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Everything posted by clo

  1. That sounds really good. Really. And, yeah, most pates I've had have been pork IIRC.
  2. Although most pates are made from meat and fish, there are even vegetarian ones. And I still don't get the duck thing.
  3. I'm sorry. I have no idea what you're talking about. I've cooked (and eaten) gizzards but only saw them once in a restaurant in Brazil. And I really don't know that they DO anything once they're no longer running around. I'm sincerely confused. Help me please.
  4. So you just don't like the taste of duck? As far as pates, is it the texture you don't care for. Although even that runs the gamut from smooth and silky to coarse.
  5. You don't eat duck???? Do you eat chicken?
  6. Fever Tree was what I had in mind. I guess kinda like Coke. I'm betting they would supply me with Mexican Coke.
  7. You should. You'd likely be pleased with the answer.
  8. Curious why you think they don't. I'd think every cruise line would read their particular boards/whatever. Not senior management but someone.
  9. Our daughter, now mid40s, even acknowledged it 🙂
  10. Right. We wanted a second res at Jacques and shared a table with another couple. We didn't become "besties" but they were completely pleasant. And each couple ate at their own pace. Not at all awkward.
  11. And they will never be as cool as we were!
  12. And our agent has at least a bit more clout than *I* do. She can go to the cruise line and make things happen that I probably can't.
  13. But isn't this how to live really every aspect of life. Even or especially one's job. But really everything.
  14. But there's tonic and TONIC. Some are quite pricey. I'm guessing that's why they charge.
  15. So you're going to copy bad, even forbidden behavior, thus encouraging others.
  16. I just remembered something and checked it. Milk can be frozen. That's got to be it. No way milk is going to last even two weeks.
  17. Did a quick google and the main word used regarding the difference was "minor." And perhaps stop being such a snot.
  18. So you've actually asked? As I've said I can't tell the difference. On long parts of a trip with no ports I wonder how they keep it fresh.
  19. That seems like a reasonable response.
  20. Nor can I. I'd never even heard of it. And, yes, about my 'taster' also.
  21. Where in Oregon are you? We used to live in Grants Pass.
  22. I've not found it either but wish I could. It would be nice, say, when returning from a trip to know that there was milk in the house. I think the Brazilians (and others?) must not drink much milk as it was in one liter boxes.
  23. I wasn't familiar with the term so googled. We used to spend time in Rio de Janeiro and all their milk was at room temp and steri-packed which sounds like UHT. ??? I would think a cruise ship would have little choice but to do that. Am I missing the point here??
  24. THIS! Please don't try to do any single thing all together. And dinner seating for 40 people? Whew. I'm also wondering if 2025 is too soon. A ton of people here seem to be booking in 2026. Maybe that would give you a better chance for that big a group. PS: You are very, very brave 🙂
  25. @dickinson already replied. Google is my best friend but sometime I'm not in position to do a search

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