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Everything posted by dfish

  1. Lenda, you needed to rant and there is nothing to forgive. I would be scared since it seems like a case of the right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing. Don't those people talk to each other. In the case of the cardiologist, it might be hierarchy. The hospitalist notices something, calls in the cardio guy who says everything is fine. Of course, that does not comfort the family who doesn't have the background to determine if the cardiologist knows what he's talking about. Can you talk to the hospitalist who wanted to keep your DH a few days and get his take on what is happening now? He may be satisfied with what the cardiologist determined.
  2. Good morning, everyone! It is going to be a wonderful day here in mid-Michigan with sunny skies and temperatures in the low 70s. Then the bottom falls out for the weekend, but today is a day to enjoy! Today's agenda includes my laps, a trip to the grocery store, and unpacking more boxes. I think they are multiplying. Bok choy is a member of the brassica or cruciferous family of vegetables that includes cabbages, broccoli, kale, collards, mustard greens, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts. It is considered a nonheading cabbage because it grows in a cluster of stems and is sometimes referred to as "Chinese cabbage" (as is napa cabbage). One cup cooked bok choy has 20 calories and 3 grams of fiber. This cruciferous cousin of broccoli is loaded with nutrients that help keep your skeleton strong, such as calcium, vitamin K and potassium. Swap in 2 cups of raw bok choy for lettuce in your salad and you'll rack up as much calcium as you'd get from half a glass of milk. For more information on bok choy and how to buy, store and cook it, look here: https://www.eatingwell.com/article/7669589/what-is-bok-choy-and-what-can-i-do-with-it/ I could only find one recipe that was exact to the Meal of the Day name. I had to search to find it on a non pay site. Good Housekeeping wanted $20 from me to see the recipe. No, thanks! This one has both the bok choy and the coconut rice. https://www.pinterest.ie/pin/370843350567483324/?amp_client_id=CLIENT_ID(_)&mweb_unauth_id={{default.session}}&amp_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.ie%2Famp%2Fpin%2F370843350567483324%2F I think the bok choy looks pretty good. I'd probably skip the rice due to the carbs, but the rest is yummy! This next one has a different preparation for the pork chops and includes the coconut rice. You can use the instructions for the bok choy from another recipe. I'd probably grill it. https://www.howsweeteats.com/2017/08/thai-pork-chops-coconut-rice/ This next recipe doesn't use pork chops and includes plain white rice. I'd use riced cauliflower. The pork is cubed and stir fried with the bok choy. https://madaboutfood.co/easy-teriyaki-pork-and-bok-choy/ This next one is a Thai pork chop recipe with peanut sauce. It uses grilled peppers as the vegetable, but there is no reason bok choy couldn't be included. https://lundsandbyerlys.com/one-skillet-thai-pork-chops-coconut-rice-2/ I hope that gives you some choices for dinner tonight. It feels good to be back in the meal saddle again. Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  3. Awesome! Gestures such as this can make all the difference. The poem is beautiful and I am sure the service was as well. Jose would be proud. Your love for him comes through so strongly.
  4. Well, that is true. Open Enrollment will end eventually and at least they aren't spewing hate and lies about others. They are a bit easier to tune out. I do get annoyed at how dumb the Medicare ads think we are. Well, that is truly too bad that you will have to start over. Being flat on your back does take it out of you. There is noticeable loss of lung capacity after a long time bedridden. The only remedy is getting up and moving. You'll get there eventually. I guess this is also a lesson on developing patience. I have none when it comes to being sick. @HAL Sailer safe drive today. @Crazy For Cats Nice flowers. Special occasion or is Juan just being nice? @bennybearI don't care about the order as long as I have cream and jam for my scones. They are a special treat to me. Just like cannoli is in Boston.
  5. @Quartzsite Cruiser I just read your report from yesterday on Steve's surgery. Wonderful news and I'm sure both of you are breathing sighs of relief. Now, let's barrel on through the rest of the recovery!
