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Posts posted by WildcatRock

  1. We're on the Jade out of Houston in Dec. I've heard about the long Ship Channel, but how long does it take to get through it before they open the bars, casino and shops?


    It's quite a while - don't remember exactly how long. It's several hours. We were on the Jewel last Nov and I think they had to wait until they were a few miles in to the Gulf, which takes a while.

  2. I called last week to Pre-Pay my Service charge for my cruise in Jan. 2016. I originally booked the cruise in June 2014. I'm in a suite, but, my DSC amount was still only $12 pp per day. I wanted to pay it while I was on the phone but the NCL person said she would have to add it to my account total and that it would be paid when I make final payment. She said I could NOT just pay the DSC separately. It is now listed on myNCL as pre-paid with the correct $ amount and added to my final payment amount. I have made copies of it just in case. I don't see how they could just up that charge on me at this point.:confused:


    I went online earlier this week and paid the DSC for our two upcoming cruises later this year. And did so separately from the cost of the cruises - the NCL system automatically had me pay separately.

  3. We've sailed NCL yearly since 2009, have 2 cruises booked this fall, one so far next year, and will book 2017 when it opens. Don't worry about the discussions you've read. It's an open forum and we all have our own opinions. But your cruise experience is what YOU make of it. Book your next cruise on NCL and have a great cruise.

  4. Exactly, I've been to b-school, it isn't a 10% rule. NCL is trying to grow, the top 10% isn't the sweet spot for that. That's why the deep promotions to bring in new blood or get some customers to come in for an extra cruise. The comment suggests the top 10% is all that matters and bottom 10% is disposable. That isn't NCL's current position. It isn't what grew Southwest or Walmart. NCL is making a play for the masses. They're happy to transition the top 10% to their upgrade lines. The price hikes absent the heavy promotions might lean otherwise but they're revenue hogs and he'll take it from whomever today.


    I agree! FDR's strategy to go after the masses is obviously currently working with booked revenue up nearly 40% for next year as compared to last year and with the Escape currently 10x better sold than the Getaway prior to its delivery.


    I appreciate the OP's post as it shows what the financial impact of FDR's 'new deal' strategy (http://www.seatrade-insider.com/news/news-headlines/fdr-outlines-his-new-deal-for-nclh-earnings-growth.html) is to the OP - $30. We eat at the specialty restaurants more than the OP, and drink a heck of a lot more than the OP, so the financial impact to us will be higher, but I'm good with that as I like the NCL product. And obviously, the 'masses' currently don't have an issue with it either.

  5. Is the Pareto Principle the one Coke was following in 1985?


    Business may not care about the bottom 10% who complain, but they do care if the bottom 80% complain.


    You're in the 30,000 club? That's awesome - the most I've seen so far. You're right, they would care if the bottom 80% complained. As a stockholder in NCL I'd care!!

  6. Looking for a good snorkel trip in St. Thomas - that leaves from close to the ship pier. We did St. John's snorkel once before - so we don't need to do that again. Would like to get the most time snorkeling - and least amount of time getting in a bus or ferry to go snorkel. Any tips?? Thanks!


    Take a look at 'Castaway Shipwreck Sail & Snorkel'. We've done it twice. Both times they've picked us up right next to the ship. You take a catamaran out to Buck Island and get to snorkel in Shipwreck Cove (there's a small shipwreck there, thus the name) . Fish counts are good, coral is decent and we saw sea turtles our last time there.

  7. Not sure where you get this rule. Businesses don't survive or flourish by focusing on the top 10%. NCL isn't doing that with the current promotions, they are trying to pull in new customers. They need new customers and they need their existing customers sailing more frequently. Hence they are offering incentives to draw in anyone but the top 10% because those are likely coming anyway.


    Walmart and Southwest are prime examples of how focusing on a wide market allows for growth.


    I will pay for value and recommend those that provide value. Happily paying more for less service isn't my idea of value. Disney isn't an inexpensive vacation and they raise prices and change plans yearly. However, they communicate well, are not condescending to their customers and provide enough choice to plan a vacation that suits your family. Disney isn't for everyone, but they really do treat guests as guests and I have less concerns about handing the Mouse my cash.


    All that said I'm excited for my cruise. It will be the first week long vacation I've been able to take with them in years. There really isn't anything that NCL will do to diminish that time. It is a great ship, a wonderful itinerary and plenty of options, we will have a blast.


