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Posts posted by dreamr

  1. 11 hours ago, sverigecruiser said:


    I always pay a little extra so that I can cancel hotels if I want/need to. The extra I pay is normally around $20/night.


    Why did you booked a non-refundable hotel room?


    May I ask which hotel it was so that I never book that? It's completely wrong to refund money for non-refundable rooms if they also sell refundable rooms at a higher rate, which most hotels does.


    I had booked one of those "we'll show you the hotel after you pay" deals on an online travel site. The site in question immediately began working with all of their hotel partners to offer refunds for everyone affected by the crisis. Three days and the money was back on my card. I didn't even have to call them.


    However, now that I have answered your question, I have to say that the fact that you would even make a statement like that shows me that we are on opposite sides of the empathy spectrum in this crisis. In a situation where thousands of people are losing their jobs and could use every extra dollar they can get, I believe a little compassion would go a long way. May you never find yourself in such a situation. Have a good evening. :)



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  2. 1 hour ago, blcruising said:

    The airlines have been required by the federal government to maintain a certain level of flights. The government considers them to be an essential service of moving cargo and people. It wouldn't make sense to be upset with an airline for following a government mandate. You could redirect any anger to the government, though. The government just reiterated this in the agreement they reached with the airlines yesterday. Any airline receiving Federal aid is required to remain in operation and maintain a level of service through at least September.


    Cruiselines are the opposite. Government has issued a no sail order, but the cruiselines continue to market cruise vacations. That's a big difference.


    So because they are essential to some people, that makes it okay for them to require people to "use or lose" their tickets in the current situation? Sorry, I don't agree with that.


    Again, my issue is not the fact that they aren't offering refunds or that they have not shut down. My issue is the short time frame we have to use our ticket. If they would give us until 2022, like NCL has, or even sometime in 2021, I would have no issue.

  3. 5 minutes ago, sverigecruiser said:


    I don't agree that it's inexcusable of the airlines not to give a refund when someone cancel their reservation. The airlines, at least most of they, sell tickets which are possible to cancel for any reason and get a refund so that's the ticket to buy if someone may need to cancel.


    I do think that it's inexcusable not to refund when the flight is cancelled.


    As stated in the post you quoted, this is not a normal situation we are in. No one could have predicted this. We (everyone who has had their travel plans canceled due to this virus) did not decide to stay home of our own accord. Cruises were canceled and travel warnings (or bans) were issued. People are dying from this virus. A virus that is easily spread in situations such as traveling in a packed airplane, and I venture to guess that a percentage of their customers would be considered high risk.


    I am not asking for a refund, but only giving us a few months to travel, when it is still considered unsafe to do so is wrong, in my opinion.


    For comparison, I had also booked a non-refundable hotel room and it was refunded within three days of the cruises being canceled.


    I do not understand why so many people are upset at NCL but giving the airlines a pass.



    8 minutes ago, Roger88 said:

    They dont care really. I mean, the people who work there do care but as a company - they dont want to lose money. And they clearly understand that people have no way around it. Yes, we can try to bargain, disagree, show our anger but in the end the regular policy will be applied to all of us. And its not like the government can interfere or something. Yes, they might lose a very insuficient percentage of the customers.. but not like they will suffer much from these losses. 


    Oh, I know they don't care. They are making that obvious. If I weren't located right at one of their hubs and therefore have very few options of alternate airlines, I would definitely book with another airline next time.

  4. 1 hour ago, pokerpro5 said:


    Let's do a simple supply-and-demand exercise for a moment.


    When cruising starts again, do you think there will be more or less demand for it, as compared to the same time in 2019?


    There will be much, much, much, MUCH less demand.  Nearly everyone I know has stated they have no desire to get on a cruise ship for at least a few years, and perhaps they never will again.  There's even two cruise ships still stuck in the water and unable to find a port to accept them!  This is an absolute nightmare scenario for the industry.


    With the demand MUCH less than before, and the supply of cruises the same, do you think they can get away with charging the same prices as before?


    Obviously not.  The only way they will entice the public to  give cruising a chance again would be to give some spectacular deals, where people are willing to take a shot.


    If you are paying the same thing for the next cruise compared to the one you had cancelled, you are getting an absolutely horrendous deal.


    Oh, and if NCL can't run for a few more months and goes under, guess what happens to your FCC?  Poof, gone!


