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Everything posted by DaKahuna

  1. we had the package for our Harmony cruise (2/18-2/26) and it was plastic bottles.
  2. We are on Harmony and white night and the first formal night were on different nights.
  3. Dan was at the Belly Flop Competition. We were having lunch in CK while it was going on but he was there.
  4. Good evening. Another relaxing day at sea doing nothing. Our bags are packed, but we are not ready to go 🙂 I am feeling a little bad that we did not engage in a lot of activities throughout the ship such as hanging out on the Sundeck, Sauna’s, Spa, Pickleball, Bingo, Trivia, etc.. We are just two easy going folks who like to cruise to get away from the cold weather at home this time of year and to relax.
  5. Good morning .. Welcome to our least favorite sea day. While we throughly enjoy the relaxing days at sea, the last sea day has to be our least favorite. The knowledge that starting late tomorrow morning we have to fend for ourselves. Prepare our own meals, make our own beds, wash our own dishes, etc. The only thing special on today’s agenda is the Veterans Tribute being held at 1130 on deck 5, the Promenade. Captain Mitchell made a point at our lunch yesterday when he found out I was a Veteran to tell me to make sure I was there. There was a Veteran gathering earlier in the cruise and one who was on a back to back, said that it was a very moving event and that they ‘do it right.’ Otherwise we are just relaxing in the Suite Lounge. One thing we definitely not miss is listening to the Cruise Director talk endlessly about the activities going on this morning.
  6. I watched the 10:15 PM production of “Grease” by the ships singers and dancers and enjoyed most of it. There were a couple of times that found my self hoping they would just move along but overall I found it entertaining. A one and done in my opinion.
  7. Now you tell me. The arm is healing nicely. The knew is as well but still a little pain if I don’t move it for a while.
  8. I was on the Picture Aruba shore excursion. Interesting fact - all Beaches in Aruba are public. Even the ones in from of the hotels. We saw a number of four wheeler’s and side by sides out at the Natural Bridge and Gold Mine Ruins. It’s very dry and dusty so be prepared for that.
  9. Sorry, I did not think to ask. According to Captain Marshall, each captain spends 10 weeks on the ship before rotating off. Then he takes his time off before coming back for the next 10 weeks. When Harmony moves to Miami, she will be taking over for Symphony and doing 7 day Caribbean sailings until she moves to Galveston. He also addressed a question about why Bonaire was skipped. Harmony as well as the other RCI big girls cannot dock in Bonaire because they draw too much water and Bonaire is too shallow.
  10. Good afternoon everyone, Today has been an interesting day. We decided last night to sleep in and have breakfast delivered. Bacon, eggs, fruit, and english muffin for me, pancakes, bacon, and fruit for my DW. While relaxing in the room I received a call from guest services following up on yesterday’s accident. Assured them I was fine and did nit need additional attention. About 15 minutes later we received a call from the Izumi Manager regarding today’s lunch reservation. Our 1200 o’clock reservation was being changed to 1230 and that the captain would be joining us. Turned out that two of the Captain’s Canadian neighbors were on the ship and had a lunch reservation so he was joining them. It was a good lunch and the food was delicious. The Captain talked with all of us and was a very delightful lunch companion. He answered quite a few question and talked with us about his upcoming time off. Seems he will be leaving the ship as well when we dock Sunday. Time for a short afternoon nap!
  11. Brought a bathing suit but it has not been out of the drawer since we unpacked. No chance I will go into a pool or hot tub, but thanks for the reminder.
  12. Tonight’s main entree was the lamb shank. Before After ‘Nuff said! BTW, I have not been posting a lot of food pictures because (1) We sometimes forget to take pictures before eating. (2) the lighting in Coastal Kitchen is really poor for taking good pictures due to the blue ‘mood’ lighting IMHO!
  13. This is the third highest point on the island and is called the “Haystack” for obvious reasons. Sorry for the poor quality, we did not stop and so did not get off the bus.
  14. Some random pictures from today. The area where the Natural Bridge site is located is part of a preserve / national park that encompasses 20% of yhe island of aruma. Construction is not permitted, except for a few existing buildings. Unlike the rest of the island, it is not very green and is considered a desert by the locals. This particular rock formation really does look like the face of an Iguana Our driver/tour guid informed us that due to strong currents and dangerous under tow, swimming, diving, snorkeling, etc was forbidden on this section of the island. Based on what we saw that makes sense.
  15. We saw the movie many, many years ago when it first came out. I do not recall ever seeing the play. Will try and approach it with an open mind.
  16. Upon arrival back on the ship, I went to my cabin and washed off my injured areas and, as by directed by the driver/tour guide, went down to Medical on deck two, my DW also insisted. I was attended to by medical and sfter filling out a report and consenting to pictures being taken my the Public Safety officer, the nurse applied antiseptic ointment to my arm and knee, placed a bandage over the area where the cut was on my arm, and since I had no idea when my last tetanus shot was, gave me a tetanus shot for good measure. Oh, also there was paperwork describing when, where, and what happened. I am sure I will be sore in the morning but for now, I am more embarrassed than physically hurt. Time to finish my double Belvedere and Sprite Zero and call it a night.
  17. According to our driver, Eagle Beach was rated in 2022 as the number two beach in the Caribbean and the number five beach in the world. He told us this after asking if anyone know were all the beautiful white sand that the Caribbean, and especially Aruba is famous for having. For tjose not in the know, the oceans and seas are populated by various species of Parrot fish. These fish consume dead coral, sea shells, and other materials and produce as excrement very fine white sand. So think about that the next time you are at the beach and have the urge to bury yourself in the sand. As our tour guide said, thank goodness there is no associated aroma!
  18. Our next and final stop was at Eagle beach to really see two unique trees. There are two of what our driver said was only three Fofoti Trees on the island. Very unique in their own was.
  19. After the mine ruins we proceeded to the California Lighthouse. I am sure most of you are familiar with the sinking of the sailing vessel California after which the lighthouse is named. It is a nice Historic sire and also provides a nice long distance view of the beaches and hotel district.
  20. Our next stop was the Gold Mine Ruins and this is where I made a dumb ass mistake. Forgetting my age and that I am not the sory 40 year old I was 30 years ago, I attempted to climb up the inside of the mine ruins, only to slip and fall. This resulted in a very nasty rash burn below my left knee and a nasty cut on my left forearm. I went back to the bis, washed it off with cold water, cleaned with so alcohol wipes and clean wipes the driver had and filled out the three page report. My pride was hurt more than anything else so told the driver I did not require additional medical attention or to be taken to a hospital. I will not gross you out with the picture. More on this a little later.
  21. Good evening. Sorry for not posting earlier but it has been a strange day. We had the leisurely breakfast I described this morning followed by hanging out in our room and the suite lounge until noon where we had a quick lunch due to 1245 meeting time for our shore excursion. My DW decided she’d rather not do a four hour excursion so stayed aboard while I soldiered on. First stop was the ‘Natural Bridge’ which unfortunately collapsed in 2005. There is a “son of a bridge” which is still there and a smaller version of the Natural Bridge.
  22. I have finished my evening there every night so far. The bar has not been crowded at all after dinner. Many times it has been just me and one or two others.
  23. i am sorry to report that the quality of the grits has gone downward. Todays are more watery than I like.
  24. Yes, Grease is still the Broadway show. We have a reservation for the 10 pm showing tomorrow night.
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