    They probably got this rule from business school. It's called the "Pareto Principle" that states that 80% of your sales come from the top 20% of your customers. Depending on the industry the top customers are usually defined anywhere from 10% - 30%. Not sure how this would be defined in the cruising industry. What FDR is doing makes perfect sense as he believes the top 10% - 20% won't have an issue paying an extra $50 a cruise, and most probably won't. It's the bottom 10% who do the most complaining, and frankly, businesses don't care.

  8. Credit card's fine, have had it for several years. You earn 2x points on purchases through NCL 1x on everything else. Usually cash in points for OBC for our cruise every year. 10,000 points equal $100 in OBC. For our cruises this year we're doing our first B2B out of Miami and have a few hotel nights to pay for. So, we're going to cash out points in for cash to pay for our hotel nights. It's a pretty standard points card, and I'm sure there are better cards out there, but it has served us well.

  9. I've been an avid reader of this thread and appreciate the back and forth dialogue as it's been fascinating and educational. I have a question - I have been in banking my entire career and have seen the investment activities of private equity companies such as Apollo and TPG. Many times these companies will sell their holdings to realize their return on their investment. Any concern that Apollo/TPG pushed for the merger of Prestige and NCLH to set the combined entity up for sale at some point in the future? Or is it your belief that the combined Prestige/NCLH will be a long-term hold for Apollo/TPG as they believe their return on the publicly traded stock will be sufficient for them?


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  10. No I have not. Great idea. Are you available to drive the RV for me? No reason to be sorry for me. I do real well, even without NCL stock...


    I'd love to! But alas, it probably wouldn't work out - you'll most likely not like my driving and will reduce how much you pay me for gas. Happy NCL sailings!!

  11. The weather at your ports of call should be nice and warm. I would imagine there could be a chance of rain each afternoon as that's typical in the Caribbean. You'll be fine with shorts and a T-shirt during the day. You need to watch the weather in Houston though as it could be chilly and rainy depending upon if a storm system is passing through. We were on the Jewel in Nov and sail away was cloudy, windy, chilly, with drizzle. But, the weather on debarkation day was wonderful. Just watch the forecast and be prepared.


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  12. Corporate profits up, passenger satisfaction way down. I don't own NCL stock and never will. I cruise for enjoyment.


    If you are a shareholder things are not screwed up. If you are a passenger, they are.


    I own NCL stock and am really happy, I cruise on NCL and am really happy. Sorry you're not - have you thought about renting an RV and cruising the highways since you're always so unhappy with NCL?


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  13. Wildcat -


    Love your version of the trip. I know how it can be when the wife is "helping you tell the story correctly":)


    As a non-Haven guest, I don't get 6 bottles of liquor. Did you happen to notice what a bottle of Jack would cost us common folk if we wanted to have it in the room? A man has needs. right?


    I didn't see what the cost was. A couple years ago I started buying a bottle of Jack for our room and the only receipt I can find is from 2012 and the cost was $103. It's actually a little cheaper to buy a bottle than to buy an equal amount of Jack from the bar.

  14. Post Review Update:


    Here are a couple updates since we've returned from the cruise:


    Update 1: Debit was informed last week that he's been awarded an Air Force ROTC Scholarship. As a result, his designation will be changing from Debit to Credit 2 when his scholarship kicks in when he goes to K-State.


    Update 2: We saw Judy and Bill last Saturday and boy are they ready to go on another cruise. They've gone from hating cruising (their opinion before the cruise started) to now wanting to go on another cruise....ASAP. What a VICTORY!!!


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  15. Absolutely loved reading your review, and always looked forward to the next installment! Our family checks into the same GV you were in this Saturday, so I'll look for your flat iron! You never know... maybe it's still there... :)


    Thanks! We really enjoyed writing it. Hopefully you'll have Roland as your Butler and Alexandro as your Steward. They are both wonderful - please tell them hi for us. Florentina is awesome, please tell her hi for us too. You'll love the GV - have you stayed in one before?


