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Everything posted by jelayne

  1. Many write about booking suites or Aqua class but the reality is 87% of the cabins on the Silhouette are standard cabins. Passengers in those cabins are the vast majority of passengers who have a large beautiful ship to enjoy, very good food, entertainment and activity options, excellent service and a crew that wants every passenger to enjoy their cruise.
  2. We were on the beyond a month ago, never saw or heard a word about using WhatsApp to reach the butler. I even had DH download the app but the only contact info we had for the butler was a phone extension, which he promptly answered.
  3. You might way to check FB, IG, Tik Tok or other sites to see if they post their schedule.
  4. We have been on the Beyond 3x and didn’t see a flower kiosk anywhere, but we weren’t looking for one. We did pass Guest Service daily on the way from the a martini Bar to dinner and back. I haven’t seen a flower place on a Celebrity ship in a few years.
  5. IT issues with Celebrity are not uncommon. Shoreside and on board experiences are totally different. Fortunately the on board experience is great.
  6. Since it was there and disappeared apparently a IT glitch. Guess it time to call.
  7. In order for the upgrade option to show the initial beverage packages must be shown under Oder History in your Cruise Planner. Sometimes when booking a AI rate your Booking a confirmation show the package but it hasn’t yet been added to the CP. Sometimes takes days, sometimes a long time. The easiest way to get this added is to call you TA if booked through one and have get it added. If you booked direct then call Celebrity and tell them you are considering upgrading and the option isn’t showing yet, they can fix.
  8. Where are you disembarking? Do you have to go through immigration/customs? Although the ship is scheduled to dock at 5 the ship has to be cleared by the authorities. Typically walk off carrying your own luggage can start around 6:45-7:15.
  9. You could go to the buffet, fill couple of glasses with water from the machine and take them to your cabin. You can have the attendant empty the mini fridge and keep a glass or 2 in there staying cool.
  10. Neither do we. But we decided 19 yrs ago when it was iffy if I would make it out of the hospital to do and see as many places/things while we could. A few years ago I was filling out visa paperwork and we had visited 35 countries at that point. Saw the Taj, Indias Dharavi slums, game drive, Cuba, Carnival in Rio, Christ the Redeemer, slums of Peru, Russia, lots and lots of other amazing places. No regrets, no if only we had for us. Do what you won’t regret.
  11. The elevators are not a noise concern, they are away from the cabin hallways. Michae Club and Al Bacio are quite away apart. Neither would cause noise issues being above them.
  12. Alaska since you haven’t done it. Unless you are into hanging at a beach, snorkeling, diving then Caribbean to be repetitive.
  13. Thanks for clarifying. I thought you relating a poor experience you had on a E class ship.
  14. You can purchase Premium Access which includes lunch in the MDR on embarkation day.
  15. No they no longer offer the 3, 5, 7 bottle packages.
  16. I guess I didn’t make my point. I wasn’t suggesting that corkage fees didn’t exist. If we go to dinner in most restaurants we can not bring our own beverages ( wine, alcohol, etc) as selling those is how restaurants make money. At the few where we can bring our own there is a corkage fee, glass charge, etc. I’m surprised that so many are upset over a fee ( not the amount which I agree is high). The ship is a profit center and revenue from sales of beverages is large. It has always surprised me that Celebrity allows carrying on of water, soda or any amount of wine.
  17. Been on all E class ships, some multiple times, and have never met a MaitreD or host/hostess who would not go out of their way to accommodate a passenger with mobility issue. Have you experienced this? That should have taken up the chain while on the ship.
  18. When we go out at home we can’t bring our own wine, so charging a corkage doesn’t seem unreasonable to me. As for meh wine, not usually our choice.
  19. Only complicated if one lets it be. We have never had a problem getting a dining time changed. Whether it is E class, S class or M class if your preferred dining time is not available when you book it can be changed once on the ship.
  20. Convenience factor for some. Rather than buy 2 $25- 35 bottles of wine, transporting them, or stopping on the way to the port, and then paying the corkage fee. Just buy a $70-85 bottle of wine at dinner and have it served at proper temperature.
  21. That was the case for a while, however on 2 different E class ships recently those that signed up for fixed seating ( early or late) has an assigned table, dining room and staff. From talking to some other guests switching from fixed to anytime once on the ship was not a problem.
  22. You can do it through the Cruise Planner on the app or website. Once you book it may take a week or more before the upgrade option shows.
  23. We have gotten our refundable OBC on the last evening in cash from Guest Services. We have not gotten before the last evening.
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