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Moto Guzzi

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Posts posted by Moto Guzzi

  1. I don't have photos of the larger water taxi, sorry. We were told to go to the end of the dock. A larger water taxi pulled in and a crew member hauled out a small, portable ramp that bridged the gap between the dock and the deck of the ferry. My friend drove her scooter across with no problem.


    The smaller water taxis require passengers to be able to navigate several steps down into the boat.

  2. Yesterday I received an email from Royal Caribbean that went to my Verizon email address, the one I most recently changed it to on my profile and cruise check in.


    Today I received another that went to my Verizon email but I also received the same email in my Outlook email. The Outlook one was addressed to my cruise room mate and had her C&A number and points. The ones sent to my Verizon email had my name, C&A number, and points.


    I'm finally getting emails from them but don't know why they can't get the info sent to my Outlook account fixed. Meanwhile, my cruise room mate hasn't been getting emails from them so I'm forwarding mine to her.

  3. I've sailed on the Grandeur 5 or 6 times, most recently on January 3. I like it because it's a short drive to the pier for me and it's a small ship. It has a reputation for being the friendliest ship in RCI's fleet, and we found the crew and passengers to be very friendly.


    Due to its small size, we would frequently run into people we had met earlier or see crew members in various places who would recognize us and come over to say hello. We had such a great time on our cruise we booked the same cruise for next January while still on the ship.

  4. Have you tried this form?




    It's possible they put you on the "do not email" list which means you won't receive anything but communications about a reservation.


    You could use another email address and forward emails to your primary email address.


    I've filled that form out at least 10 times with no results. I've used two separate emails but they don't send email to either one. Maybe I should try gmail.


    It's very frustrating not to receive emails concerning upcoming cruises I've booked or info about upcoming sales. I found out in a roll call that RCI had a sale in process that I knew nothing about. I checked it out on their website and our cruise agent was able to get us a reduced price.


    I've never known a cruise line that tried so hard to alienate its customers. They seem to have put me on their blocked customers list because I complained about getting emails that weren't addressed to me.

  5. I no longer receive any emails from Royal Caribbean. I used to get them all the time but haven't received any since December 1.


    The problem started after booking a cruise leaving in May. I was already booked on a January cruise but, after booking the May cruise, emails started coming to me addressed to my cabin mate and showing her C&A number and other info. I emailed RCL to ask why they were sending me her emails instead of mine and got no response. I called their customer relations and the C&A number but couldn't get an answer. Instead, they stopped sending me any emails at all.


    I've checked my spam folder and have verified that RCL is not on my blocked list. RCL does not respond to emails regarding this problem. Their customer relations representative has provided no help at all. I have not been able to get this resolved even with the assistance of our travel agent. I've repeatedly entered my email address which seems to disappear frequently, I checked the box for receiving promotions, and I've tried using another email address. Nothing has helped.


    Any suggestions as to what to do next???:confused:

  6. I'm sorry for what's happened between you and your boyfriend. Perhaps it will work out but perhaps not. If your weight has caused him no longer to feel attracted to you, perhaps he is not the best choice for you. There is so much more to you than your weight and you deserve somebody who will love you no matter what weight you are.


    As to motivation, I have lost 84 lbs in the last two years. It wasn't easy and at times I thought I'd never lose enough to make a difference, but I did it. I still want to lose more, but I think I look pretty good now.


    What helped me the most was getting a Nutri-Bullet and drinking smoothies twice a day. I had lost weight by dieting but was at a plateau. I thought about doing juicing but was worried about losing the fiber in the fruits and vegetables. A friend recommended the Nutri-Bullet but any high-powered blender will work.


    I got mine in January 2013. My typical smoothie includes baby spinach and carrots. Sometimes I add celery and cucumbers, but I like baby spinach the best. I buy fruit that's on sale and freeze anything I won't use within a few days. Any kind of fruit is good and sometimes I add a bit of yogurt. I add a liquid that could be water, milk, or juice and blend it up. I like them best cold.


    I started losing weight immediately but it took a while for anybody else to notice. I think it was August before people started commenting on my weight loss because by then it was obvious I had lost a lot of weight.


    The smoothies seemed to help me bring my carb addiction under control. I no longer do two smoothies a day. I usually have one for breakfast or eat steel-cut oatmeal and have the smoothie at night. I make lunch my main meal of the day and tend to eat out a lot at whatever neighborhood restaurant has a lunch special. That keeps me from having leftovers in my fridge. Dinner is either a smoothie or soup.


