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emmas gran

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Everything posted by emmas gran

  1. At the top of this page there is what is called a sticky where people put comments about cabins. If your click the link on page 1 and scroll No review for 6181 but 6183 someone says not near smoking area
  2. Hi you keep posting about visas and I remember answering your question previously maybe 3/4 months ago. You have family with Philippine passports if I remember correctly and I believe you are a large group travelling together You will need to go to the visa website and get the correct information yourself no-one can give you the information for your circumstances https://visa.mofa.gov.sa/Home/Index2?service_type=1
  3. The only difference is the afternoon snacks so I wouldn't pay it , stay where you are and use the $400 for treats /shopping.
  4. If you looked at other posts 11 and 17 it tells you how to find menus
  5. We cruise often with Australian friends and never able to link reservations
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