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Posts posted by rmf6

  1. It looks like it has been over a year since someone replied to this post. I looked at it before our cruise and decided to chance taking mass transit. There were 4 of us. My wife and I and two adult children 22 and 18.

    I read the horror stories about taking the bus but figured that if we couldn't do it, we would get close, call a cab and have them take us in. After looking at other posts we figured it would take two cabs to get all four of us there. And it would probable be about $20/per cab. So after looking at the maps we boarded bus #24, told the driver where we were going. He charged me $7.00 for the 4 of us. This was on Sunday about noon. The bus was almost empty. It was a little difficult carrying a big suitcase on the bus while the bus was moving but not that big a deal. While on the bus we talked to a couple who was doing the same thing. And they were traveling on the same boat as us. The driver let us off in top of the bridge. There was a stairway 10 feet away from us. We got all of our stuff and started the head down the stairs. I could see the older couple might have a bit of a hard time so I told my son to help the lady. There were a total of maybe 30-40 stairs. We got down and showed our tickets to the guard. About 10 feet away a small can pulled up and took us and our luggage to the terminal. So it saved us over $30.00 to go on a city bus. I thought it was worth it. It saved us a lot more when we got off the boat and took the same bus and then a train to the airport. That trip cost us about $15.00 total for the four of us and the boat advertised $25. per person on a shuttle. So we save $85.00. Total over a hundred bucks and we arrived at the airport by 9.00. (We were one of the first ones off and carried our own luggage. ) So I am 56 years old, overweight and had no trouble whatsoever navigating the bus, train and stairs to pier 91. If I can do it, so can you.

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