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Posts posted by bchalker

  1. Their FAQ was a little murky. Regarding soda, it said guests aren't allowed to bring non-alcoholic drinks. Later it said bottles and containers would be inspected and alcohol would be confiscated. But they DIDN'T say soda would be confiscated.


    I'll be traveling with a diabetic person and thought it might be wise to pack a can or 2 of soda, to have in case of emergency.


    Or you can spend $1.50 an buy one onboard. :rolleyes:

  2. We have experienced the OP's problem on our last two sailings. One day

    the room was never cleaned. I would hope this was being assigned too

    many cabins, rather than a lack of service trend.


    We have yet to cruise under the new prepaid tips program but if this happened to us I will be down at guest services making an adjustment to out tip amount. They will not receive the full tip for less than outstanding service. On the other hand for outstanding service we always tip extra.

  3. Quick update on this thread - we have just returned from cruising on Radiance of the Seas ( RCL ). We took a small hand held clothes steamer on board with our packed luggage and had no issues. It also worked like a charm for hubbies shirts ( practically only thing we used it for - most of my clothes are either crushed style or polyester blend so creases dropped out hanging in wardrobe ). ROS doesn't have self laundry facilities, so we really liked being able to take this onboard. However, am guessing it may be like going through any security check - it often depends on the place or person doing the checking, so am not saying it would be the same for all cruise lines :) Happy cruising !



    Angela, Sydney Australia.


    Also fine in Miami and Lauderdale

  4. Do most of you make reservations with RCCL ?


    I booked elsewhere and sure regret it. :( I saw the prices go down and the had the rudest agent ever on NOS in June.

    She would not budge with a price reduction.


    Can I change my rervations to RCCL ?


    Thanks for your help ;)


    We always book our reservation for that exact reason. With an agent you dont own your reservation. I beleive you can get it back but it isnt easy. I would call RCI.

  5. Get a lanyard for your Sea Pass card. Take along a small hole punch and punch a hole in your card then attach your card to the lanyard.



    If you are taking any expensive jewelry or electronics along, take a photo of the item next to the date area of the front page of a newspaper. Take those photos with you. When going through Customs, if a Customs Agent questions whether any of those items was bought on the cruise you can show him the photo as proof that you had that item before you got on the cruise.


    Have fun.


    Dont worry about a hole punch. Both guest services and the casino have them.

  6. When aboard a ship, we try to practice good hygiene. However, we're not obsessive/compulsive about it. We do try to be aware, but most fellow passengers are also concerned about germs. The one's we worry about are those from other cultures that might not follow the same hygienic practices that we do in our culture.


    What do we do?


    1. First off, we wash our hands - a lot. And we try not to use our fingers to touch/rub our eyes, our nose, or our mouth (that's how most germs are passed).


    2. When we're on the buffet line:


    I always take food that's not exposed. Why? I've seen too many people place the tongs, either all the way, or most of the way, into the food tray. That means the part of the handle that people have touched came in contact with the food, and the food could be/probably is, contaminated.


    (On a recent cruise, I was in the buffet area when I heard something drop to the floor. A woman passenger had dropped one of the serving tongs to a food tray. As I watched, she picked it up off the floor, and placed it back in front of the serving tray. At first I was shocked, how could this lady do that? Then I went over and grabbed the tongs, brought them back to one of the food workers and told them what the woman had did. The worker shook his head and gave me a new set of tongs for that tray.)


    For Bread, Rolls, or other Food that's easy to just pick up with your fingers - since most people who practice the finger grabbing method will take from the front, for these kinds of foods, I try to pick from an untouched area - mostly the middle area. But if I see a few people hand-pick, then I'll either pass, or tell one of the workers what people have been doing. Usually then they take the tray back to the kitchen (and hopefully dump it).


    I never use the Ice/Water dispensers. Why? Even though they have a prominent sign posted that they are not to be used to fill personal containers (because of health issues), I have seen too many passengers filling up their bottles, containers, and bottle-bags, by placing the bottle/container's opening right up to the top of the dispenser, so the dispenser's tip is INSIDE THEIR BOTTLE. I've seen this over and over, especially on Port days when people want to bring water ashore.



    As for the sanitizer liquid stations - I don't like to use them. It's a chemical, and I don't like to place chemicals on my hands. Plus, as long as one person who hasn't washed, goes through the line, touching everything, then when you touch those tongs, your hands will be contaminated anyway. So, the best time to clean your hands is right before you eat, AFTER you've gone through the Buffet Line. Either that, or don't use your fingers to eat any of your food.



    That said - here's a way to check your cabin for Biologicals left by prior passengers - - >>>


    Next time you go on a Cruise - bring along one of those portable Black Light fixtures. Either a small battery one, or a small electric one (but if you have an electric one, you'll need an extension cord).


    To check for biologicals, (they will show up as bright spots under a black light), turn on the black light and turn off all the cabin lights, and then use the Black Light to examine the bed - the pillows, blankets, sheets, etc. All those items should be spotless, that is if the Cabin Steward placed clean sheets on your bed.


    But sometimes. they don't always wash the blankets; instead they wrap them in clean sheets But tell me, how many of you do touch your blankets, because when you sleep, the cover sheets always come off, right?


