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Posts posted by waldocruiser1

  1. Have you ever purchased a bottle or two of alcohol on the ship from Bon-voyage?


    Did you think the price was too much?


    Did you finish the bottle on the ship?


    If you did not, what did you do with it?


    Well these are the problems we have had in the past.


    The DW has smuggled, and purchased from the ship, and while the price is very high on the ship, the biggest problem is she never finished the bottle (I don't drink and she only has a drink or two from the bottle each day/evening). That then makes the price even worse.


    So I have a question, Idea;


    Would anyone want to SHARE a bottle of rum or other spirit purchased on the ship? We would buy the bottle and we would pour our part in our rum runner or other container and you can have the bottle with your half.


    What do you think of the idea?

  2. Oh NO! How will I know what I like without some overbearing persnickety snob telling me?!:eek:


    I agree, that is the last straw, I will never sail with Carnival again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Just kidding, who cares,


    And more importantly, does that mean they had a person that their only job was to talk about wine in the steakhouse? talk about a great gig,

  3. Yes hotels do it. The holds are for min amounts and are released the next day! I don't have a credit card!! Soooo, if I keep my debit card tied but pay with cash will that fix the problem?


    Use cash, and then you can get more cash from the atm (yes there is a fee) but it will work, we do this and it works fine,


    You can also add cash to your s/s account NOW before your cruise so when you get to the ship the money is already on your account, you can add this money with your debit card and it is just like any other online purchase, takes a few days to go through. this is what we do, so we do not have to travel all day the day before with lots of money, for me and DW we will have 500 or 600 on our account before we ever leave home, plus we have already paid for excursions in advance from home if buying from Carnival and it is cancelled you will still get your money back.


    If you do not use all the money you put down, you get it back out of the cash machine on the ship at any time, The new system works like an atm with no fees for letting them hold your money for you.


    NOTE THIS IS NOT THE GIFT CASH IN THE BONVOYAGE AREA, just go on line and add funds, or call the guest relations and they will let you add money I think it has to be in $50 or more at a time.

  4. Well, I went to the DR for my 2 month check up, all cleared for stage 4 food.


    I am looking forward to the cruise, and the changes, I have a business conference to go to next week for 3 days, will have similar food challenges, lost of appetizers at several parties, and then buffet type foods for the other meals, so this will be my "Pre-cruise" dining test.


    I am looking forward to both,


    for you post surgery people who had the R N Y bypass, I am not having any problems with sugar, or liquid dairy, but if I have anything with even the slightest amount of cheese, sour cream, that type of product on it, I get a slippery slimmy film in my throat, do any of you,


    I have good handle on what I can eat, and the amounts, with that one cheesy topic,


    If anyone has advise please email me challey57@msn.com no I don't want you to email me saying "don't eat cheese then" Da


    We are cruising on the Liberty in October and I plan on trying the Guy burgers, or at least a 1/4 of it


    I emailed the Matrad' and he said to email the week prior and he can mark my record so I will get smaller portions, and then when on the ship to meet the first day and go over any other special needs,


    I spoke to special needs and with my Dr note can bring on up to 2 cases of water, or other needed drinks that are mentioned on the note.


    We are using a handicap room for this cruise for the hand rails in the bathroom, the biggest thing I am seeing now is, after working out I get dizzy at times, some when tired, some when body temp changes like in a shower, so I explained and they moved us to a handicap room and updated my profile.


    I am glad to hear there are that many that have had the surgery and sailed, with success.


    OP, good luck on your surgery, after you get home from surgery, get up and start walking, it will help a lot. I went to the Dollar store and got some small bowls for portion control, the type a restaurant would serve salsa in, and use them for most meals, I also have some 2 oz ceramic bowls for hot food, now I use them most days to measure my food, in the kitchen, and then put on a normal plate.


    You will find your "sure fire safe food" that you know you can eat if all else fails, mine is cold cereal, any kind with a little milk. worst case, I will have a lot of cereal on the cruise,


    Sorry for rambling, but this is a topic I can talk about for hours.


    I wish you well, this is a decision that will change your life FOR EVER!

