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Everything posted by icft

  1. Now THERE is a phrase I will add to my vocabulary. "She has legs worth spreading..."
  2. Looking at all these pictures, I just have to ask - Are there any passengers on this ship?
  3. I agree. I generally say it is descriptive rather than predictive. I find it of no use in predicting a trend change but once an impulsive move is well established I find it somewhat useful for anticipating the final shape of the impulse. But it is all probabilities, not certainties. It is much more important to recognize when what you anticipated isn't happening and get out and to recognize when what you anticipated is happening and let it ride.
  4. You could well be right. I don't really use Elliott Wave theory, but once one knows they are in an impulsive move I do find it somewhat predictive of the overall shape of things to come. Having warned folks not to put much reliance on Elliott Wave, I'm pretty sure we are in an impulsive move and I think there is a significant probability the overall shape of the impulsive move down is, and will be, this:
  5. Looking at the chart pattern my best guess is that CCL will bottom in the $3.50 to 4.50 area after making a new low from its all time high, then having a bit of a bounce then the final low. But anything can happen. Who knows, the Saudis could make a tender offer to take it private at $20 a share. That would actually be a good deal for them. The price is so low due to the potential for bankruptcy. Without that hanging over CCL the shares would probably be trading above $20.
  6. I doubt it was operator error. In September I got the premium internet on the Glory for the first time since I had some stock market shorts in play and needed to monitor them. The speed was slow but steady. I had heard that the service on Carnival was slow, but this took me back to the days of dial-up modems. In short, the service was usable, but barely. Then in late October I was kind of forced into getting the premium internet on the Glory again since my wife liked the idea of our sons being able to contact us. (You can't put toothpaste back in the tube.) This time the service was unusable for anything except email and simple web pages. The first day I could not load a single web page. In the late evening I went to guest services and was told that it would get better soon. They said we were in a "satellite blackout zone" until we got out of the river. Late that night/early morning of the next day I still couldn't load a page and went back to guest services. Again, by a different person, I was told it would get better soon as we were in a satellite blackout zone. So I asked for a refund for the day since they charged me for a day they knew they would not be able to provide service. They said they could not refund a day, but I could cancel the whole plan for the cruise. I wanted to do that, but thoughts of my wife's reaction stopped me. The rest of that cruise was about 75% slow and steady and 25% effectively no service. But the 75% also had a new wrinkle. One site I wanted to use was a subscription site and I could only connect from one IP address at a time. Apparently the Carnival internet changes IP address every five to ten minutes and I would get kicked off for having attempted connections from two IP addresses. So there are all kinds of screw-ups with internet on at least the Glory.
  7. So many shares? He's only got $13,000 in it. It sounds like a lottery ticket bet CCL doesn't go bankrupt. If he is right he will make a big percentage gain. Sounds like a reasonable high risk/high reward bet.
  8. I seem to recall it was about two weeks before sailing. You get an email asking for your choices.
  9. I think you have the different perspectives right. To what degree does something have to change before it is no longer the product you liked? The answer is different for each person. In our case some of the things that made cruising enjoyable for us were good service and a touch of luxury. With those gone much of the appeal is gone for us. We are past the age where glamping appeals to us. But lots of folks love glamping. For us the product is no longer the same product. For others nothing they care about has changed and it is the same product.
  10. I'm with you, but I think we are a minority. Years ago I realized most people are happy to pay to wait for service or stand in long lines. (Look at Disney World.) Good, fast service was once a basic part of cruising and what drew us to cruising. That is no longer the case.
  11. The ease of getting drinks in the casino has always been a cruise-by-cruise thing. We've done about a half dozen cruises since covid and the drink service on all but our last cruise has been better than it was before covid. On our last cruise one of the bartenders told us the first day of the cruise they had new people working the casino floor and it was the only cruise since covid where we had a problem. I'm hoping it was just a learning curve thing. This thread did make me realize that since covid one thing has been better - the drinks service in the casino. I hope it is not the first "change" that gets reversed.
  12. Having been to many of the Caribbean ports numerous times we usually stay on the ship at at least one port each cruise. We use those days to sleep late and take a vacation from the booze till late afternoon. We find those days very refreshing and it increases our enjoyment of the other days. Drinking seven days straight will wear you down. At other ports we have previously visited and "toured out" we just get up when we want then stroll around the port. Key West, Nassau and Cozumel are good for that. When we visit a port the first times we will take excursions if they look interesting and just suffer through getting up early. But after we have done the interesting excursions we prefer to not get up early for excursions on future visits. We don't go on vacation to get up early and stand in lines. Of course we are old farts and retired. Younger folks can catch up on sleep at work when they get back; while we can't as we are off on our next adventure.
  13. Many moons ago I commented on how Guy should be concerned that "Guy's Franchise Rights" will be moving from the intangible asset category to the "Intangible Liability" category on balance sheets. Apparently he doesn't care (as someone else noted) as long as he gets a check. So my opinion of Guy the person has gone way down.
  14. What is with all the talk about Carnival doing this to cut down on bad behavior? Did Carnival say that, or is it just folks making up the best excuse for Carnival they can think of?
  15. What they said... including the coffee...
  16. It is the Carnival way. New cruisers don't know it was any different. Experienced cruisers who say anything about the changes are called "entitled." Gaslighting is a corporate strategy in my opinion.
  17. More cutbacks, err... sorry about that, CHANGES. (I have been guaranteed by "experts" that all these disappearing things are just changes.) They make more from on board by-the-drink purchases than on bottle sales. Same reason they take your bottle purchases from port calls and deliver them to you the last night.
  18. Our favorite is the Dream class with the Conquest class a very close second. We strongly dislike the Vista class - sailed Vista once but never again. We find the Dream and Conquest class ships do not feel crowded and have an open feeling. Sure, there are some crowded places at times but you can always find lots of open space and great views off the ship (the sea or whatever land you are near). The Dream edges the Conquest class because of the covered (covered by the Spa deck) tables and chairs on the Panorama deck overlooking the Lido pool area on one side and the sea on the other. Sitting in the shade with the wind blowing through with great views gives Dream class the edge. The Vista class makes you feel like a rat in a maze. In addition everything seems to be laid-out to be as inconvenient as possible (example: closest bathroom to the casino? - bring your hiking boots), though it does have a well designed Lido buffet area.
  19. If you are talking about the Carnival Vacation Protection plan I don't think you can cancel it once you buy it. They figure you have been using it ever since you bought it because if something came up to cause you to cancel your cruise you would have been able to file a claim. If I am wrong someone please speak up. I haven't been able to cancel mine.
  20. The short answer is that Carnival does not care about Diamond members very much. They figure Diamond members are about the most likely to sail come hell or high water and least likely to jump to another cruise line. What Carnival wants these days in new cruisers. They are trying to fill ships and get demand up enough to raise prices. That means new demand, not old demand. They consider Diamond cruisers to essentially be locked in to cruising and Carnival for the most part.
  21. I should also mention that most cruises I have been on have the 10 to 10:30 time as the earliest check-in time. If that time is full then the earliest time you will see on the arrival time screen will be 10:30.
  22. It is a question of how many people checked in for the earliest time before you. Check-in starts at midnight eastern time. A number of folks start sign-in immediately at that time. Some go so far as to skip to the arrival time section and fill it in before doing the rest of the check-in steps. The key is when you complete the arrival time section, not when you complete the entire check-in. Also, it depends on how many they have in each boarding group. I have been in A2 at times there have only been about ten folks in A1. But I have also been in A2 when there were quite a few in A1. I haven't seen rhyme or reason for how many are in each group.
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