    So yes, it's your money, and you can do what you want with it.  But if you think booking today for these inflated prices is the right play, rather than getting a refund, I don't know what to tell you.


    While I'm assuming that I am younger than you, I am not a child. I do know how supply and demand works. I also know that everything you are saying is pure speculation and not fact. You may be basing it off of the theory of supply and demand or maybe even past experiences, but the fact is that we have no idea what the future is going to hold. These are unprecedented times we are in.


    Maybe the prices will drop in a few months, who knows? If that happens, then I may do what most people on this forum usually do and call for a price adjustment or an upgrade. However, my point was to let you know that the cruise I booked was not "super-inflated," as you had claimed, but was comparable to what I paid last year. I was not intending to debate whether or not the price might drop at a later date.


    Based on your replies to me, as well as your other posts in this forum, I can see that your mind is set that NCL is a bad guy whose sole purpose is to cheat everyone out of their money. I tend to think differently. I was excited about the trip I would have been on at this moment, and I am excited about the one I will (hopefully) be going on in November. If the price goes down, then so be it. That happens all the time anyway, crisis or not. I am happy with the price we paid and that does not make me a fool.


    Besides, as I said in the beginning of this, we have airfare that we will lose if we don't use it. We can't just wait until next year to see if prices drop, which is why I am more annoyed with the airline than with NCL. The airline is forcing our hand, not NCL.


    For that reason, I am now bowing out of this discussion. Good day, sir (or ma'am)! :)

  5. 1 hour ago, pokerpro5 said:


    Go look at the prices of all future NCL cruises, and you'll understand why they are offering "20% discount if you book within the next few weeks".


    They are trying to entice fools to burn their FCCs on super-inflated prices (ones that are high even with the 20% discount), while knowing that it's not driving away new business because almost nobody without FCCs is interested in booking a cruise right now.


    These are very tough times for a lot of businesses -- large and small -- and unfortunately some of these business are acting unethically in order to stay afloat.


    Stubhub is refusing to refund anyone for cancelled events, except in the 14 states where it is legally required.


    Allegiant Air is issuing people a credit (NOT a refund) for cancelled and only agreeing to a refund if they complain (a negative checkoff scam).


    NCL is pulling their own shenanigans, between the fake 20% discount (since the prices are super-inflated for this purpose), the default to FCC instead of a refund, the early cutoff date for a refund request, and the laughable 90-day refund timeframe.


    It is not our responsibility to use our hard-earned (and now precious) dollars to keep these companies afloat by buying into their shady schemes to acquire cash.


    The smart person would call up their credit card company immediately and dispute the NCL charge, getting the money back much quicker than 90 days.


    I guess I'm not smart then, because I have already used my FCC to book my next cruise, the price of which was about the same as what we paid for our canceled cruise. In fact, because the FCC was 125%, we actually have an additional $800 left to use on another one.


    So I suppose we'll just have to say that we have had very different experiences and we have very different outlooks. 😉 



  6. 21 hours ago, pokerpro5 said:


    The airlines aren't behaving very well, either.


    NCL isn't allowing you to cancel and get a refund.  You only get a refund if they cancel on you.  If you cancel first, you only get that FCC.


    They are giving you 2.5 years to use that FCC because they don't want you to use it now.  They want you to use it later when they're back on their feet.  They'd prefer their upcoming cruises are ones by new customers infusing them with more cash.


    Everyone has their own views about this situation, and there is no "right" view. Personally, NCL's motives (which are speculation at best, as none of us - as far as I'm aware - was in the room when the decisions were made) are of no importance to me. Their motives do not affect me. All that matters to me is that they are giving me two and a half years to rebook, meaning that if this situation takes much longer than we anticipate, we can rebook when we are more comfortable. The airlines are not doing that.


    Regarding your theory about NCL preferring new customers over those of us with FCCs, then I don 't understand why they would offer us an additional 20% discount if we use our FCC within the next few weeks? That sounds to me like they do, in fact, want us to book quickly.


    I will say again, I am not trying to "excuse" NCL, I'm simply saying that they are being more lenient than the airlines, and because of that, if I were going to file a complaint, I would be more inclined to do so against the airline before I did so against the cruise line.

  7. 9 hours ago, pokerpro5 said:

    If airlines cancel your flight, you get a refund.


