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Posts posted by Mellkoh






    We absolutely loved our day in Victoria and everyone we spoke to said that Vancouver was a tad better. So we know that we definitely want to visit Vancouver and more of Canada the next time we save up enough money and time off from work for such a long trip.



    Vancouver is bigger, but I wouldn't say better!! It's lovely as well, don't get me wrong, I guess you'll just have to come back here and decide for yourself!! [emoji12]


    And those seals are the best fed seals in the world, I think!! They're getting a wee bit pudgy!


    So glad you liked Victoria and your trip overall!! Thank you so much for sharing. I'm looking forward to our own trip next May!!!





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  2. Then what is your advice for what to do at night there. We get there at 5:30 and leave at midnight:o Probably need just one thing to do with that time frame. We thought we may just sit on our balcony and watch the city lights...




    When are you there? Butchart Gardens is likely to be open and their night display is beautiful. Book. an excursion though, as it's a good 45 min from the cruise terminal.


    Barring that, the downtown area is great and you can walk there in about 15 minutes. You can watch the sun set on the inner harbour, while taking in some busker shows. There's a lot of great shops along Government St, many of whom stay open when ships are in town. There's a ton of great bars and restaurants downtown as well. If you're a reader, Munro's books, on Government St (started by Nobel Prize winning author, Alice Munro and her husband, hence the name) is not to be missed and Russell's books on Fort St is also a fave (the door to the upstairs haven is beside the street level entrance). You can wander through the Empress, you can walk the path around the inner harbour (you pick that up near the Coast hotel, just ask at the info desk by the cruise terminal). You can also walk along Dallas Rd (where the cruise terminal is) going right out of the terminal (downtown is left). It's a long, leisurely walk along the water that will take you to Beacon Hill park. A great place to relax! Take a carriage ride around downtown or just walk around James Bay, the neighbourhood by the terminal. You can also go whale watching (I much prefer a hard-sided boat to a bumpy, wet, zodiac style), lots of Orcas live nearby!


    Bottom line, if you've never been to Victoria before, be sure to get off the boat and enjoy!!!!!



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  3. I am curious as to how may ships were in Roatan on the day(s) you went and how the crowds were at the resort.




    They do limit it - to 400 guests :eek: From reviews I have read here it is not a fun time when that many guests are at the resort - long lines to get on the boats to / from the island, trouble finding beach chairs, kayaks, etc., long lines / slow service for food and drinks. Some people may have no issues with that, but I don't consider that a relaxing day.




    There was only us folks on the X Equinox when we were there. I don't remember how many guests were there that day but it certainly wasn't 400. The food was excellent, though I can't say what it would be like if they were filled to capacity. All I know is that it was a very relaxing and enjoyable day!!



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  4. WI was Sunday. Maintained with exactly the same weight as last week. If I calculated correctly, Next week will be the one where I make LifeTime!!! Sooooo excited!


    Good Luck at Weigh Ins, and congrats to all of our losers this week!




    Lifetime, wow!! Very exciting and congratulations for all your hard work paying off!!


    I had a less than stellar week. Between our anniversary and a couple of outings with friends, well, let's just say, "we reap what we sow" will likely be my reality at my WI tomorrow. Oh well, this too shall pass and it's off to the gym tonight and back on track now that the long (CDN) weekend is over!!


    Have a good week everyone!



  5. How are you doing it? I'm down about 80 and I'm missing food! Hard to stay motivated!!!


    Well Linda, some days I am doing it and others days I struggle with a capital S-T-R-U-G-G-L-E!!! I do try and keep my thoughts and words positive (I always say "remember" instead of "don't forget") and work hard to focus on my successes rather than on where I've stumbled. To keep moving forward is key for me. Although, I must admit, I am far from perfect in this department, but I do think I am FAR better at it than I was before. And a good look at my before photo never hurts, especially when I put it beside the one of me with both my legs in one pant leg of my old favourite "before" pants!!! Moral of the story, find a good anchor for yourself and find new, WW friendly foods to love!! It will push away the memory of other foods you've enjoyed but which may not be the best choice for you now!


    Dried fruits do not count as a free food as other non-dried or non-modifided fruits. Even though regular fruit has 0 points, I stick to just 2 a day. Fruit contains natural sugar and it can add up if I over-do it.




    and dried fruit is hyper-concentrated so the sugar is really in there!! They do have loads of fibre though and I often will have a couple of organic dates a day (one of those new foods I love!). I try to stick to organic dried fruits to avoid hyper-concentrated pesticides. Watch out too for certain dried fruits that are coated in palm oil and/or honey. Be sure to read the label!! Whatever though, I still think over-indulging in some dried fruits is light years better than over-indulging in cheezies!!



    Have a spectacular week-end everyone and think of me while I am trying to eat well while dining out tonight, in celebration of our 27th (already? Wow!) wedding anniversary!! It's also our May long weekend up here in Canada so I'll need to be extra good!!



  6. I had a great week this week and was down 1.8 at my WI yesterday for a grand WW total of 87.8 (91.4 over all). For the first time in a long time I was vigilant about tracking every day and actually had weekly points left over and everything!! Yippee.


