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Everything posted by Coralc

  1. You do look younger than your approximate age. Very nice, wrinkle free skin, and handsome. I like your flooring. Flooring is our next project. ☺️
  2. Don't Worry About It! It is easy to stress about message boards, and what you might have said. But your stress is misplaced, and no one thinks or cares about what you might have said. People think about it about it, because you have had a significant life event, and will express sincere sympathy. But any malapropism will be quickly forgotten. No Worries! ☺️
  3. I'm so sorry Lucas. I thought that might have happened. And you took such good care of her, for such a long time. That is the ordained order of things. That parents generally pass away before we do. Losing your mom is so hard, though. I am very sad for your loss. I still miss my mom. I hope that Oliver is of some comfort, as you go through all of the stuff. ☺️
  4. No real thoughts about it. You are such a clever writer, that I thought you might look a little nerdy, instead of very handsome. ☺️I don't know what NY people look like. But you look more like the incredible husband that I picked. ☺️
  5. Okay. I am crying now. Even though I don't know you. Thank you for letting us know. I know this has been a horribly difficult time for you, for over a year and a half. Your wife and daughter are gorgeous, and you are handsome and witty! You didn't look at all as I expected. There is a little bit of relief involved I'm sure, but I am so sorry for your loss. What a scary, horrible thing to have happened to her. I was afraid it was bad news.
  6. I was trying to remember, and it might have been, because Cal-Neva was his casino, and they usually stayed on North Shore Lake Tahoe. I don't actually recall where they were to see him. It was interesting years ago, to go there and see all of the old celebrity photos, and how many of the slot machines that had been red tagged by the Nevada State Gaming Commission. 😀 And of course, the big yellow line between CA and NV. That's cool you had your photo featured!
  7. That is beautiful. It looks very much like the Outer Banks, where we used to stay in Corolla, NC. In the 4 wheel drive area.
  8. That is interesting, Marietta! My mom and aunt also had tickets to see him in lake Tahoe during the same period of time. His mom passed away, and the show was cancelled, and Sammy Davis Jr. replaced him. They were disappointed. She never did get to see him. ☺️
  9. All I can think of is Frank Sinatra. 😛 Our Latino bus driver from Ensenada to San Diego across the border, only had one CD for his passengers. And it played the whole time for three hours. Greatest Hits. Now I will be singing that earworm again. ☺️
  10. LOL. Sort of. 😀 Harry's Hof Brau is very popular, with really good food here. We just don't go out to eat much, unless we have a social reason. And the Hof Braus works for government parties because everyone pays for their own meals. Otherwise, they tend to be potlucks. ☺️ And hand carved, thin sliced roast beef sandwiches with Au Jus, which are much better than those onboard. ☺️
  11. We are going to the holiday office Christmas party next week, too. Even though I am retired. ☺️ It is back on again at the Hof Brau, and they were nice enough to invite a few of the retirees. Costco had a big box of individually packaged snacks, Chex Mix, beef sticks, Pringles, etc., called "Office Favorites" so I bought one and took it down to work today. The office had their snack drawer taken away at the beginning of the pandemic. And I was surprised to see that masks are still required to be worn to enter county buildings and in the offices. I had to go back to the car and get one. 🤔. The party will be fun. (No masks) I found a small waterproof, shock proof Bluetooth speaker on Amazon with good reviews for the gift exchange. Any day I don't have to cook is a good day.
  12. You look lovely! I'm so glad you were able to make the best of it. Thanks for sharing with us. And enjoy your time in Singapore! We'd love to see photos. We have never been there.
  13. Beautiful photos Dave. I was going to post, but then I wondered as a Canadian, if it was as moving to you as it was to us? I sort of cried, as I am sure I will do at the 9/11 Memorial. We went at 7 AM and had the headphones, it was amazing. Ernest Borgnine narrated as the planes come at dawn. It was amazing. Thanks! That was a good review of an NCL experience. We have never sailed with them, and your photos were awesome!
  14. I have heard that CORTRANS Shuttle is reliable, but they may only pickup from MCO and not Disney World.
  15. Oh Jane. You have had a run of bad luck lately. I hope the cruise lets you get away from some of the stresses at home. 😊
  16. Get one by the elevator, so you can pop up and down.
  17. I know people think some CA people are sheep. And we are. I don't disagree with that. We are for the most part, intelligent and highly vaccinated people that make our own decisions about other aspects of disease spread. I don't understand why mask wearing or bringing your vaccination card is such a divisive issue.
  18. Now if they would just bottle the Van De Kamps battered fish sticks tartar sauce. It was the best tartar sauce I have ever had. I actually wrote to them when they quit providing it. They sent coupons, failed to provide the recipe, and said sorry, no longer. I will have to look again and see if anyone has been able to duplicate it. ☺️
  19. Jewel is a nice ship. Our favorite of the class. Deck 7 balconies are obstructed by the lifeboat covers below your balcony. They are large white platforms, which obscure your ability to look down, but not out. I don't have a photo handy. Someone will, or you can just do a Google search on Lifeboat covers, Radiance class.
  20. We just did the Pylon Climb there. It was kind of a lot of stairs to. But much less expensive than the bridge climb. But if you don't like heights, the view from the top probably wouldn't be appealing. It was interesting though, a lady used to have a cattery at the top of the pylon, years back. ☺️
  21. Our closest Arby's is a little over an hour and a half away. We were so disappointed last time we stopped there on the way home and picked up sandwiches. Only to find out that we hadn't requested any Horsey sauce and didn't have any packets left in the fridge. This fills a need. ☺️
  22. I agree. It is just like that here. We were at Dollar Tree and Safeway today, and probably about half the people shopping still wear masks. It is no big deal. We've gotten used to it, and wear one when we want too, or it is required. Cuts down on colds. When we were at Kaiser getting our flu shots, patients and medical providers were wearing masks, as required. Except for the Security Guard, who is apparently exempt/immune. LOL 😃And Kaiser even gave me a nice cloth mask, after I had my shot. ☺️
  23. @HBE4 Look what we found at the grocery store today! ☺️ We couldn't be more delighted. So, we had French Dip sandwiches for dinner, with very thin sliced deli roast beef, Swiss cheese, Lawry's Au Jus and Horsey Sauce! They were really good!
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