  6. Good morning, everyone. It is going to be a sunny day here in mid-Michigan with warmer temperatures. The forecasted high is 64 for today and 73 for tomorrow. I will gladly celebrate World Freedom Day, especially since we are free from the political ads. Now I can watch a TV show without cringing every time an ad comes on. Unpacking is going much quicker than packing did. It is also making me wonder why I saved some of the junk I did. But, I did find my will! It needs to be redone so I'll be calling on my esquire nephew soon. Pumpkin is a very healthy food choice and we should incorporate it into our diet more often. It isn't just for lattes and pies at Thanksgiving and Christmas! Clear Skin and Clear Eyesight: Like other bright orange foods, pumpkin is an excellent source of Vitamin A, a nutrient needed for clear, acne-free skin and sharp eyesight. One cup of boiled, mashed pumpkin delivers 245% of your recommended daily Vitamin A intake. Aids Digestion & Weight-Loss: Fiber is a crucial component of a healthy diet, yet a whopping 97% of the American population isn’t eating enough. (1) Fiber aids in digestion and elimination and it helps you feel satisfied and full longer. Pumpkin adds fiber – about 3 grams per cup – on a minimal amount of calories – 50 for that same cup. It has an extremely low glycemic load – a 3 – which means it will not spike your blood sugar, and instead, will help keep it stable. If you’re trying to lose weight, consider adding more fresh pumpkin to your diet. Sage is good for memory and also helps to boost mood. https://mariamarlowe.com/recipe/savory-pumpkin-sage-soup/ This next recipe is a little more on the thick side making it nice and hearty! https://www.punchfork.com/recipe/Savory-Pumpkin-and-Sage-Soup-Delish Here's a quick and easy version: https://www.bowlofdelicious.com/pumpkin-soup/ And here is the vegan/vegetarian version: https://www.theedgyveg.com/2017/12/20/pumpkin-sage-soup-vegan-pumpkin-soup-recipe/ That looks good for the upcoming weekend when the temperatures plummet and highs are only in the 30s. Wishing everyone a wonderful day.
  7. Prayers, Lenda, that all goes well. Thank goodness they found the clots. You're more than welcome. That's an interesting diet, Roy. I'm hoping you escape the worst of it and can get some real food. @luvteaching How nice that your DH is progressing, but how strange that the x-ray doesn't show congestion nor a broken bone. Did they perhaps mix up the x-rays?
  8. Good morning, everyone! It is shaping up to be a nice fall day here in mid-Michigan. Temperatures will be moderate until the weekend when they plummet. It is that time of year. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, the resemblance between you and your daughter is very strong. It does look like the three of you were having a great time. That is the most important thing. Yesterday I ran a Covid test over to my brother and it turns out he is positive. It seems to be a light case. My DBIL took paxlovid for his Covid and now has a rebound case. This stuff is nasty. Galette (from the Norman word gale, meaning "flat cake") is a term used in French cuisine to designate various types of flat round or freeform crusty cakes, or, in the case of a Breton galette, a pancake made with buckwheat flour usually with a savoury filling. Of the cake type of galette, one notable variety is the galette des Rois (King cake) eaten on the day of Epiphany. In French Canada the term galette is usually applied to pastries best described as large cookies. I have made King Cake and had quite the selection of those little ceramic figurines that were baked in it. The person who got the figurine got to wear the crown. The potato and fennel galette reminds me of some of the recipes for the tomato pie we all liked. Some were the free form crusts that we see in this recipe. https://greenthumbfarms.com/rustic-potato-and-fennel-galette/ I only found the one version of the potato and fennel galette. Galettes are very versatile and there is a lot that can be done with them. This next one makes the crust out of the potato. There is no fennel in this one, but I'm sure you can add it in if you like. https://www.southernliving.com/recipes/crispy-potato-galette This next one uses leeks (just for @superoma). It also has a pistachio crust that sounds very interesting. https://www.bonappetit.com/recipe/goat-cheese-leek-and-potato-galette-with-pistachio-crust This last one has a rye crust and uses leeks and fennel, but no potato. https://www.irishexaminer.com/recipes/?c-recipeid=5297 Wishing you all a wonderful day. Time to tackle those boxes!