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  16. Day 9 (Saturday, November 29): Reflections of Our Wonderful Cruise on the NCL Jewel


    We trust that everyone has realized that we’re not great cruise reviewers. We have read A LOT of great reviews on Cruise Critic, led by Mitsugirly who writes amazing reviews and posts those amazing pictures. You’ve probably noticed that we’re not overly technologically proficient since we’re posting some pictures at the bottom of our review and not throughout it. Back on topic now - between all of those great reviews we’ve read, and all of the general threads we’ve read over the last four years, we are able to go on our cruise adventures prepared. I’ve written reviews for all of our cruises and I really come off as sounding like an official member of the NCL Fan Club. I can’t help it as the NCL cruise experience is all that I know. It was Wifey’s idea to do the “He Said/She Said” approach, and what a great idea it was. We thought it would be a fresh approach to writing a review, and would be a fresh idea for the readers of our review. I’ll admit to you that as this review went on I was really looking forward to the “She Said” review so I would know what we actually did each day and evening. It’s been absolutely fascinating to see what “He Said” recalled and what “She Said” recalled – obviously one of us is more detail orientated than the other. To that all I have to say is…….”Wonkavator”!


    He Said:

    I’m not going to talk very much about debarkation – we’ve all done it. So some brief comments about it. We had a 12:30 flight out of Houston Hobby so we wanted to be off the ship by around 9:30. Yeah, I know, that’s three hours before our flight leaves but you have to understand, the port is out in the boonies (seriously, it’s so far out you feel like you’re in Louisiana). So we were up at our normal time, got ready for the day and headed down to Moderno where Judy and Bill were waiting for us at a table. After our final meal we went back up to the GV and waited for Florentina to come get us. When she did we all were surprisingly able to get all of us on the elevator, including our 100 pieces of luggage. She escorted us past the masses and off the ship we went. Nice and fast. Getting through customs was a breeze – the quickest ever for us.


    Not too far past customs is the Texas Liquor Tax Squad (TiLTS). I don’t know what else to call them. The last night on the cruise we received the usual US Customs form, plus another form from the State of Texas – a form to claim what alcohol we had purchased. They wanted to know the alcohol and purchase price so we could pay a tax on the alcohol we purchased. Fortunately, we hadn’t purchased any……well, we did, but we drank all of the evidence on the cruise. We were curious as to when someone would actually turn this form in. And we found out. So we got done with Customs and then came across TiLTS – hold on, a little tangent here, this is funny. I just labeled the group that collects liquor tax for Texas as “TiLTS”, get it? Alcohol…TiLTS? When we drink too much your body can tilt?? Get it??? I crack myself up.


    So, back on task here – we got done with Customs and headed for the exit. Right before the exit was a lady with TiLTS calling out that people who purchased alcohol on the ship needed to stop at the TiLTS table and pay the state tax on the alcohol you purchased. Seriously?!?!? You want people to freely come up to you and tell you what alcohol they purchased on the trip and are taking home with them? You have no other way to find out if someone has purchased alcohol other for them to tell you? You expect people to just freely say that, “Why yes, I purchased alcohol and would like to pay your state tax”. Who does that? Seriously?! Have people actually stopped and paid the tax? Why would you do that? All you have to do….and this is hard……is…..just walk past them. You don’t have to admit you have alcohol in your luggage as they have no way of knowing. OK, I’m not advocating…too much…not paying the tax you should pay, but these are cruisers. Heck, half of the people got on the ship as cheaply as they could. Why in the world would these people freely admit they have booze and pay the tax?!?! Heck, they probably snuck Vodka on to the ship in water bottles!! We’ve all read those threads where people talk about how cheaply they want to get on the ship, or have gotten on the ship. Or those reviews about how to sneak alcohol on to the ship. Heck, if they’re good at sneaking booze on the ship, why would they tell you they have booze in their luggage when they’re leaving the ship!!!!!! I just found this whole TiLTS thing to be silly.


    Anyway, since we stayed in the GV was to take us the Hobby in a limo – and they did not disappoint. We were picked up by a stretch Hummer limo, and it was awesome. It was the first time Judy and Bill had ever ridden in a limo, and they loved it. It only took about 35 minutes to get from the Port to Hobby, then a little wait for the plane and we were on our way home. We got back to our house in KC happy and on time. Surprisingly, the entire trip had gone off without even a little glitch. It was a perfect trip.


    I will say it was not our best cruise. Last years’ cruise was our best cruise, I think. Last year it was just Wifey and I staying in a 2-bedroom suite in The Haven on the Pearl. It was just the two of us, no one else. This cruise was great, but there was a lot of stress making sure the transportation happened the way it should, then we had the ordeal with Judy and Bill the first couple days on the trip, then keeping tabs on Credit and Debit, keeping tabs on Mr and Mrs Magoo. You get my point. Wifey and I are booked on the Getaway next November and are really looking forward to that cruise as it’ll just be the 2 of us.


