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Everything posted by Corinne288

  1. You should read up on it. Apparently they refused to allow a self ban in the casino something they claim they offer. Just sharing what they are saying. Either way not all publicity is good publicity and a man jumping overboard is horrific. Other reports of people being held on the ship and interrogated for hours after docking. Anyways I think that's it for me in relation to this topic. Time to move on! Take care everyone
  2. yes I agree.. My cruise was a special Offer so it wasn't ground breaking money so was never about that refund. It was, for me, the aftermath of taking these horrible things home. I live in Brisbane and the thought of people leaving the ship and going home or staying in Brisbane hotels unbeknown potentially with bed bugs was making me itchy. They spread so fast. I think they have had terrible publicity last few months between this and more significantly not following protocols. Sadly the same week we cruised a man jumped to his death in Sydney. Apparently their gambling regulations and protocols are being investigated and a law suit is coming. I think this is damage limitation on Carnivals part. Still no information on how they plan to manage the bedbugs onboard. It appears they are on many desks... Maybe ignore and hope it all goes away.
  3. sad to read its the end of P&O. Also to update that that the office of Fair Trading took over my case and P&O have offered a full refund. I was not interested in the refund I was more concerned that they, as a company were not adhering to carnival protocols and this problem was only going to get worse. I was horrified to think that over 3000 people cruise on that ship every week and god knows how many people are impacted by bed bugs and don't actually know it every cruise. Since I and others have gone public others have contacted us to say they had also experienced bites but had no idea until they were home. really sad. Hopefully we helped raise awareness and somehow see stricter protocols moving forward.
  4. They tell you never to put cases under the bed apparently. I will be travelling fare more ⚠️ in future that's for sure
  5. Absolutely tigerlily. That's why I decided to make it public. I got home and realised they are aware there is a problem. That was confirmed to me by medical but to see how bad some infestations were it made me sick. I wouldn't cancel. I genuinely hope we will be able to raise enough awareness that P&O need to respond and appropriately manage this. I just unfortunately don't have faith that they will. Genuinely up until I realised what the bites were, I had a lovely time.
  6. I am aware thanks. I mean the fan groups. P&O just ignore comments.
  7. Absolutely John. Thank you. Unfortunately I came across this hours after reading horrific comments over multiple forums. Then to read invisible bedbugs, and questioning if my bites were actually bedbugs... made me a little frustrated. The news article included I was diagnosed by medical so couldn't understand why it was even being discussed. However, I have appreciated the kindness and support on this post since. I was reactive as I was defending my integrity that night. I love cruising I don't intend to stop. Thank you for the support.
  8. and yet despite video evidence of it, people still claim she is a liar and looking for fame haha. What a world we live in. The internet should be taken off us haha. Most people lose their minds on it 😆😆
  9. Yes this is a horrific watch. it isn't me but it backs everything I just said. This lady reached out to me tonight and she was on in April. One month before me and on a different deck. Disgusting
  10. Not exactly a story on cruising. More about not responding or managing outbreak of bugs I presume. I am unsure as I didnt provide an interview. Unsure when it's airing but he did say tonight. Anyways have a good evening. I just wanted to have my voice heard and explain a bit better. Thanks
  11. Yes I have been banned on P&O forums on social media, my personal appearance torn apart on news article comments.... Its been pretty horrible all because I tried to raise awareness I tried to do this privately with P&O but they decided to lie and tell me there was never a problem. My skin tells a very different story. Thank you for the support. Please be sure to look at current affair tonight I believe they are airing other stories. Not mine, as I refuse to put myself out there again to be attacked. No one deserves that response. Thanks again
  12. thank you. If anyone is interested I was contacted by the producer of current affair asking me to complete an interview as they are airing a similar story against P&O tonight at 7pm. Sadly, due to the negative response from people trolling me on social media, I decided not to proceed as I have found the backlash as devastating as the bugs. However, I will be watching intently as I am hoping this will validate My claims and show others that it's not just me with this experience on these ships. This isn't about compensation or free cruises ( I wouldn't travel with them again, as they are not managing this problem and choosing to ignore it) It's about public health and responding to these bugs appropriately and effectively. Anyways thank you for listening to me, I just felt the need to reply. Thanks Corinne
  13. I am sure since you have experienced them too, you can imagine how frustrating it is when people insinuate you are lying or that your bites are X, Y, Z despite having sought onboard medical attention. Been a horrible experience and even worse when you try and speak up and find yourself ridiculed online. I don't mean by you or anyone here, but news articles, fb forums. It's very sad that people would rather tear apart a fellow cruiser than actually believe a cruise line has an issue and is covering it up. They have far more to lose than I do. They don't want this to be public. Deny Deny Deny is their reaction to the problem unfortunately. I am not the only person and this will be aired tomorrow night.
