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Posts posted by BeagleOne

  1. I am also not sure why in this case they should be required to pay to see the doctor when the seizure would resolve on its own.


    And for what it is worth, I am married to a neurologist. He would also question how the cruise line handled this.


    If you are really married to a neurologist, you should know that seizures DON'T always resolve on their own. Have you heard of status epilepticus? And of course since the father refused to let the doctor examine the daughter or take a history, the doctor had no way of determining how severe her epilepsy actually is.


    To the OP, who probably won't come back...epilepsy IS a disease. It's nothing to be embarrassed about, but it IS a disease.

  2. Okay- I confess that I'm culturally deprived (well, if that is what passes for culture). Maybe I'll quit traveling (last three months: South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Namibia, St. Helena, Brazil, Haiti, Jamaica, Mexico) so that I can be more knowledgeable. On second thought, I think I'll stick to real world experiences...




    JJ Watt and his entire Family last year on Allure of the Seas.


    Oh, I'd totally have gone into stalker mode! :D


    Back in 1975 my family and I were on a TA with John Maxtone-Graham. Still have the copy of The Only Way to Cross that he inscribed to my dad. Norman Vincent Peale was also on that crossing. We also went on an astronomy cruise in 1980 on the old Volendam, with Isaac Asimov. That was pretty cool.


    Glad I missed the Gronk's Party Ship cruise last week, though.

  3. We Americans are so accustomed to tipping that we will leave a tip no matter how bad the service is.


    I've had some bad service in my time, and have left some small tips, but have only stiffed a server once, and that was a very surly, nasty young woman in a pretentious restaurant with only one other occupied table (it was mid-afternoon). She took forever to take our order, then got it wrong, wouldn't correct it, and left my appetizer under the heat lamp for about 20 minutes and then served it to the other table, where someone had ordered the same thing, and then she billed us for it. She was appalling.


    Even then, my parents wanted to leave her a 10% tip. I said no, and we left the exact amount of the bill, minus the cost of the appetizer and down to the penny, and I wrote a letter to the restaurant owners.


    The place closed about a month later.

  4. I'm so very sorry for the loss of your father. I think your plan to wait a bit and see how you feel is a good one. I hope you will enjoy your October cruise.


    Mom had a bartender that always took care of her on the Enchantment. Every evening as we had a drink... he'd bring a glass of wine for mom.


    This fall my sister and I will take mom's ashes on a cruise... and leave her in the deep blue water she loved. We'll probably take her to BINGO first... she loved BINGO.



    What a thoughtful bartender! And I LOVE the bingo idea.

  5. IMO groups shouldn't be allowed to close off public venues like the CN, a showroom, or a pool deck for their social events at all, ever. If they want to have gatherings there and share the space with others, fine, but they don't get to occupy them exclusively for social events. Other passengers can choose to stay or not in the presence of a group, but they shouldn't be barred from using a public space.


    If the group members are having meetings, they can use a showroom or something at times when there are no other events scheduled there or when the venue might otherwise not be open to the public.


    If I were sitting in the CN and an officer came to tell me I had to leave, I would do exactly as Summer Slope and that group of people did. Way to stand up for yourselves!

  6. I stand by AirBorne and there are good ideas and options here by all folks and there are those who just enjoy to poo on those ideas. The beauty of Cruise critic you can utilize ideas and discard the others.


    It's very true that people are free to utilize some ideas and discard others, but providing facts about products' effectiveness or lack thereof is not "enjoying to poo". It's providing facts.

  7. Airborne is a complete marketing scam. It doesn't actually do anything positive. The company got in a lot of trouble a few years ago for false advertising. Airborne is a waste of money.


    Taking too much vitamin C isn't going to do any good. Our bodies can't store it, so anything in excess is urinated out. And too much of it can lead to kidney stones.


    Spraying Lysol into the carpet and upholstery isn't going to do anything.


    Taking antibiotics when they're not necessary is one of the major causes of antibiotic resistance.


    DepoMedrol is a steroid, methylprednisolone. It is not indicated for infections. In fact steroids suppress the immune system and can make infections worse.


    motif's post is 100% correct.

  8. Good luck with a 'big stink'.

    Captain has the power to put ashore anyone who causes a ruckus.



    Apparently you have a different definition than I do. When I (or any of us) am on a cruise, I have paid good money to have access to public areas of the ship, and it is inappropriate for the cruise line to allow access to those areas for some passengers and not others.

  9. Many have reported that different cruise lines have said they cannot release information on groups due to privacy concerns. While the group can certainly release any information they wish, the cruise lines says they cannot. As I said, this could easily be circumvented if the cruise lines insisted upon a privacy for all groups on board allowing the cruise line to release the information. It simply isn't in the cruise lines interest to release that information so privacy is a good excuse.


    The cruise lines are abusing the notion of privacy when they make claims like this. It is NOT a violation of anyone's privacy for the cruise line to say that a group of X size will be onboard. No one is forcing them to release the name of the group.


    I'd be one of those passengers making a big stink if a group tried to bar me from a place like the Crow's Nest or one of the pools.


    One last thing... I'm going to begin rehab this week in hopes they'll be able to help me re-learn how to eat & swallow. If that works out maybe this post would have just served as good info for anyone else with this problem who might read it. I can only hope...

    Thanks again.

    -- Florida Papa


    Good luck! I hope the rehab goes well and you can start eating again. You sound like a very caring person with a positive attitude. All the best!

  11. Since the OP has already contacted Princess about this issue, I would imagine that Princess would have a record of this phone call, and if they have the call logged in as coming from the OP or tied to a particular reservation, and they somehow tie the husband's not returning to the ship to this phone call, they could disembark the entire family.


    And as for the OP's being a doctor....that's her screen name. Screen names don't necessarily reflect reality. For example, I am not a beagle.

  12. If I recall correctly, the doors have an additional security measure at the top of the door that you swing over and it will prevent the door from opening very far. I'm not sure if it opens wide enough for a toddler to squeeze through....




    I would be concerned that while the entire child might not fit through, fingers, a hand, or even an arm would fit through. Then if the kid lets go of the heavy door and it swings shut...

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