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Zou Bisou Bisou

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Posts posted by Zou Bisou Bisou

  1. Non issue to non drinkers. We have no problem with the increase.


    I really have no problem with the small increase either and I order all kinds of drinks. I always tip extra so if I was unhappy with this increase I would just leave it at the 18 percent. But more than likely I will receive great service and tip extra as usual.

  2. Getting on the Jewel in San Juan there is a bottle shop in the terminal.


    When we were finished getting through the checkin line and with sea pass in hand, we were sitting in some chairs waiting for our friends to get checked in. At the last minute I decided to go and buy two bottles of wine to bring onboard. I get the premium drink package but sometimes like to have wine in the room for when I am getting ready for dinner. I bought the wine, put it in my carryon and went back to wait for our friends. I did not get back into any line. Then we boarded.


    I never had anyone check me for my wine. But to not be checked you must already have gone through the security line. So I guess if you wanted to bring more than two bottles per cabin, you could easily do it in San Juan.

  3. [quote name='CptSticky']Yes it would be an easy group to cut. It's also a group that has demonstrated it's willingness to spend large amounts of money on cruising over the years. I'm not in Royal's corporate office so I don't know what they are thinking, but if it was me I don't think I would single out a group that spends money. Yes I've heard all the stories of how P's only sail inside and never spend but really how many others have spend between $150K and $250K on one cruise line?[/QUOTE]

    I have easily spent that for me and my family members over the years with Royal Caribbean and I am only D+ with @ 300 cruise points. I don't think I am extraordinary in that respect. Many Pins earned their status spending much less.
  4. [quote name='padrek']I recently made Pinnacle after "donating" $150K+ to RCI and received my $2400 "Free" 7 day cruise certificate. Then I tried to use it for a seven day "free" cruise, only to be told that the $2400 is deducted from some "standard" rate only shown on the reservationists computer. It matters not that the website shows, for example, a price at/near $2400, which thus should qualify for a free cruise- THEIR standard rate the reservationist says shows a rate at least twice what the web is showing - so deduct my $2400 from their "secret" rate and the cruise will COST me $1000 - about what I can buy it on the web for. Confusing - you bet. Suffice it to say that reservationist could not find me a cruise between now and July1st which would cost me less than $850 out of pocket - about the same as I could buy the trip on the web today.
    These are the NEW rules fostered I assume by the same RCI bean counters who made the Future Cruise Credit program almost worthless some months ago by eliminating all its attractive features.
    They seem to work so hard to drive passengers away for the sake of short term gain.[/QUOTE]

    Some want to end this thread. I think you have a legitimate gripe. Even though the Pinnacles are a Minority group, they deserve some respect. I hope other C & A members stand up for you all. In the past this was not always the case.

    Otherwise, expect more cuts at all levels. The Pins would be an easy group to cut benefits...they have few members and their squeaky wheels would not be very loud.

    Not anything I would like to see happen...but it probably will happen anyway.
  5. [quote name='Coralc']You sound (in writing) a little bitter about it Zou. My opinion then as it is now, is that it is their program and they can change it as they wish. We will either adapt, or try to work with what they are offering, or find another cruise line or vacation option.

    If we decide that it is that important to dine at Coastal Kitchen, then I guess we will book a Grand Suite on Oasis.

    It's a loyalty program, if they want to offer stuff for our cruise vacations then I will take it. If it is something they have announced that I am entitled to as a member of said loyalty program, then I will ask about receiving it, and work within the parameters of the offer to receive it.[/QUOTE]

    No, not bitter at all. I became D+ myself soon after the Diamonds lost access. As I stated in a prior post on this thread the CL and DL's don't really interest me anymore. I purchase the drink package and only drink coffee at breakfast so I rarely enter the CL/DL anymore.

    My original point was that posters like cruisenfever (a pinnacle) were upset about the way the pins were being treated with regard to the free cruises for pins. I was just wondering whether those same people were concerned when the D's were downgraded out of the CL.