  5. Not sure of the cabin code, but we were in an interior on the Splendor on the spa area deck 10 and we were a few door from the front with the 4j cabins, and the movement was not very bad, but the noise sounded like we were hitting whales all night long, constant thumping, like a speed boat hitting the wake from another boat. after a day you got used to it and were fine, this was out of Long Beach,


    We are doing a 4J on the Liberty in October and look forward to the window also, but I have heard you can not have the curtin open at night, due to the glare on the bridge,


    Does anyone know if this is true? (not what you have heard, but actually were in the cabin and told to keep it closed)

  6. We just got off the Dream this morning and for the most part we had a wonderful time. The staff was WONDERFUL, the food was ok and the ship was maintained very well. BUT, trust me when I tell you, the sewage smell is REAL!! We were on the Vista deck and you could smell sewage at the aft of the ship. It was worst in our room. I am not sure how the ship is designed, but on Thursday, our bathroom floor was full of water and bleach. Once we notified the steward, he qucikly came, mopped the floor and apologized. DH and I could not figure what was wrong, but as the day went on, we figured that the room steward must have used it to try to combat the smell. By this morning, the stench was so bad my nostrils were burning (we had air freshner and a Renuzit). Does anyone know the cause of the stench?


    It was mentioned last week the smell is from the COWS on the ship that provide the "real" fresh milk for the passengers.

  7. We were on a ship that had 3 people die, another had a heart attack at a slot machine and was brought back(we were standing 10 feet away from him when he went face first into the machine, luckily there was a nurse cruising and got to work on him immediately because it took 4 minutes for the EMT's to show and additional 7 minutes for someone to come with a defibulator), and one that had a heart attack and was helicoptered away. The slot machine guy was taken off the ship the next day at a Mexican port. One of the people that died on the ship was right across the hall from me. They cleaned the room thoroughly and the next day there was a new couple in the room. I guess news of an upgrade went out.


    People were just dying to get in that room

  8. If you do that they also prorate the data allowance so you may go over, but for the $25 you get the whole 100 MB so I just leave it for the month.


    That is true, but that is why you would ask when you have them on the phone, to see what you have used, and would be better.


    I did not go over 5 MB so I was fine.


    But you are correct, if you used it then waiting would be better.

  9. .....I assume AT & T would be similar to Verizon, including texting rates? .....$0.55 is a great and inexpensive way to check in with two teen girls on ship. TKS...:cool:


    It is a good way to keep track of them, as the parent, as long as they are not going to talk to friends back home, like they do at home, or each other when at different places on the ship,


    the average kid will use hundreds in a day if left alone, so make sure they know it is only to locate each other, emergency type of use, not "what are you doing?" "Nothing" "What are you doing?" "nothing either"


    That just cost you half of a quarter of a DoD $2.20

  10. It makes me absolutely CRAZY how much misinformation there is on these boards about this subject!!!!


    If you do not want to buy a global data plan ($25/month/100 MB) just turn off data on your phone. Data is almost non-existant on the ship anyway.


    You are NOT charged anything extra from the "ship's towers) like many uninformed people think.


    With Verizon it is only the .50 send .05 receive.


    Also just to clarify - if you get a phone call you are NOT charged UNLESS you answer it - many have incorrectly posted that you are charged for phone calls that go to voicemail - not true. You ARE charged if you listen to that voice mail.


    so each text between you & DD will cost .55 .50 to send & .05 to receive - there are charges for texting photos be aware.


    All in all not a bad way to keep in touch on the ship and FAR LESS intrusive than radios!


    I cruise with my Verizon phone on - all services running - I add the global data for the month I am cruising - I have never come home to a surprise phone bill.


    Again, correct,


    Also, if you call for the global data when you get on the ship, and then call again when you are at the air port waiting for your flight home, it is prorated and even cheaper.

  11. I work in global tech support at Verizon, .50 to send and .05 to receive a text is all you will pay onboard ship and most countries. Check out www.verizonwireless.com/tripplanner, have a great trip!


    Thank you for that,


    I have told people to check with Verizon before going, tell what you are doing and they will help.


    Our last 2 cruises I have done this and each time our bill was about $60 extra and I had use of my phone, text, and data


    Now did not use when out at sea much, but in ports it was fine to call, text and check email.


    Just call and use global roaming and global data, but note they are not the same, this is two different plans and you will need both.


    Global roaming is free and can be on all the time on your phone, just in case you wake up in a strange country.


