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Everything posted by FrugalVoyager

  1. Who you kidding? A 15 day cruise in November to Hawaii on the Royal starts at $2500 per person ($160/day). Get out of here with your $50/person babble.
  2. I am a young marketing executive my self in my 30s and my philosophy as is with many of my colleagues is that the only reason young people don't fill the ships is because they don't want to cruise with old folks, on a boring boat. But as marketers our job is to completely re-emagine the market and define new expectations of what a "cruise is". To do it effectively we need to basically start fresh and clean to attract the masses to so that effectively older people, seniors and anyone not fitting the new image needs to be phased out so the marketers can do their job and get young people to fall in love with the concept of cruising. Yes it will take years to convert the industry but a massive change is needed to save the industry, the seniors will have to find another way to travel and other ways to vacation because cruising is going young hard. Just my insider take based on all the new advertisement assets cruise lines are focusing on, they are smart to do so.
  3. Absolutely not true, it is smart for cruise lines to alinate away from older people because the younger generations control the markets, set the trends and dictate what's cool and what's not. Older seniors aren't market drivers or relevant to corporations, having them on pamphlet or promotional materials isn't good for sales. There are plenty of young, free going adults to fill the ranks of seniors being pushed out by cruiselines even during school year cruise lines won't have issues filling up if they push out seniors i am sorry but it's time to accept that a new wave of appeal is coming and its toward young people and away from older.
  4. I am telling you these boats must be sailing at 30% or less capacity. No one has the type of coin you need for the Hawaii prices.. like who can afford that? Listen, why charge so much for Hawaii? The Hawaii cruises cost 2x Alaska cruises and 3x Carribean itineraries day/per rate.. why? Makes 0 sense.. like I really want to go to Hawaii but I need the cruise prices to be more in line with Alaska or Carribean routes Hawaii shouldn't be so expensive how can I make this point more clear?
  5. What is up with Hawaii cruises being so expensive? It's crazy to me if you look at the cost/day across almost any destination the Hawaii cruises are priced way too high.. how are people affording them? Also why not lower the cost of the Hawaii cruises so more people like my self can go, I know a lot of people who want to go but can't accept the sticker price.. Hawaii cruises are senslessly and not strategically priced, just basic economics would tell you to lower the price so a lot more people can go.
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