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Posts posted by JustUs275

  1. It's good to read these comments! We (in our mid-60's) and our daughter, SIL and teen granddaughters will be there next month. The kids are looking forward to the activities, I'm looking forward to as much or as little as I want to do, hubby and SIL are looking forward to the food options. Sounds like Paradise Beach will work well for our family! 😊

  2. Hello all - I did weigh on Thursday...I stayed the same which is good. 

    Congratulations Izena, on the news of a baby boy! New life is such a blessing and so exciting!

    Don, good for you losing 2 lbs! Keep up the good work!

    Jan, I hope your health improves. It's hard to say motivated when not feeling well physically.


    3 weeks until our next cruise - still hoping to lose a couple of pounds before then! 🤪

  3. We have a similar setup for our upcoming Harmony cruise. Royal Caribbean automatically emailed me a Consent for Minor Child to Travel form which my daughter and I have had notarized. Our reservation is linked with my daughter/SIL/and older granddaughter's cabin, the younger (12 yo) granddaughter is assigned to our cabin. I didn't think I'd really need the form since her parents will be with us, but since granddaughter's last name is different than ours, we decided to go ahead and bring the notarized form. I'm usually a better safe than sorry kind of person! 

    • Like 1
  4. Hello all! I am up 1 lb this week.🤨

    Izena - it's good that you didn't gain! Yes stick with it and you'll see results.

    Jan - so sorry about your grandson, but it's good that they caught it.


    Our cruises are coming up quickly - I need to get serious about dropping a few lbs before we go! 😁



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  5. On 8/13/2024 at 11:17 PM, c-leg5 said:


    Daniel Johnson has one of the original sloth places.

    That sounds a fairly typical group price tour. 

    I hope you enjoy The Hangout as much as we did! My granddaughters are looking forward to holding the sloths. The monkeys are so fun too, but they are little thieves LOL! Don't have sunglasses or your head or anything in your shirt pocket - I think the guide even warned us about them! 🤣 

    • Like 1
  6. Hello all! Congratulations Izena on your improved BP and a nice loss! 

    Jan, I also stayed the same this week.

    On Tuesday, I was actually down a pound or 2. But not today even though my eating didn't really vary and no fast food last night! The scales just doesn't like me on Thursdays, it seems like! 😁

  7. 4 hours ago, elsplace2 said:

    I think we are going to do the same thing you did with just the transportation and The hangout.   

    Can you let me know more about it....Did it go smoothly?  Where did you meet them?  Was the pick up about an hour after the ship ported?  How long were you there?  What about tipping?  Who do you tip, besides your driver?  

    It's been several years so I really don't remember specifics. I do remember it was storming/windy while we were there so that put a damper on things. Other than weather, the excursion itself went very smoothly. We met them outside of the port and yes about an hour after porting sounds right. The driver pointed out things of interest as we drove to The Hangout. I'd say we were there about 1.5 hours maybe? We tipped our driver well. We had brought (for a friend) a supply of jewelry making items to donate to a local shop. It was storming so badly that shops were closed, but the driver actually knew that shop owner and offered to deliver the items herself the next day. My friend did reach out to the shop and the items had been delivered. I thought it was nice that she did that for us. Anyway, we enjoyed the Hangout experience and the excursion as a whole! We are looking forward to our upcoming excursion with them.

    • Thanks 1
  8. We have an upcoming cruise on Harmony out of Galveston. One of our granddaughters is in our cabin; her parents and our other granddaughter are in another cabin. Our reservations are linked, but just to be safe I had planned to have the parents sign and notarize the form. Today I received the form from Royal Caribbean in my email. I definitely agree with you - take the notarized form! I'm thinking for my situation it possibly would be ok, because her parents will be right there boarding with us - but I am not a risk-taker when it comes to making it onto the ship! 

  9. I lost 1 lb this week, which I'm happy about. Really need to drop another 3 lbs or so to stay more in line with my maintenance goal weight. I know I can do it. I'm back to walking in the mornings, since the weather has cooled down a bit and humidity has become bearable.

    Izena, I hope the vertigo improves - that's hard to deal with.

    Jan, I feel like I'm retaining fluid too. I need to increase my water intake and cut back on salty snacks.

    Teri, Good for holding steady! I hope you're feeling better soon.

