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Posts posted by travelgirl528

  1. 2 hours ago, mitsugirly said:

    Did Dewine confirm school closing for the test if the school year? I have t heard that or heard from my daughters school yet. I am being told that Trump is saying everything will open up the first of May. I really hope not. This is far from being over and I see a round two coming up if so.


    Yes, DeWine announced today that school will not resume this academic year.  He said they are looking at a "blended option" for the fall, but it sounds like each district will have a lot of control over what strategy they pursue in the fall.  Trump is incorrect.  Everything will not open up May 1st.  DeWine, is trying to maintain the delicate balance between opening business and keeping Ohioans safe.  He is being thoughtful and deliberate.  I am very happy he is our Governor.  I suspect that although businesses will open it will not be anything like what it was before COVID.  He mentioned that small businesses had pleaded that if they are permitted to open up they are not quickly closed with a second wave so he is doing his best to put into place practices that will allow businesses to open and stay open.  It was mentioned that there will likely be another wave, but they want it to be very small and controllable.  


    Are you in Ohio?

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  2. 3 hours ago, pmck said:

    Maybe with your circumstances (having a son that cannot travel because of his particular health issues and this respiratory disease), they would make special dispensation for you.  I would definitely give it a try.  I have emailed Frontier tried the same for my cost.  I don't feel like we should incur any additional costs for this, since it's out of our control. Good luck to you and your family!

    Thanks for the kind words.   I have tried with both the airline and RCCL.  In the scheme of things it is okay.  Any problem that can fixed with money is not a real problem.  We are fortunate to be able to quarantine.  I am so comforted that our Ohio governor is closing schools the rest of the year and there will be perhaps a remote learning plan for kids like my son for when school resumes in the fall.  I know it won’t be easy to keep him isolated until a vaccine is available, but I am glad that our governor is being thoughtful and I won’t have un-enroll him from public school to go independently to a home school household.  I was not meant to be a teacher and I look forward to when my son can go to school with his friends.  

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  3. 1 hour ago, pmck said:

    I wish!!  We paid over 500 for 3 flights to Puerto Rico. That included bags and seats.


    I totally agree.  We paid close to $1,700 for our family to fly to Fort Lauderdale (due to Spring Break).  We did receive a credit, but it must be used by March 2021.  With a son with respiratory issues I am treating it as a sunk cost.  The credit will go unused.  And likely the same story with our cruise credit. 

  4. 16 minutes ago, Mary Louise said:

    Thank you  even if they down the road cancel the cruise?

    If you cancel you will receive a voucher.  Even if they eventually cancel you will not see a refund.  That is what happened to us. And we have not even seen the voucher as the cancel was verbal by our travel agent and no documentation was provided.  We did receive a refund for the port taxes. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Despegue said:

    As this indeed escalated rather quickly, I do stand corrected that this will be a non-issue in a years time. We have destroyed the whole travel industry, I am also currently out of a job as a result, with a 2 weeks old baby and infirm wife. So yes, my humble apologies.

    However, I stand by the fact that with most people infected, the symptoms are either mild or not noticed at all.

    That is the dangerous thing though indeed, and only complete adherence to the orders by your Government is appropriate.


    kind regards.


    I am sorry to hear that you are out of a job with a young family.


    More and more they are showing that younger folks are becoming seriously ill and some who recover have permanent lung damage.  If we adopt mitigation strategies we may be able to cut the death toll from 2.2 million to 1.1 million in the United States.  Article linked:  https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2020/03/19/coronavirus-projections-us/


    Best Wishes

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  6. 1 hour ago, spg112357 said:

    I agree with you.

    But I am unsure what to say to our employers "sorry we are not coming to work because we are in self quarantine"?

    "I think that will be 14 days but don't know right now"

    I know that schools have been closed.  When you say everything is closed do you mean shops, restaurants, gas stations, etc?

    I am lucky in that I work from home and probably have enough supplies to last for 14 days, but my children (that are in their own homes away from me) are not so lucky and will look to me for advice. Don't know what to tell them



    Good point.  I used the wrong word.  The word is everything is canceled.  As far as closed - I was surprised to discover that a local KFC was only operating drive through and another restaurant wasn't open.  For our area I cannot speak to business closures.  Of course grocery stores are open and selling like crazy.  I have a son with severe respiratory issues so we are hunkering down.


    This is a unique situation that is changing quite rapidly and I think flexiblity will be required all around.  My kids are elementary age.  My opinion is not worth much and it is presumptuous to think that you want it.  The first panicked wave have emptied the grocery stores.  Grocery stores will be restocked.  I will likely use grocery delivery.  Right now I am using a meal delivery service (think Hello Fresh, Home Chef, etc.).   I think the key is to limit outings and exposure and when you must keep your distance.  Wash those hands as soon as you come home (and every chance you get).  Don't touch your face.  But you know those things.  Sorry if it comes off preachy.   I fear that we may eventually reach a mandatory quarantine in the United States.  Tell your kids everything will be okay, but stock that freezer with food and potentially the pantry with canned goods.

