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in rod we trust

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Posts posted by in rod we trust

  1. On 2/10/2021 at 10:58 AM, Cruisegroover said:

    I recently sent an email to NSW Govt asking what was happening with the police investigation since it has now been 10 months since it commenced. Here is the answer - 


    I refer to your email to the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, the Hon David Elliott MP, concerning the Special Commission of Inquiry into the Ruby Princess. The Minister has asked the Department of Communities and Justice to respond on his behalf.
    The matters raised in your correspondence are noted. The Minister is unable to intervene in police operational matters. These matters are the responsibility of the Commissioner of Police.
    I have taken this opportunity to forward a copy of your correspondence to the NSW Police Force regarding the questions you have raised.
    I can advise that the report of the Inquiry into the Ruby Princess has been made available to the general public at https://www.dpc.nsw.gov.au/publications/special-commissions-of-inquiry/the-special-commission-of-inquiry-into-the-ruby-princess/.
    If you would like to enquire about obtaining a hard copy of the report, you can contact the Department of Premier and Cabinet at https://www.dpc.nsw.gov.au/contact-us/contact-the-department-of-premier-and-cabinet/.
    Thank you for raising this matter with the Minister.
    Yours sincerely
    Briefings & Correspondence
    Law Reform & Legal Services
    9 February


    My comment on this is I DID NOT ask about the Special Commission of Inquiry into the Ruby Princess. I asked about the police investigation Strike Force Bast so why they decided to answer about the Special Commission is pure government deflection IMO. 

    dont hold ya breath ,  if its anything like the gov's port botany report it will be all redacted or just a merry go round report


  2. lol you people still going lol   does it matter where it came from .  maybe the gov and cruise ship companies  wants it forgotten but the people dont forget .  the police report will come out after the election nobody will be charged or held accountable .  port authority has to hold some blame as well .


  3. 7 minutes ago, Russell21 said:

    Read somewhere in the past few days that there is an attempt to get approval for a fast ferry service between Botany Bay and Sydney Harbour. How does that grab you Rod?

    yeah there is  another stupid

     idea.. no parking anywhere . bad transport , and too dangerous for a ferry there .. the old wharf got washed away in a storm .  i can imagine people getting on a ferry to yarra bay  lol  its going to be one hell of a ride for them ,  that wharf will need so much maintaining  if it ever happens .  why do ya think they never ever put one back in .. i think the last ferry to go there was 1967 .  this is just more dumb politicians that have no clue how dangerous that place is and take away the focus on there bad records and rorts   but in saying all that id rather a ferry wharf there than a massive cruise terminal thats for sure 

  4. what about that container ship that got caught out in the rough weather dropped all those container's overboard .  imagine if a cruise ship was in yarra bay on the weekend it would of ended up on the beach stuck.  or if a explosion happened at the port less than 100 mtrs from the proposed  cruise dock..  here is couple pics one of all the facemasks from a container that was towed into hawkesbury that broke apart and 8 days ago a small boat had eng probs at mollineaux point ..  


    its about the dumbest idea to put a cruise ship in yarra bay or any where near those gas storage containers.. accidents always happen's and there have been few gas leaks there in the past.  its only getting older them storage tanks  even more dangerous .  

    masks 1.jpg

    molli point.jpg


  5. 3 hours ago, Chiliburn said:

    @in rod we trust  have a look at wonder of the seas, you will probably see in port Botany in 5-8 years.

    Biggest ship in the world will be launched at the end of next year bound for Asia-Pacific and guess who owns it.Your favourite company.






      as i mentioned its a floating diseased garbage can .  but gee that one is a garbage tip .. thats one ugly looking ship .  i can imagine you all being packed in like sardine's . "its a wonder alright"  i "wonder"  why the heck would anybody like to spend a vacation aboard  one of these garbage cans ..  we have a awesome planet that has many awesome places in it,  why would you waste time and money packed in like sardine's overcrowded pools, dinner area , decks etc , and catch somebody else's disease .. time and life is short go and see the beauty of the world in all its glory not waste it aboard a packed infested floating garbage can.  

    • Haha 1
  6. 4 hours ago, MicCanberra said:

    Great news, I have done some research and found that the new botany bay terminal is up for the highest bidder.

    The Government never disappoints when there is cash involved. History will show plenty of examples of this behaviour.

    i offered them 5 bucks to each of them in brown paper bag or a aldi one .. but they wanted 6 bucks each and free lunch 


  7. 15 hours ago, christodan said:



    I don't really care what you think. But I have 4 degrees in total. One of them in Medical Science. Is that scientific enough for you? 