    You can also check the area around the bed for bright spots, check the room's carpet too. You never know what you'll find.


    Then shine the black light on the sofa, chair, and desk chair - anything used for sitting. These items aren't cleaned, well usually cleaned by Cabin Stewards unless they're really filthy/dirty.


    When examining the Sofa or chair, don't be surprised if you see multiple spots from past sexcapades. :eek:


    Next, go into your cabin's bathroom. Shine the black light on the wall directly next to the toilet. Again, if the Cabin Steward doesn't normally wash the walls, don't be surprised if you see something that looks like a fireworks display on the wall. That's from urine being splashed up from the toilet. Yep, it's gross.


    Now, if you find your bathroom wall like this under the black light- looking like a firework's rocket exploded, ask your Cabin Steward to wash down the wall(s). If he looks at you odd, just tell him you always wash the wall next to your toilet at home, and explain about splashes - they'll understand, and they might add that routine to their cleaning regimen.


    Note: I recently sailed on the Grandeur of the Seas - 12/14/13 sailing. I had cabin 3606, an accessible cabin. After we checked in I noticed a strange stain/imprint on the edge of one of the room's sofa cushions. It appeared that a male, (probably a passenger on a previous cruise) had taken a shower, spread body lotion on themselves (covering their entire body, including their lower private parts), and then sat on the edge of the sofa.


    Why do I say that? Well, at the edge of the sofa there was an imprint of a butt, and in the middle of that imprint one could see another irregularly rounded imprint, and inside of that, another imprint of two (almost) side by side longitudinal ovals.


    Sort of like this: ( -----(0O)----- )


    Yes, it was an imprint of a stranger's butt, bag, and balls. :eek: Kind of gross, right?


    When next I saw the cabin steward I pointed out the stain and asked that it be cleaned, and that if it couldn't be cleaned that the sofa be replaced. The next day, the sofa was clean - no more butt print was present.


    please tell us you are kidding :rolleyes:

  7. I have travelled enough and been on plenty of cruise to know that the cruise lines do not care about your meds.


    Just because they "can" search your room does not mean they do it for fun.

    There is nothing wrong with having a bottle full of pills if it is all legit.


    I always load one bottle up with misc meds every cruise.(vitamins, aminos, tylenol, ect.) I don't have any prescriptions.

    Nobody ever messes with it, or even sees it...


    Matt that is exactly right. And the TSA doesnt care either.

  8. Proponents of vegetarianism and the humane treatment of animals can be traced back over 2,000 years so people have managed in this lifestyle for quite a long time :)


    I made the choice to become vegetarian when I learned how much of the earth's resources we were exploiting and endangering in order to sustain our meat eating habits- and how famine could be all but eradicated with the universal adoption of vegetarianism. Even while I was a vegetarian, I refrained from wearing leather, silk, or wool, and over the years I leaned more and more to veganism until finally adopting a vegan diet a few years ago. I realize it may seem like an odd diet or way of life, but I can assure you vegans eat very, very well (and personally, I'm often astounded at the volume of food I sometimes consume in a day! :D)!


    My has this discussion gone off the rails. Next stop loony bin!:rolleyes:

  9. Correct, but they can detain you and notify the DEA and/or the local police in order to identify unlabeled pills. Who needs any potential aggravation while on vacation. And it is a violation of law which could mean fines an stuff of that nature. It all depends on how far someone wants to push the issue.


    Best bet as I said before is in a bottle with your name on it. They will NOT even question you. If they are in the generic mon-sun dispenser they wont question you. TSA is there for the safety of the plane. You are correct the best bet is to have them in your prescription bottle. 0% chance of any problem.

  10. They have agents that specialize in pill identification. Not having your pills in the correct container only gives them a reason to delay you and bust your chops if they want. By law they are required to be in a prescription container. So why give them any ammunition to bust your horns?


    Yes DEA agents can do that. TSA agents do not. As long as there is nothing in your pill bottle to help you hijack a plane you will be fine. TSA couldnt care less about your prescription.

  11. so instead of the drug mules stuffing the drugs where the sun doesn't shine they should just get large prescription bottles? bet they never thought of that.


    No Sh*t Sherlock. Just to start pointing out your lack of knowledge. TSA has nothing to do with drugs. They are security. They have NO law enforcement powers. Notice no gun? There are CUSTOMS agents for that. So keep talking about which you know nothing. Yeah sure the TSA agents are pharmacy experts. double sheesh:rolleyes::rolleyes:

  12. I agree. I've never had a problem. The only problem I have heard of is a large bottle of pills and the name on the bottle didn't match the passenger. I always keep them in my carry on going and check the on the way home (nothing I can't go a day or two without) and have had no problems.


    Exactly! bottle with YOUR name + pills = have a nice flight

  13. Love the Ultimate margarita! On the rocks-never frozen!:D Yum!




    P.S. I also purchased the Ultimate drink package, so I am also trying to branch out.;)


    P.P.S. It's made with Patron tequila.


    Could you get that with the package? I thought Patron was excluded? Or because it is under $10 is it ok?

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