    I try to limit the number of carbs and processed foods I eat. I don't know whether it's because of the smoothies, but I've lost a lot of the sugar and carb cravings I used to have. Before I would have pasta several times a week, but now I have it several times a month. I have a chocolate Easter bunny that hasn't been opened. If I want chocolate, I pour a glass of low-fat milk and put a tiny bit of chocolate flavoring in it--just enough for a taste--and that satisfies me. I try to drink a gallon of water every day and keep a large container of it in my refrigerator so it's nice and cold.


    My weight-loss has been gradual and that's good; I don't have loose skin as can sometimes happen with a faster weight loss. I have much more energy and no longer huff and puff while going upstairs. I recently went back to ice skating, something I used to do several times a week until I got too heavy and was carrying too much weight for my knees and hips.


    I look a lot better and now get compliments and more attention than I did when I was heavy. It sounds harsh but we all know people do judge overweight people as being lazy and overeating when weight gain can be caused by a number of factors.


    Please know that, even though it's difficult to lose weight, it's not impossible and you will love the way you look and feel once you have taken off some of your weight. Don't think to yourself that you have 125 lbs to lose because that can be overwhelming and discouraging. Give yourself smaller goals like 25 lbs and reward yourself when you reach that goal. My rewards tend to be new clothes; I've gone through several sizes now and have donated bags of clothes that are now too big.


    Best wishes to you for success in losing weight. Do it for you and not because somebody else thinks you should.

  7. I have a Canon PowerShot SX260 HS and a Nikon Coolpix L820 and like both of them. They are easy to operate and the Nikon has a number of settings for different types of scenarios. The Canon is a pocket-size camera and has wifi. The Nikon is larger with a 30X zoom but weighs only about 1 pound.


    I bought the Canon a year ago and took it on a cruise to Bermuda. It then disappeared. I ransacked my house and couldn't find it so I ordered the Nikon. The December 2013 issue of Consumer Reports rates it as a Best Buy, and, at the time I bought it, was #1 on Amazon for point and shoot cameras. When I hauled my big suitcase up from the basement to pack for my December cruise, I found the Canon inside it. I have no idea how it got there as I never pack my cameras in a suitcase.


    Go to Amazon and search for their list of best sellers and read the reviews. Go to B&H Photo and call their number to talk to somebody for recommendations. I ordered the Nikon from B&H because they offered free shipping and no taxes; my state now requires taxes to be paid for purchases from Amazon.


    I always order an extra battery and keep both charged and with me when I'm out taking photos because I tend to take a bazillion photos. The Canon uses a proprietary battery and the Nikon uses 4 AA batteries. If you get a camera that uses AA batteries, get good quality rechargeable batteries and a charger.

  8. Now it makes more sense. I didn't think of a late excursion.


    How was the 4x4 excursion? ... I keep looking at those and wondering if I'd like that sort of thing. As for ziplining, if you can do roller coasters, it should be fine. I get weak knees when I get near the edge of something, but this wasn't like that at all. It was more like taking one of those gondola sky rides at an amusement park. You were on a nice platform with rails all around you as they were getting you all set up for the ride ... and then they release the handle and you slowly start to slide down the cable.


    We loved the 4x4 excursion. We went to the rain forest and bumped along on a road about as wide as a sidewalk. Our guide told us it was a two-way road and at one point we pulled over to let another vehicle pass. There were huge pot holes and, as we came near to the beach, we went over large berms that were put in place to slow erosion. The ride was fun but we were glad we weren't driving. :eek:


    Our guide told us some of the history of the island and pointed out different types of plants and the large termite mounds near some of the trees. Some trees were being choked by vines that had been brought to the island and taken over in some areas. We looked for monkeys but didn't see any in the rain forest although some people saw one at our first stop. They are quick to hide, and our guide told us they were a big nuisance and could destroy a number of bananas and fruits in a short time.


    We stopped to walk around, look at flowers, and sample passion fruit and guava juices (rum optional). We got back in the 4x4s and made our way to the beach. My friend and I didn't get in the water but a number of people did. We walked along the shore but didn't want to get in as we had only 30 minutes before we had to leave. We were supposed to have more time but were late getting there.