    And no, I am too busy doing my own research in medical areas at the moment to do environmental research. But I'll take your answer as an admission that you do not have peer reviewed academic sources to back your claims. 



    only 4 .   you need another 4  ..  so you have time to post on here but no time to do your own research into cruise company behaviour .. ok no probs lol

  8. On 7/28/2020 at 12:48 PM, christodan said:

    Ha ha. I forgot to add 'peer reviewed academic journals only"


     I do have a psychology degree, so I think s/he is a little afraid of me. As I once saw on a T-shirt "Keep talking, I'm diagnosing you"

    i better watch my step now we have a arts and crafts graduate on here now , sorry psychology degree  same degree anyway lmfao .   


  9. On 7/28/2020 at 11:13 AM, christodan said:

    Cite your sources please.

    sorry was on the boat and enjoying it to much to come on here , until this weather hit on weekend so thought id come home for a bit .. got to stock up on food again as well .


    do your own research . 


    looks like this thread has turned into lots of nothing at all didnt miss much at all.


    second wave has hit vic it will probably spread around the country , looks like you all might have to go thru your happy snaps of cruising for few more yrs lol.


    i guess you all seen the news of the terrible explosion in beirut , and considering this so called stupid idea of a terminal will be less than 100mtrs from the orica plant and the massive gas caverns under that area .  you might think twice ..  i doubt you will  as cruising far outweighs ya common sense .  common sense aint so common on here lol



  10. 4 hours ago, MicCanberra said:

    does your boat have a dining room?


    yes it does also a full kitchen , cook you some real aussie fish not that imported stuff on the cruise ships from asian countries they call fish .  its also time the southern bluefin tuna arrive and you might have a chance to lock onto a 1-200 kg tuna .  also do home made real meat  pies and beer .   the boat is up the hawkesbury river atm at empire marina i will be sailing down to sydney this weekend 

  11. have you blokes ever considered with the amount of people in nsw who hate the current liberal gov they will be voted out so no cruise terminal will ever happen in botany .  you all can dream and thats ok . but the fact is any mention of a cruise terminal will be met with anger from most in nsw and the country.  just mentioning the corona virus and they way cruise ships behaved here is enough . the gov here is controlled by the people . we stopped them from bogus marine parks and if they even mention cruise ships we will rise up again just before the virus we had a estimated 30,000 to attend the rally  and that rally will happen.  there is a planned black lives matter rally on the 5th july they are going to mention yarra bay as well...  so you all can dream and babble on as you do . you know and i know that it will never happen now..  royal crapibbean doesnt even have enough money now they have to borrow just to stay affloat . they wont be sailing anytime soon no ships will enter sydney either untill there is a vaccine .   you can bet your money on that .  but anyway cruising is on the nose now  it will take a hell of a long ten yrs before it may reach what it was if it ever does or the companies can last another 18 months and thats just in australia let alone europe or america or asia . these cruise companies need the world free of the virus to survive . they wont be able to stay afloat ..  the writting is on the wall , you all may as well start planing ya interstate travel now.. better still i can take ten on my boat with full sleeping arrangements and food for a month  i can take you's around our beautiful country we call australia also can take ya for day trips driving around in a few classic cars . aussie and american cars  and japanese , german sports cars .  no canadian cars tho lol 


  12. have any of you even stopped to even consider the damage dredging that whole bay  will do to all the fish, seals, dolphins, sea grass, etc etc  the area has just come back to life after 10-15 yrs , and thats in yarra bay and mollineaux point ,   last time they dredged it destroyed the bay,   then there is the gas caverns there ,  also oil pipeline in yarra bay.  if it was such a good idea , then why has the port authority  redacted all the negatives on the first type survey they did . that seabed  toxin has cancer causing chemicals that should not be disturbed ,  them ships and there thrusters will keep on swirling them up.   there will also have to be a massive break wall built to stop those waves from smashing them ships into the wall or dock or breaking loose and getting beached. there has been many times they have had to put container ships to sea from them breaking there mooring ropes and they are sheltered from the break wall . there have been gas leaks from them above ground tanks as well , a dock there would be less than 50 mtrs from those tanks and dangerous to the cruise ship and passengers 


    that area has some of the worst swells in sydney they have reached over that break wall , they have some bad winds there , its a disaster waiting to happen with a cruise ships there . i have been there with swells of ten mtrs high in summer .  


    thats also the last indigenous beach left in sydney still used by them today . why would you want to destroy such a lovely place just for a cruise ship . sydney doesnt need the traffic jams , its already jammed up every day.  its easier and cheaper for them to use a existing port like port kembla , or newcastle . or even use eden  .  