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  7. 19 minutes ago, spg112357 said:

    I did not say that.  You have quoted something that someone else said.

    Hmmmm....   Looks like quoting is not working properly. You probably selected something I said to quote and it put in what you typed

    But what is the answer? when will we be given direction? And leadership? Is the answer to go buy up all the toilet paper and bottled water I can get and lock my self in the house for 14 days?  When does that 14 days start? How will people know when I am safe?   



    Sorry - phone flounder.  I think the answer is without leadership from the top it falls upon each of us to be socially responsible to slow the spread.  I feel very fortuate our Ohio Governor is being proactive.  Our schools are closed.  Everything is closed.  But without leadership making those decisions, it is incumbant upon individuals to take precautions to limit spread.  The life you save may be your own.

  8. 23 minutes ago, spg112357 said:Really though if there is no vacination and no cure apart from time then let everyone go about normal life and let people catch the virus become imune (if that is what happens) and some will die, possibly some of my family, possibly me, but restore the quality of life and remove this panic.

    Your thought process is greatly flawed.  Our healthcare system cannot handle everybody going about their business as is usual.   People will die as we overload the healthcare system.  Read this article PLEASE  https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.newsweek.com/young-unafraid-coronavirus-pandemic-good-you-now-stop-killing-people-opinion-1491797%3Famp%3D1


  9. 30 minutes ago, A&L_Ont said:


    ”Trump also touted the low number of overall cases as a sign of the government's success. The president even said he'd prefer passengers stuck aboard a cruise ship off the coast of California with a number of COVID-19 cases remain onboard so as not to raise the overall American case count“.

    Link to the story the Canadian News story is here. 






    I read the Canadian article. I know hindsight 20-20 but it still disappoints.  If the Germans had developed a test for coronavirus why wouldn’t you leverage their knowledge.  As a side note they are the only country with greater than 265 confirmed cases that have had zero deaths. 

    • Like 3
  10. "How old is your son?  Last I heard and might of changed was that no one under 15 has been diagnosed with the virus."


    He is 12.  That is definitely weighing in his favor.  Otherwise, there is no questions we would not go.  But I also know that when he had respiratory issues as a toddler he baffled the medical staff at the hospital.  He was an anomaly.  I have collected a small arsenal of drugs in case he catches something (we always travel with steroids).  We have a week to decide what to do.  I am watching what they do with the ship that is curently off the coast of CA.  I hate the idea of being confined on a ship with illness.

  11. 9 minutes ago, Ourusualbeach said:

    Given the distribution of Covid 19 it would have and did spread even without cruise ships.  From my experience with 8 flights 2 weeks ago through Europe I would place more blame on the airlines and individual countries for failing to get behind this quick enough.  The cruise lines had far more rigorous screening measures in place.


    To each their own.  I have had correspondence with one of the cruise lines.  They confirmed that based on documents such as passports and birth certificates they cannot determine if you have been to high risk areas of the world so they are depending upon people telling them.  Also, some people may be asymtpomatic, in the incubation period, or exhibit a mild cold and will not be denied boarding where they may be able to pass it along to those on the ship who may have higher risk factors.  And if you came near somebody who had it you may not know.    From others who have been boarding recently they are not necessarily taking temperatures (not that motrin cannot temporarily eradicate a fever).  I feel more comfortable on our direct flights from a smaller airport than I do about the petri dish of a cruise ship.  Again, to each their own.

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  12. 9 minutes ago, Lady Hudson said:

    Do you have insurance?  Would not a doctor’s note saying it is not safe for your daughter to travel be sufficient?  Just speculating.  Was at the Drs office this week with DH who has preexisting health issues.  She advised him not to travel and will sign a document saying so.  We will be canceling upcoming trip in 10 days.  Katherine


    I was advised by TA for our insurance it has to be a change in medical condition.   Fear of traveling due to pre-existing health issue is not covered.  I am very conflicted.  If I could cancel and receive a refund I would.  We have a week to decide.

  13. 18 minutes ago, PhillyFan33579 said:

    While I certainly understand your situation, this is another perfect example of why you should buy insurance that allows you to cancel for any reason. The bottom line is a little better planning on your part could have avoided your current situation. 


    That's a bit harsh.  I bought insurance and the question of "cancel for any reason" was not even broached - TA told me there was a particular 3rd party insurance they recommended and was better than some of the other products.  We bought it.  But as it turns out it does not cover "fear of traveling".  When I booked the cruise the idea of a potential pandemic didn't really cross my mind.  I thought I had done my due diligence purchasing insurance and was not even aware of the different types of insurance.  As luck would have it my son has severe asthma and has breathing issues whenever he contracts a cold so he is in the high risk category.  

