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Everything posted by broberts

  1. Without knowing the itinerary, even presuming Canadian citizenship, not really possible to comment. Rules differ depending on ports of call and sometimes cruise line. Many cruises out of US and Canadian ports do not have a six month requirement for Canadian and US passports.
  2. If you haven't already, you might try using an incognito (private) browser window. If that works, clearing cookies & local data for any Royal Caribbean website should fix the issue.
  3. That presumes the cruise line knew of the large group when you booked. I wonder, do you have a size over which a cruise line should inform you when booking? How about types of groups? At time of booking, did you ask if there were any large groups booked?
  4. Depends on a number of factors, including citizenship. Start with https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/visit-canada/entry-requirements-country.html. But also consult your cruise line's documentation FAQ. Cruise line requirements may be stricter than Canada's. If you are a resident of the US the following (from https://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/travel-voyage/td-dv-eng.html) may apply. "US citizens or permanent residents If you are a US citizen or permanent resident, you must carry proof of citizenship such as a: passport birth certificate certificate of citizenship or naturalization certificate of Indian Status along with photo identification US Permanent Resident Card If you are a US permanent resident, ensure you carry proof of your status such as a US Permanent Resident Card." Keep in mind that a Passport is required for international air travel.
  5. Opinion only. Make any necessary declaration at the first Canadian port. Take a picture of the declaration form in case there is an issue on the return flight.
  6. The link I provided is to an online tool. You can use it without installing an app on your iPad. FYI, if you quote a post the poster will be notified when you post the reply.
  7. While that might be possible it would be much easier to search the guest database for a party of 3, mother and 2 kids from Canada in a balcony cabin. (If memory serves all that info is in this thread.) Actually locating you is just a matter of identifying where your card was last used.
  8. There are literally hundreds of different ways of doing this. The most appropriate will depend on the device you are using and any image manipulating software installed or available on that device. There are also online tools available. Something like https://www.adobe.com/express/feature/image/resize may work for you.
  9. The first line "Existing user? Sign in OR ..." is a link to the sign-in from. Simply tap / click on Existing user.
  10. https://dot.alaska.gov/comm/pressbox/arch2022/PR22-0024.shtml
  11. While I understand and agree. It is annoying that cruise lines know enough to refuse boarding but are unwilling to communicate details prior to that.
  12. At https://boards.cruisecritic.com/settings/ in the Other Settings section select Edit Profile to set your location, birthdate, etc. At https://boards.cruisecritic.com/settings/ tap / click Settings Area and select select Signature for an area you can use to list cruises. You can change picture resolution to reduce the size of the image you want to upload as your avatar.
  13. 😀😀 Where did the u come from? It should be naissance.
  14. I routinely use my passport when 2 pieces of id are requested. Outside of Canada I use it whenever id is required.
  15. Not so for Canadian passport holders. See https://travel.gc.ca/destinations/united-states. In particular "Canadian citizens travelling by air to the United States must present one of the following documents: a passport, which must be valid for the duration of their stay." The WHTI requirement (entry by land or sea) only requires a valid passport at time of entry, https://www.cbp.gov/travel/us-citizens/western-hemisphere-travel-initiative.
  16. https://ca.usembassy.gov/visas/#:~:text=Canadians typically do not require,of the State Department website.
  17. It might dictate the response by Princess IT techs, but it should not affect outward facing response. The fact that a user is involuntarily presented with private data of another user makes this a beach of the Princess privacy policy. Sadly, Princess appears to be an ostrich.
  18. Canada suggests traveling with a consent letter. https://travel.gc.ca/travelling/children/faq
  19. Tap / click Add Files. Follow your system method for adding a picture. Once selected you should have a display similar to the one below, without the red highlight 😀 . Place your edit cursor where you want the top left corner of the image to appear in the edit. You can add spacing by tapping enter several times. Tap / click the Insert link. The image will be added. Double tap / click the inserted image if you want to adjust some properties. (I did this to make the screen shots appear smaller.) Repeat for each image you want included. You can remove an image by tapping / clicking the black circled x top right corner of an image in the UPLOADED IMAGES section.
  20. Freedom used to be owned by Rogers and as far as I know have an agreement in place to use its network when needed.
  21. Not getting a response to several queries and unable to reach by phone would be a huge red flag to me. It suggests disorganization, lack of resources, or lack of respect for prospects.
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