    If I want an upgrade on a cruise I will purchase it. I don't expect to get anything for free. If I get something extra, great. If not, no problem.
  6. [quote name='travelgoddess1']Anyone who didn't feel a chill when the D's were kicked out of the CL was short-sighted. I can't imagine why you would think we were all happy to see D's leave. It was, at the very least, a preview of coming attractions. BTW, I have never been asked by anyone what I thought about it, so I don't know where you got the idea we were all happy to see you go. :confused: "Secretly happy" is hard to define, isn't it?

    BTW, I have always believed in being fair, even though the world does not work that way. What goes around comes around. :eek:[/QUOTE]

    Please re-read my post. I did not say you were all happy. Where did I get the idea? Just research some of the old threads on CC from the time and there were people stating they were D+ and happy to see the lounge cleared of so many people so there would be more room for Suite Guests and D+. Some even stated they would email/call Royal Caribbean and let them know they were happy about the change. It is there for anyone to read.

    I really don't understand why you are confused. My post was not about YOU. You seem to be taking it personally. My mistake might have been in saying they were "secretly happy", when many were in fact posting they were happy.
  7. Oh, so maybe it is looking like they don't want to make it easy to use any type of freebie. Too bad.


    The BOGO was good in the beginning (last May), but it almost looks like it will become a regular pricing mechanism to keep anyone from combining any kind of specials or loyalty discounts. Not only is it confusing, but it gives much less of an actual benefit (balcony discount) for being in a higher tier of C & A than for being a novice RCL cruiser.

  8. Yes I did because the way RCI handled it was not right. The 3 drink voucher system should have been implemented at that time IMHO.


    Good to know. I don't like to see cuts in Loyalty programs but obviously they occur from time to time. If they promised the Pinnacles more benefits than they want to give them now this should be explained. To make it difficult or near impossible to use the benefit is the same as cutting the benefit.


    I am of the opinion that if Royal Caribbean offers a free cruise at certain point levels in C & A, then these cruises should be treated like the free cruises earned by Visa points. That was a very easy process. We never had a problem booking our free cruises with Visa points and we did it 6 times. We don't use the RCL Visa anymore because we use cards giving more bang for our buck after the RCL/Visa changes, but if they can do it with the Visa program it can be done.

  9. Thanks for your wonderful words of wisdom. :rolleyes: I find these complaints not all trivial nor are they stupid. C&A developed the Loyalty Program along with its "benefits" and "rewards".


    Maybe if it were happening to you, you'd have a better understanding of what is really going on.


    As someone who is Pinnacle and has been on these boards for years, posting almost daily, maybe you can answer this simple question. Did you vigorously stand up for the Diamonds when they were kicked out of the Concierge Lounges?

  10. It's not a matter of expecting something in return. This is something that was set up by C&A back on January 21, 2011 when Pinnacle Club was initially established. It was to be a "reward" for their most loyal customers. :rolleyes: Unfortunately, they have now turned this reward into a meaningless piece of paper.


    Aahh......yes....well this whole thing started back when they kicked the Diamonds out of the Concierge lounge after those Diamond members had been rewarded by Royal Caribbean for their loyalty.


    At that time there were many people who were D+ who did not stand up for the Diamonds and were secretly happy they were being kicked out. Now Royal is on the verge of kicking the D+ out of the CL's and are being accused of not treating Pinnacle's right in this instance of a free cruise. I hope those D+ and Pinnacles affected now were sympathetic to the plight of the Diamonds C & A downgrade back then. If not, then some will be getting their just deserts.


    And for clarification, I was Diamond back when the Diamonds were kicked out of the CL's and I am D+ now. But I care little for the trappings of the CL and DL's anymore and just buy the drink package now.

  11. I was onboard and everynight the Diamond lounge was more than packed - I stopped by for envelopes about 3:45 one evening, and the chairs were already filled. The Music Hall would have been great if they would have opened it for overflow, but the doors were closed with a yellow strap- or something that said do not enter. About 1400 D's and Up trying to get into the lounge, that number doesn't compute with 30 chairs?! :eek:


    Goodness, why would ANYONE want to put themselves in such a situation? Sounds awful. Just go to any other lounge and use your 3 free drinks.