  9. Oops, my bad. Many thanks to @superoma! Nice job on the soup. Now I remember reading how you grow your own leeks. I was so tired yesterday by the time I was connected that my brain wasn't functioning well. I still made myself stay up and watch some TV just because I could. I am so glad! We don't want anyone wasting away! At first Spectrum tried to tell me that they didn't service my area but I could see that this address had service prior to us. Then they said it was the modem, so we drove to Saginaw and picked up a new modem. Then they said my house was wired incorrectly. But, it was wired correctly up until October 31st. Who knows. Probably not, but I would rather be safe than sorry.
  10. Good morning, everyone! It will be a sunny day here in mid-Michigan with temperatures in the mid 50s. Still lots of boxes to get through. I may add to the trash pile that previous owners left out front. I need to check to find out when the big item trash removal is so that I know how to time my donations. Trash day is on Friday with recycles on the third Friday. I love chili, but would pass on the cornbread. Normally I am not a fan, but the time I hiked Grand Canyon I certainly appreciated it. We hiked down the Kaibab Trail to Phantom Ranch where we camped for the night. We had made arrangements for dinner at Phantom Ranch and they served beef stew (don't care for it) with cornbread (not my favorite) and coleslaw (ok by me). It was all so good I had seconds. I think what I liked is that I didn't have to pack the food in and I didn't have to pack the leftovers and refuse out. I think this would be a great dinner for a busy family on a crisp fall day. For our first recipe we have an offering from Reese Witherspoon. https://www.delish.com/cooking/a23891306/reese-witherspoons-corn-bread-chili-pie-recipe/ It looks really easy, especially since it uses a boxed cornbread mix. I'd like this next one with the jalapeños in the cornbread. I like a bit of heat. https://emeals.com/recipes/recipe-40874-261435-Chili-Pie-with-Cornbread-Crust This next one put cheddar cheese on the cornbread. It looks really nice! https://12tomatoes.com/chili-cornbread-pot-pie/ Take care, everyone. It is wonderful being connected again.
  11. Good evening, everyone! I am happy to report that I am now connected. Computer, monitor and printer all all connected and working. I think the camera is as well. Yes, it is. I just checked. Whatever the problem was, it was baffling the technician for a while as well. I think Previous Owner did some of his own wiring and that was causing the problem. Best news is that there will be a Meal of the Day tomorrow!!! @marshhawk Condolences on the death of your friend. Thank you for posting the recipe for the soup. I was worried the Dailyites might waste away. See you all tomorrow! It feels good to be back in business.
  12. Just a quick note. Still no internet which means no TV either. Sue and I took a nice walk around the neighborhood. It is a good one for walking. The yard guys showed up as promised and cleaned up all the leaves. Former owners hadn’t raked a single one. I guess that was our housewarming gift. My niece and her husband came over last night with their two little ones and we shared pizza and salad with them. That was wonderful! It also was why I moved back.
  13. Hi, everyone. We are all moved in and all of our furniture has been delivered. The only snag is Spectrum has not been able to activate our internet like they said they would. So, there will be no Meal of the Day tomorrow. They said they’ll try to come out tomorrow to diagnose their problem. I’m hoping to be able to return on Monday.
  14. Good evening. Just a quick note to let you know that I arrived safely tonight in Midland. Loading the truck went smoothly and quickly. Traffic was heavy on the way up, but that is normal for Friday afternoons. I can barely keep my eyes open.
  15. I called in help and my movers came and finished the packing for me. I'm all ready to go. So, tomorrow we load the truck and then take off. Oh, my!