    I have been struggling this past year with the same two pounds and had crept up about 10 pounds from my WW lowest of 92 lbs lost. I've had to get back to my chants and mantras as well as tracking!! It's amazing how much better I am at this when I track every day. It is also great having you folks to chat with!!


    Well done all and keep up the greatness!!!



  7. I have been bad about tracking lately myself. I'm still maintaining. Today I am going to get some walking in. I tried something new with my cheap blender. I made a smoothie with an apple,banana and baby spinach. It was actually good. Filling as well. Just would like a better blender. But looks like a good one will cost around $300. UUCK!


    Congrats to all that have lost weight and Congrats to everyone for not giving up on this Journey to Wellness.




    Have you got/considered a "Magic Bullet"? I bought one recenty for less than $50 CDN. Makes a mug size serving and works quite well for the price.


    I have an evil part of me that wants to sabatage me for WI tomorrow. You see, if I drink lots of water before WI I will gain a few pounds, then I come back from my cruise and if I gain it will not show that much:o. Yup, this is the same kinda irrational thinking that made me gain in the first place.


    I have now been grounded from all training including walking. I have worked so hard to stay op. I have done well, and will most probably be down up to a pound.


    I just wish this "well just give it up and pack it in till you can move" mindset would just go away! Sooooooooo many times this week I fought the urge to say "screw it, I am just going to gain without training, I might as well just eat!" Then there is this voice that says, "well you need to just go eat and enjoy your cruise". I wish the voices would just go away.



    Are you also grounded from swimming? Is that a feasible option at all? It TOTALLY sucks when you get physically limited. I know that has me wanting to wallow and EAT!! I regularly talk to myself though (sometimes out loud - oops!) and encourage myself, remind myself what I really want to achieve. I include little chants and mantras in there as I am falling asleep as well, that are more about making statements that presume I have reached my goal. For example, when I was trying to get myself into WW three years ago, I would lie in bed at night, fat and desparately out of shape as I was, and chant "I am fit, I am healthy, I am strong!!" I was anything but!! I found though, that over the course of time, I started to believe it. Now I am fit, healthy and strong! I am not at my goal yet but I am geting there. Perhaps you can find a similar mantra to repeat to yourself when you feel like packing it in! Just remember, this too shall pass and you are strong, you are invisible, you are WOMAN!! :D



    I got my keychain last night. I lost a total of 25 pounds and meet my 10% goal. I got the WW keychain.

    Darn leader, she said remember when you go on vacation you don't get a vacation from WW. I thought, "WHAT:eek:, what about my cruise and that chocolate melting cake!":( Guess I will have to hit the treadmill everyday on my cruise!! LOL


    AWESOME, way to go!!! And thank GOD for cruiseship gyms!! I mean really, who can pass up those desserts!!??!!

  8. Thanks!!!

    I'm doing better today but I have a wedding party to go to tonight and I have NO weekly points left so I hope I can keep it in check. :o Unfortunately I'll be going straight from work and it will be dinner time. Hope I can find a salad on the menu. :p



    Have you got time for a walk or better yet, will there be dancing tonight? Dance your tush off, literally!! And remember, tomorrow is another day!



  9. Hi all,


    Melanie from Victoria, BC here. Someone in my cruise roll call told me that there was a WW group on here so I just had to come check it out.


    I have been on WW for three years (this time round) and am down 90 lbs so far, with another 30-odd to get to the top end of the goal range. I've gone from a size 24 to a size 12 and feel fantastic!! I have been struggling for the past year with basically a flat line on my weight loss graph. Suffice it to say though, lthe ast time I was in such a struggle I quit WW, as I was sick of spending money and not losing any weight. When I came back this time, my 10% goal went up five pounds!! I'm sticking around this time regardless.


    There are a lot of reasons for my plateau, laziness and not journalling are top of the list. Considering how much I've travelled this year though (mostly for work), I am doing extremely well to be essentially maintaining. I have my travel rituals which keep me sane and the number on the scale from creeping up. For example, on our last cruise (we've only been on two so far), while I didn't go crazy, I didn't overly limit myself in the food department. I enjoyed dessert every night (the flambés on the QMII are amazing!) but also worked out for a good hour most days and/or "walked the deck" for a good while. I then got back on program as soon as we got home. It's really important for me to program myself while away, that it's "back to work" in all aspects once the travel is over!


    Our next cruise is coming up in December and while it is not my sole puprose for losing more weight, it is a great incentive for me to give my head a shake and work that much harder, particularly in the exercise department. It also gives me a target to work towards... NEW BATHING SUIT!! I am also looking forward to having an improved cruise photo to add to my collection. The first cruise photo we had taken was one of my major incentives to lose weight!! The second one is good and the third one will be great!!!


    The bottom line though, my weight loss is for my health and well-being and nothing else. I want to look good too, yes, for sure. However, knowing how much better I feel now is what has kept me from gaining the weight back. A plateau may not great but gaining the weight back is not an option!!!!!



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