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Everything posted by kalos

  1. I don't like the new coins released with King Charles’ head on them either. Then again, I’ve never liked change. I suppose all the mums to be will be looking at popular kings names ,like Charles, Henry, George and Burger🙃
  2. I had a big name chemist and they were always forgetting to pick up my prescription, deliver the tablets I needed . In the end we parted ways and I used another that had just set up nearby and they are brill . Once the young woman in the shop dropped my tablets off when on her way home . She said the delivery guy had broke down but as it was on her way home ,she would bring them for me . Top chemist and service .
  3. Now your taking me back to our chippy when I was young . Yorkshire fish cake = 2 slices of potato with cod/haddock sandwiched between ,dipped and the cooked in batter ... Lovely
  4. Yep hope Jane gets sorted 🙂 It's rained non stop this morning and on top of the monsoon we had Sunday ,Jane has sent her monsoon our way as well, which is knocking seven bells out of our flowerers.
  5. The one that's baffling me is how what looks to be several lorry loads of PPE that managed to get dumped near a nature reserve in Hampshire ? No one seems to know .. Where it's come from ? Who took it there ? Up to yet , no one knows or saw anything ! Lets hope someone remembers how it got there .🤔
  6. We should be thankful we can watch TV in our country . Did you know they don't have television in Afghanistan ? It's because of the Tele-ban 🙃
  7. They are now known as "imagine and go" Very handy for those who are only thinking about eating . Zero % calories too 🙃
  8. Let them book on the app 🙂 It's fair to say the MDR can have it's moments ,I reported a waiter who walked out of the loo without handwashing . Also told one that has he had just coughed in his hands not to bother serving us . Both were not P&O but it does happen .
  9. Good morning ,hope everyone is ok and @Host Sharon is getting sorted with her fractures. It's lovely and fresh this morning after an early morning thunderstorm , at least that's the garden watered. I remember our next door neighbours lad used to be obsessed with thunderstorms . His dad was trying to get him in out of the garden during a bad storm but he refused to come back in and just stood there holding his mothers metal clothes prop aloft and yelling at his dad " I AM HE- MAN , MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE ! " His dad looked to me and said "What can I do ? " I told him if he was my lad he would have been grounded 🙃 Have a good day
  10. Best to check the carpets if they look like they haven't been cleaned then you have a Slovak 🙃
  11. Same here Dave . On the Azura /Ventura I have been known to have a light breakfast at 6.30am in the buffet and the MDR at 8.30 if needed . Come lunch time set off for the MDR if we were onboard and on the way there passing the Glasshouse decide to eat in there instead . Come 6.30 pm possibly a light bite before a wander into one of the bars or the theatre which was nice and peaceful . We did all this and our phones were tucked away in the safe . I hope next time if I revisit one of these ships I get the same experience .
  12. Good morning ,hope everyone's OK 🙂 Why do some things that are nice and relaxing have to be spoilt ..? As it's nice weather I made up a flask and some sarnies and headed for the coast. On the beach it was quiet and a crowd of children playing nearby , very nice. That was until a man and his wife set off fighting in front of all these kids. They were screaming and shouting at each other whilst she clung on to a little baby ! It got even worse a policeman came and the wife's husband set off fighting with him as well and got the upper hand and started hitting the police man with his own truncheon . Then out of nowhere came a Crocodile that ate all these sausages ! I'd seen enough and went home ... Hope you all have a peaceful day ..Take care
  13. Sending you a BIG HUG .. So sorry for your loss 🙂
  14. When I was about 14 year old ,my Dad had a sheepskin coat and had managed to get some muck on it . As a kind and loving son when were out I thought "I can clean this " We had just recently bought a new front loader washer ,so I bunged it in there on a hot Bio wash ! Then bunged it in the tumble drier for 1/2 an hour . The good news was I had removed the stain . My Dad did not know if to laugh or cry at my kind deed as it was now like cardboard and could stand on it's own , also it would have fitted my 6 year old sis ,it had shrunk that much .🥴
  15. Looks like today is going to be another warm one ,expecting 25-27.c today . Even the cats that pass by are staying home . Not much fun for cats or dogs ....
  16. That brought more memories back .. Just for fun, what was your first car and can you remember where you first took it on a decent run out ? My car was a C reg Ford Anglia (snotty green ) bought out of the local rags £30 and under section . Taxed and tested ,sold as seen . I put 2 gallon of petrol in her and a pint of oil as the seller told me she's burning a bit of oil. No more to do I followed the A630 into Doncaster and thought what the hell and headed along the A18 M18 had not been invented ,not stopping until I reached Cleethorpes . The oil light was flickering so found a garage and bought more oil /fuel and made my way back home and was so glad to get home as the oil light was on again and I stunk of burnt oil but I was skint for that week but happy .🙂
  17. I do remember my first car taught me how to swear fluently ! When I went to open the door it would greet me with a static shock and who could forget those plastic seats on a hot summers day ? Trying to wind the window down gasping for air and then just to make your day, you gripped the steering wheel with both hands (like the door knob scene in home alone ) Happy motoring 😏
  18. I had the same problem declaring my heart issues, lots wanted those prices ,some just said sorry but we cannot insure you for those conditions . In the end we tried a few away from the comparison sites and was surprised when Stay Sure quoted me just below £780 ! My advice would be ring around as some of the online drop down options do not always give a true picture of your conditions.
  19. Also just walk past the Premier Inns front entrance and there's a small Co-Op shop for any bits & bobs / snacks for staying in these hotels or to take to the port with you .
  20. Just for anyone not used to the area ,the car park is West Quay Multi park and not owned by Premier Inn, so you don't have to be staying with them . Very good car park and as you describe it's nestled between Carnival and the Moxy hotel . https://www.google.com/maps/@50.9016214,-1.408835,3a,75y,274.69h,108.06t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sFzpzVJVwsex-bUg0_OkdcQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu
  21. I would join you but I would need another job to pay for them . I remember my dad saying ..." You selfish boy " If only I had listened to him and bought a fish mongers van .... 🙃
  22. I thought you once said that was Mrs Zapps idea of perfect seating 😉🤣
  23. Could be a bit of a mine field as insurance can be fickle . scenario 1 Bert parks his car on some backstreet away from home and jets off on holiday only to find on his return his car has been stolen and used in a crime according to the local police . Do the insurance pay out ? Sensible Fred gives his car and keys over to a parking company and also jets off on holiday only to find on his return his car also had been nicked and used in a crime according to the local police . Do the insurance pay out ? (Foot note some companies state you park with them at your own risk ) https://www.thesun.co.uk/motors/3831158/are-you-insured-when-you-leave-your-car-at-an-off-site-airport-car-park-millions-of-holiday-maker
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