    have you stopped to think about how much destruction  just for  your  convenience . most cruise ship companies dont want it there its only royal carribean for there massive 360m + ships.  what are you going to see at yarra bay , a grave yard , gas storage containers ,  the port authority even mentioned that if a passenger terminal building cant be built there then they may transport the people to a nearby building for  customs  ..   how about ya stop and think about your country first before the matter of convenience .  how about stopping and thinking about what destruction before convenience .  how about thinking of the indigenous people and all those who use the bay families , kids , sailors , anglers, kayakers , marine life , before convenience . 

    maybe some of you can chip  in and buy the port authority report and read it.  thats if you can read past all the redaction 


    the only one thing i agree is the navy dockyards in sydney harbor should be moved and its not needed there they can build other docks away from sydney  , im sure they would love to have a brand new state of the art base on the east coast . instead of the lack  of space they have now there.  australia needs new naval bases . but botany is not the answer to that either 


  13. 24 minutes ago, NSWP said:

    Let's can the proposed Botany Cruise Terminal and head back to Garden Island as the new site for a second cruise terminal, we can send the Royal Australian Navy to Botany or Port Kembla, they don't need the pretty harbour views.  Harry De Wheels Pie Cart can be relocated to those places to satisfy the matelots.  What say ye? 

    your forgetting the graving dock its the only one left on the east coast

  14. 2 hours ago, Chiliburn said:

    I think Royal has to survive,the same as carnival.

    What would happen to those huge ships,it’s not as if you can park them in the desert for 3 years.


    Any way rod hates Royal more than carnival but then I think he just hates .
    I recon a phycology student could get honours with a study.

    use them as artificial reefs , but that wont happen as chinese will buy them up for scrap . how long do ya think royal or carnival will survive .  the virus is still  around in most countries in the world . and there is no way in the world any gov would risk having cruise ships operate the risk factor is too great . even the people would avoid cruising besides you 100 odd hardcore cruisers . so i bet royal will go bust as will many other cruise companies  its just a matter  of time . soon i hope .  serves them right karma is a good thing, they have destroyed countless reefs around the world and blackmailed many countries with there threats . so now its there turn to cop it.  


  15. On 6/17/2020 at 6:41 PM, The_Big_M said:

    NIMBYists out in force again at plans for the reinstating previous wharves at Botany for another boat service... Guess they're taking "Stop the boats" to an ideological extreme.





    id rather a ferry than a great big ugly cruise ship blocking the view and killing of all the wildlife in the bay . not to mention a great big ugly break wall .  but then again the cruise ships will take at least 5 yrs to recover thats if they recover and dont go bust by then. its ingrained in peoples head of just how bad they acted and spread the virus around the country.  they did it to themselves,  its political suicide to even mention  the word cruise ships in australia lol


  16. 15 hours ago, OzKiwiJJ said:

    It would be a ***** of a place to get to. The main roads into Manly are already a nightmare and the ferry followed by a bus or taxi/uber is the only other option.

     if you think thats a nightmare , then try botany to city . you may not even make it and turn back lol.. 


    dont need to post here that much our battle has been won for now thanks to the cruise companies reckless behaviour.  plus been busy having a great time driving the ole cars and going fishing .  i see the same people here's attitude is still the same.. now even more people are aware of just how nasty some of the ships can be.  still doesnt deter my misses she still wants to go on the kiss cruise . hopefully america cleans its act up and start  the kiss cruise again doubt it will happen within next 2 odd yrs but hopefully i can supprise my misses and get her some tickets to the kiss cruise.  i like you blokes its entertaining reading some of your wishful thinking post about ships returning here in aus lol 


    i give you 1 bit of advice .  got out and support your local towns and places we have such a awesome country here .


  17. no im still here  just dont visit the aussie part of this forum..  


    that terminal will never get built .  look at the cruise line companies they are going broke.    maybe you blokes on here can chip in and buy a cruise ship they are going for peanuts lol .  no love lost if they go broke , no bailouts and now they are selling off there ships.  cruising wont happen here for at least another couple yrs .  

  18. On 4/26/2020 at 6:35 PM, GUT2407 said:

    Dad still has his, not so good looking now. 1950 something International KB7, by the time he retired it had 750,000 + miles on the clock. He only had 5 trucks in 50+ years 4 were Inters the fifth was for most of the time he owned it a spare.

    you should find the best one and bring it back to original .  or modernise it with a newer diesel ..  them old international trucks look amazing back to original condition..  there is no better feeling than driving a ole car down the road .  i love taking my old cars out for a drive.    


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