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Everything posted by phoenix_dream

  1. You can ask, but likelihood is that is not how they are washed. Way too many passengers for them to individualize any loads, plus they also use the high heat temps for sanitary reasons. That said, in all my dozens of uses of the service have only had one issue, fading on a pair of dark socks.
  2. Probably on the same cruise and I feel the same. Definitely want to see Grand Turk. I've cruised the Caribbean dozens of times but that is one island I have yet to see.
  3. Just to add my two cents. I sailed Reflection b2b last November, as well as in March of this year. I experienced none of the issues mentioned and had great cruises. I admit I was in a Sky Suite for these cruises which generally offers a step up in service, but I am really shocked by hearing some of the comments.
  4. I don't recall this ever being offered and I have done many b2b out of Lauderdale. I might not have noticed it, but I don't recall seeing it
  5. Agree with what was posted. Also, they have a website which lists the berths. I'm not sure how far out the detail goes, so it may be awhile before that date is posted
  6. Correct. And if for some reason they do start adding that in addition to all the other perks they get which are so much better than our reciprocal ones , then I think it will start a mutiny!
  7. Obviously it's been quite awhile since you priced cruses because the suite pricing has been outrageous for a long time now. They are selling them out on almost every cruise so it will not change until/if that does. I hear what you're saying about the smaller, luxury ships but that is not an option for me - not enough to do and I have a tendency towards seasickness so prefer larger ships so I don't have to be constantly medicated.
  8. In coverage as well. For GeoBlue, my husband (a few years younger than me) has I think it was $1,000,000 of a certain type of coverage - mine the most is $100,000. I may be off on the numbers a bit as I don't recall them exactly, but the difference in coverage is huge. I understand why, but still....
  9. We cruise a lot (6-9 per year these days) so that is exactly what we use. We also have a certain amount of insurance through our Medicare Advantage policy, as well as some non-health trip cancellation insurance through our credit card.
  10. I recommend contacting an Alaska travel agent and booking a post-cruise trip through them. Did that years ago and for 3 days we saved $300 per person and had a wonderful time.
  11. Can you tell me if Fazli is currently Maitre d' in Luminae and if so, if he will be there through November? Met him as a waiter over 20 years ago and last we sailed Reflection he was Maitre d'. Our waiter was Putu if that rings a bell as well?
  12. I would also say Day 3 but can't say for sure. They never do it the first or last night, so of the four other choices the most common would be the sea day.
  13. My answer is simple - do you want a real balcony? If so, you need to book Retreat (other than a few sunset verandas I believe). Otherwise it really depends on your budget and how you use the facilities.
  14. Good heavens, the things people notice and complain about. Blows my mind sometimes. I've sailed 81 times on Celebrity, including many back to back cruises, and I never even noticed which songs were playing and definitely didn't care. It's background music not entertainment per se. Now, the production shows not changing in 10+ years, that's another story.
  15. Travel is slowing down?? I wish. I Travel a lot, on land and on cruises. Everywhere I go (in my case this year, the US) places are jammed. I'm in Vegas as I write this. I expected crowds over the holiday weekend but thought it would ease up by midweek. Nope. Wall to Wall people and casinos jammed. They said hotels were 92% full this weekend. These trips are often not planned years or even months in advance like cruises. And planes? I've flown a lot this year with planes always 95-100% full. People are still spending like crazy and many racking up credit card debt like never before in history. All you hear about on the news as well as campaign trails (both sides) is how high prices are and so on. I don't disagree that they are but you'd never know it by the crowds everyplace in my travels !
  16. It is generalizing for sure, but honestly I think you are in the minority as far as your spending goes. I also have more money now and of course more time. So I take a lot more cruises- 7-10 per year rather than perhaps 1 or 2 at most. I never buy photos anymore, have learned to book my own excursions if any, save my spa treatment for half the price on land, and have more jewelry than I can ever wear. Everyone is different but I suspect there are more 60yo+ cruisers like me than you based on observation and conversations onboard.
  17. The reason is simple IMHO. Longer cruises are 95% older cruisers. I've been on many. Despite their claiming otherwise, they don't want us older cruisers. We don't spend as much on shore excursions ( been there; done that), picture packages, the most expensive restaurants etc.. They want the 30-50 year olds, preferably the ones with money. Unless management or marketing strategy changes we are out of luck. Lately we just do many b2bs, but those aren't as nice as they often repeat ports, offer less port variety, and of course have the turnaround day hassle which isn't that bad but it does lessen the enjoyment
  18. I think the saying goes - don't quit your day job
  19. That has zero to do with the increase in cases. It's happening on land every bit as much as at sea. There are pros and cons of all companies but in my lengthy experience with Celebrity I can tell you unequivocally that they are very, very good with their cleaning and sanitizing.
  20. Never said they were gone, just that there are fewer options. I should have qualified that to say also for those of us who are not fans of E class ships. And there most definitely are. I have a particular interest in this change as my favorite ship for years (Equinox) is one of the ones taken away from 7 night cruises to go to the shorter ones (don't recall the timeframe, just know it is affected). I am on one of the ABC cruises you mention. Almost every berth sold, and prices were high. Another impact for people who prefer the 7+ night cruises. Not that many cruises aren't higher priced nowadays, but this is most definitely having an adverse impact on many of us
  21. Why does it matter? For one, very important thing, it takes away options for those who prefer 7+ night cruises which historicly described the vast majority of loyal Celebrity cruisers! And even on Celebrity these tend to be booze/party cruises, at least as compared to the usual Celebrity cruise.
  22. I cared about getting to Zenith. Free premium liquor, free premium wifi, free laundry. Those are fantastic perks. And we're not all snobs and have nothing against the Pinnacles. What we are upset about is the signicantly lesser perks we get if we sail Royal compared to what they get. Example- we get 6 free drinks (water, pop, alcohol) they get unlimited premium drnk package. Fair? Hardly.
  23. I agree. I'm sure Glacier Bay is awesome, but so is Hubbard!
  24. We have done this before - I feel ya. Lately we book an aisle and a window, and hope the middle seat stays open. If not, we (very politely I assure you, and with no rancor if denied) ask if the person would prefer the window - which they do 99% of the time. Which leaves me in the middle
  25. I dabble a little in the casino just to have a bit of fun - I don't expect to win a lot if at all - it's just a little adrenaline rush to pass the time. It blows my mind how people will gamble a lot on ships when the odds are so very awful compared to land casinos. For example, my go to game is video keno. In Vegas, if you hit a certain amount of numbers you may win $1175. On the ship for that same scenario you win $250 - big difference! But some do. And some win "free" cruises for their efforts, but those free cruises likely cost them double what they've donated onboard.
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