    Before I hand this off to Wifey, I did want to give you some parting thoughts on several topics:


    Jewel: What a great ship. She was clean, no big signs of major wear and tear. I did like the layout of the Jewel over the Pearl (our favorite NCL ship) due to the location of Fyzz Lounge. The Fyzz Lounge on the Jewel is the same as the Bliss Lounge on the Pearl. However, Fyzz is located in the middle of the Jewel whereas the Bliss is located at the aft on the Pearl. I liked having Fyzz in the middle of the ship instead of the Tradewinds Boutique, there just seemed to be a lot more activity at night in Fyzz than at Bliss.


    Crew: The crew was good, very good. I was blown away by Capt. Persson – a great guy, very easy to talk to. The Hotel Director, Steven Jacobsen, was terrific. Our butler Roland was awesome, as was our room Steward, Alexandro.


    Service: Here’s where things went a little south. The level of service we received on this cruise just seemed to be a little off compared to our previous cruises. I don’t know how to describe it other than, it just seemed like there weren’t enough crew members. All the crew members we came in contact with were wonderful, simply wonderful. They just seemed to really be working hard. In Moderno on embarkation day the wait staff seemed disorganized, and they got our food order a little wrong. No big deal. But that was a first. The ship seemed to be a bartender or two short at Bar City (Malting’s and Shakers Lounge). Although, the service we received at the pay restaurants (Cagney’s, Le Bistro, and La Cucina) was terrific.


    Maybe I’m being influenced by our friends Rob and Nicky and the experiences they had. I don’t know, but this trip the service just seemed to be a little off. But, overall, it wasn’t any big deal.


    Food: I’m always fascinated by how critical people get of the food NCL serves – seriously? You didn’t have to cook it. Just chill out and enjoy it! I was happy with the food. Was it 5 star quality? No. Was it darn good? Yes! All of our food was served as we had ordered it, and was served warm. It was good and we didn’t have one complaint regarding the quality of food.


    Entertainment: I LOVED the shows. Luminescence was terrific, David Naster was funny, Le Cirque Bijou was good, and the Jewel Farewell Concert was good – it always brings a little tear to my eye. I don’t know, maybe because I crossed over the 50-yr old threshold I’ll start enjoying these shows, but I truly thought the entertainment was good. Very good.


    Concierge: For those sailing on the Jewel in a suite, you’ll love Florentina. She was simply awesome.


    Butler: Roland did great and worked his butt off for us.


    Steward: Alexandro was tremendous. What a great person.


    Port of Houston: It’s way out there (seriously, it feels like you’re driving to Louisiana), but it was easy to get on the ship and to get off of it. No real complaints.


    Overall Cruise Experience: Was it the best cruise we’ve ever had? Not for me, but it was a pretty darn close 2nd to our cruise last year on the Pearl. Would I sail on the Jewel again? Absolutely. On this itinerary? You bet. It was a great cruise, on a great ship, with a great crew.


    She Said:


    I woke up not feeling well. Must have been the wine/mojito/wine combo plus lack of sleep and a mild on-going medical problem I have. Whatever the cause, I felt slightly dizzy, my tummy hurt, I had a headache and I only wanted to crawl back into bed for the rest of the day. But I finished putting everything into the suitcases, got cleaned up and went to breakfast. I had no appetite (this is one of my on-going symptoms) and needed to leave twice during the meal (another on-going symptom). I hoped to golly that my “bathroom need” symptom would “pass” as it was a travel day and this is not the type of symptom I want to experience at 30,000 feet. I decided I was going to do my best to ignore it and carry on. It worked.


    Florentina met us in the G.V. and she stuck her magic card into the elevator slot and down we went bypassing all unnecessary stops. She dropped us off to a nice college aged NCL employee who then escorted us off the ship, past customs and to the curb for our ride. There was some confusion as to where our ride was as we walked the length of the curb asking for “Peterson party of 6” and drivers shaking their heads no. We turned around and headed back. Oh, I knew that something with the transportation would go wrong! NCL would get us to the airport but someone had misunderstood the pick-up time and now we would have to wait. I had wanted Mom and Bill to experience the perfect trip and now, now we were going to have to wait for new arrangements to be made. As we walked past another 5-6 vehicles suddenly the limo was there. I didn’t see if he had just pulled up or if somehow he was originally missed when we got the curb. We loaded up, I sat down and we pulled away. We didn’t need to travel very long before I realized that I was going to have to turn and face the front and look out of the front window as now I was starting to feel car sick. UGH! I felt terrible and my tummy was very unhappy. However, around every sharp corner and bump I managed to breathe through the yuck factor. Finally we arrived at the airport and I started to feel better once we got inside.


