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Everything posted by BonTexasNY

  1. Dumdums were a staple in our house when our daughter was growing up. I myself am a lollypop snob and prefer See's lollys and Chocolate Tootsie Roll Pops. I have to admit to sneaking in a butterscotch dumdum when it pops up.
  2. Thanks, John. Much appreciated, Mimi Thank you so much. True words for sure. I'm glad you have such a loving, supportive team. I saw people at the Memorial I hadn't seen in at least 5 years. After it was over, we stood and chatted reliving wonderful, oftentimes funny memories. We laughed and I so loved that! We promised to stay in touch since we live relatively close to each other. I'm going to be sure that happens!
  3. Thank you so much for your kind words @FromSea2ShiningSeaHelen, @sgmnSue and glad Isaac is home where he belongs, @MJSailorsMary, @LionesssSue Let me tell you what just happened. Jack has a 3pm dentist appointment that he can't cancel. He has a bad tooth with bacteria and it has to be worked on today. No other time frame available. So, I was either going to Uber to the memorial or Jack would have gone with me and we would have to cut out after 1 hour. So, his dentist JUST texted to ask if he can move his appointment to 4pm! I firmly believe Cheri had a hand in this to be sure we both could attend without worries.
  4. You all deserve a personal thank you for your thoughtful comments of condolence for Cheri who btw was 72 years young. @dani negreanuDani, @bobmaclibertyBob, @A&L_OntAndrew, @h20skibumMark, @akcruzApril, @grapau27Graham, @NHProudJudy, @Sea DogGreg, @derorimJoy, @TravelGirlinDallasBethany, @KeksieKaren, @DaniDanielleMarietta, @LuckynanaMaryann, @aussielozzie18, @lenquixote66Lenny, @jmh2006Jennifer, @singinalotChrystal, @HBE4, @Sunshine3601Debbie, @Arzeena, @#55worktoplayDorothy
  5. My heart is heavy today. I found out this morning that one of my closest TX friends passed away suddenly a few days ago. Recently, she laughed when I told her she was a new friend of mine, of only 20 years. She was found on the floor by a friend who had her key. She was rushed to the hospital and passed away 3 days later. The friend who found her did not have my contact info but she was able to call someone who alerted me today. The only chronic ailment she had was asthma (that I knew of). I have no idea what the cause of death was but it really doesn't much matter. She's gone forever. Tomorrow is a memorial service for her. In life, she chose to be cremated when the time came, as was her husband a few years ago. They had no children and doted on their nieces, nephews and their grandnieces and grandnephews. They were world travelers after retirement from gov't careers. They also visited every single U.S. presidential library. Asia, Scandanavia, Australia, France were their playgrounds. True cultural history buffs. I love you Cheri. I'm devastated. I'll miss our many phone calls, our laughter, our yummy lunches. YOU were the ultimate mah jongg queen. I'll miss you forever. If you have a good friend you haven't spoken to in awhile, give her/him a call and smile together. I knew this was a safe place to come in and "talk".
  6. I love the bits of history you include with your fabulous pictures. Looking forward to seeing more. Instead of clicking the "like" button to your every entry, please know in advance that I like them all!
  7. I was in a restaurant with Jack's cousin and a friend, a nice girly girl lunch. I popped a cherry tomato in my mouth and it exploded with such force that Jack's cousin, the fashionista, sitting across from me, found herself drenched in tomato juice and probably bits of tomato. And no, I was not talking at the time. We only booked one non-refundable cruise since it was so close to final payment. I think years ago, final payment was closer to sail date than it is now.
  8. Lymphedema causes swelling all of the time, not just specific times like on cruises. It sounds like your swelling is limited to the food you eat. Unfortunately, almost everything has sodium. Who knew bread and cheese had sodium. If you know, you know. I didn't but I know now. How is your knee doing? Hope the injection is kicking in.
  9. @Sea Dog Greg, when I was diagnosed with Lymphedema, my ankles were much more swollen than yours. Luckily no pain. I had to endure massages (which actually felt good) and bandaging my legs with "cloth bandages" like ace bandages from my toes to my knees, 2/3 times a week for a few months. My legs were measured every few weeks to be sure swelling was going down. So far, Lymphedema gone for now!