    If the flight is still taking place but you no longer want to take it (because the thing you're flying for is no longer happening), the airline will not give a refund, but will change your flight without any fees.


    Anyway, regarding NCL and their 90 day policy, anyone excusing this is foolish.  The "policy" doesn't matter.  It's your money, and they shouldn't be holding it for 3 months.


    Charge it back on your credit card and you'll probably win.


    I don't think NCL has the cash to refund everyone right now.  That's my guess as to what is really happening.


    I hope that isn't directed at me. 😒


    I understand the airline's normal policy regarding refunds. However, this is not a normal situation we are in, and in my opinion, they should be more willing to work with their customers. It's not like we all just suddenly had a change of heart and decided to change our plans and they know this. People are canceling their flights because they can no longer go where they were planning to go, either because of health reasons or the various travel bans that states are starting to enact. The airlines just don't seem to care and refuse to even offer refunds. That, to me, is more inexcusable.


    While I am not excusing the cruise line for the refund delay, at least they are giving affected people the option. Not to mention allowing people to cancel their own cruises and rebook without penalties. Before you say that's also what the airlines are doing, NCL is giving us two and a half years to rebook while the airline is giving us a handful of months, when we have no idea if life will be back to normal that quickly.

  8. 22 minutes ago, ColeThornton said:


    It was a First Class ticket.  They combined two flights and cancelled mine.  The substitute flight was five hours later and didn't work for me so by policy they refunded me.  Hope that helps.


    I figured it had something to do with the price of your ticket (and also since they canceled, not you). Thanks for explaining. :)


    For those of us back in coach, they are only allowing a free change, and travel must be completed within one year of ticket issue date (or December 31, 2020, whichever comes first). Let's just say there are a lot of furious customers (rightfully so, in my opinion) who bought their tickets last summer, which means they have to use it in the next couple of months or lose their money. Fortunately, we booked ours in February, so we have until the end of the year. 


    To make my post slightly more on topic, I'd consider filing a complaint again the airlines before the cruise lines. At least the cruise lines are offering refunds, even if delayed. Though, technically, only to those whose cruises they canceled. So I guess this situation just sucks all around.


    (At least we do have a longer time period to rebook with the cruise line.)

  9. 9 minutes ago, K_e_short said:

    Interesting since that is not what their website is saying.

    Most airlines are allowing changes to booking without a fee, online cancellations, but are only giving future travel credits.

    So you received the full amount that you paid back to you?

    I guess I should have used that airline 🙂


    I also booked with American Airlines and was told only about the waived change fee. So I am also curious about Cole's refund. Maybe they booked a more expensive ticket (not a "basic economy" ticket)?

  10. We were supposed to be on the Escape right now ( 😢 ), so we have been looking into using our FCC to book a replacement. I know NCL was generous enough to give us until 2022 to use it, but the airline is not being as generous. Therefore, we have to travel by the end of the year or we lose our airfare. My sister waited too long to book theirs and paid double what she normally would have, so she definitely doesn't want to forfeit that much money. Because of the airfare issue, we are booking the Breakaway for November 29, 2020. I'm hoping things are better by then...

  11. 21 minutes ago, poffles said:


    That is CAS bookings ... the poster states 'land based certificates' referring to casino certificates and it is those that are limited.  The FCC is separate and should show in NCL account and limitations will be more based on what items it can be applied to in the booking.


    That is what I thought. Just wanted to make sure. Thanks. :)

  12. On 3/17/2020 at 3:13 PM, kpark895 said:


    According to the rep I spoke to yesterday, land based certificates for cancelled by NCL cruises may now be used through March 31st, 2020.  The cruise must sail prior to December 31, 2021, and you may only book a cruise leaving from a same port with a same itinerary and a same number of maximum nights as on your original certificate.  The ship itself doesn't matter.


    Just want to clarify...those stipulations are for CAS bookings, correct? If not, then if NCL is limiting the FCCs that much, then it sounds like the refund is a much better choice. We weren't booked through CAS.

  13. I honestly think giving up sugar is a big part of the reason I've been able to lose weight. I eat as little sugar as possible. It's extremely difficult (if not impossible) to not eat any sugar, as there is sugar in pretty much everything. I completely cut out most sweets, though, besides a few things that are naturally sweetened instead of using sugar (or they have very little sugar).


    My substitutions:

    - "Two Good" Yogurt. Only has 2g of sugar, instead of the 20g regular yogurt has.

