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Posts posted by Pistol52

  1. When anyone plans a cruise vacation, you listen to every word, detail and requirement the agent provides you. A Viking Cruise agent told my wife and me (we were on speaker together) more than once that because the China cruise we were asking about did not have 'inland China" travel, NO visas were required. We asked about a pre-cruise add-on to the Terracotta Warrior city and were told that THEN we would need visas. "Because your cruise is along the coast, you do not need visas." The agent gave us wrong guidance and we were denied entry to China and the cruise. Vikings review of the recorded telephone calls was incomplete and they chose to hear only statements that fit their predetermined outcome--no refund. We will never consider Viking Cruises Line again. We suggest that if you do contemplate a cruise with Viking, triple check every detail with a third party-type independent voice because their agents are not well informed and their management is self-servingly ruthless.


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