my stomach is so irritated since I fell of the wagon. :(

    Needles to say, I am back to Atkins as of this morning. I am currently at a 27 lb loss since March and my goal is to lose 1-2 lbs per week for the next 6 weeks. I cruise on the NCL Spirit on Dec 9th. I have been to the grocery store and already have made my lunches for the next 4 days. I am still looking for the Da Vinci syrup so I can make some yummy shakes.

    So wish me luck and I will be posting my successes on Sunday mornings. I finished reading all the previous posts last night and each of you is an inspiration to me.

    Thanks for listening to this long post.

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