  14. I am just clearing up that it wasn't sea lice. I also initially thought it was an isolated bite but then it kept happening and every morning I woke up with more and began reacting to them. They were on my neck, shoulders, ankles... again very telling. As I say I just wanted an opportunity to respond. My reply was to your comment, they may be mythical. My skin says otherwise. thanks goodnight
  15. Thankfully a qualified Doctor actually reviewed me with knowledge, experience and awareness of other bed bugs on the ship. So personally, I am probaly going to accept her diagnosis rather than people on social media. I understand people are entitled to an opinion but the fact reamins I Was reviewed onboard by the GP and a report was made. Anyway just wanted the opportunity to respond and defend myself and my experience. Thank you
  16. Well you are wrong. I am not a liar. Thank you
  17. Unfortunately I have spent an hour on these forums ( not this post) having to witness grown adults tear me apart. From insulting my appearance, questioning if I am lying, doubting my integrity. I came forward as P&O claim it didn't happen. There are people with actual videos of them crawling the walls but they are also silenced. I am probably responding quite reactive because I can't believe how cruel people can be. Not necessarily on this post but all over these forums online. Just a new experience for me I guess. I know I have been contacted by a well known news channel airing tomorrow. I refused to be involved but hoping that will be enough from others to expose the truth and have people eating their words. Thanks for the welcome 💓 sorry i am feeling so defensive. Been a humiliating week
  18. Also thank you to Jean who actually highlighted most of the points I made. To the lady who believes I had sea lice ? I haven't been in the sea since I moved to Australia in 2022. I have a fear of it. So I guess that covers that possible theory. I still have the bites on my body which is also common with bed bugs for weeks after. I am not here to convince you. I was here to raise some awareness. Take my experience and ignore it, ridicule me, that's OK. Others will take notice and take steps to avoid a similar situation happen to them. Thanks. Good night
  19. So I am the person you are all discussing on this forum and I would like the opportunity to respond. 1. Please consider this, I am not the first nor will I be the last to encounter bed bugs on this ship and this will come more to light in coming days. Do you think P&O are going to respond by saying yes we have an issue? They had other passengers in that cabin the day we debarked. Think about it. Why does everyone assume the worst in people. This story is humiliating and I did not want to make it public, but P&O have since refused to acknowledge it happened, and wish to brush it under the carpet. 2. I sought medical attention on board at guest services request. The pattern of my bites... "Breakfast Lunch Dinner" was apparent all over my body. She confirmed it was classic bed bugs and also admitted they were aware of a problem onboard and was extremely apologetic. Why now am I being ridiculed online for following the guidance of P&O and getting my bites reviewed. I was not aware what was biting me initially, as like most people here, bed bugs are not what I expected on my well earned holiday. 3. Invisible bedbugs? Not that Invisible when numerous people have been affected by them in recent months. 4. Compensation... This is not why I went public. I had concerns on how we were handled during changing of our cabins. There did not seem to be guidance or clear protocols and I am concerned they are spreading the problem instead of containing and addressing it. I was trying to ensure other people are not impacted the way we are. Should we be compensated for trying to ensure they didn't come in to our home. Yes I feel that's fair. I am not asking for price of our cruise. We actually had a good time until this. I only want them to do better. Fix the problem! 5. This has been a horrible, humiliating expskence and the backlash from people has been horrible. I have shared my personal experience. I was reviewed by onboard medical. A report was created by them to guest services. I followed all necessary steps to try and ensure this doesn't happen to someone else. P&O won't fix a problem if they are denying there is one. Let's hope it doesn't happen to you. Here is a clear picture of the classic bed bug "Breakfast lunch dinner" pattern. Feel free to google that. I have no intention of trying to convince anyone. I love cruising and used to work aboard ships myself. Never in 100s of cruises have I experienced this, it must be contained as they spread like wildlife. I made this public to raise awareness. To try and ensure someone else, like you, didn't get affected on your cruise. Our holiday unfortunately was ruined by these. I have the right to share my experience its just so sad what I have had to deal with on multiple forums. The internet can be a really horrible place. Have a good evening
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