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Everything posted by smitty34877

  1. Good morning. It is a chilly start at 38 degrees and going up to 58 or so. All three days should be celebrated, the recipe will be a good one and I have not been to the port. Mel Brooks has always made me laugh. i am sad to say goodbye to my DS and family. Their visit has been so helpful. It was nice to see the DGC’s and the teenager get along so well. @RMLincoln, Maureen , condolences to you and the family on the loss of your DSIL. I am very happy your DH was able to drive. Amazing! Enjoy the day everyone.
  2. Good morning. It is chilly this morning but it will be a nice day and get up to 60 later. I have not been to Santorini, would love the recipe and like the quote. My uncle was involved in the battles leading up to Elbe day. He was all of 19 at the time. It has been a whirlwind of activity here. Tana has had some increased difficulty over the last two days and we have tried to have someone with her most of the time. I am very proud of my thirteen year old grandchildren and of course Tana’s son as their assistance has been great. My son has coordinated cooking efforts for the last several nights and I have enjoyed the respite. My DDIL is an MD and has been wonderful keeping the situation calm and much more manageable. I will really miss them when they leave tomorrow. @ger_77, Happy Birthday to Maurice! Have a great day everyone!
  3. @Haljo1935, Elizabeth, I am sorry that you had to cancel your cruises. I hope things can start to improve soon. @Sharon in AZ, so sorry to hear that your DM continues to feel weak. Hugs to you both. @JazzyV! Wow! Please don’t overdo. Very happy for you.
  4. Vanessa, @JazzyV, I am so very happy to read that you have pain relief and that you were able to sleep! As Maureen says, amazing!
  5. @Haljo1935,Elizabeth, thinking of you and sending prayers . I hope all goes well with the procedure.
  6. Good morning. It is a little chilly here but will go up to 63 later. Sunshine is abundant. I have a lot of dog walkers this week and have taken advantage of that. My granddaughter was impressed by the numbers of neighbors that know our dogs by name. Happy Birthday to @cunnorl, Charlene! Happy Birthday to @marshhawk, Annie! I was very happy to read that Vanessa @JazzyV made it home late yesterday and I hope she had a comfortable night. @RMLincoln, Maureen, best wishes and prayers for both you and DH today. I hope all goes well. Things have been very busy here and our NH family has been a great help. I have not had to cook or shop and all sorts of tasks I have been procrastinating about have been tackled. My DS is an organized and take charge person and can be very bossy! I wonder where he learned that…. Tana has been happy for the company but tires easily. If she is not up to joining the family for meals she always has someone to eat with. Take care everyone.
  7. @JazzyV, Vanessa, we are all hoping that the surgery relieves your terrible pain. I hope all goes well and send along my prayers to you and your BFF.
  8. @Cruising-along, I was so sorry to read about Amber’s severe complications. Sending my prayers along as well.
  9. Good morning. It will be a partly sunny day with temps only reaching 54. I still remember kindergarten and will celebrate the day for it. Someone else can have my chocolate and cashews. I have not been to the port and the recipe sounds like a good dish to try. The NH family arrived and there was a flurry of activity. DS and I went grocery shopping for the next few days while DDIL helped Tana. The grandchildren went off with our teenager and his girlfriend for a few hours and we will never know what they did….I am happy that they all get along so well. We had a wonderful seafood dinner and Tana was able to sit with all of us to eat. @bennybear, Brenda, a very Happy Anniversary to you both! @kazu and @VMax1700, Bon Voyage! @sailingdutchy, Tony, Happy Birthday!
  10. Good morning. My niece taught in China for a few years and learned mandarin slightly. I give her a lot of credit as it certainly looked difficult to me. I have read a few books in the genre including one by Hanna Yanagihara called “A Little Life”. I have not been to Japan. Today we will have more help as the New Hampshire family are coming for a visit. We will be able to do a little more outside the house if we all take turns helping Tana. She is really tired this morning but I hope she perks up a bit when she sees everyone and the grand dog arrive. @cat shepard, Ann and @summer slope, Dixie, enjoy having family visits! I am glad your weather is cooperating and acting like Florida. Take care everyone
  11. Good morning. It is chilly at 45 now but may reach 60 later. The clouds will be with us all day but there are no predicted showers. I read a lot of Stephen Kings’ books over the years and scared myself with a few. The recipes look great today, thanks Debbie @dfish. My BFF taught at the Parker School in Lexington Mass. We met in Boston when I was in PT school and her DH was in graduate school. We are lurching along here on limited sleep. I think of Vanessa when I am up in the middle of the night. I hope the surgery brings pain relief for you, @JazzyV. Hoping for a good day for all.
  12. Good morning. It is 43 going to 48 and raining. The heat is on again after several days of not needing it. I have soup on the stove and chicken in the oven for later today. I would like the recipe today but the rest of the group would vote no. They are funny about artichokes.I love artichokes so should make some just for me! @Cruzin Terri, Happy Birthday to Jim! @sailingdutchy, Tony, Happy Birthday to Martha! and @StLouisCruisers, Sandi, Happy Birthday to Lisa, I was so happy to read that @kazu, Jacqui, is free to travel but sorry it came from a pedicure. Tana and I decided to take it easy today as yesterday ended up being quite a long day. I plan to ignore laundry and grocery needs and will try to rest this afternoon. Have a great day everyone.
