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Everything posted by Cbtours

  1. Just thinking these could become valuable commodity! You could sell them to fellow passengers craving a good cuppa and recoup some of your $$$ 😁
  2. Maybe they thought we were cruising on it, as we hike up the demographic wherever we go (well one of us does 😁😜)
  3. I would be interested in that cruise too, fly over and see family in Uk then sail home.
  4. It’s way beyond our means too but I think Frank is speaking it in faith 🥰😁🙏🏻🤣🤣
  5. A little envious 🤣🤣🤣🤣 im totally green! And Frank is totally saying we’ve got to do one lol
  6. Thanks, was waiting for you to surface 😁 so there is no English breakfast at all??? just keeping notes lol
  7. That’s what we do Julie, put any washing from that day each nighttime which works very well.
  8. Beyond excited for you today! It’s like I’m going lol have the best time and I’m looking fwd to reading your report 🥰🥰🥰
  9. Your report will be invaluable for any of us who might get to do the dream cruise one day 🥰
  10. Great report. We’ve never done Japan so I’m following along with interest.
  11. Looking good Mark 🥰 keep up the good work 👏
  12. Looking forward to updates while I follow along from my armchair 🥰
  13. We live in a lifestyle community NOT a retirement village 😁 and we had a dawn service at 5.30am. This is our third year since it’s been open. Very moving, with two vets laying wreaths and hoisting flag etc. then all had Brekky afterwards. We had the majority of homeowners there and it was very moving time.
  14. I have a couple of basic patent Diana Ferrari low heals, black and neutral that gives most my evening stuff, plus with black pants, and the neutral ones with black pants and neutral jacket make a whole different look.
  15. Franks only had one Christmas home in the 16 years we’ve been married so we decided it was time again 🥰
  16. It’s our splurge when we go! We drop the hire car back at the airport on the way (stay couple weeks at Gordon’s Bay first) and get a ride out to V & A, cos you don’t need car there. Excursions and tours right from there. I found last years Christmas lunch menu (full buffet) so really looking fwd to that too.
  17. We’d love too but already booked Christmas and not feasible to go now as well! It’s only $1790 pp inside for the 19? Days! Cheaper than airfare!!!
  18. I saw there was a Syd Capetown leg. If you’re at the actual waterfront, the V & A hotel right on front is where we are spending Christmas week! Our fav spot
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