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Everything posted by Fighterone

  1. Aju, I think you are posting on the wrong thread. Go to https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2966206-msc-seascape-october-15-roll-call/ See you soon! Have you decided what color hat you will be wearing.
  2. The first snacks are free for the first one…Toblerone, nuts and Pringles. Everything that is non alcoholic in the fridge is replaced at no charge.
  3. I like "down", nice and soft. The butler will be happy to show you the different types. These forms, even though it's stated that they are for YC at the top, are not accurate. There are no small bottles in the minibar anymore (not in CLs) they are 750 MLs and it's now 1 per sailing per room...unless you have a great butler and/or a royal or owner's suite.
  4. Thanks for mentioning these. I look forward to having them. How will we know that they are indeed “Burgundy Snails” and not the ones that we have been eating all along on cruises? @Best Cat Mom
  5. @Cruisecontroler Here is the link: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2956868-october-15-2023/#comment-66175693
  6. Agree! Too many different nationalities and late night eaters on the ships.
  7. I'm sure we'll make up for it the DH and I as we will be celebrating. Yes to the wines also! No excursions for us, I stay on board but the DH likes to visit old ports and will get another look at Puerto Plata which he did not get to enjoy the last time we were there. How many in your party?
  8. Agree! Seems it's the perfect place to challenge and berate and it's so easy because it's anonymous. It makes it easy to lose interest in posting reviews or even comment on CC boards. You have been a member since 2003 with only 357 posts... I'm not far behind you... 😞
  9. a little more diversity and more food on the trays. If you like chocolate cake and bread pudding, swell! you're in luck. @morpheusofthesea what time do they remove the hors-d'oeuvres in Top Sail?
  10. Not too impressive! Sad! Hope the pizzas look better than the duplication of desserts on mostly empty trays @morpheusofthesea sorry for the double post.
  11. Absolutely! I didn't know how to put it but you read my mind.
  12. Before the pandemic and before up bids were offered, I remember asking a concierge at the YC desk what the rule was about non YC guests being invited to eat in the YC restaurant. I was told that this was only permitted when YC was not at max capacity and the fee was $110 per person (if memory serves me right). Not sure if this is still an option.
  13. What a great story! Music to my ears! Who spotted the undesirables first? Was a penalty imposed? Let’s hope this type of vigilance continues. 🙂
  14. Yes, we are for 1 week and celebrating our 50th wedding anniversary. Do join our roll call. Welcome! https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2956868-october-15-2023/#comment-66153231
  15. Sorry, Morph, I don't understand what this means. Can you elaborate a bit? I miss out a lot on jokes in English. Been scratching my head to the meaning and to that of Jagr's allusion to Columbo. I love your posts and all the explanations about the ship.
  16. Jules, great to hear that Captain Tuvo was fantastic. The YC CD is also important to us. Giorgio, Rob, the last 2 YC Directors and Gene Young, RIP were wonderful. Disappointing to hear about Iancu Rabdan though ,..."nice enough"...!
  17. Jules: You are probably on the way home now. Thank you for all the very informative posts and for answering my questions. Folks like you make it a joy to read CC. Safe travels home!
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