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John Cruise

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250+ Club (5/20)

  1. I was on the same cruise and thought the men’s rooms were great. 👍
  2. Same goes for Serenity. Fantastic! JC
  3. My suggestion would be to please stop allowing babies in or out of high chairs in the specialty restaurants. Staff nor parents do anything to stop them crying or screaming. It spoils what should be a highlight dinner. JC
  4. Agree with everything you said B&R, Have been on this cruise with you and its been great. 😀😀
  5. Uber can’t pick up passengers debarking Canada Place.
  6. Totally agree about children on Crystal. Children under the age of 13 are bored to tears. Disney Cruises is perfect for young kids. That is just my opinion. JC
  7. Just like Vancouver B.C.
  8. Just looking at Regents included Special dining on Explorer Alaska cruises this summer it appears as if Pacific Rim is excluded. The home site mentions it is but the Alaska listings don’t. Just curious.
  9. Keep it up. it is what it is. Enjoying what to eat with no calories. JC
  10. I forgot to mention, I saw people on Regent’s Gala Sunday Brunch actually touching the food to see if it was real, and then walked away.
  11. Glad Crystal wisely ended that complete waste of food, which was never as good as the dining room. What a waste of time for the chefs as well. 👏👏
  12. During the COVID hiatus, I tried (Seabourn, Regent) and now I look forward to returning to my favorite ship Serenity this summer. just IMHO. JC
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