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Posts posted by goose&mav

  1. The second part of the hard is just like the first part - hard.

    I found it very strange with the medium :confused:


    I haven't tried any of the preset one but I did make my own sports one.

    Do you like the preset ones?


    I like some of the preset ones. They have quite a variety-- upper and lower body and short time workouts.


    The legs and lungs-- I think that's the one where u keep the nunchuk in the leg strap. I hate having to take the nunchuk out and put it back in ( a quirk of mine).


    I also like the preset one for the upper body esp if my legs are sore. I added some of the shorter presets to my workout after finishing the workout of the day for the 30 day challenge. You can always look at what exercises are involved before commiting to it.:)

  2. Hi Everyone!


    I also have been using the wii fit and active and love them both!

    Just finished my second 30 day challenge - 1st one at med. and 2nd one at hard.

    I started using the wii fit in February and I am down a few sizes and things are much more toned.

    Only have about 10 lbs to go to reach my goal!:D


    goose&mav - I see you are on the Jade right before me and that it is your first cruise. Hope you have a great trip!




    Linda--congrats on completing the 2nd 30 day challenge!!!! way to go!!!!


    We're so excited for our trip-can't believe it's only 2 months away now....

  3. I mostly do the wii EA active-- am on the last week of the 30 day challenge.

    I use the wii fit for the body tests.

    And sometimes the strengthening exercises...


    I really like how much better tone I am getting in arms and legs--also, clothes are looser now.:) It's tough to get motivated on some days, but I try to do the exercises anyway.


    The great thing about the EA wii active is that the sessions are only 20- 30 min so before long, it's over. (i tell myself that and countdown the seconds and mins, esp when I have 20+ jumps to do)

  4. Got a good workout in today. Helps you sweat more when the AC isn't on too. :D


    I did wear shoes today and it did feel better to me.


    So glad the shoes felt better-- it definitely helps cushion my jumps more.

  5. Wii Fit Plus???? Oh my goodness...on day 3 of the advanced Wii Active and it is really tough! I love it though! It makes me feel so great after I am finished! I never knew how hard it was to jump!!!!:eek:


    Great work!!!


    Does it automatically go to more advanced exercises after you finish the 30 day challenge? I am due to finish it next Tues.... finally. 5 workouts left in the 30 day challenge and I determined to finish it this time.:)

  6. Hi everyone! I would like to join. You all sound like a great group!


    I got my Wii-Fit for Christmas, but a week after a disc in my neck herniated. In April I had surgery to have it fixed and the doctor finally cleared me to start exercising again - so now I finally can try out my Wii-Fit!


    I have a couple of questions - Does it make a difference if the board is used on hard floor or carpet? How much can I realistically expect to lose if I am diligent? Any advice before I begin?


    In December we sail on the Liberty so I want to lose as much as I can before then. I have some ground to make up just to get back to where I was pre-disc rupture. I've already lost a few pounds (7) since the surgery so I'm expecting some good results now that I can do a real workout.


    So sorry about your herniated disc, but glad to hear you're better now!!!


    There are extra footers if you use it on deep carpet. I put mine on a rug (pottery barn wool rug) and use it on that without any problems.


    I was doing my wii active exercises barefoot, so my husband (he's a M.D.), thinks that's why I got tendinitis in both my knees. So now I use my wii active with athletic shoes on, on the rug, for more cushion, and I feel better.

  7. Thank you so very much!!!! I did it!! It really helps as I like to keep up with my weight as well as do the Wii Active.


    You're very welcome!!!:)

    There is a new version of wii fit coming out in the fall called wii fit plus.

  8. Would you mind explaining how I would load the Wii Body Test into my Wii Menu? I would appreciate it so very much!!!!


    I had the wii fit cd in the wii and on the menu it asked me if i would like to load it into the wii menu. I thought it would load the entire thing, but it loaded the body test, which is fine.


    When starting the wii, it scrolls when you last did your body test eg: "last body test 5 days ago..." in its wii fit thumbnail. You can click on that thumbnail and do the body test.


    When you're wanting to actually do wii fit, it will say please load the wii fit disc. But, it's fast to do the body test and then go onto do the EA wii active without loading in another disc.

  9. I really love my Wii Active. It is frustrating when you start because if you don't do the exercise correctly if freezes. But I am slowly getting better. I love the way I am dripping sweat. I am doing the 30 day challenge on medium. Had to miss a few days but am still going forward. It will take me longer than 30 days, but when I finish I want to to up the level to advanced and start again.


    I weigh on the Wii Fit and then change the DVD to Wii Active!! I need to lose a minimum of 40 lbs. I really do love the way I feel after I workout and sweat... I also get alot of encouragement from reading everyone's posts!!! Keep it up!!!!


