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Posts posted by guitarest

  1. Thanks for the advise on the words. As far as advertising I was offering to do for free not sell. It gives me something to do with the free time I have. So many other things I could be doing and would be doing if I didn't have heel spurs. I blew upon the VA this week, and they finally ordered the inserts and I have a appointment with prosthetic on the 28th to order the proper stuff through them.


    I will change the wording in that decal. Yeah all I was going to do is design a decal of the breed of dog yall have. It would be print quality and a donation of my time and not for sale so hopefully I will not be banned.


    I also interviewed and joined Patriot Guard Riders today, I explained I could not ride a motorcycle and they had no issues with that. They invited Blitz and I to join them in the Mustang.



  2. Blitz is best under your control and not so much, right now, as a "Therapy Dog!" He's more wired to "work" not just lay around!



    Oh Blitz is wired for work and loves to work. I have never had a dog so focused on what I want to do or what I need. I will be picking up my car decals Monday next week. One says Jocko and under Pilot and the other is Blitz and Co-Pilot. I then designed another decal to put behind the driver/passenger windows.



    What do yall think? I can do different breeds if any one wants something like this.

  3. Well, I have a fun story...Mackey and I went to the hospital today for some animal assited therapy and of course service dog training. We visited in a surgical area. We were asked to visit an 8 year old boy who had some urological surgery. Mackey was neutered two weeks ago and still has a shaved area on his foreleg from the IV. So as we were visiting the boy noticed the shaved area. I told him Mackey had surgery and that was where he had his IV. He asked me what was done and I stage whistpered ..."he had surgery on his private parts"...next the little boy said, I did too!. I had Mackey do an up on the stretcher and the little boy just put his arms around him and hugged him and whispered. I am sure it was some male bonding time....thought it was pretty sweet...


    Ahhhh thats so sweet. My next challenge for Blitz is to be assistant dog certified (or is it Delta Certified) so we can do this at the VA.


    Quick question does your animal have to be Delta Society Certified to do this? Its a 190.00 to join to take tests that Blitz can pass now with no problems. Just asking

  4. Thanks for the support guys and gals. I always knew something was different even as a child the way my adoptive father treated me vs his real daughter. I have always respected and shall always respect him for what he did for not only me but this country; he is the original Clint Eastwood badazz that Hollywood luvs. He has 5 Silver Stars and 2 Bronze Stars and had two tours in the Korean War and three in Vietnam. From regular Artillery to Infantry to Special Forces he is a tough man and very hard to meet his standards and the main reason I joined the Military. Before his brother passed away he told me that he suspected that I was not Jacks (my father) child. I actually asked them and they denied it, and the way it was denied brought more suspicion to the issue rather than answer questions. I always knew something was up with my birth certificate since it has no mother or father on it and was issued two years after my birth date. I contacted Bamberg Germany and after getting through a language barrier I found out and have two actual birth certificates one with only my mother in 1962 and no biological father and the one issued after the adoption in 1964.


    To make matters worse there is allot of what my mother refuses to tell or admit and then her real memory is failing also. Then add in a strained relationship after many years of crap I will not air here, yet I have tried so many times to reconcile with them yet its very obvious that there is a huge difference between me and my sister. My parents refuse to accept my children as their grand children and dont want to hear about my grand children or their great grand children. So its yet another slice in this thing I call my life. My children have been tested and they currently do not have the gene I carry for the blood clotting and my grand baby to be born in March has been tested and so far its negative. I would not wish this blood disorder even on my enemy. From five blocking clots in my legs to the one pulmonary embolism in my right lung that makes me a super frigging lucky guy that I am able to even type this since so many die from this clot.


    I'm so glad it wasn't my time yet and this is what drives me to help others especially disabled Vets. Yes I have Tri-Care I am pretty over the shock of the adoption and the "protective" lies I just need to some how find out what really happened in winter of 1962 so I can pass my complete medical history to my children.

  5. Are you kidding me? YOU over-qualify!!!!


    Is that possible? Well I finally excelled in something in life..... So this week I finalized swapping the babies from 4 Health to Taste of the Wild. This new dog food is like crack to the dogs; they love it. Slow process to swap them over so no belly issues with the pups and Blitz has way more energy.


    He is my life as sad as it appears, with no family near me; I just found out what I thought was my life has been lies. I recently found out that I was adopted so my medical history that I have been told for 49 years is not true. So now I am forced to find out who my father really is since my mother and father deny the adoption even though I have the proof from Germany. My main concern is I have genetic concerns with my clotting and it can be transferred to my grand children and neither parent is willing to help. I am not looking to replace my adoptive father just find out who the sperm donor was to find out their family medical history... Yeah its been tough emotionally this past month.

  6. I've done everything Dobiemom has suggested. I cannot put on a shoe which is the crappy part. My foot is so swollen and now purple that shoes are not going to fit for a while. I had promised mom and my son that I would be going down to CT today, so I guess I'm going shoeless. It's going to be 60's today so maybe I can wear a flip-flop.


    Our cruise cannot come soon enough for me. But we got to get through the Holidays first. John decided since I got a new camera (old one was having major problems) that he needed a new TV! :eek: The excuses men come up with to get something they want is incredible. As far as I'm concerned, we didn't need a new one. But my son is thrilled cuz now he's gettting a camera and a tv. As he says "Merry Christmas to me". He is already getting a cruise and new luggage, which is actually his present. What a spoiled brat!!


    So I will hobble home today and talk to all of you tomorrow. Thank you for all your concern. It's much appreciated. :D


    Have you tried elevating the leg? I have issues with clots and the vein ladders stuck open so my left foot is a size larger than the right. I elevate the foot when possible it does allow for blood and other body fluids to drain.