  12. There was no drink pricing at Oasis Schoonerbar in october transatlantic. Not even a list of available drinks. So I did not order anything without asking prices. I would have ordered more drinks if I had a list of drinks. I like trying something different. Probably something Royal would not promote when you have the drinkpackages.

    I would never buy an alcoholic drink package as I do not drink that much. We liked the wine and dine package though which will disappear.



    Sent from my iPad using Forums mobile app


    Funny, we have sailed over 25 cruises on Royal Caribbean. We used to get the Wine and dine package but for us the Drink package is a much better buy. To each their own.

  13. WOW! It must be due to the drink packages. Although, I truly thought they were coming out ahead on the deal overall.


    I can only remember 1 drink on Allure last January that was up to the $12 limit (for the mixed drinks). Most seemed like they were between $6.50-$8.50 range.


    On another note, I was just going through a box I never unpacked and it had a few of the photo folders from a cruise we took in 2006. For some reason there were some drink receipts in there. I was shocked to see I bought a glass of wine at dinner for $3.95 + gratuity...just a little over $4! And it wasn't "house" or "Le Terrible". I also had a Miller Lite for under $3 :eek::D


    Yes, but keep in mind that was almost nine years ago. The last time I ordered a Michelob Ultra onboard an RCI ship was 4 months ago and it was, I believe @ $5. I think that $4 wine you bought in '06 was either house or close to it. You can get a few nice wines by the glass for $10-12. I got good sized Grey Goose Vodka Tonics for $6.75. But then I really didn't pay those prices because I had the drink package. Now if they raise the price on that....well, I'm still hoping for a D+ discount on the drink packages!!!!


    Also most of the ships overall pricing on cabins is the same or lower than nine years ago. Cruising is still a very good bang for your buck within the travel industry.

  14. It's an old argument, but D+ will have spent thousands and thousands of dollars with RCCL and filled cabins that would otherwise go empty. By alienating their most loyal cruisers in catering to suite guests, RCCL execs may be making a big, big mistake.


    Unfortunately, those same Execs don't care so much what you and others have spent in the past but only care what you and others will spend in the future.


    People need to open their eyes to this fact and while the Loyalty program is a good one the concentration is on dollars spent. Many upper tier loyalty guests use all the discounts they can get but spend much less overall than when they were new cruisers. Royal knows this and thus the changes.


    My take on this, enjoy what you have and don't expect much. If all the changes bother you than move on my friends. Royal is not the only ship in the Sea.

  15. thanks to everyone for answering my original question regarding chops new meu. What is really sad is that when you actually contact ANY department on RC they have no idea what Im talking about and say that I should not listen to what cruise critic members say. It has been much appreciated all.


    HA!! The RC Reps should be reading Cruise Critic...just might bring them up to speed.

  16. Depending from where you come, $35 + $19 = $44 for a steak might be worth it (a bargain, even). Not to me,though. And then one might calculate in that in the MDR you have already paid for dinner.....


    Just my opinion....


    If you re-do your math it gets even worse. Because $35 + $19 actually equals $54,.........just saying.

  17. I'm sure this is a silly question but were going on our first cruise and are very apprehensive. I always drink hit water with lemon in the morning. Will I be able it get thus or should I take my own travel kettle?. Talking If which, are the plugs US ones. Thank you in advance.


    Welcome to cruise critic. Remember...there are no silly questions, but sometimes you may get some pretty silly answers.

  18. Of course being a SAHM is work. But it isn't the same as work in the service industry. Unless, of course, your children could fire you if they felt you missed a certain goal?


    Also, you comments that "no mother" would think SAHM's don't work is BS. I know plenty of moms that don't think SAHM do the same level of work. Stop generalizing. It does no good.




    You can think it is malarkey all you want. But I worked many years at Royal. They can and DO get fired for not meeting goal. That goal is 10 across the board.


    And it isn't just Royal. This is a very common practice in service industries. If it isn't a 10, it might as well be a 0. This is commonly stated outright by management.


    You seem very angry. But I will respond anyway.


    Actually, I have worked in the service industry. I have worked in many industries over the years.


    The hardest, most rewarding job I have ever had is being a stay at home Mom.


    Don't worry. I will not be participating in any survey shams.

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