  10. Have a wonderful cruise. I'll be following for sure. BTW, the lyrics of the song you posted " there's a bad moon on the rise" always sounded to me like "there's a bathroom on the right" 🤣 @Husky1987 Have a great cruise. Maybe @ lionesss Sue's good luck in the casino will rub off on you!
  11. Graham and Pauline, A beautiful couple then and a beautiful couple now. It's officially "tomorrow" so have a fabulous, wonderful Anniversary, Wishing you many more years of good health, love and joy.
  12. I had a very close friend I met when we were 13. We remained besties until we drifted apart in our 30s. We were so close, so connected. A few years ago, I found her on fb and we reconnected. What a huge disappointment! I called and all she spoke about was Medicare, medical issues, her babysitting grandkids, etc. She never once mentioned all the good times, the "trouble" we got into, boys, school, camp, etc. When I started a topic she morphed into her life as it is now and all its problems. I hung up and quickly called one of my closest friends who was part of our group way back when. She couldn't understand it either. People change and I'm glad I can still laugh and remember those sweet innocent times with other friends.
  13. I once read a doctor's notes about an office visit and was happy to read that he used the word "pleasant" to in part describe me. I'm glad you're done with that commute too! Sue, I am sorry to read this and hope your symptoms are mild. Owen is a winner even if his team lost.
  14. My potassium numbers got up to normal after taking those horse pills so I'm sure I didn't do anything negative. Next time I have to take them (shudder) I'll be sure to ask. I hope there's an alternative because there is no way I can swallow those pills whole.
  15. Driving in downtown Dallas is crazy confusing. Lots of one way streets. We got slightly lost when driving down to the Perot Science Museum. Fabulous place, by the way, for both kids and grown ups.
  16. Greg, I was told not to wear them at night in bed. What a darling dynamic duo! Me too. I can't have my feet elevated at night because I never wake up in the same position that I went to bed in.
  17. I hate taking tests that are inconclusive. My kidney doctor always tells me that drinking lots of water, keeping my feet up, cutting back on salty foods is the best for swollen ankles. I had to take those potassium horse pills for a while. Had to cut them in half but that made swallowing them bitter. Luckily, I don't need them anymore. My very best wishes for your cousin's test results to allow her to cruise with you. Refuah Shlema to her! My friends and I never thought to voice chat on What's App. Hmmmm it's a thought. Jack does that with his sister and friends in Israel. We also What's App with our daughter and grands. My 9 yr old granddaughter loves to show me new hairstyles, new stuff in her room, etc. She's such a sweetheart girly girl.
  18. @dani negreanu Dani, a lovely picture of some lovely ladies! I love how the years just melt away when getting together with long time friends. My NY friends never text or send me emails. Nothing but phone chats for us, some that last well over an hour.
  19. Today's temp will be either 111 or 108 depending on which weather source you choose. Average temps of 105 for the coming week with humidity levels of mid 30 to mid 20%. Hot but breathable. I don't remember the last time it rained. No rain in sight for the time being. I think we'll just relax at home today!
  20. @Sea Dog Greg, I'm so glad you're feeling better and I do remember that scary Galveston cruise episode! Always remember to eat and drink sufficiently. I worry about Jack, who is a type 2 diabetic on Ozempic which kills his appetite. I talk myself blue to get him to eat on a regular basis, so important for a diabetic. BTW, he lost 20 pounds and looks and feels wonderful and has none of the stomach issues associated with the drug. AND his lab #s are good!
  21. Thank you! Thanks, Joy. And thank you too, Greg. Happy Anniversary, John and Sharon. Gorgeous flowers. Maryann, thank you. Marietta, Happy Birthday to your sweet granddaughter.
  22. Good news and bad news about my never ending job search. Good news - I got a call from the memory care facility I last worked in before I had ankle surgery. They want me back! Bad news - I had to turn it down because they want me for far too many hours. 6 hours per day. I had a face to face interview yesterday after a phone interview for part time office work managing volunteers for a non-profit org. I'll find out next week if yay or nay. Wish we could cruise enough to satisfy my staying home full time. 😏
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