    - Lily's chocolate bars. Sweetened with Erythritol and Stevia.

    - Enlightened Ice Cream. Mostly sweetened with Erythritol, but it does have some sugar.


    I'm not a fan of artificial sweeteners, so I don't drink diet sodas at all. I drink water 98% of the time. If I want something different, I will grab a BAI drink, which is sweetened with... you guessed it, Erythritol! haha

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  14. I do intermittent fasting. I only eat between 12 pm and 8 pm. Though, because I work full time, I only eat a small lunch around 12 pm and then nothing else until I get home around 5-6 pm. Most days, I don't eat past 7 pm, but if I decide I want/need something else, my cut off is 8 pm. It was pretty easy for me to get into IF, because I wasn't a breakfast eater before this anyway. So I'm not really missing out on anything.


    On weekends, I push past 12 pm and see just how long I can go before eating. Today, I didn't eat anything until 3 pm and then ate some more around 6:30 pm. Haven't had anything else since, except for water. I drink a lot of water. lol


    In addition to IF, I also watch my carbs. I'm not doing "keto" specifically, but I do keep my carbs low. I completely cut out bread, potatoes, pasta, and as much sugar as possible. It wasn't easy at first, but I don't even miss those things anymore.


    As for whether or not this has been successful, I have lost 130 pounds in the past year. :)

    • Like 1
  15. Hey, everyone!

    So last week, I posted that I was down to 215 (from 340, for those of you who weren't in last week's thread). I had held steady at that weight (+/-) since December. I took December off from dieting so that I could enjoy the holidays. I figured I wouldn't lose any if I were eating more than usual, and I didn't. However, I am pleased to report that as of this morning, I am down to 211. So about a 4 pound loss over the past couple of weeks. My December cheat month only set me back temporarily. Phew! :)


    For those of you who have posted a small increase, do not get discouraged! Weight changes by the hour, believe it or not. It fluctuates constantly for many different reasons (hormones, whether or not your bladder is full, and who knows what other reasons!). When I first started dieting last year, I would get so discouraged whenever I would step onto my scale and the number would be a pound or two UP instead of down. Until I found an article online about weight fluctuation. The journalist weighed herself every hour for 15 hours. Over those hours, her weight jumped up and down over a 7 pound span. Gaining or losing that much weight in 15 hours is physically impossible. Reading that article (and seeing the pictures of her on the scale) helped me IMMENSELY. So please don't let a one or two pounds gain make you feel like you have failed in any way!


    By the way, I weigh myself multiple times every day. It helps keep me in check. Or maybe I'm just crazy like that. haha



    • Like 3
  16. 14 hours ago, Belle said:

    Dreamr/Deena..Glad your joining us.  Sorry you were sick, main thing you got well and started

    on a new way of eating. GREAT LOSS!  You can give us lots of tips and tell us how your eating doing Keto. 

    A post is never to long. Can talk all you want..giving information or if you just want to vent. Come in often

    just not Thursday. Do you exercise too or just do Keto?


    Jo a good loss this week. You doing good at trying not to have snacks at night? I'm trying not

    to have that "little sweet" at night or any other 'little snack"


    Everyone have a good Sunday..  


    Thank you! :)


    Believe it or not, I don't exercise at all. I do have a job where I'm on my feet for a good portion of the day, though. I work with infants, so I'm constantly picking them up, carrying them around, etc. One of my babies is 25 lbs (at 7 months old haha). I sometimes use her as a weight and lift her up and down. She loves it. I figure that helps. lol


    Food wise, I am not a cook at all, so I have a very, very simple way of eating. I tend to eat things that don't need to be cooked at all (lol). I live on avocados, almonds, string cheese, olives, etc. I do occasionally eat scrambled eggs/omelets, which are pretty simple to make, of course. I've also discovered low carb tortillas and zero carb bread (just bought some at Aldi today for the first time and it's good! Yay!). I don't do any of those complicated keto recipes. Too much work for me. lol


    I completely cut out pasta, potatoes, bread (except for the new zero carb bread), and as much sugar as possible. I drink water 98% of the time, but whenever I want something different, I drink a BAI drink (you can find them at pretty much any grocery store). They are sweetened with natural sweeteners, erythritol and stevia, and only have 10 calories and 1-2g carbs per bottle. My favorite flavors are Strawberry Lemonade and Pomegranate.