    The trip back took less time because we didn't go back through the rain forest with its bumpy road. As we were leaving the beach area, we passed a clearing and saw a number of monkeys sitting on the grass. I tried to get a photo but couldn't get my camera zoomed in on them in time to get a good image.


    It was a good overview of St. Kitts and didn't require much exertion for those with physical problems. I took several hundred photos--more than I did at any of our other stops.


    I may try the zip lining if I make it back to St. Kitts. I don't like roller coasters that much but I can handle a gondola ride. I wouldn't have to worry about going up a steep incline and then flying down as I would on a roller coaster so maybe this would be doable for me. People back on the ship would probably be able to hear me shrieking, though.

  9. Over 50 people didn’t think that the “4:30 all-aboard” announcement applied to them. Oh – one person did. There was only one person who ran down the pier to board … the rest of them sauntered. (That lone runner was probably a crewmember doing a demo about how to board when you’re late.) The last one was at 4:50 … a woman with a stroller and a couple of other people. Meanwhile, there was a ship’s officer and a couple of staffers standing on the pier with a walkie-talkie looking down the pier at the stragglers and periodically relaying information to whoever was at the other end of that device.


    My friend and I were probably among those 50 people but it wasn't because we didn't think the 4:30 all-aboard announcement applied to us. We were on the 4 X 4 safari excursion and it was late getting back. We were dropped off in the shopping area, rather than at the pier, at 4:35. One man was particularly worried because he had bought a ring and left it to be sized. The store didn't offer to deliver it to the pier, and he asked the people on our 4 X 4 if he and his wife could get off first so they could run to the store and pick up the ring. They beat us back to the pier because they caught a shuttle from the store.


    We walked as quickly as we could but couldn't run because my friend has had two knee replacements and has severe arthritis. She had twisted her ankle several days before we set sail, and it gave her trouble the entire cruise. We were on board by 4:45. My friend had left a ring to be sized and delivered to the pier, and one of the crew members handed it to her before we boarded.


    We had considered doing the zip line but decided it might be too difficult for my friend, plus I'm a big wuss when it comes to heights. I enjoyed reading about your experience and--who knows?--I may try it if I make it back to St. Kitts.

  10. I came down with food poisoning just before my 10-night cruise and lost 11 lbs. in 2 days. I thought I would have to cancel the cruise but managed to haul myself out of bed the evening before the cruise and start packing. I was better by the time we sailed but still not feeling completely well and didn't eat much and slept a lot for the first few days. I was dehydrated from being sick and drank lots of water and unsweetened iced tea. Our waiter would sometimes bring me two glasses of tea at a time because I was guzzling it so quickly.


    My favorite breakfast was the oatmeal. We stayed away from the buffet, and I didn't eat pasta or much bread. I didn't go to the gym as planned, but I did do laps around the deck several times each day.


    I gained 5 lbs. on the cruise and have taken off 3 lbs. My Christmas present to myself was an exercise bike. I think I lost the 3 lbs. hauling the box into the house (the bike weighs 115 lbs.) and putting it together by myself. ;)


    My goal this year is to exercise more and to take off more weight.

  11. When we docked on our last day, my room mate and I were leaving to go to breakfast. I reminded her to take her sea pass and she told me she had put it in her large suitcase that had been put out in the hall the night before. She said she didn't think she'd need it again. :confused:


    I told her she'd need it to get back in our room if I wasn't with her, and she'd need it to get off the ship so they wouldn't think she was lurking around waiting for an opportunity to hide and stowaway on the next cruise.


    We went to the service desk but they said they couldn't print her out a new one and told her to show her passport to the security person. He put in our stateroom number and brought up both our photos. I looked like a wind-blown hag in mine and am glad the photo wasn't on the printed sea pass.


    She packed all her clothes, including her nightgown, in her large bag. I didn't know this and put it out in the hall for her because her back was hurting too much for her to move her bag. I had reminded her several times earlier to remember to leave a change of clothes, underwear, and shoes. And that is why I found myself out in the hallway in my Mickey Mouse pajamas dragging her bag back in while all the other bags were being taken away. She was lucky I got it in time or she would have been disembarking in her underwear and jacket.

