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Everything posted by Oceangoer2

  1. I have this one that worked at one time.... Lhodges-bethge@celebritycruises.com Ooops...just realized this is a very old thread.
  2. Especially light chairs and tables which can be blown in the wind?
  3. You've made your point. Why persist? We get it...you're different...LOL.
  4. haha....expectation exceeds realization. Greyed out may be that you're still in contention. 🤞
  5. As others have said....I'm very sorry for your loss and expectation of a lovely vacation together. With all the angst you're going through now, why add to it? I would feel apprehensive well before check in. Your questions should be answered by Celebrity before you sail for your own peace of mind. The call centre might not be able to definitively provide you with the correct information. Perhaps this phone number might be more direct for you if you decide to inform X prior to sailing....... 305-614-1343......or at least to answer your questions so that you're properly informed. Hope all goes well for you.
  6. Up to you...since the gratuity is spread among 'other' staff, we give a little more to our room attendant, specialty restaurant servers if service warrants, and room service. From experience it's not expected but truly appreciated.
  7. Reading through the thread there are comments on other drink pkgs which is what I posted on.
  8. Our drink package has always shown $93.43 Cad, with 20% Elite + discount. But your example shows 20% off pre cruise without captains club savings. So being E+ means nothing...the 20% is across the board. Your first example of 35% off $75.85 hasn't shown on our cruise. As you say, it's sales on each particular cruise which is driving the discount. At some point our Nov. cruise may be discounted and I'll purchase then. Right now, it's pay as we go.
  9. It's possible they transferred all remaining cabins over to Move Up, which is a separate entity. They start honouring bids (sometimes) within 6 weeks of the cruise which has been my experience.
  10. There are many posts quoting 35% off drink pkg. which isn't showing on our cruise. Classic $93 Canadian x 10 nights plus grats is a little rich for light drinkers. I keep watching to see if it'll come down but so far...not. When is your cruise? It may depend on how the sales are going for each one. We've always purchased the pkg, but this time we're thinking of paying our bar bill in US $ even though the chit signing is a nuisance.
  11. Who has removed the Canadian pricing? Are you speaking of a TA or X? My screen comes up with Can. $$s. Perhaps your location indicator (at the bottom of the home page) has been changed somehow to US? The page for finding cruises hasn't changed for me.
  12. We've not rec'd the discount either. Called Captains Club and I was told we paid the reduced price when we booked online. One time in the Lawn Club the server talked to the manager to ask how he rang in our discount which we had not asked for...so that time we rec'd it . I agree....not worth it! We just enjoy the meal without the hassle over a few $$s.
  13. I would call and ask. In the past there have been Catholic Masses but I'm not sure about port days. We had a very enjoyable pub visit with the onboard Priest during one cruise....he had a GREAT sense of humour. Saying that, it would be very colourful and interesting to attend Mass in that port IMO. One cruise we were part of a marriage vow renewal which was well attended.
  14. Our CVP added $50 to each leg of the cruises. If you booked online it would have been missed ( I think). I'd call X directly and let them know you're on a B2B.
  15. When is your cruise? It may be due to how close the cruise is. Ours is in Nov. I check often and no discount other than the 20% which is always showing for Elite +.....and I'm not sure that it shows only for me and not for everyone else....Elite + or not.
  16. I've found the lobster roll didn't live up to the hype....maybe it's not my taste?
  17. This is what I have: Captain's Club Assistance and Inquiries 1-844-418-6824, and 1-800-760-0654 (no options)
  18. What struck me when visiting the War Cemetery was the enormous size....so many lives lost and along with the Arizona Memorial it was a very sad visit. DH lost his father in Italy WWII when he was a baby. Made us think of how many young men were buried there who had also never seen their baby.
  19. We have rec'd fresh juice in OV, but requested it at the bar. Seemed the same as what we had been served in Luminae, but maybe it wasn't as fresh as we thought??? 😉 Also requested it when ordering Room Service. I don't think the attendant would know our CC status so assumed they honoured the written request on the form.
  20. I had one cruise booked for some months; yesterday added another creating B2B. First booking kept the same number, 2nd was a different number. Rec'd $100 discount...$50 per each. CVP added on own initiative...didn't have to ask for the discount. 👍
  21. Guess those points added to being Elite +....will never make Zenith at this rate....LOL.
  22. It's hard to know until you're into the booking and likely too late if you don't like how it's going.
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