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Australian Fran

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Everything posted by Australian Fran

  1. Thanks. We really enjoyed our cruise. We were prepared to take the risk and we knew what those risks were well before we booked as there have been pirates, violence and security issues in these waters for many years. The presence of US Navy ships in the area when we sailed through actually made us feel that it was safer than it had been previously. So we were never anxious. We don’t believe that any cruise line is knowingly going to put people in harms way for any reason. It’s just not worth it to them. I understand that others will feel that Oceania put them at risk. I don’t share that view. Having now disembarked, we have no regrets and would not have missed the experience, which was wonderful, Other countries have now been asked to contribute to the military presence in the Red Sea to ensure that supply chains are not disrupted, as cargo ships are the target. Assuming that this will happen, the increased security should ensure that safety is enhanced. If it’s not safe, I’m sure that all cruise lines will avoid the area. Happy holidays.
  2. Discrediting other travellers. People who think they can dominate the public space with loud and disrespectful behaviour while expecting crew to wait on them hand and foot at the same time as berating them are beyond discrediting. This conduct cannot be justified. Hopefully, as another contributor commented, those who feel that they have the right to act this way won’t sail with Oceania again. I am very much enjoying this cruise apart from this entitled element that seem to want to put their own issues above all others.
  3. I’m glad for you that you haven’t been exposed to this and maybe I have been unfortunate to be around those that are very vocal about their complaints, but it is definitely an ongoing issue on this cruise. There hasn’t been a single day where I haven’t heard someone complaining. I have spoken to crew members who I have seen being berated in restaurants and bars to give them support and they have confided that it has been a really difficult cruise for them because some passengers are taking their anger out on them. Other passengers that I have met have told me, without me asking about it, that there are angry passengers who are continually complaining and they are trying to avoid those people. It’s bullying and it’s not ok no matter what the grievance is.
  4. Hardly little people. Adults have made decisions and didn’t properly evaluate their own appetite for risk. Promises were not broken. A contract is in place. I am appalled at the way some people have treated the crew with awful rudeness. It is difficult to witness adults behaving like children. Hopefully, those who are agrieved learn from this. There is no come back, so stop expecting others who have accepted the situation and are enjoying their holiday, along with the crew who are not at fault, to listen to a grievance that is going nowhere other than to cause a negative atmosphere on board, Happy holidays.
  5. I am on board right now and am really over it with listening to people who are still complaining 15 days in because they either don’t read the contract or don’t do their research on the area. I am having a good time despite those who wish to dominate the cruise with their complaints. If people are so concerned, they shouldn’t have got on in the first place. The amount of whining from a small group of people who are clearly not world travellers isn’t going down well with most people on board who are thoroughly enjoying themselves. The issues in this part of the world aren’t new. If you think they are, you haven’t been paying attention.
  6. As stated previously, this is not a new issue. It has been going on for decades. If you can’t cope with the risk and are determined to work yourself up into a frenzy, this is not the destination for you ever. Not now, not next year, not 10 years ago. Never. Please go to Disneyland or some other similar place.
  7. The contract prevails. The cruise wasn’t cancelled. Essentially, those who require certainty regarding ports should understand that these sorts of changes to ports are always a risk. Airlines have different contracts. It’s a good lesson for those who haven’t experienced these kinds of changes before, Some will decide that the lack of personal control over the itinerary is not for them. Others will see the good in the situation, and there is a lot of good here. I will continue to enjoy this amazing cruise. At home, I would be weeding my garden.
  8. My strong recommendation to the those who can’t see past the change of itinerary and have a need for control of what the ship does is this: Do not travel. The contract is what it is. I am on board right now. I am having an amazing time but there are some people who have boarded and are determined to drag others down and haven’t stopped complaining. It’s childish, and is impacting the enjoyment of other guests. Things change. World events occur. Planes cancel flights also. The whole world closed down a couple of years ago. If you cannot handle change and ambiguity, review your suitability for this kind of voyage and leave it to those of us who appreciate what we have. Anyone who didn’t know that there had been a risk in the Red Sea for the past 25 years did not do their research. The risk is probably lower now with the focus of the whole world on this region. Again, if you’re shocked by this, you shouldn’t be travelling.
  9. We have been attempting to take this itinerary for about 5 years. We actually thought it was going to happen this time until a couple of weeks ago, so it's disappointing but we are trying to make the best of it. This was to be our first big trip since we were finally released from the horrors of the Australian Covid lockdowns and border closures. We, too, have been to some of these Mediterranean ports before but would still like to book shore excursions to replace those that will will now not be doing, but I have not been recredited the money from all the shore excursions I booked for Jerusalem, Egypt, Oman, and Jordan. I would've thought that the recredit would be automatic. I'm also going to have to contact the travel insurance and add these other port stops to our policy. Looking forward to meeting you all over there, unless it is finally cancelled. It seems that the hostilities are getting worse and we are going to be sailing very nearby, which is concerning. I hope the Canal remains safe for passenger vessels. It would be awful if the cruise was cancelled half way through.
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