    There is always sadness when I arrive at the airport after disembarkation. This is the same airport I had landed at 8 days earlier, so excited and full of anticipation to begin my vacation. Now the same airport only brings a since of sorrow and bleariness. I couldn’t even get a nice coffee for the wait as my tummy was too troubled for the caffeine and sugar. I nibbled on a package of crackers; see I was feeling better because my appetite was coming back! All was turning out just fine and the plane was on time.


    Upon our arrival at Dallas for a layover, I was back to normal and we were able to all sit together and have a nice, relaxed lunch at the airport food court. First meal off the ship? Chick-Fil-A. We have one within 5 minutes of our house and they always do chicken just right! This plane was on time also, now if our ride will be waiting for us in K.C., the transportation will be 100%.


    Yes, our ride was waiting for us at the baggage carousel and we arrived home safely. All of the planets must have been in perfect formation for the often worried over, yet everything was perfect, transportation experience. We have never had to put so much planning and research into transportation as we did for this cruise out of Houston. I don’t know if I would choose to sail out of Houston again as there isn’t action near the port as in Miami or New Orleans.


    Everything that I packed for the trip made it home afterwards except my flat iron. Ladies, you know how you find the perfect hair tool and then it breaks and you can’t replace it with the exact same one? Well, I have been in a depressed state since returning home and finding out I left my flat iron in the second drawer down on the left hand side of the Master bathroom makeup table. I didn’t contact NCL to see if it had been turned in and I should have. It was a $20 flat iron so I thought it would be too much effort for someone to mail it back to me if it had been found or turned in. I looked twice through every zippered pocket of every suitcase we had brought onto the ship. The replacement I bought isn’t the same, doesn’t feel the same, doesn’t work the same…sigh. First world problems as Debit would say.


    My summary of the cruise:


    The Port of Houston: Large, clean building, well-informed employees. The person who took our luggage at the curb was smiling and friendly-chatty. (What? This has never happened anywhere it is always a scowl, a mean look which tells me to “move over there lady”.) We had read sailing out of this port to be hit-or-miss due to the fog. We saw the fog try to come for us, but we escaped in time! My opinion is that I don’t want to bet on the fog delaying sailing out of or returning to the port. I don’t want to sail out of Houston again based on this potential delay. We live far enough from Houston that we choose to fly and because of the fog, we would need to add another vacation day to the end of the cruise to feel comfortable with the fog potential. I would prefer to spend an additional day in a different city, not Houston.


    The ship: I love the size and layout of the Jewel class ships. Looking at pictures I gasp in horror over the gold wood, gaudy pink upholstered chairs in the Atrium. However, once you get a bunch of people packed into that area, they aren’t noticeable. But still, paint and have them re-covered NCL. When I looked, there were always unsaved loungers on deck 13 in the sun and early in the morning few to no chair hogs around the pool area. The carpets looked in good condition and there weren’t any bulges under the carpets (like extension cables?) as we had seen and felt on the Pearl. The floor in Teppanyaki was extremely slick, so please watch your step coming in and going out. I did not notice the same amount of crew wiping down/sanitizing as last year, even though we were cruising with 600 plus children the week of Thanksgiving. That alone made me want to walk around with a respirator covering my mouth and nose. I also liked having the Fyzz Lounge open to people passing by. We would stop and watch the dance lessons or karaoke before moving on.


    Crew: They worked as fast as possible but the service nearly everywhere was the slowest we have experienced in six cruises in six years on NCL. Could it have been due to Thanksgiving and having a maximum number of passengers? Certainly, but NCL has been in this business for years and this wasn’t the first holiday for a cruise ship. Some crew members seemed to be one edge, it could also have been the poor weather not only our cruise had experienced, but according to our server in Moderno at breakfast, the previous cruise had rough weather days as well. Even though they seemed overworked, most crew performed their jobs with a smile. My best service was found at O’Sheehan’s one evening at supper time and this is a restaurant where my expectations of service were low, based on prior Blue Lagoon experiences.