    I loaded the wii fit body test onto my wii menu so i always keep the EA wii active in the wii but do the body test right before, without having to change discs. that saves time for me. when I do the actual wii fit, I have to change discs.


    I got tendinitis in both my knees so I took a 2.5 week break, but now I'm getting back into it....

  10. i'm hoping to get the wii fit or the wii active

    i saw these on best buy website which do you recommend


    -Golds Gym cardio workout

    -My fitness coach



    I think dh will like the punch-out. I would like feedback if any of you have the 1st two workouts. Thanks


    I read the reviews on Amazon about the first 2, but i don't have either. They are coming out with a new My Fitness coach this year called: My Fitness Coach: Tone Your Body, Out Fall 2009, which is compatible with the wii balance board, so I will probably wait for that. I'll keep doing the wii fit and wii active until then.


    This morning, I did wii fit for 25 min-- some yoga poses and strength exercises.

    I did 30 min yesterday on wii active-- hard intensity, so I'm sore today! (yesterday was supposed to be my rest day for the 30 day challenge, but I needed to burn some stress, so I made today my "rest" day.)


    keep up the good work everyone!!!:)

  11. Hi!

    Well, I finally reached my first 5 pound mark, so now I can get my manicure! Yay!


    Of course, that was before I went off for a long camping weekend. I'm sure the Wii Fit is going to yell at me for being absent 4 days. :rolleyes: Oh well! I'm going to see if I can find a good deal on Wii Active. The 30 day challenge sounds really interesting.


    Hooray for you Lady_Jag!!!!


    Isn't it so funny how the wii fit chastises you for not working out for a period of time!

  12. I wanna join!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol! We have the wii but i dont have the wii fit. After reading this I told dh we have to look in to it. My 1st cruise is in Nov. and i'd like to lose 25-30 pounds. I started the gym lastweek and my goal is 3x's a week or more but the wii would be great on my days off from the gym.


    Most of my weight is my stomach,waist and fat back.


    I have no idea what game exercises to get. Does the hula help with the waist-anyone notice? Any advice what exercise games to get for stomach,waist and fat back?


    the wii fit does have better core exercises than the wii active. I personally prefer the wii active, though, as I get cardio interval training which helps with weight loss. Also, on the wii fit, you have to stop and select the next exercise. On wii active, its a pre-set routine that you mostly seamlessly go to (unless a tutorial is needed to teach how to do the exercise).


    Apparently, a wii fit plus is coming out later this year which will have set routines that will be more seamless. i can't wait...

  13. I got wii active on Amazon for 54.00 and free shipping. I really like the active but I cant find any abs on it. It is a bit confusing to me the 30day challenge has the routines set? you can't pick one of the others and get a mark on the calender? I need to really read up on it I guess.


    The 30 day challenge does have the routines set, but they change things up every time you exercise so 1 muscle group will not get too tired.


    I've been adding extra of the pre-set workouts and adding them to my activity journal the next day. The # of workouts u do count toward your goal so even if you do the pre-set ones, they will ultimately count if you set a goal --eg 10 workouts in 2 weeks, etc.


    Oh, I agree, no set ab workout, so I've been doing some crunches, plank exercises on my own.:)

  14. Well, my DH bought me the Wii Fit for x-mas, but I didn't unbox it until April. I really like the Wii Fit, yoga poses are really great.


    Then... my DH bought me the Wii Active, and I absolutely LOVE it!! I have been exercising with it for a few weeks now and I am on the 30 day challenge (med intensity). It really changes up the workouts so I am not bored, and I have seen a difference in my muscle tone and weight!!!


    The only drawback is that the Wii Active and the Wii Fit each have great components the other doesn't have (Wii Active is interactive but no yoga and the Wii Fit has the body tests as well as core muscle exercises) .


    what a great invention!!!

  15. Hi,

    I am a big DIY'er. I've travelled to Belgium, Spain, Turkey with a girlfriend and since back then we were on a small budget, we took public transportation everywhere. Being from NYC, it wasn't a big deal and people were actually quite helpful.


    I am now taking my first cruise with my DH who hasn't travelled beyond to Mexico. But we're game for "doing it on our own".


    We are landing in Athens in late October and plan to take the express bus to our hotel in the Plaka area. By the time we get to the hotel and settle in, I believe it will be 2pm. We need to embark on our cruise the next day, plan to be at the ship by 2pm (leaves at 4pm). So, we have that 1st afternoon and the next morning to see the sights.


    For those of you who have been to Athens, should we do the Acropolis that afternoon or the next AM. Will we have enough time the next morning to enjoy it? (I am still debating about whether to take a taxi or the metro to the port. We specifically chose our hotel for it's convenient location near the Syntagma metro area).


    We really want to see the National Archeological museum, so that may be a better option for that 1st afternoon as I am concerned the Acropolis museum and sites may be closing at 3pm.


    What do you guys suggest? :)

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