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Everything posted by ChiefMateJRK

  1. Absolutely. Where else can I roll out of bed and take a short boat ride to a pristine beach with all the free food and drinks I want. If I decide I've had enough, I'm back on a cruise ship in 30 minutes. Thankful indeed!!!!
  2. You're right. That said, I believe that the context and the statement itself makes it clear that DSC is not being used to pay salary (which would make no sense whatsoever). The incentive programs are funded in part by DSC, which I believe is a good/fair system and one that I'll happily support. It's core to freestyle sailing that I can pay those separately and not feel constantly compelled to pull out my wallet to tip the crew.
  3. Oddly enough, I ordered the Filet at Ocean Blue during our last visit and it was awful. It wasn't really overcooked, just lacked flavor and texture. I've had the same inconsistency at Cagneys. After reading countless reports of Le Bistro, I ordered steak there twice during our last cruise and it was great both times. Who knows??
  4. So, in other words, operating as usual? 🤣
  5. Cool 😎. We're only one for two but are going to spin that wheel again twice in 2023. IIRC, the one we missed wasn't because of current weather, but was due to lingering damage from a recent hurricane. Probably 2016ish.
  6. I'm not too sure I ever had one of those. Sounds like an oxy-moron. 🤣 (disclaimer: I quit working years ago, so may not even remember all the 💩that went with it. I do remember enough to never go back.... That's what makes any cruise so darned enjoyable. I really pity those who have to take their w$%k along with them.)
  7. Put me in an inside cabin on any NCL cruise, with the current perks/fees/etc. and I'm as happy as a pig in 💩. Cheap balcony upgrade? Just icing on the cake. Thanks for creating a thread just for us NCL fanboys/fangirls. Life really is more fun over here on the sunny side of the street.😎😎
  8. NCL.com had a glitch with traveling companion's Lattitudes account numbers recently. Are you making the dinner reservations under the same account that you booked the cruise under or another person's account who is on the reservation?
  9. That is really strange. Do you generally make a specialty dining reservation for the first night of the cruise?
  10. This is why I like the current system. I just pay the DSC and don't feel compelled to pull out my wallet every time somebody does something for me. I do tip the Steward and occasional drink server/bar tender for exceptional service, but it's not a lot. It would provide zero advantage for customers like me. I ignore all the various elements and just compare the final, out the door, prices.
  11. Aren't we saying the same thing? I enjoy whatever restaurant I'm eating in. I've been disappointed in Ocean Blue, Cagney's and Teppanyaki and delighted in the MDRs, Local and Buffet. The best meals I've had have been in Cagney's and LeBistro, but there are no guarantees. Spin the wheel, take what you get, go to the buffet if you're still hungry. 😎
  12. Yeah, yeah I knew what you meant. I just meant that I didn't want to be any PART of it. Was that unclear? I guess my use of the word "party" had unexpected and adverse legal ramifications. I'll need to beg for mercy from the court of the internet forum (not a very forgiving group BTW). Can I get a witness??
  13. I'll just continue to pay whatever the price is. If I want to reduce costs, I'll book less cruises.
  14. What's your point? I simply indicated that I didn't want to be a party to that (i.e. part of the process).
  15. I use whatever specialty dining credits I get, but certainly wouldn't pay for any more. To your point, some of us just don't see much difference.
  16. Not a consensus. I'm guessing some/most are those buns that have been sitting on the buffet and drying out. If you want a good burger, don't just grab it from the buffet.
  17. Pro tip. Go to the MDRs or the Local. They ask how you want it cooked and when I ask for medium I get a perfect pink.
  18. Fair enough!! (disclaimer: most cola I consume on a ship is mixed with Rum, so that may skew the testing a bit....🤣)
  19. Yes. Specifically, tax fraud. I would just as soon not be a party to that.
  20. So YOU'RE the guy preventing the rest of us from getting reservations!! (jk)
  21. I really wish they would bring back those blind taste tests. I couldn't distinguish a coke from a pepsi if my life depended on it. And (boom) I doubt 90% of the posters here could either.
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