    Have a good weekend, everyone!




  10. I'm up 2 lbs this week...too many pretzels and chips! 


    It's hot and humid here too. We had an EF-1 tornado come through our area yesterday afternoon. Lots of property damage in the area, but no lives lost. Many people are still without power today. We only lost power for about 30 minutes and had no damage to our property, but that's not the case just a couple of miles from us. 🙏

  11. 10 hours ago, bjlbbk said:


    Refreshing this thread to see if either of you ended up trying Brady’s Cay and what you thought if so. We are possibly interested in this as part of our day with Victor Bodden Tours and would love to hear what others have experienced. Thanks!

    Our cruise isn't until October, so we haven't been to Brady's Cay yet. I did look at TripAdvisor reviews last week, and they are all positive. Looks like your Harmony cruise is a month before ours - if you do go to BC, please come back and let me know what you thought!

    • Like 1
  12. Hopeful, I think that's good after a vacation! I'm sure you'll be right back on track. 🫠

    Izena, I need to gear up for a cleaning binge! LOL This coming week is my last full week before I go back to my part-time job in the classroom, so a good thorough cleaning is in order! 


    I'm relieved to report that I lost about 2 lbs. Now to just keep that downward/maintaining trend! Our cruises are coming up quickly and I want to be at the lower end of my goal weight range before we leave. 


    Have a good weekend everyone!


  13. @HodgeNNicole, we are booked with Daniel Johnson for October. Our beach stop is at Brady's Cay. I made our booking back in January and had excellent communication with them. Just 5 minutes ago, I did send an email with a question to them. Hopefully they will reply, and if so I'll come back here and let you know. I agree that not hearing from them for a week is concerning.


    We did a tour with DJ when we were in Roatan last time, and communication was excellent then too. We only did transportation and The Hangout, so I don't have previous experience with the beach break/snorkeling.

  14. Hi Izena, thank you for starting this week's thread. It sounds like you are doing better and have a plan! I worked in our church camp kitchen last week with some ladies from Texas. There were many phone calls back and forth as they dealt with weather-related issues back home. Most had generators, but elderly parents, storm damages, etc kept them on their toes. I'm glad you have a generator and no damage.


    I am up 1# from the last time I posted (2 weeks ago). Camps and VBS (I volunteer in the kitchen for these events...so much yummy food is available) are over - now it's time to get serious about dropping that 2-3 lbs that have crept back on. It scares me, to be honest. It comes back on so fast for me. But I can do this - school begins on 8/7 and it's much easier to be on a healthier routine. 🙏💪


    Hopefully others are doing well and will check in this week!


  15. Hi Izena, thank you for starting this week's thread. Happy 4th to you as well! I'm glad you found a solution for keeping your dog calm during fireworks. We've had very few fireworks here so far, and we live within 3 blocks of a fireworks store. Kind of unusual - usually they are going off several days ahead, trying to draw in business.


    I am up 1 pound. It's been a real struggle these past few weeks. I have a number on my scales that I do not want to go over! So I need to be more diligent about what I eat.


    Hope everyone has a good holiday and rest of your week!

  16. Hello all,


    I stayed about the same again...well, down a few ounces but I don't count those! LOL

    It's so weird, but when I weigh on Wednesday mornings, I am usually down a pound or so, but then Thursday it's right back on! I did have a thought last night though. We usually eat at a fast food restaurant on Wednesdays before Bible Study. So like yesterday, even though I did fine on WW points with my meal, I'm wondering if the extra sodium could be the culprit? 


    It is hot here! I'll be helping with meals at our kids' summer camp next week...hoping this heat wave breaks by then!


    Have a good week, everyone!

    • Like 1
  17. Thanks for the heads up! I booked Jamie's Italian lunch for our October Mariner sailing. 😊


    Question: We will be boarding Harmony the day after we disembark Mariner. Does anyone happen to know how to book for lunch at Sabor on Harmony? We prefer to eat our main meal at lunch, but on the Cruise Planner only dinner hours are available to reserve. I thought about reserving dinner, then trying to change it to lunch once we are on the ship. 


    @OCSC Mike, maybe you have suggestions since it's Sabor 🌮 🥑, assuming it's the same  reservation/change process on all ships?


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