    If I'm craving something crunchy, I will grab a few pork rinds. I don't eat them often, as they have a lot of sodium, but it works whenever you just want a crunchy snack.


    If I'm craving something sweet, I eat a few squares of a Lily's Chocolate bar. Salted Almond is my favorite. There's about 8g of carbs in an entire bar, but about 1/4 of the bar is plenty for me, since the bars are big. You can find those at Publix and Earthfare. Maybe other places, too, but those two stores are where I buy mine.


    Hope that helps! If you have any questions, feel free to ask! :)



    5 hours ago, pacruise804 said:

    Welcome Dreamr and thank you for sharing 🙂 I'm glad you are fully recovered.


    I think the "recommended" BMI weights are often too low for healthy/sustainable weight.  There are too many factors, like bone density or muscle vs. fat to incorporate.  I felt much healthier at 155 in my early 40's than 135 in my teens.


    I was shocked yesterday with my calorie tracking.  We had quizzing over the weekend and I thought the numbers would be way over with concession stand food but I was actually under.  Snacking really makes a difference.  My body is rebelling today though from the "junk" food - I slept almost 11 hours last night and still don't feel good 😞 


    Thank you! :)


    I agree about the BMI! I have a really big chest and a big booty, so I always say that those two things automatically add 30 pounds to me. The last time I was 115 pounds was in middle school, before the boobs appeared. haha


    I took December off from my diet, so that I could just enjoy myself over the holidays. Every time I ate a big "normal" meal, I could definitely tell a difference from how I feel when I eat lighter. It made it a little easier to jump back onto the diet on January 1st, now knowing how much better I felt when I wasn't full of heavy foods. This year has definitely been a learning experience.


    2 hours ago, winewanderer said:

    Dreamr, welcome. Wow, what an awesome loss. Glad you recovered well. Your story is very inspiring. On a goal weight....I think most important is a weight you can maintain and be happy with. 


    Great you have a cruise soon. Oh what fun you'll have.





    Thank you! :)


    I am so excited for it. Just about 75 days to go! 😄

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  17. Hey, everyone! I'm Deanna (pronounced 'deena'). I saw this listed as the featured forum, and since I've been working on my weight for the past year, I thought I'd take a look. It's always nice to meet people who are working towards the same goal. Congratulations on your successes! :)


    As previously mentioned, I've been working on my weight for a year now. I was in the hospital for two weeks in December 2018 (17th - 31st) with double pneumonia that was to the point of respiratory failure (I've made a full recovery!). While I was there, my pulmonologist happened to be a big fan of the keto diet and gave me a lot of information about it. During my hospital stay, I lost about 20 pounds, which was a great jump start that motivated me to see if I could keep it going after I got home.


    I have now lost 125 pounds and gone from size 26 jeans to size 16 jeans. I still have a ways to go to my goal weight, but I am both shocked and proud by how far I've come so far. While all of my friends, family, and coworkers have witnessed my transformation, I've never told anyone what my actual starting weight was or what my weight is now. Until now.


    Highest Weight: 340

    Current Weight: 215

    Goal Weight: 150


    For my height, I'm supposed to be 115-125, but I'll be content with 150. Heck, I'm pretty thrilled with where I'm at now, but I'm still going to keep going. lol


    I'm going on a cruise at the end of March 2020. I can't wait to see how different the experience is at my smaller size, considering that I am below the weight limit for all of the fun stuff now (water slides, zip lines, etc). And to top it off, I'm going with my sister, who lives on the other side of the country (she's in WA, I'm in SC) and hasn't seen me since June 2018!


    Anyway, I'm glad to have found this forum. Sorry for the super long post. lol

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  18. On 12/10/2019 at 10:49 PM, timf2001 said:


    Legally Blonde had an unusually short run.  I'm not sure why exactly, but Getaway was already showing Million Dollar Quartet by the time I was on in 2016, only 2 years after the ship launched.