  13. Both sets of grandparents came through Ellis Island. My father’s family was from Ireland and mom’s was from Sweden. My brother and I agree that our parents were strongly influenced by their own parents journey. Both grandmothers were 18 at the time. They both worked as maids prior to having their own families. It was quite emotional to see their names on ship manifests. My mother told me stories of translating for her mother in stores and at school until English improved.
  14. Good morning. It is presently sunny and cool at 47 going to 60. A shower may sneak in later. I will give my pie to someone else and have been to Messina. I remember that it was a beautiful day to be in a beautiful place but no longer have pictures. @kazu, Jacqui, I am so sorry about the foot causing so much trouble. I hope the doctor can help this morning. @marshhawk, Annie, your fall sounds terrible and I hope you are doing better this morning. @Haljo1935, Elizabeth, I hope the MRI’s can help with your pain. We have only a small plan in place for today as fish is requested for dinner. I will head out to the fish store in a bit to see what looks good. A neighbor told me that the fish is freshest on Wednesdays and Thursday at this shop. He used to manage a restaurant so I think he is knowledgeable. It is expensive to buy the fresh fish but the taste is fantastic. Have a great day everyone.
  15. I just showed her the picture! Sweet. Sorry about the headache and nausea.
  16. Good morning. It is another beautiful day here with temperatures ranging from 48 to 68. Lots of pollen in the air, on the cars and outdoor furniture. The flowering trees are stunning against the clear blue sky. The quote is a powerful one. I have not been to the port and would like the recipe if I had any ambition to make it. Emancipation day is to be celebrated everywhere. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I am glad Linda got through the rotator cuff repair. It is a long rehab but the results will be worth it. I had quite a few patients with total shoulder procedures done and they usually did very well. The PT involved is painful for both procedures. DD told me recently that she thought her shoulder surgery was harder to tolerate than her cervical spine fusion. It was very hard to sleep and she often ended up sleeping in a recliner. If Linda has access to the ice machine used after knee and shoulder surgeries it is well worth it for control of pain and edema. @marshhawk, congratulations on the grand kitties! I hope mom and babies are doing well this morning. Things feel less anxious here but I find myself just exhausted. I think it is similar to the after effects of constant adrenaline pumping through the body. Tana and I had a good laugh earlier when I asked what she had planned for the day. She usually has a small goal she sets for herself. Today she wanted to “be a vegetable” and watch something silly on TV. That will be easy to accomodate. Have a great day everyone
  17. @Quartzsite Cruiser, Lenda, I was happy to read about the shunt valve adjustment. I hope your DH feels the difference soon. @kochleffel, Paul, sorry about your ankle. i hope the others who had treatments and appointments are doing well. @Mr. Boston,condolences on the passing of your friend and colleague Lauren.
  18. My son lives in Amherst, right next door. It is a lovely area with a farm within walking distance. I am happy to hear you had such a good recovery from your back surgery.
  19. Good morning. It will be 70 later and it is beautiful and 57 now. Thunderstorms are maybe coming later. I won’t celebrate my ex but I do have DS and DGC’s as a result.I like the soup recipes, thanks Debbie @dfish. i have not been to Japan but would love to go someday. @DeniseT, I am sorry to hear about the neighbors. I echo New Hampshire for consideration. My DS and family enjoy their area and also a summer home on a lake only an hour away. They are Celtics fans and often go to the Garden for games. The tax savings are good for the Northeast too. @kochleffel, Paul, thanks for sharing your excellent feedback from the professor. I also like the waterfall pictures. @StLouisCruisers,Sandi, this tree is so cheerful! I was in a funk when I woke up but had to smile at the sombrero. Thanks
  20. So sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. Condolences and prayers for her and her family.
  21. @AncientWanderer, Maxine, Bon Voyage! @Cruzin Terri, my condolences on the loss of your friend Anita. @atexsix, Bruno, Condolences on the loss of your father.
  22. Good morning. It is cloudy and 47 with wind and rain expected later. The production company has been disassembling their lights and sound equipment since 6 am. The actors kept filming until 2 am as expected. It was so interesting to watch the many workers it takes to do this sort of thing. We were invited to the fancy ice cream truck last night and had fun talking to everyone. I only saw the “stars” from my window. The teenager told me he would like to do that sort of work as a summer job. We do have a big new studio in downtown Yonkers…maybe he will be able to as he turns 16 soon. Thank you Graham @grapau27 for the information about the Puerto Rican vets. I always make lunch count. In my working days, like many of us, I ate on the fly or standing up and had to learn how to be civilized at lunchtime these days. I like the recipe but I am not sure about the others in the group. DD DH and I were fortunate to go to Aruba twice on a land vacation and we loved it. Thanks for the pictures Sandi. @StLouisCruisers. The hospice nurse was coming yesterday and the filming halted for her walk down the street to our house. We called the producer so that she could get back to her car without incident. The police car at the top of the hill told her she had to leave her car and walk. He then relented and said he would “watch” the car for her. She thought Tana looked a little better but did not change meds or O2 levels. We are grateful for any positive change these days.
  23. @marshhawk, thank you for the incredible pictures. The Cape holds a big place in my heart too. @RMLincoln, Maureen, I think you will really enjoy the Cape. We have stayed most recently in Orleans and found it great for beaches, restaurants and hiking trails. The traffic is , shall we say, interesting.
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