    • Like 1
  14. 14 minutes ago, Margin Walker said:




    If you think they are separating passengers by where they have been by using passports I do not think that is accurate information.  I corresponded with RCCL and was told, "Hi there. It’s challenging to determine their recent travels through those docs...This is why we’ve implemented our additional screenings and health protocols to get the answers some documentation will fail to provide."


    Passports are no longer stamped as in the past and if in transit you flew to get to your port you may have come in contact with somebody who has it and have no idea.


    So nope - passport will not answer the question.  Thus, they are resorting to screening folks.  Unfortunately, some only develop mild symptoms, or may be asymptomatic due to being in the incubation period.  Honestly, I am not sure how they can effectively screen for who has Coronavirus to keep the at risk groups safe on a cruise.

  15. 20 minutes ago, ONECRUISER said:

    Though the 102 was how many caught so far, most have already recovered. 

    At this point there are 109 confirmed cases and 9 deaths.  As that rate seems high, I would expect that either a disproportionate amount came from the skilled nursing facility and is skewing the number or there are a lot more people who have the virus but have not been tested to accurately identify how many people truly have the virus.


    Although I agree that we should not be in a panic and most people will be fine, I want to include this quote I saw from a friend who is young and has cancer.  People who will be high risk patients if we get coronavirus can hear you when you reassure everyone we're the only ones who might die.

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  16. 33 minutes ago, DragonOfTheSeas said:

    I think the RCL comment that St Lucia has different restrictions refers to that they allow people that have not traveled to or through those countries in 15 days.  St Lucia excludes anyone from those countries.  [even if they are crew and have been on the ship for a long time]  That is the way I read it. 

    I went and looked at RCCL restrictions versus St. Lucia.  It appears that if you travel from Singapore you will not be allowed entry to St. Lucia.  If you are from Singapore RCCL will put you through a screening process, but will then allow you passage.  Thus, RCCL probably had to either ban passengers from Singapore or drop the St. Lucia port.  My preference would be to err on the side of conservatism.  I would be even happier if RCCL had the criteria of 30 days similar to NCL.  If I didn't have a child with respiratory issues I wouldn't be so concerned. 




  17. 16 minutes ago, DragonOfTheSeas said:

    We are sailing this Saturday, too.  We just got word from Royal Caribbean that St Lucia will not let our ship visit.


    Here is our message:


    St. Lucia's travel restriction for certain nationalities differs from ours. They prohibit ships from visiting that have guests or crew from Italy, Singapore, and Japan. As a result, we are replacing our call there with a visit to Dominica. We’re terribly sorry for the last-minute change, but we’re confident you’ll have a great time in Roseau. 

    I realize I may be on the fringe, but as a mother of a child with respiratory issues (who has a cruise leaving in less than 2 weeks) I would prefer that RCCL adjust their requirements to match the ports on the itinerary.  I recognize this is sensitive and there are economic implications, but I would prefer to take the conservative route when there is a discrepancy on travel restrictions.  This is very disappointing to me.

  18. 4 hours ago, TNcruising02 said:

    This is a tough situation.  Honestly, if I were in this position I would probably cancel, even though the odds of contracting the virus are extremely low.  I am cruising in a week, but am not traveling with anyone who has existing health issues so it's a much easier decision for me to go on my cruise.  Your situation is different.

    Thanks for the feedback.  I go back and forth on what to do.  I know he is the classic example of somebody who is at high risk, but i have also read that kids do not seem as likely to contract it.


    But then I think if I go could I really enjoy myself - I may be a ball of stress especially if I see somebody who does not seem well - and the knowledge that many who carry it don't even have symptoms doesn't help my stress.


    The indecision.  It will probably be a wait to the last minute kind of decision.  

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  19. 1 hour ago, TwoMisfits said:


    In your particular case, I would cancel.  Your family is young, and it's unlikely to be the last time you can cruise.


    But your son is the classic case of the type of person who should be avoiding extensive travel right now.  

    Thanks for your words (even though I know nobody but us can make the decision).  Everybody I know thinks I am being over the top with considering cancelling and losing thousands of dollars.    But my son is irreplaceable.   I did consider still flying to Fort Lauderdale, but if we really want to go somewhere we may be better off going to our favorite beach spot that we can drive to - it would be more economical and it will not be very populated.


    My brother happens to be a pulmonologist and is director of ICU so I do have somebody else to discuss the risk with.  He has no inside information, but his reaction did confirm my fear that we could be in for a rough ride.

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  20. We are due to set sail in 2 weeks.  I am extremely nervous as I have a son with respiratory issues that are triggered by viral infections.  He has been in respiratory failure multiple times, but with the help of a pulmonologist and larger lungs we are not doing the middle of the night runs to the ER any more.  But viral infections still result in difficulty breathing and are nerve-wracking for Mom.


    I realize it is a personal decision, but it does not make it any easier.  Liklihood of anything happening is not high, but outcome if he does contract it may be scary. 


    My husband is not too concerned, but my FIL wants us to cancel.

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