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Posts posted by Paddypuss

  1. 19 minutes ago, Megabear2 said:

    As you love cats here's my rather imperious DFC (Distinguished Feline Companion) who's just returned from a rather expensive dentist visit - I could have had a week on Iona for the cost of his bill!


    Beautiful pussy cat,  our previous cat cost a fortune even with insurance, but eventually died.

    • Like 3
  2. 1 minute ago, Adawn47 said:

    Good morning and welcome. I'm tempted to say welcome back, because I think you may have posted before. I seem to recognise the name or maybe I'm imagining it.

    I'm easily confused😊


    Yes have posted previously only one or two posts though, I am sure it was you adawn who said paddypuss reminded you of a name.

    • Like 5
  3. Good morning everyone. I am one of the "lurkers", love reading everyone's posts. How about cruises and cats I am a cat fan. Dogs are Ok, wouldn't have one though.  We have  similar family problem to graham's and it is very upsetting, but have to cope with it.  I love cruises holidays days away love staying g in hotels

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  4. 2 minutes ago, Adawn47 said:

    Before I sit down to our Christmas Eve Dinner and a few😁 glasses of wine, I thought I would post our christmas wishes now while I'm still coherent☺️

    To all my dear CC friends, the occasional posters and the lurkers Frank and I wish each and every one you a Very Happy Christmas🥂🎄

    Eat,drink and be merry, for tomorrow we.......


    can do it all over again🍗🥂

    With our very best wishes 

    Avril & Frank


    I am alurker, I enjoy reading  about everyday life and realise that some of the recent news is heartbreaking, but wish everyone  a peaceful happy Christmas  and New year. 

    On 12/2/2023 at 4:41 PM, zap99 said:

    Is that what the buffet on Saga looks like.?🤣


    • Like 16
  5. 39 minutes ago, kalos said:

    Reading this thread this morning ,shows how even just reading about all of you and 

    your losses can and does bring a lump in my throat .

    The love ,the loss can be felt even over the internet by us all .

    We had dogs as I was growing up and others as my kids grew up too and I am

    proud to say the all broke my heart when they departed this earth but they are 

    with me , especially on days like today .

    Even a dog that wasn't even mine ,will never leave my thoughts ...

    It was about 1963 when I was 7 year old that as playing with other kids I grew

    up with I got to meet RIngo . Think their Mum and dad  were Beatles fans .

    As we grew up Ringo was there by our sides playing in the street or sat  on 

    the bankins watching the steam engines roll by .


    13-14 years rolled by and us kids had grown up and gone our separate ways 

    in life . One day whilst back at mam & dads I spotted Mrs B and asked  about 

    how my old playmates were doing . She said very well but worked away and 

    one was in the forces . I then told her how much  I loved playing with  their dog 

    Ringo . 

    At this she started to cry and told me he was in a bad way ,cancer  and she 

    and her husband had no transport and thought he may pass away but just kept

    getting worse as time went by .

    I put her in my car and drove her home and had a cuppa with her and hubby .

    Ringo was on a rug under the kitchen sink and was whimpering a lot and visible

    sores on his body . He sniffed my hand and tried to come to me , he had remembered

    me . After a while I said "this dog was part of my childhood and I can see he is in a lot of pain ,just as you two are watching him suffer .

    "Will you take him for us they said both crying ?" Sure and I will stay with him .

    At the Vets I told them what had happened and they could see Ringo in pain 

    and they put him to sleep in my arms, he looked so peaceful .

    A minute or so later gave him the rainbow jab where he took his last breath ,still in my arms .

    The good thing was Ringo was not in any pain no more .

    Never will I forget Ringo my childhood playmate .

    That is such a lovely story, but so so sad

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