  16. Good morning, everyone. It is going to be another warm day here in northeast Ohio. At least warm for November. Today is the final day of packing before we load up the truck and head north. I am down to two apples, some garlic, and a container of yogurt to eat. I'm eating one apple now for breakfast. I don't have any utensils to eat the yogurt, so it will go in the cooler tomorrow morning. I managed to give away the ancient microwave, the dining room table and chairs, and the twin bed. We won't be needing any of those and really don't have any place to put them. I will be very happy when this move is over. Today's recipe sounds pretty good, but is a bit carb heavy. I could only find one recipe that was exact to the title, but others come close. I think it is the smoky bread crumbs that make it unique. The first recipe page tried to make me sign up for an account the first time I went to it, but not the second. https://my.whisk.com/recipes/1010da07e140869ec4cdbf2528fe078fbb4bfc51231 The second one is also demanding a subscription now, but didn't last night. https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1020999-pasta-with-chorizo-chickpeas-and-kale Hopefully the third one is the charm. https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/giada-de-laurentiis/rigatoni-with-greens-3607377 The Meal of the Day will be on hiatus tomorrow and Saturday. We hope to return on Sunday, depending on if I can get the internet hooked up or not. I have to buy some cable as well as pick up a new modem. Wishing you all a wonderful day.
  17. Good morning, everyone. Busy day planned for today. I need to get as much packed as I can, including the lamps, linens, and clothing. The new owners are coming by today at 1:00 for a walk through. I'm hoping I can give away more stuff to them. Friends Tom and Tim are coming at 2:15 to help me get two worn out pieces to the curb for pickup tomorrow. I did call and get some reinforcements to help with the packing on Thursday afternoon. It seems like it is never ending. Today's meal sounds great to me. I love acorn squash and could tailor the stuffing to my tastes easily. This is a great dish for your vegetarian/vegan family members. You can use it as a main course or as a side dish. https://wearenotmartha.com/quinoa-stuffed-acorn-squash/ This one is a little different with pecans and orange infused quinoa. It uses a goat cheese drizzle or you can use a cream feta. Or even sour cream. https://www.ambitiouskitchen.com/cranberry-pecan-quinoa-stuffed-acorn-squash/ Here we have one with a Mediterranean based filling. It may be too healthy for some. https://www.acedarspoon.com/mediterranean-stuffed-acorn-squash/ This Vegetarian Stuffed Acorn Squash recipe inspired by Canadian First Nation’s Cuisine is the perfect healthy and meatless main course for your Thanksgiving table. https://cinnamonandcoriander.com/en/wild-rice-stuffed-acorn-squash-with-feta-cranberries-pecans/?cookie-state-change=1667388056976 I know mine would never look that good coming out of the oven. But, I can hope! Wishing everyone a wonderful day!
  18. Good evening, everyone. I tried checking in earlier as I wanted updates on @Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda's DH, @smitty34877 Terry's DH, @kazu Jacqui's foot, etc. Finally I have been able to log in. @JazzyV Vanessa, we load the truck here in Ohio on Friday and drive to Midland. Then, we unload in Midland on Saturday. And when the truck leaves, I am moved in! Ok, back to packing!
  19. Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit! Good morning, everyone, and welcome November! It is going to be a cloudy day here in northeast Ohio. Warm and sunny up in my new Michigan home. So far it looks like decent weather for both places on moving day. Could we be so lucky? I'm meeting friends for breakfast and then it is pack, pack, pack! Busy days for the next few. I can unpack at leisure. Today's meal is a variation on a classic. Instead of using red wine, we use rose. It gives it a lighter color and a different flavor. But, we are assured it is still decadent and you will want some good crusty bread to soak up the sauce. https://www.howsweeteats.com/2020/11/rose-coq-au-vin/ Doesn't that look delicious? This next one has different seasonings and accompaniments. https://www.thethirstykitchen.com/recipes/coq-au-vin-rose A lot of us got into cooking more elaborate dishes during quarantine because we had the time. For us retirees it can be a great hobby. And this dish fits the season well as it can become almost a stew and can really warm you up on a cold fall or winter night. https://thedeliciouslife.com/coq-au-vin-rose-recipe/ Finally, I am offering the original as a comparison or for those who prefer the red wine sauce. https://www.recipetineats.com/coq-au-vin/ That would be hard to resist! Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  20. Wonderful news! Have an absolutely fantastic time! Thank you, Lenda. My sister is almost over it. Her husband is in the middle of it. Mostly it was a runny nose, congestion, a sore throat and fatigue.
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