  7. Well the luck of Cindy strikes again. Yesterday I tripped on an uneven sidewalk and fell. I have a scraped up knee and an ankle the size of a baseball. I can barely walk. UGH!!!!!!!! Enough already!!! :mad: This is just crazy. I am suppose to go home tomorrow and help mom, luckily it's not my driving foot, but don't know how much help I will be. Now John is up and I gotta go help him. :D


    Wow sounds painful... :(

  8. Thank you... and if any others are on here I would like to thank all those who served. There is one other group of people I would like to thank; I would like to thank those defendant wives and husbands. Without those individuals those in the military would not be able to serve this country in foreign lands worrying about their affairs in the states.

  9. What Guitarist had to say is one of the reasons I went to Canine Companions for Independence specifically. I knew that they bred/raised and trained their own dogs. This was important to me. I knew that wonderful folks in our society donated their services to become the foster families for the "Breeder" dogs and other's became "Puppyraisers" ~ These amazing people are the heart and soul behind CCI.


    Guitarist, no need to carry all that guilt. You did the best you knew [at the time]....and, how lucky is "Blitz" to get all the love & respect from all your knowledge now!


    Thank you and your wrong about one thing. Its how lucking I am to have a dog as smart and his willing to please me no matter what (I'm not trying to be rude Roz, I hope you know that). There is a connection between Blitz and I that I have never experienced with any dog ever. King was smart and was a great dog yet there is something very different about him. I don't know if its the higher breed standard, my knowledge base is greater, combination of both or none of the above. Yet there is a huge difference with Blitz. He always checks on me, will get items out of my reach, so willing to assist me when we leave the house. I just hope one day to meet some of yall and then we can not only compare notes; we can show off our lil helpers.....

  10. Oh Dear!!!!! Guitarest is pushing the envelope a bit far today!!!! Honestly, I'm as gentle as a kitten to get along with......but, do something to an animal or a child that is [in any way] a bit negative and I become "unhinged!"


    Before I got Brenda I used to be able to watch all the animal rescue shows, no problem. Now, If anything comes on t.v. that shows any kind of animal abuse or injury and I'm crying and or kicking and screaming!!!!! [between you and me, I think it's what happens when a dog like Brenda comes into your life......your whole perspective on animals in general just changes!!!!!]


    I agree 100%, in fact I am regretting one thing in life. You know those moments that people consider hindsight. I would not change anything in life except for one thing, the way I trained King. Blitz is Kings successor although they have different jobs. When I got King I was no where near as walking impaired as I am today. In fact its simply amazing what a few years will do for ya; I wasn't going to run a marathon although I could walk with minor pain almost a decade ago. Today I limit my walking due to the many things although the biggest impact are the heel spurs. Add in the knee surgeries that have not restored the usage of the left knee which is at about 50% usage due to limitations. Lets not forget the vascular issues with the clots and the open sores usually associated with diabetics. Naw nothing wrong with me at all...... lol. I just very lucky the injury that started all this crap happened while stationed in Korea while I was in the military and got hurt during a exercise. I did enjoy getting yelled at by the military nurses when I was confined to a wheel chair and learning to walk again. Did you know there are suggested speed limits with wheel chairs and they frown upon racing in wheel chairs... lol Ya know those sponge baths never happened... :(


    Sorry for the tangent.... I have gone through a huge learning process with Blitz. With the help of his breeder he has become way more than a normal pet. So I reflect back to King; how I regret not knowing what I know now. I could put Blitz in a room of 5 year olds on sugar highs and not one fear that Blitz would cause any harm to those children. King never attacked anyone during his 8 short years of life yet the trust I have with Blitz was not there with King. All of this fear of King and what he could do is because I did not know what Blitz and his breeder has taught me. King was instrumental after Katrina in catching looters and we both received awards and letters thanking for our help. Its not that King was a bad dog; its because I am a better pack leader now. So my regret is not knowing what I do now; and regretting how much a better pack member King woud have been had I known better.


    Roz one of the things I am trying to do in this area, and I am getting allot of resistance is waking up locals on those backyard breeders. There is a hge difference in breeders in my area; there are no decent breeders in my area. Blitz came from Lousiana and his mom and dad are directly from Germany. Whats is here in my area are those who purchase a dam and a sire and breed them till they die. There are no tests on the breeding pair to test for possible problems when those puppies get older (this is the main reason King is no longer with me). Had King's breeder done a few simple tests they would not have bred the dam to the sire. My fault in this situation was I was not educated enough to know I was getting King from a backyard breeder and his facility was eventually shut down by the ASPCA as a puppy mill.


    So I am with you 100% Roz and will go out of my way to shut down those backyard breeders who are in it for the money only. Below are a few photo's of King. Its been a few years yet it still hurts so much.


    This is King (The german shep), Willie (Katrina survivor) and you can actually see afew scars on that left knee of mine




    Great example of why a German Shep should not be allowed to eat lemons.




    Look at dem ears......




    A very happy King before Katrina (exactly a month before our lives changed for ever.



  11. Give me their names and numbers.....I'll teach em what the meaning of that phrase "he's just a dog" really stands for!!!!!!


    Anyone, and that includes close family members, who don't accept my Brenny into their homes, parties, etc., etc. will get the "Wrath of Roz" thrown at them. I've turned down many a family and friend function of those who don't accept Brenda because "she's just a dog"!


    Honestly, at times I prefer the company of Brenda to that of some humans!!!!!! Or, didn't I even have to say that?


    Can I just say NO Brenny just to see the Wrath of Roz....... lol

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