    Entertainment: It was awesome having a live band play for the Band on the Run performance! Bravo NCL for this addition as we haven’t experienced this on the Pearl or the Star. Also, the performers, in Magnums as well as on the pool deck were the best we have heard. Overall, the live music on this cruise was fantastic! The final sea day a band with horns was playing oldies music and the crowd was really enjoying the switch up from the tropical music. They were also playing country music, my guess is due to the audience sailing from Texas and likely having a bunch of Texans onboard as well! It was enjoyable.

    Food: I love food. It tasted very good, sometimes great and was warm and at times HOT! No complaints. I enjoy small portions and they were the right size for me. The buffet had some yummy foods that I loved as well; especially the cilantro bean salad on the salad bar and the mac and cheese was OMG! Thank you NCL for improving the chocolate in your desserts (at least the ones that I tasted) with the brownie being superb!


    Garden Villa: First the NOT Bliss Bed. Simply put, it is not a Bliss Bed as I sleep on one every cruise and this was nothing like the other beds. That was a downer. Also, if you are staying in the G.V. and have never experienced it before, please ready yourself for all of the noises it will make while at sea. Even during calmer seas in the first G.V., she made noises. Bring earplugs and you will be fine. I would love if NCL would replace all of the see-through glass toilet doors with heavily smoked ones. This seems to be a common complaint from many cruisers. I tried to get the Panasonic music system to play our MP3 and I-Pod to no avail. Good thing I was prepared with cd’s brought from home. I could have asked Roland for instructions, but didn’t want to make extra work for him.


    Roland our Butler: We didn’t work the man to death but did have our requests. He delivered fresh o.j. and pineapple juice, kept me stocked in the purple Lavaza cups and creamer, made sure we had milk cartons in the fridge for Bill’s nightly medicine and refilled many times Kent’ Diet Pepsi and our bottled water. He served us Thanksgiving Dinner, prepared for the C.C. Meet and Greet and Kent’s 50th Birthday Party. We had chocolates and chocolate covered strawberries arrive most days and he usually had a bowl of gummy bears and M&M’s on the bar each morning. He would leave sandwiches and chips on the dining room table on days we were in port, knowing we would return hungry. We had no other meals delivered or served in suite except Thanksgiving. When he had served each of us our Thanksgiving meal, we picked up our forks to dive in. He asked “What? No prayer?” We are Christians and pray before each family meal and this snapped us back into our routine. “Why yes. We DO pray!” We all bowed our heads, as did Roland, and Bill gave the blessing. (Bill says long prayers, as in the length of a book in the Old Testament, prayers. I thought our food would be freezer cold by the time he finished, hehe!)


    Florentina our Concierge: God love the woman. She recently moved her family to Florida so they could be closer to her work and she returned to work for NCL. As a Momma myself of two boys, I know how much kids drive you crazy but you miss them when you are away from them. It has to be hard to see families together, when your own are in different places. She was kept busy trying to track down Mom and Bill but she usually knew where they were at or where they had been. She kept an eye over the reserved seating area in the Stardust Theater and made some kids scoot when they didn’t belong there. Our best concierge has been Carlos and she rates a close second in my book. We did ask her to check us into our flight the night before we got off the ship, which she did and promptly returned to the suite to give us our papers.


    Alexandro our Room Steward: He was ever smiling! He quickly learned our breakfast and morning habits and would swoop in and tidy everything while we were gone. It isn’t easy cleaning up after Debit and Credit (I stopped years ago) but he managed to find the dirty towels under the piles of clothes and make the room look presentable. With a smile, always with a smile. He made a special towel cake for Kent’s birthday and wrote him a kind note.


    As you can tell from above, Kent and I enjoy sailing on NCL and even though we do find places where improvements could be made, we haven’t seriously considered sailing another cruise line. Well, I have and Kent told me “Have Fun!” He wants no part of it! Our first cruise was in a suite and we always said no going any other way, but the day after we disembark our Getaway next year (yes, we also said we would NEVER cruise NCL’s big ships!) we get on the Sky in an aft balcony. So we shall see what that new adventure brings to our future cruises. I thank so many people who have passed on information and opinions on C.C. We spend too much time (!) reading posts on here and have gathered countless tips and hints that have enhanced our cruise experiences. If there are any questions for us, please don’t hesitate to ask.





    Over the past week as we were writing this we were able to save the pictures from our other camera and have posted some pictures below from our Meet & Greet, Judy's first snorkel at Chankanaab, and other pics we thought you'd enjoy.











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