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Everything posted by SeaShark

  1. Hmmm...why "MOST" and not just "most"? Is the use of all caps significant? I don't think anyone is upset, but speaking for myself, just curious about the reason for the drama. Can't we make a point without the over exaggeration or the all caps or the so many are upset? Things don't need to be extreme to make a point...and if they are, there typically isn't a point to be made. Again, I go back to the Dawn reviews that I previously provided a link to. Out of the 2,930 total reviews, 174 of them are 1-star reviews. This is only a little under 6% of the total, which, IMHO, is far from 99.9% or even "MOST". Where are these terrible reviews that you are reading that would support this 99.9%/MOST conclusion?
  2. The concierge's office on a Jewel class ship is in the crew area behind guest services.
  3. Could the problem be in the reviews that you've chosen to read? Cruise Critic's review section for the Dawn (https://www.cruisecritic.com/memberreviews/getreviews.cfm?action=ship&ShipID=265) has 2,930 reviews. Using the available filter, you can see that 1,841 of those reviews are either 4 or 5 star reviews...that is about 63%. Given that, I don't know how you calculated that only 0.1% of the reviews were not terrible. I'm guessing that the 99.9% claim was over-exaggeration or drama to make a point, but I don't understand why people feel the need to do that instead of just being honest and upfront.
  4. Correct. That was mentioned in post #14 of this thread.
  5. Just to share, when I was on the Prima in January, I inquired about vegetarian meals. I was told that there was a vegetarian menu for the MDRs. The only "trick" to it was that you had to order on one day (with the Hostess) what you wanted to eat the next day...then, that meal would be available to you when you arrived. Here is a pic of the menu
  6. We're all aware of what the OP was talking about. However, my post (the one that you quoted) was clarifying an error in another poster's response...not the OP's initial comment. The whataboutism is just sad.
  7. Right, right...totally agree. A hot tub on the Miracle is totally related to a thread about cruising on the Legend. Everyone can see that. Of course, you pulled me into this by quoting a post where I simply pointed out that hot tub maintenance doesn't require a dry dock, so some might be confused by how it all ties together.
  8. Not just a bummer, but a real bummer. I'm sorry that this happened to you...especially since it happened on a ship that is not the topic of this thread. I hope everything works out for the best.
  9. Interesting off-topic tidbit...good to know. I should append my original statement to note that you also don't need to dry dock a ship to remove a hot tub either.
  10. Buttons or not, you don't need to dry dock a ship to fix a hot tub.
  11. It isn't really just the cruise length, but a combination of the cruise plus the cabin type. There is a chart that explains it all in the Free at Sea promotion terms and conditions.
  12. OK...but only since you asked. "That, that, that" There, I did it. 😒
  13. I'm stumped. I immediately checked my inbox, but there was nothing from the Joy's Cruise Director that announces this decision and explains "why". Doesn't the cruise line always inform CC members of the "why" behind any and all decisions? I must have missed a meeting. 🤔
  14. Too many anomalies here to process... First, it is CruiseNext, helps to use the correct terminology so people will at least think you know what you're talking about. So you mention "when the transaction was 'processed'", but you don't explain what transaction that might be and/or why it would take a week. It is hard to comment on this as I don't know what it refers to. You also say "Well, as I speculated when I heard this...". Could you elaborate? What specifically caused you to have this speculation? Was something said that did not line up with your past experience or something that you had in writing?
  15. Would it be crazy to suggest asking the TA to answer this question? Shouldn't they have to do SOMETHING for the booking? Of course, I'm still of the "let the TA make the booking in the first place and then you won't need to transfer it" crowd, but I know we have people who'd rather do the work for the TA.
  16. But you aren't factoring in "time in port means saving fuel by not sailing at all". Again...ships might be different, but my car burns less fuel when parked than it does when I'm driving...no matter how slow I drive.
  17. So...you recognize the direct contradiction and you figure that deflection is better than having to say "my bad". Got it. Personally, I wouldn't want to have to defend that statement either. Especially if it was intentional and deliberate.
  18. Good to know as this is a very smart policy on their behalf. Having you speak with someone directly to cancel anything...from an add-on to the entire cruise...ensures that they don't end up with ticked-off guests claiming "but I never cancelled" and trying to blame NCL for what happens. This policy 100% eliminates "accidents".
  19. Help me understand...are you saying that they try to "keep their ships out at sea longer" in and effort to "decrease fuel spend"? How does that work? I'm no engineer, but I figure a ship in port burns less fuel than a ship at sea. The author of this thread would beg to differ:
  20. It really depends...How much can you afford to tip on your budget? How exceptional was the service you received? It has nothing to do with how much (or little) someone else tipped. Do what you feel is appropriate, tipping isn't a contest.
  21. Lots of information on Shore Excursions and other off-ship experiences can be found on the Cruise Critic forums covering these activities. Try: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/308-private-islands/
  22. As evidenced by the fact that nobody even asked, I don't think that anyone does care... However, we all know since you had to make sure to tell everyone about your skills at monitoring other passengers.
  23. Why would it be "very important" to see how much someone else tips? Are we playing "keep up with the Joneses"? How would we know if the person we observe overtipped or undertipped? And the comments I was referring to go beyond the person in front of you...you don't comment on what "over half of the passengers" do based on observing one. Still....I'm surprised that anyone would care one iota about what other people tip.
  24. Really? You're at the pier...time to cruise...and you're watching closely enough to see and note (mental or otherwise) who tips the porters and how much? I'm surprised that anyone would care one iota about what other people tip.
  25. But you aren't using the gift cards with the parent company (Carnival Corporation), you are using them with Carnival Cruise Line...which is a subsidiary of the parent company just like HAL and Princess. As a stock holder, you should be aware of which company's stock you own.
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