  12. And Kindles that have the magnetic closure type of covers. I speak from experience because I deactivated my Sea Pass Card five times in nine days on my recent cruise; Serenade of the Seas, December 12-21, 2014. I kept my card away from my camera and driver's license (it has a magnetic strip on the back) but never realized that my Kindle's cover might be the problem. Until someone in Guest Services realized what the problem was.


    I was on the Grandeur 12/14 - 12/24 and had to replace my Sea Pass four times. The people at the service desk kept asking me if I was storing it next to my cell phone. I wasn't, but I did put my Kindle down next to it on my night stand several times. I have the magnetic origami cover for my Kindle and never thought about the magnets being the cause of my problems. D'oh!

  13. I was part of a group that brought Native American flutes on board, along with small drums, shakers, and rattles. We didn't have a guitar among our instruments, but I don't think it would have been a problem. We had daily workshops in one of the conference rooms and invited people to join us. We also played in a corner of the solarium and had a number of people stop by to ask questions and to sit with us. Nobody complained. My roommate and I played our flutes on our balcony and our neighbors told us that they enjoyed listening.


    My roommate is a retired minister and conducted the Sunday morning service. Several of us played flutes during the service. We invited the attendees to join us at our workshop after the service. Several of them went home with PVC flutes one of the flute makers in the group gifted to them. One member of our group plays professionally and performs all over the country. She did a 30-minute concert one day and everybody was invited.


    Everything was set up in advance prior to our cruise. It was a pleasant experience, and we hope to do another flute cruise next year.

  14. I lost two pounds on 7 night Alaska cruise last May. I did not eat any potatoes at meals. I love Piña Coladas, but they seemed out of place on very cool Alaska cruise so I did not have one. We cruise this next week to SA. Oh, oh, Piña Coladas here I come.
    I'm impressed that you lost weight on a cruise! My first cruise was to Alaska and I'd love to go back.


    I appreciate all the weight loss tips here. Like Taniamusic, my friend and I eat most of our meals in the MDR. My friend says she's on vacation and wants people to wait on her and I can't argue with that. I try not to overload my plate when I'm at a buffet, but it's hard because so many things look good. I try to remind myself that I can always go back if I really want more. I'm always amazed by the amount of food some people will pile on a plate. Just because it's there doesn't mean you need to eat it.


    I'd like to go to the gym onboard. My friend is not a gym person at all but maybe I can persuade her to do some of the easier things. We're fortunate to live within driving distance of our port, but it's still hard for me to limit what I'm bringing so my bag doesn't weigh a ton. I'd have to wear my gym shoes when we board to save room in my bag.

  15. That's a good idea about the Fiber One cereal. On cruises I always have a small bowl of fruit with my breakfast. I skip the pastries and doughnuts but sometimes have a small Danish on the last day. I like to walk the decks on sea days.


    I need to add more exercise to my daily routine. I belong to a gym but don't go as often as I should. I used to ice skate several times a week but was having trouble with my hip and knee and had to quit. I'd like to get back into it now that I've lost weight, and I hope my skates still fit.


    Two more weeks to my cruise!

  16. I drink lots of water every day. I have a container that holds 96 ounces and fill it up every night and put it in my refrigerator. I try to drink all the water the next day. To me, there is nothing better than a cold glass of water. I bring bottles of water with me when I cruise so I have them available at all times and don't have to resort to the overpriced bottles of water in my cabin.


    At home, lunch is my main meal of the day. At night I usually have soup and I snack on fruit during the day. I make smoothies with a Nutri-Bullet and put in baby spinach, carrots, sometimes celery or cucumbers, half a banana or other fruit, some yogurt, and water. They are really good and keep me from craving sweet desserts. I buy strawberries, blackberries, and grapes and cut them up and freeze them. My freezer is full of mostly fruit now instead of sodium-loaded Lean Cuisines.


    I'm a carb lover and that was the hardest thing for me to cut back on. I love pasta and mashed potatoes but now limit them. Yesterday's Thanksgiving dinner was full of carbs and I ate more carbs than I should have but did restrain myself to one small serving of each with no seconds. I wanted to grab that bowl of mashed potatoes and eat the whole thing.


    On cruises I try to make good choices and not overeat. It's hard when there is so much food and it all looks good, but I try to remember how difficult it is for me to take weight off and that helps me show some restraint.


    Others have mentioned water retention on a cruise due to the extra salt, and I think that's true. My feet and ankles start puffing up like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man--not the look I want.

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