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Everything posted by Presto2

  1. Hi, thinking more of some of the silly stuff we have --- don't ask, long story. 🙂 Never been on a Caribbean cruise so we feel like newbies all over again ! Not long to go now.
  2. I think it was mentioned on a thread on CC at embarkation, some folk were turned away as their cabins were damaged.
  3. Hi we have Caribbean stuff from school dressing up .. don't ask ... so that's fine. Just says black tie on the personalised and no other info. Haven't been on a cruise with a black and white night for a while so wasn't sure if they do them any more.
  4. 'Only' --- is that a serious comment zap? And it could have been 3
  5. I probably know the answer to this, but we are trying to get out heads around packing for next week (gulp) and am wondering if there are any themed nights on the Caribbean cruises on Britannia. E.g. a black and white night or Caribbean themed night. We are all sorted for formal wear, but thought we'd double check just incase ....... Thanks as ever, us Prestos
  6. Hello Rebel (hope its ok to shorten your name 🙂 ) Here is our review from May / June 2023. To be fair I think that some things have improved since - e.g. the ability to book select dining before you sail. We are off on Britannia again very soon, so will be posting another review when we get back and picking up on things that we were negative about to see if things have changed.
  7. And a snide remark for your 4th post sadly. I totally get the phrase as I sometimes say .. "Be really honest and tell me...." Welcome Rebel. I wrote a long review for Britannia in June. Off to find it for you. Lovely ship so no worries :-)
  8. We know it as the Amathus Beach. Always looked lovely from the outside with a great position by the sea and not too far out of town for a nice walk in. Its lovely. We usually stay with the Constantinous Bros Hotels - the Asimina (used to be called the Paphian Bay) which is now outside our budget sadly and the Pioneer Beach which is fab and has a great beach area. A bit further out than you but a good one 🙂
  9. Am guessing you can use the lounge if on a Marella cruise. Oh well we will make the most and are looking at options for the pre flight breakfast. A few years back we checked in and then went back to the Radisson for breakfast. Not sure that hubby wants fo do that this time though as he likes to get security out of the way and done with. He's just priced it up at about 103 quid for the 2 of us for the lounge so looks like it'll be a bacon or sausage bap and walk round the shops beckons 😀😃🙂 Oh dear what a shame... 😉
  10. Have a great overnight at our favourite pre flight hotel. We'll be there this time next week. We are off to Pafos the first 2 weeks of May for their Easter and then back again in September. Retirement is a hard life ... Where do you stay in Cyprus?
  11. Doesn't seem so if in a PO cruise it seems
  12. Really helpful, thank you. We fly at 11am and have treated ourselves to a park and stay at the Radisson. Have never seen the airport out of school holidays so we are hoping we will have a pleasant surprise ! Plus we haven't flown from terminal 2 since its had a make over so not sure what we will find. Good idea re spending on a decent place to eat. Not paying silly money for a lounge on top of what we've already paid for the seats ....
  13. Really helpful.. many thanks. Hubby is disappointed but in the great scheme of things its not a major issue. Just gives me more time to look at the shops 😉
  14. PS Do we at least get the fast track through security ????
  15. Will tell hubby gently ---- have paid over £800 for the premium seats on the Dreamliner and then another £200 to pick our own seats etc. It is a one off special cruise, but seems wrong that we can't have the additional stuff that TUI passengers get. Oh well .....
  16. It says fast track and think lounge too so will double check 🙂
  17. We are the same - pick our cabins with care and don't want to move at all ! Just because it is a so called 'better category' doesn't make it a better location !
  18. We are fortunate in that our flight to the Caribbean still has us with our pre booked Premium Seats on the Dreamliner. It is our first cruise to the Caribbean (my first Long Haul flight) and we are wondering how the following is organised. Help ! * The fast track check in (we would normally book this ourselves) * The use of the lounge at Manchester - how does this work? Thanks for any help everyone
  19. Hubby lived mainly in Trent Valley Road. He went to Penkhull Infants and The Close before going to Thisley Hough. We met and got married at the AOG church at the top of Franklyn Road. 30 yrs this year. I'm the Northern in terms of the City. 😀
  20. We get off as you get on. Definitely book before as it has sold out quickly. Same for speciality dining. It opened 2 days earlier than we expected and best spots sold out fast.
  21. Just concerns me that some of the people who complain so loudly and make things out to be soooooo terrible have limited experience or been fortunate that all has gone smoothly in the past. Yes it was not a good experience but in the great scheme of things .... and being a blogger doesn't make them an expert.
  22. I used to sing in a choir that took part in a festival there each year and Mr Presto2 and I got married in Penkhull x
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