    Then call *611 and have them turn on the global data and you are set.

  12. Yes I have had one of the L-shaped balcomy cabins twice now. Once on the Liberty cabin #6481 and on the Victory cabin #6459 and I loved them both. The Liberty only had a chair in the cabin and it did not have a sofa. I did post pix of the #6481 when I came back. I tried to see if I could locate the thread where the pix are posted, however, the search engine was not working. I do have pix of the Victory cabin in my Victory review May 27th - June 3rd, 2012. The cabins were very similar except the beds were on the opposite walls from one another. I really enjoyed the shape and location of these cabins!! Any more questions just ask!!


    I have heard there is a lot of wind when the ship is sailing, so sitting out on the balcony is not very fun.


    I also heard at night there is a spot light that lights up the side of the ship all night.


    On the entry from the hall, is this one that you step through a door way, then turn and go down a short hall to your door? Seamed very tight/narrow.


    we were on the Splendor in December and that is what it looked like.

  13. Exactly what I was thinking. I do remember where it was said that bottled water was definately NOT included, then I read the story and got excited that maybe they are including it now... but then what you said went though my mind... I don't think I should get too excited yet. :rolleyes:


    ETA: On the thread where someone posted the flyer, it does say bottled water is excluded. I can always hope they have revised to program to include it.


    No bottled water is included, but you have to provide your own bottle, and it is only available in the buffet area. But yes it is free! Ha ha

  14. I recently returned from a cruise on the Carnival Dream, my 6th cruise with Carnival. On the last night of our cruise, we received our Sail and Sign statement, which had all of our charges for the week. Everything was in order, so we packed it in our bags and headed home the following morning.


    About 3 weeks later, while looking through our AMEX statement, my husband saw a charge from Carnival that was higher than what he remembered. He eventually found the statement that we brought back with us, and saw that Carnival had overcharged us by nearly $26!


    The next morning, he called Carnival and spoke to someone over there. They were able to pull up our account, and claimed that we had spent nearly $26 after midnight, on drinks and other beverages in our room cabin. We didn't drink anything, and told the CSR as much.


    After being placed on hold for 5-10 minutes, the person came back and said that they would be crediting us the difference, and expect to see that credit on our AMEX statement in the next 14 days.


    My husband searched online to see if others had experienced similar problems, and found quite a few people with very similar stories, including some people on Carnival's own forums! The thought there was that there were rogue room stewards who were trying to cheat the system and get their 18% tip on drinks that weren't actually consumed.


    Has this happened to anyone else?


    No way, you can not be saying that there are cabin stewards or waiters that would cheat us, they are such nice honest people and they work so hard to take care of all of us. I can not believe that you would say that.


    Wait a minute, maybe the cabin stewards and waiters that we all love so much really are trying to "take" care of us after all.


    And think, after all the extra tips you gave them, they tried to screw you too.

  15. Its on the list of things you cannot bring.We have never had an issue with just the one plug .We charge both of our cameras and phones and never had a problem.We just make sure something is charging at all times and it seems to work out fine


    that is not correct, it is not on the list of things you cannot bring.


    It says if it is harmful it could be taken,


    I have left on out every cruise with no problem, with things plugged in.

  16. As long as they are less than 20 oz, per the new rules. In your carry on only per the rules. otherwise you risk having the porter refuse them until you remove them from checked luggage as some others had to do.


    What does the PORTER have to do with it? I have heard people say that lately,


    Do you have to have a Porter check what you are wanting to bring on the ship?


    I don't think they should be looking in my luggage sense they don't work for Carnival.

  17. We leave in 2 wks and have pretty much everything planned....we just have not idea of what to do in San Juan....we are there from 7:00AM - 3:30...we have been there once before and just shopped and looked at the forts....any ideas! I am getting pretty excited for this needed vacation! :D



    For us, San Juan is not our port,


    The only time we were there, we went walking around, just as far as Senior Frogs and back, and on our way back, we were accosted by a person claiming to have been attacked, (he was bleeding slightly) did not want help, but wanted money. Would not leave us alone. We ended up in the Cold Stone Creamery for Ice cream and then back on the ship.


    Now it was night, we ported at 6pm.


    I would not recommend it (being accosted) we will not get off the ship again in the dark, probably any port. Day will probably be better.

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