    Yes, it did...and I'm still upset about it! I booked the Getaway for fall of 2015 for the sole purpose of seeing Legally Blonde (I'm a huge fan of the show, but have never seen it live). As luck would have it, NCL changed that week's cruise, so I was bumped to the Escape instead (brand spankin' new ship at a discount for the inconvenience, sure why not!?). I figured I would just book the Getaway for my next cruise and see the show. NCL pulled Legally Blonde about two months before my cruise. I was then after final payment and heartbroken that I would yet again not get to see the one show that I had been dying to see for years. I'm still disappointed about it. 😞


    I had a blast on the Escape, though. I absolutely loved The Brat Pack. Saw it twice that week, and that was when it was a paid dinner show. I would see it again in a heartbeat! ...yet, here I am about to go on the Escape again and that show is now gone. However, After Midnight (which I hated) is still going strong. So goes my luck. haha



    On 12/16/2019 at 3:11 PM, ollienbertsmum said:


    I love shows but Priscilla really was only good for the once.  I have seen Legally Blonde three times, gosh I even have a Legally Blonde Barbie.  I would see We Will Rock You, Hairspray, The Jersey Boys ... anything.  The Epic Western Med is a really convenient cruise for me.  Please change the show.  


    I am supremely jealous of you. lol

  19. I know this thread is about the Escape and not the Getaway, but I just wanted to add that I had a very similar room location on the Getaway a few years ago. Our room number was 14700, and we were the very first balcony on the hall. We had a long walk from the elevators, of course, but the neat thing was that our door was about three inches from the door to the Captain's Quarters (our door and their door kind of made an L shape lol). We actually bumped into the Captain and his wife a couple of times whenever we were leaving or coming back to our room. They were both very nice. Can't recall his name, but he did tell us his wife was staying with him for the week.


    Btw, our room was also directly under the thermal suite, and I don't recall hearing any noise at all. I wouldn't fret over the location. We really enjoyed ours! :)

  20. I have to agree with those who were underwhelmed (if not outright bored) by "After Midnight". The cast members were very talented, so my opinion has nothing to do with their talent. I just hated the show itself. I probably would have walked out, but I was with the solo travelers group, so I suffered through. There were quite a few in our group that didn't like it. I definitely plan to skip it this time, and quite frankly, I'm both shocked and disappointed that it's still on the ship four years later.

    As for "Choir of Man," I have not seen it in its entirety, but I have watched several clips (such as the one posted above) and I can't say that I'm at all enticed by it. Good thing I don't cruise for the shows. lol

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  21. I lucked into a spa balcony room on my last cruise. It was the first time I had ever been to the spa. It was amazing! I went every day. Sometimes, more than once. I loved the pool, the little square bubble area (have no clue what it's called lol), the salt room, the sauna, and the loungers. I loved it so much that I'm planning to buy a spa pass for my upcoming cruise. So, at least to me, it is definitely worth it. 😄


    Oh, my last cruise was on the Getaway, btw. Upcoming cruise is on the Escape. Can't wait to try out the snow room!

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  22. I was on the Escape back in 2015 and saw After Midnight. Didn't like it. I'm disappointed that it's still there, four years later. I'm going on the Escape again in March 2020, and I'm hoping that it will be replaced by then. 😕


    I haven't really seen anything about Choir of Man that makes me want to see it (is it really just a group of men walking around a stage and singing random songs?), but it seems to have decent reviews, so I guess I'll check it out if I feel the desire to see a show. lol


    I'm soooo sad they removed The Brat Pack. That show was awesome! I saw it twice during my cruise, and that was the inaugural cruise, so it wasn't a complimentary show yet. I would love to be able to see it again!

  23. 4 hours ago, travelmatron said:

    What a great question, and you've already received a couple of good answers, so let me add something that doesn't answer your question --  In addition to suns screen, 'Rash guards' can be really effective for snorkeling since they cover the arms and shoulders.  Although they are more expensive than sun screen the shirts can be worn around town and on board ship.  They are making them better all the time.


    I was about to post this.


    I bought a rash guard before my first cruise and wore it while on an all-day speedboat excursion. Surprisingly, I did not get burned at all! No need to slather greasy lotion all over myself. 😄

  24. I've cruised solo three times, two of those times were in the Epic studios. I love that ship and I love the studios.


    Like others have said, go to the solo gathering the first night to meet your solo coordinator and other solo travelers. The coordinator will arrange activities for the group (participation is optional, of course) as well as group dinners. Past solo coordinators I've had stayed with us until we got seated at dinner (and have even stayed with us for dinner once or twice).


    I've made so many friends through the studio concept that I still keep in touch with via facebook. I love it. It is the reason I continue to cruise with NCL, even when I am not solo.


    Enjoy your trip! :)

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